path: root/drv_LPH7508.c (unfollow)
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2006-02-08[lcd4linux @ 2006-02-08 04:55:03 by reinelt]reinelt13-263/+206
2006-02-07[lcd4linux @ 2006-02-07 05:36:13 by reinelt]reinelt5-21/+89
2006-02-06[lcd4linux @ 2006-02-06 06:29:30 by reinelt]reinelt3-74/+51
2006-01-30[lcd4linux @ 2006-01-30 20:21:51 by harbaum]harbaum1-25/+34
2006-01-30[lcd4linux @ 2006-01-30 12:53:07 by reinelt]reinelt2-10/+27
2006-01-30[lcd4linux @ 2006-01-30 06:31:25 by reinelt]reinelt1-1288/+2403
2006-01-30[lcd4linux @ 2006-01-30 06:25:48 by reinelt]reinelt27-58/+202
2006-01-30[lcd4linux @ 2006-01-30 06:17:17 by reinelt]reinelt1-1/+6
2006-01-30[lcd4linux @ 2006-01-30 06:11:36 by reinelt]reinelt2-24/+28
2006-01-30[lcd4linux @ 2006-01-30 05:47:34 by reinelt]reinelt23-2319/+1965
2006-01-28[lcd4linux @ 2006-01-28 15:36:17 by harbaum]harbaum2-5/+14
2006-01-26[lcd4linux @ 2006-01-26 19:26:26 by harbaum]harbaum8-1458/+2696
2006-01-23[lcd4linux @ 2006-01-23 06:17:18 by reinelt]reinelt11-140/+410
2006-01-22[lcd4linux @ 2006-01-22 10:01:09 by reinelt]reinelt1-8/+14
2006-01-22[lcd4linux @ 2006-01-22 09:16:05 by reinelt]reinelt6-6/+245
2006-01-21[lcd4linux @ 2006-01-21 17:43:25 by reinelt]reinelt1-217/+181
2006-01-21[lcd4linux @ 2006-01-21 15:25:02 by reinelt]reinelt1-1/+7
2006-01-21[lcd4linux @ 2006-01-21 13:26:43 by reinelt]reinelt8-36/+495
2006-01-21[lcd4linux @ 2006-01-21 09:40:20 by reinelt]reinelt1-36/+44
2006-01-20[lcd4linux @ 2006-01-20 15:58:05 by reinelt]reinelt2-9/+10
2006-01-20[lcd4linux @ 2006-01-20 15:43:25 by reinelt]reinelt1-5/+10
2006-01-18[lcd4linux @ 2006-01-18 11:49:48 by reinelt]reinelt8-108/+23
2006-01-16[lcd4linux @ 2006-01-16 15:39:58 by reinelt]reinelt1-1/+38
2006-01-06[lcd4linux @ 2006-01-06 16:56:49 by tooly-bln]tooly-bln1-8/+11
2006-01-06[lcd4linux @ 2006-01-06 08:12:19 by reinelt]reinelt2-57/+47
2006-01-06[lcd4linux @ 2006-01-06 07:06:57 by reinelt]reinelt1-48/+71
2006-01-05[lcd4linux @ 2006-01-05 19:27:26 by reinelt]reinelt2-11/+55
2006-01-05[lcd4linux @ 2006-01-05 18:56:57 by reinelt]reinelt7-60/+100
2006-01-05[lcd4linux @ 2006-01-05 15:53:45 by nicowallmeier]nicowallmeier1-2/+5
2006-01-03[lcd4linux @ 2006-01-03 13:20:05 by reinelt]reinelt8-5/+577
2006-01-03[lcd4linux @ 2006-01-03 06:13:44 by reinelt]reinelt10-228/+314
2005-12-20[lcd4linux @ 2005-12-20 07:07:43 by reinelt]reinelt6-60/+134
2005-12-19[lcd4linux @ 2005-12-19 05:08:27 by reinelt]reinelt4-7/+56
2005-12-18[lcd4linux @ 2005-12-18 16:18:34 by reinelt]reinelt16-62/+637
2005-12-13[lcd4linux @ 2005-12-13 14:07:28 by reinelt]reinelt3-35/+126
2005-12-12[lcd4linux @ 2005-12-12 09:08:08 by reinelt]reinelt4-107/+90
2005-12-12[lcd4linux @ 2005-12-12 05:52:03 by reinelt]reinelt4-16/+24
2005-12-11[lcd4linux @ 2005-12-11 14:55:28 by reinelt]reinelt2-15/+21
2005-11-06[lcd4linux @ 2005-11-06 09:54:43 by reinelt]reinelt2-8/+13
2005-11-06[lcd4linux @ 2005-11-06 09:17:20 by reinelt]reinelt3-62/+102
2005-11-05[lcd4linux @ 2005-11-05 06:34:09 by reinelt]reinelt1-58/+0
2005-11-05[lcd4linux @ 2005-11-05 06:26:51 by reinelt]reinelt1-2/+5
2005-11-04[lcd4linux @ 2005-11-04 14:10:38 by reinelt]reinelt8-24/+1012
2005-11-04[lcd4linux @ 2005-11-04 05:39:33 by reinelt]reinelt1-23/+0
2005-11-04[lcd4linux @ 2005-11-04 04:53:08 by reinelt]reinelt7-16/+54
2005-11-04[lcd4linux @ 2005-11-04 04:44:52 by reinelt]reinelt8-58/+118
2005-10-02[lcd4linux @ 2005-10-02 07:58:48 by reinelt]reinelt2-8/+11
2005-09-14[lcd4linux @ 2005-09-14 15:08:32 by reinelt]reinelt2-2/+8
2005-09-07[lcd4linux @ 2005-09-07 06:51:44 by reinelt]reinelt1-19/+23
2005-09-02[lcd4linux @ 2005-09-02 05:27:08 by reinelt]reinelt1-37/+71
='n529' href='#n529'>529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725
/* $Id$
 * $URL$
 * gps plugin (nmea), code by michu / www.neophob.com, based on nmeap, http://sourceforge.net/projects/nmeap/
 * Copyright (C) 2007 Michu - http://www.neophob.com
 * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 The LCD4Linux Team <lcd4linux-devel@users.sourceforge.net>
 * This file is part of LCD4Linux.
 * LCD4Linux is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
 * any later version.
 * LCD4Linux is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

 * GPS Plugin for lcd4linux, by michael vogt / http://www.neophob.com
 * contact: michu@neophob.com
 * based on nmeap by daveh, http://www.dmh2000.com/ or http://sourceforge.net/projects/nmeap/
 * you need a compiled libnmeap to compile this plugin.
 * History:
 * 	v0.1 -initial release
 *	v0.2 -fix include files, include <termios.h> and <asm/fcntl.h> (embedded devices)
 *           -fixed emulation mode (read only x bytes instead of the whole emulated nmea data)
 *  	     -improved error handling (if there are no parameters defined, lcd4linx will display "GPS ARG ERR")
 *	     -display raw nmea string from the gps receiver
 *	     -added support for gps device with 9600 baud (env. variable)
 *	     -added the option that the widget graps data from the buffer and not from the gps device (usefull for multible widgets)
 *      v0.3 -improved nmea parsing
 *           -improved gps-emulator
 *           -time is now updated with rmc and gga sentence
 * TODO:
 *	-update direction only when speed > 5 kmh
 *	-add more data fields
 *	-dump nmea string to external file
 * Exported functions:
 * int plugin_init_gps (void) - default plugin initialisation
 * 	display option define, what the plugin should display
 *	-------						--------
 * 	#define SHOW_ALTITUDE 		0x000000001	alt:500
 * 	#define SHOW_SPEED 		0x000000010	spd:30
 * 	#define SHOW_COURSE 		0x000000100	dir:NO
 * 	#define SHOW_SATELLITES 	0x000001000	sat:4
 * 	#define SHOW_QUALITY 		0x000010000	qua:1
 * 	#define SHOW_STATUS 		0x000100000	sta:V
 *	#define SHOW_TIME_UTC   	0x001000000	utc:113459
 *	#define SHOW_DATE 		0x010000000	dat:190204 (19.02.2004)
 *	#define OPTION_NO_PREFIX 	0x000000001	disable prefix (example, instead of "alt:500" it displays "500"
 *	#define OPTION_SPEED_IN_KNOTS 	0x000000010	when use the SHOW_SPEED option, display speed in knots instead in km/h
 *	#define OPTION_RAW_NMEA 	0x000000100	outputs the parsed nmea string, only valid when EMULATE is not defined!
 *	#define OPTION_GET_BUFFERDATA	0x000001000	when you define more than 1 gps widget
 *							each widget will get updates and cause some ugly side effects, specially when you display the time
 *							by enabling this option, the widget will not read any nmea data from the serial port.
 *							KEEP IN MIND that there must be ONE widget which get buffered data (means read data from the port)
 *      #define SHOW_NMEA_STATUS        0x010000000	OK:0033/Error:0002/Incomplete:0002
 *	Examples:  
 *		- gps::parse('0x011','0') will display the altitude and speed -> alt:500 spd:43
 *		- gps::parse('0x01100','0') will display the course and the numbers of satellites -> dir:NO sat:3
 *		- gps::parse('0x01','0x01') will display the speed without prefix -> 50
 *		- gps::parse('0x01','0x01') will display the speed in knots without prefix -> 27
 *	To finetune plugin_gps you may define some env variables:
 *		GPS_PORT	gps device, default value is /dev/usb/tts/1
 *		GPS_9600	serial port speed, default is 4800 baud, if you define this var speed will be 9600 (export GPS_9600=dummy)

/* define the include files you need */
#include "config.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <termios.h>		//used for serial port flags
#include <asm/fcntl.h>

/* these should always be included */
#include "debug.h"
#include "plugin.h"

#include <dmalloc.h>

#include "nmeap.h"

//#define EMULATE                       //remove comment to enable gps data emulation...
#define EMU_BUFFER_READ_SIZE 128	//how many bytes are read each loop aka emulation speed
#define BUFFER_SIZE 256

#define SHOW_ALTITUDE 		0x000000001
#define SHOW_SPEED 		0x000000010
#define SHOW_COURSE 		0x000000100
#define SHOW_SATELLITES 	0x000001000
#define SHOW_QUALITY 		0x000010000
#define SHOW_STATUS 		0x000100000
#define SHOW_TIME_UTC 		0x001000000
#define SHOW_DATE 		0x010000000

#define OPTION_NO_PREFIX 	0x000000001
#define OPTION_SPEED_IN_KNOTS 	0x000000010
#define OPTION_RAW_NMEA 	0x000000100	//outputs the parsed nmea string, only valid when EMULATE is not defined!
#define OPTION_GET_BUFFERDATA	0x000001000	//when you define more than 1 gps widget
						//each widget will get updates and cause some ugly side effects, specially when you display the time
						//by enabling this option, the widget will not read any nmea data from the serial port.
						//KEEP IN MIND that there must be ONE widget which does not get buffered data (means read data from the port)
#define OPTION_DEBUG		0x000010000
#define SHOW_NMEA_STATUS	0x010000000

static float course = 0.f;	//degrees
static float altitude = 0.f;
static float speed = 0.f;	//Speed over ground in KNOTS!!
static int satellites = 0;	//Number of satellites in use (00-12)
static int quality = 0;		//GPS quality indicator (0 - fix not valid, 1 - GPS fix, 2 - DGPS fix) 
static char gpsStatus = 'V';	//A=active or V=Void 
static unsigned long gpsTime = 0;	//UTC of position fix in hhmmss format 
static unsigned long gpsDate = 0;	//Date in ddmmyy format

static int msgCounter = 0;	//parsed nmea-sentence
static int errCounter = 0;	//parsed error nmea-sentence
static int incomplCounter = 0;	//incomplete parsed nmea-sentence
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* STEP 1 : allocate the data structures. be careful if you put them on the stack because */
/*          they need to be live for the duration of the parser                           */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
static nmeap_context_t nmea;	/* parser context */
static nmeap_gga_t gga;		/* this is where the data from GGA messages will show up */
static nmeap_rmc_t rmc;		/* this is where the data from RMC messages will show up */
static int user_data;		/* user can pass in anything. typically it will be a pointer to some user data */

static int fd_g;		/* port handler */
static unsigned int emu_read_ofs = 0;
static int debug = 0;		//debug flag

static char Name[] = "plugin_gps.c";

static int fndStr = 0;		//how many bytes were saved from the last read
static char backBuffer[BUFFER_SIZE];	//the buffer to save incomplete nmea strings

#ifdef EMULATE
char test_vector[] = {
/*    "$GPGGA,123519,3929.946667,N,11946.086667,E,1,08,0.9,545.4,M,46.9,M,,*4A\r\n"	// good
	"$xyz,1234,asdfadfasdfasdfljsadfkjasdfk\r\n"	// junk 
	"$GPRMC,225446,A,4916.45,N,12311.12,W,000.5,054.7,191194,020.3,E*68\r\n"	// good 
	"$GPRMC,225446,A,4916.45,N,12311.12,W,000.5,054.7,191194,020.3,E*48\r\n"	// checksum error 
	"$GPRMC,165110.000,A,5601.0318,N,01211.3503,E,0.09,28.11,190706,,*35\r\n"	//some more data


 * open the specified serial port for read/write
 * @return port file descriptor or -1

#ifndef EMULATE
static int openPort(const char *tty, int baud)
    int status;
    int fd;
    struct termios newtio;

    /* open the tty */
    fd = open(tty, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY);
    if (fd < 0) {
	error("openPort: error open");
	return fd;

    /* flush serial port */
    status = tcflush(fd, TCIFLUSH);
    if (status < 0) {
	error("openPort: error tcflush");
	return -1;

    /* get current terminal state */
    tcgetattr(fd, &newtio);

    /* set to raw terminal type */
    newtio.c_cflag = baud | CS8 | CLOCAL | CREAD;
    newtio.c_iflag = IGNBRK | IGNPAR;
    newtio.c_oflag = 0;

    /* control parameters */
    newtio.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;	/* block for at least one charater */

    /* set its new attrigutes */
    status = tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &newtio);
    if (status < 0) {
	//error("tcsetattr() failed: %s", strerror(errno));
	error("tcsetattr() failed: __ERRNO removed due lazy coder");
	fd = -1;
	return fd;
    return fd;

/** called when a gpgga message is received and parsed */
static void gpgga_callout( __attribute__ ((unused)) nmeap_context_t * context, void *data, __attribute__ ((unused))
			  void *user_data)
    nmeap_gga_t *gga = (nmeap_gga_t *) data;

    altitude = gga->altitude;
    satellites = gga->satellites;
    quality = gga->quality;
    gpsTime = gga->time;

    if (debug == 1)
	debug("gps:debug: get gga callout\n");


//search a buffer for a string (forwards)
int strLastOcc(char *theBuffer, char searchChar, int size)
    int i, ret;

    ret = -1;
    for (i = size; i >= 0; i--) {
	if (theBuffer[i] == searchChar) {
	    ret = i;
    return ret;

//search a buffer for a string (backwards)  
int strFirstOcc(char *theBuffer, char searchChar, int size)
    int i, ret;
    ret = -1;
    for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
	if (theBuffer[i] == searchChar) {
	    ret = i;
    return ret;

/** called when a gprmc message is received and parsed */
static void gprmc_callout( __attribute__ ((unused)) nmeap_context_t * context, void *data, __attribute__ ((unused))
			  void *user_data)
    nmeap_rmc_t *rmc = (nmeap_rmc_t *) data;

    speed = rmc->speed;
    gpsStatus = rmc->warn;
    gpsTime = rmc->time;
    gpsDate = rmc->date;

    if (debug == 1)
	debug("gps:debug: get rmc callout\n");


static int prepare_gps_parser()
    int status;
    char *port = "/dev/usb/tts/1";
    char *test;
    int speed = 0;		// 0 = default 4800 baud, 1 is 9600 baud

    if ((test = getenv("GPS_PORT"))) {	/* define your port via env variable */
	port = test;

    if ((test = getenv("GPS_9600"))) {	/* define your port via env variable */
	speed = 1;

    /* --------------------------------------- */
    /* open the serial port device             */
    /* using default 4800 baud for most GPS    */
    /* --------------------------------------- */
#ifndef EMULATE
    if (speed == 0)
	fd_g = openPort(port, B4800);
	fd_g = openPort(port, B9600);

    if (fd_g < 0) {
	/* open failed */
	error("GPS PLUGIN, Error: openPort %d", fd_g);
	return fd_g;

    /* --------------------------------------- */
    /*STEP 2 : initialize the nmea context    */
    /* --------------------------------------- */
    status = nmeap_init(&nmea, (void *) &user_data);
    if (status != 0) {
	error("GPS PLUGIN, Error: nmeap_init %d", status);

    /* --------------------------------------- */
    /*STEP 3 : add standard GPGGA parser      */
    /* -------------------------------------- */
    status = nmeap_addParser(&nmea, "GPGGA", nmeap_gpgga, gpgga_callout, &gga);
    if (status != 0) {
	error("GPS PLUGIN, Error: nmeap_add GPGGA parser, error:%d", status);
	return -1;

    /* --------------------------------------- */
    /*STEP 4 : add standard GPRMC parser      */
    /* -------------------------------------- */
    /* status = nmeap_addParser(&nmea,"GPRMC",nmeap_gprmc,gprmc_callout,&rmc); */
    status = nmeap_addParser(&nmea, "GPRMC", nmeap_gprmc, gprmc_callout, &rmc);
    if (status != 0) {
	error("GPS PLUGIN, Error: nmeap_add GPRMC parser, error:%d", status);
	return -1;

    return fd_g;

static void parse(RESULT * result, RESULT * theOptions, RESULT * displayOptions)
    int rem;
    int offset;
    int status;
    int len;

    long options;
    long dispOptions;

    char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
    char bufferTmp[BUFFER_SIZE];

    int validStart, validEnd;

    options = R2N(theOptions);
    dispOptions = R2N(displayOptions);
    //error("options: %x\n",options);

    if (dispOptions & OPTION_DEBUG)
	debug = 1;

    if ((dispOptions & OPTION_GET_BUFFERDATA) == 0) {

	/* ---------------------------------------- */
	/* STEP 6 : get a buffer of input          */
	/* --------------------------------------- */

	memset(buffer, 0, BUFFER_SIZE);
	if (fndStr > BUFFER_SIZE)
	    fndStr = 0;
	//copy unfinished nmea strings back
	if (fndStr > 0) {
	    memcpy(buffer, backBuffer, fndStr);
#ifdef EMULATE
	memcpy(&buffer[fndStr], &test_vector[emu_read_ofs], BUFFER_SIZE - fndStr);

	len = rem = EMU_BUFFER_READ_SIZE;
	emu_read_ofs += EMU_BUFFER_READ_SIZE;
	if (emu_read_ofs > (sizeof(test_vector) - BUFFER_SIZE)) {
	    emu_read_ofs = 0;
	    memset(buffer, 0, BUFFER_SIZE);

	len = rem = read(fd_g, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE - fndStr);
	if (len <= 0) {
	    error("GPS Plugin, Error read from port, try using the GPS_PORT env variable (export GPS_PORT=/dev/mydev)");
	if (debug == 1)
	    debug("gps:debug: read %d bytes\n", len);

	if (dispOptions & OPTION_RAW_NMEA)
	    printf("\n__[%s]", buffer + '\0');

	/* ---------------------------------------------- */
	/* STEP 7 : process input until buffer is used up */
	/* ---------------------------------------------- */
	validStart = strFirstOcc(buffer, '$', len);
	validEnd = strLastOcc(buffer, '\n', len);

	if (validStart >= 0 && validEnd > 0 && validStart < validEnd) {
	    //valid string found
	    memcpy(bufferTmp, buffer, sizeof(buffer));	//save buffer
	    memset(backBuffer, 0, sizeof(backBuffer));	//clear backup buffer
	    memcpy(backBuffer, buffer + validEnd, len - validEnd);	// save incomplete nmea string
	    memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));	//clean buffer
	    memcpy(buffer, bufferTmp + validStart, validEnd - validStart + 1);	//copy valid name string
	    fndStr = len - validEnd + validStart;	//save the size of the buffer
	} else {
	    //no valid nmea string found
	    fndStr = 0;
	    memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
	    memset(backBuffer, 0, sizeof(backBuffer));

	offset = 0;
	if (debug == 1)
	    debug("backBuffer: %s\n", backBuffer);

	//the nmeap_parseBuffer function needs whole nmea strings, combined string will NOT work!
	validStart = strFirstOcc(buffer, '$', len);
	validEnd = strFirstOcc(buffer, '\n', len);
	while (validStart >= 0 && validEnd > 0 && validStart < validEnd) {
	    memset(bufferTmp, 0, sizeof(bufferTmp));	//empty temp buffer
	    memcpy(bufferTmp, buffer + offset + validStart, validEnd - validStart + 1);	//fill temp buffer

	    if (debug == 1)
		debug("submit: %s\n", bufferTmp);

	    rem = len - offset;
	    status = nmeap_parseBuffer(&nmea, (const char *) &bufferTmp, &rem);	//parse it
	    if (status == -1) {
		error("parser error occured! (cnt: %i)\n", errCounter);
	    } else if (status == 0) {
	    } else if (status > 0)

	    offset += validEnd - validStart + 1;	//update offset
	    validStart = strFirstOcc(buffer + offset, '$', len - offset);	//find next sentence
	    validEnd = strFirstOcc(buffer + offset, '\n', len - offset);

/*	while (rem > 0) {
	    status = nmeap_parseBuffer(&nmea, &buffer[offset], &rem);
	    debug("\nGPS::debug: remaining: %d bytes\n",rem);
	    offset += (len - rem);
    }				// end of OPTION get bufferdata

    /* --------------------------------------- */
    /* DISPLAY stuff comes here...             */
    /* --------------------------------------- */
    char *value = " ";
    char outputStr[80];
    memset(outputStr, 0, 80);

    if (options & SHOW_ALTITUDE) {
	if (dispOptions & OPTION_NO_PREFIX)
	    sprintf(outputStr, "%s%.0f ", outputStr, altitude);
	    sprintf(outputStr, "%salt:%.0f ", outputStr, altitude);
    if (options & SHOW_SPEED) {
	float knotsConvert = 1.852f;	//default speed display=km/h
	if (dispOptions & OPTION_SPEED_IN_KNOTS)
	    knotsConvert = 1.0f;	//use knots

	if (dispOptions & OPTION_NO_PREFIX)
	    sprintf(outputStr, "%s%.0f ", outputStr, speed * knotsConvert);
	    sprintf(outputStr, "%sspd:%.0f ", outputStr, speed * knotsConvert);
    if (options & SHOW_COURSE) {
	char courses[8][3] = { "N ", "NO", "O ", "SO", "S ", "SW", "W ", "NW" };
	float degrees[8] = { 22.5f, 67.5f, 112.5f, 157.5f, 202.5f, 247.5f, 292.5f, 337.5f };
	int selectedDegree = 0;
	int n;

	for (n = 0; n < 8; n++) {
	    if (course < degrees[n]) {
		selectedDegree = n;
	if (dispOptions & OPTION_NO_PREFIX)
	    sprintf(outputStr, "%s%s ", outputStr, courses[selectedDegree]);
	    sprintf(outputStr, "%sdir:%s ", outputStr, courses[selectedDegree]);
    if (options & SHOW_SATELLITES) {
	if (dispOptions & OPTION_NO_PREFIX)
	    sprintf(outputStr, "%s%d ", outputStr, satellites);
	    sprintf(outputStr, "%ssat:%d ", outputStr, satellites);
    if (options & SHOW_QUALITY) {
	if (dispOptions & OPTION_NO_PREFIX)
	    sprintf(outputStr, "%s%d ", outputStr, quality);
	    sprintf(outputStr, "%squa:%d ", outputStr, quality);
    if (options & SHOW_STATUS) {
	if (dispOptions & OPTION_NO_PREFIX)
	    sprintf(outputStr, "%s%c ", outputStr, gpsStatus);
	    sprintf(outputStr, "%ssta:%c ", outputStr, gpsStatus);
    if (options & SHOW_TIME_UTC) {
	char digitizer[9];	//01:34:67
	sprintf(digitizer, "%.6ld", gpsTime);	//<012345>
	digitizer[7] = digitizer[5];
	digitizer[6] = digitizer[4];
	digitizer[4] = digitizer[3];
	digitizer[3] = digitizer[2];
	digitizer[2] = ':';
	digitizer[5] = ':';
	digitizer[8] = '\0';
	if (dispOptions & OPTION_NO_PREFIX)
	    sprintf(outputStr, "%s%s ", outputStr, digitizer);
	    sprintf(outputStr, "%sutc:%s ", outputStr, digitizer);
    if (options & SHOW_DATE) {
	char digitizer[9];	//01:34:67
	sprintf(digitizer, "%.6ld", gpsDate);	//<012345>
	digitizer[7] = digitizer[5];
	digitizer[6] = digitizer[4];
	digitizer[4] = digitizer[3];
	digitizer[3] = digitizer[2];
	digitizer[2] = '/';
	digitizer[5] = '/';
	digitizer[8] = '\0';
	if (dispOptions & OPTION_NO_PREFIX)
	    sprintf(outputStr, "%s%s ", outputStr, digitizer);
	    sprintf(outputStr, "%sdat:%s ", outputStr, digitizer);

    if (dispOptions & SHOW_NMEA_STATUS) {
	if (dispOptions & OPTION_NO_PREFIX)
	    sprintf(outputStr, "%s%04d/%04d/%04d ", outputStr, msgCounter, errCounter, incomplCounter);
	    sprintf(outputStr, "%sOK:%03d/Er:%03d/In:%03d ", outputStr, msgCounter, errCounter, incomplCounter);

    if (options == 0 && dispOptions == 0) {	//error, no parameter defined!
	error("gps::parse() ERROR, no parameter specified!");
	value = strdup("GPS ARG ERR");
    } else {
	value = strdup(outputStr);

    SetResult(&result, R_STRING, value);

/* plugin initialization */
/* MUST NOT be declared 'static'! */
int plugin_init_gps(void)
    info("%s: v%s", Name, "0.2");

    /* register all our cool functions */
    /* the second parameter is the number of arguments */
    /* -1 stands for variable argument list */
    AddFunction("gps::parse", 2, parse);

    return 0;

void plugin_exit_gps(void)
    info("%s: shutting down plugin.", Name);
#ifndef EMULATE