/* * Copyright © 2008-2010 Stéphane Raimbault <stephane.raimbault@gmail.com> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <errno.h> #include <modbus.h> #define G_MSEC_PER_SEC 1000 uint32_t gettime_ms(void) { struct timeval tv; gettimeofday (&tv, NULL); return (uint32_t) tv.tv_sec * 1000 + tv.tv_usec / 1000; } enum { TCP, RTU }; /* Tests based on PI-MBUS-300 documentation */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { uint8_t *tab_bit; uint16_t *tab_reg; modbus_t *ctx; int i; int nb_points; double elapsed; uint32_t start; uint32_t end; uint32_t bytes; uint32_t rate; int rc; int n_loop; int use_backend; if (argc > 1) { if (strcmp(argv[1], "tcp") == 0) { use_backend = TCP; n_loop = 100000; } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "rtu") == 0) { use_backend = RTU; n_loop = 100; } else { printf("Usage:\n %s [tcp|rtu] - Modbus client to measure data bandwith\n\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } } else { /* By default */ use_backend = TCP; n_loop = 100000; } if (use_backend == TCP) { ctx = modbus_new_tcp("", 1502); } else { ctx = modbus_new_rtu("/dev/ttyUSB1", 115200, 'N', 8, 1); modbus_set_slave(ctx, 1); } if (modbus_connect(ctx) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Connexion failed: %s\n", modbus_strerror(errno)); modbus_free(ctx); return -1; } /* Allocate and initialize the memory to store the status */ tab_bit = (uint8_t *) malloc(MODBUS_MAX_READ_BITS * sizeof(uint8_t)); memset(tab_bit, 0, MODBUS_MAX_READ_BITS * sizeof(uint8_t)); /* Allocate and initialize the memory to store the registers */ tab_reg = (uint16_t *) malloc(MODBUS_MAX_READ_REGISTERS * sizeof(uint16_t)); memset(tab_reg, 0, MODBUS_MAX_READ_REGISTERS * sizeof(uint16_t)); printf("READ BITS\n\n"); nb_points = MODBUS_MAX_READ_BITS; start = gettime_ms(); for (i=0; i<n_loop; i++) { rc = modbus_read_bits(ctx, 0, nb_points, tab_bit); if (rc == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", modbus_strerror(errno)); return -1; } } end = gettime_ms(); elapsed = end - start; rate = (n_loop * nb_points) * G_MSEC_PER_SEC / (end - start); printf("Transfert rate in points/seconds:\n"); printf("* %d points/s\n", rate); printf("\n"); bytes = n_loop * (nb_points / 8) + ((nb_points % 8) ? 1 : 0); rate = bytes / 1024 * G_MSEC_PER_SEC / (end - start); printf("Values:\n"); printf("* %d x %d values\n", n_loop, nb_points); printf("* %.3f ms for %d bytes\n", elapsed, bytes); printf("* %d KiB/s\n", rate); printf("\n"); /* TCP: Query and reponse header and values */ bytes = 12 + 9 + (nb_points / 8) + ((nb_points % 8) ? 1 : 0); printf("Values and TCP Modbus overhead:\n"); printf("* %d x %d bytes\n", n_loop, bytes); bytes = n_loop * bytes; rate = bytes / 1024 * G_MSEC_PER_SEC / (end - start); printf("* %.3f ms for %d bytes\n", elapsed, bytes); printf("* %d KiB/s\n", rate); printf("\n\n"); printf("READ REGISTERS\n\n"); nb_points = MODBUS_MAX_READ_REGISTERS; start = gettime_ms(); for (i=0; i<n_loop; i++) { rc = modbus_read_registers(ctx, 0, nb_points, tab_reg); if (rc == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", modbus_strerror(errno)); return -1; } } end = gettime_ms(); elapsed = end - start; rate = (n_loop * nb_points) * G_MSEC_PER_SEC / (end - start); printf("Transfert rate in points/seconds:\n"); printf("* %d registers/s\n", rate); printf("\n"); bytes = n_loop * nb_points * sizeof(uint16_t); rate = bytes / 1024 * G_MSEC_PER_SEC / (end - start); printf("Values:\n"); printf("* %d x %d values\n", n_loop, nb_points); printf("* %.3f ms for %d bytes\n", elapsed, bytes); printf("* %d KiB/s\n", rate); printf("\n"); /* TCP:Query and reponse header and values */ bytes = 12 + 9 + (nb_points * sizeof(uint16_t)); printf("Values and TCP Modbus overhead:\n"); printf("* %d x %d bytes\n", n_loop, bytes); bytes = n_loop * bytes; rate = bytes / 1024 * G_MSEC_PER_SEC / (end - start); printf("* %.3f ms for %d bytes\n", elapsed, bytes); printf("* %d KiB/s\n", rate); printf("\n\n"); printf("READ AND WRITE REGISTERS\n\n"); nb_points = MODBUS_MAX_RW_WRITE_REGISTERS; start = gettime_ms(); for (i=0; i<n_loop; i++) { rc = modbus_write_and_read_registers(ctx, 0, nb_points, tab_reg, 0, nb_points, tab_reg); if (rc == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", modbus_strerror(errno)); return -1; } } end = gettime_ms(); elapsed = end - start; rate = (n_loop * nb_points) * G_MSEC_PER_SEC / (end - start); printf("Transfert rate in points/seconds:\n"); printf("* %d registers/s\n", rate); printf("\n"); bytes = n_loop * nb_points * sizeof(uint16_t); rate = bytes / 1024 * G_MSEC_PER_SEC / (end - start); printf("Values:\n"); printf("* %d x %d values\n", n_loop, nb_points); printf("* %.3f ms for %d bytes\n", elapsed, bytes); printf("* %d KiB/s\n", rate); printf("\n"); /* TCP:Query and reponse header and values */ bytes = 12 + 9 + (nb_points * sizeof(uint16_t)); printf("Values and TCP Modbus overhead:\n"); printf("* %d x %d bytes\n", n_loop, bytes); bytes = n_loop * bytes; rate = bytes / 1024 * G_MSEC_PER_SEC / (end - start); printf("* %.3f ms for %d bytes\n", elapsed, bytes); printf("* %d KiB/s\n", rate); printf("\n"); /* Free the memory */ free(tab_bit); free(tab_reg); /* Close the connection */ modbus_close(ctx); modbus_free(ctx); return 0; }