/* $Id$ * $URL$ * * Generic timer handling. * * Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Michael Reinelt * Copyright (C) 2004 The LCD4Linux Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ /* * Exported functions: * * int timer_add(void (*callback) (void *data), void *data, const int * interval, const int one_shot) * * Create a new timer and add it to the timer queue. * * * int timer_add_late(void (*callback) (void *data), void *data, const * int interval, const int one_shot) * * This function creates a new timer and adds it to the timer queue * just as timer_add() does, but the timer will NOT be triggered * immediately (useful for scheduling things). * * * int timer_process(struct timespec *delay) * * Process timer queue. * * * int timer_remove(void (*callback) (void *data), void *data) * * Remove a new timer with given callback and data. * * * void timer_exit(void) * * Release all timers and free the associated memory block. * */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "debug.h" #include "cfg.h" #include "timer.h" #ifdef WITH_DMALLOC #include #endif /* threshold in milliseconds that differentiates between clock skew and clock jitter */ #define CLOCK_SKEW_DETECT_TIME_IN_MS 1000 /* structure for storing all relevant data of a single timer */ typedef struct TIMER { /* pointer to function of type void func(void *data) that will be called when the timer is processed; it will also be used to identify a specific timer */ void (*callback) (void *data); /* pointer to data which will be passed to the callback function; it will also be used to identify a specific timer */ void *data; /* struct to hold the time (in seconds and milliseconds since the Epoch) when the timer will be processed for the next time */ struct timeval when; /* specifies the timer's triggering interval in milliseconds */ int interval; /* specifies whether the timer should trigger indefinitely until it is deleted (value of 0) or only once (all other values) */ int one_shot; /* marks timer as being active (so it will get processed) or inactive (which means the timer has been deleted and its allocated memory may be re-used) */ int active; } TIMER; /* number of allocated timer slots */ int nTimers = 0; /* pointer to memory allocated for storing the timer slots */ TIMER *Timers = NULL; static void timer_inc(const int timer, struct timeval *now) /* Update the time a given timer updates next. timer (integer): internal ID of timer that is to be updated now (timeval pointer): struct holding the "current" time return value: void */ { /* calculate the time difference between the last time the given timer has been processed and the current time */ struct timeval diff; timersub(now, &Timers[timer].when, &diff); /* convert this time difference to fractional seconds */ float time_difference = diff.tv_sec + diff.tv_usec / 1000000.0f; /* convert time difference to fractional milliseconds */ time_difference = time_difference * 1000.0f; /* calculate the number of timer intervals that have passed since the last timer the given timer has been processed -- value is truncated (rounded down) to an integer */ int number_of_intervals = (int) (time_difference / Timers[timer].interval); /* notify the user in case one or more timer intervals have been missed */ if (number_of_intervals > 0) info("Timer #%d skipped %d interval(s) or %d ms.", timer, number_of_intervals, number_of_intervals * Timers[timer].interval); /* increment the number of passed intervals in order to skip all missed intervals -- thereby avoiding that unprocessed timers stack up, continuously update and are notoriously late (certain railway companies might learn a lesson from us ) */ number_of_intervals++; /* calculate time difference between the last time the timer has been processed and the next time it will be processed */ int interval = Timers[timer].interval * number_of_intervals; /* convert time difference (in milliseconds) to a "timeval" struct (in seconds and microseconds) */ struct timeval tv_interval = { .tv_sec = interval / 1000, .tv_usec = (interval % 1000) * 1000 }; /* finally, add time difference to the timer's trigger */ timeradd(&Timers[timer].when, &tv_interval, &Timers[timer].when); } int timer_remove(void (*callback) (void *data), void *data) /* Remove a timer with given callback and data. callback (void pointer): function of type void func(void *data); here, it will be used to identify the timer data (void pointer): data which will be passed to the callback function; here, it will be used to identify the timer return value (integer): returns a value of 0 on successful timer removal; otherwise returns a value of -1 */ { int timer; /* current timer's ID */ /* loop through the timer slots and try to find the specified timer slot by looking for its settings */ for (timer = 0; timer < nTimers; timer++) { /* skip inactive (i.e. deleted) timers */ if (Timers[timer].active == TIMER_INACTIVE) continue; if (Timers[timer].callback == callback && Timers[timer].data == data) { /* we have found the timer slot, so mark it as being inactive; we will not actually delete the slot, so its allocated memory may be re-used */ Timers[timer].active = TIMER_INACTIVE; /* signal successful timer removal */ return 0; } } /* we have NOT found the timer slot, so signal failure by returning a value of -1 */ return -1; } int timer_add(void (*callback) (void *data), void *data, const int interval, const int one_shot) /* Create a new timer and add it to the timer queue. callback (void pointer): function of type void func(void *data) which will be called whenever the timer triggers; this pointer will also be used to identify a specific timer data (void pointer): data which will be passed to the callback function; this pointer will also be used to identify a specific timer interval (integer): specifies the timer's triggering interval in milliseconds one_shot (integer): specifies whether the timer should trigger indefinitely until it is deleted (value of 0) or only once (all other values) return value (integer): returns a value of 0 on successful timer creation; otherwise returns a value of -1 */ { int timer; /* current timer's ID */ struct timeval now; /* struct to hold current time */ /* try to minimize memory usage by looping through the timer slots and looking for an inactive timer */ for (timer = 0; timer < nTimers; timer++) { if (Timers[timer].active == TIMER_INACTIVE) { /* we've just found one, so let's reuse it ("timer" holds its ID) by breaking the loop */ break; } } /* no inactive timers (or none at all) found, so we have to add a new timer slot */ if (timer >= nTimers) { /* increment number of timers and (re-)allocate memory used for storing the timer slots */ nTimers++; Timers = realloc(Timers, nTimers * sizeof(*Timers)); /* make sure "timer" points to valid memory */ timer = nTimers - 1; /* realloc() has failed */ if (Timers == NULL) { /* restore old number of timers */ nTimers--; /* signal unsuccessful timer creation */ return -1; } } /* get current time so the timer triggers immediately */ gettimeofday(&now, NULL); /* initialize timer data */ Timers[timer].callback = callback; Timers[timer].data = data; Timers[timer].when = now; Timers[timer].interval = interval; Timers[timer].one_shot = one_shot; /* set timer to active so that it is processed and not overwritten by the memory optimization routine above */ Timers[timer].active = TIMER_ACTIVE; /* one-shot timers should NOT fire immediately, so delay them by a single timer interval */ if (one_shot) { timer_inc(timer, &now); } /* signal successful timer creation */ return 0; } int timer_add_late(void (*callback) (void *data), void *data, const int interval, const int one_shot) /* This function creates a new timer and adds it to the timer queue just as timer_add() does, but the timer will NOT be triggered immediately (useful for scheduling things). callback (void pointer): function of type void func(void *data) which will be called whenever the timer triggers; this pointer will also be used to identify a specific timer data (void pointer): data which will be passed to the callback function; this pointer will also be used to identify a specific timer interval (integer): specifies the timer's triggering interval in milliseconds one_shot (integer): specifies whether the timer should trigger indefinitely until it is deleted (value of 0) or only once (all other values) return value (integer): returns a value of 0 on successful timer creation; otherwise returns a value of -1 */ { /* create new timer slot and add it to the timer queue; mask it as one-shot timer for now, so the timer will be delayed by a single timer interval */ if (!timer_add(callback, data, interval, 1)) { /* signal unsuccessful timer creation */ return -1; } int timer; /* current timer's ID */ /* loop through the timer slots and try to find the new timer slot by looking for its settings */ for (timer = 0; timer < nTimers; timer++) { /* skip inactive (i.e. deleted) timers */ if (Timers[timer].active == TIMER_INACTIVE) continue; if (Timers[timer].callback == callback && Timers[timer].data == data && Timers[timer].interval == interval) { /* we have found the new timer slot, so unmask it by setting its "one_shot" variable to the REAL value; then signal successful timer creation */ Timers[timer].one_shot = one_shot; /* signal successful timer creation */ return 0; } } /* we have NOT found the new timer slot for some reason, so signal failure by returning a value of -1 */ return -1; } int timer_process(struct timespec *delay) /* Process timer queue. delay (timespec pointer): struct holding delay till the next upcoming timer event return value (integer): returns a value of 0 when timers have been processed successfully; otherwise returns a value of -1 */ { struct timeval now; /* struct to hold current time */ /* get current time to check which timers need processing */ gettimeofday(&now, NULL); /* sanity check; by now, at least one timer should be instantiated */ if (nTimers <= 0) { /* otherwise, print an error and return a value of -1 to signal an error */ error("Huh? Not even a single timer to process? Dazed and confused..."); return -1; } int timer; /* current timer's ID */ /* process all expired timers */ for (timer = 0; timer < nTimers; timer++) { /* skip inactive (i.e. deleted) timers */ if (Timers[timer].active == TIMER_INACTIVE) continue; /* check whether current timer needs to be processed, i.e. the timer's triggering time is less than or equal to the current time; according to the man page of timercmp(), this avoids using the operators ">=", "<=" and "==" which might be broken on some systems */ if (!timercmp(&Timers[timer].when, &now, >)) { /* if the timer's callback function has been set, call it and pass the corresponding data */ if (Timers[timer].callback != NULL) { Timers[timer].callback(Timers[timer].data); } /* check for one-shot timers */ if (Timers[timer].one_shot) { /* mark one-shot timer as inactive (which means the timer has been deleted and its allocated memory may be re-used) */ Timers[timer].active = TIMER_INACTIVE; } else { /* otherwise, re-spawn timer by adding one triggering interval to its triggering time */ timer_inc(timer, &now); } } } int next_timer = -1; /* ID of the next upcoming timer */ /* loop through the timer slots and try to find the next upcoming timer */ for (timer = 0; timer < nTimers; timer++) { /* skip inactive (i.e. deleted) timers */ if (Timers[timer].active == TIMER_INACTIVE) continue; /* if this is the first timer that we check, mark it as the next upcoming timer; otherwise, we'll have nothing to compare against in this loop */ if (next_timer < 0) next_timer = timer; /* check whether current timer needs processing prior to the one selected */ else if (timercmp(&Timers[timer].when, &Timers[next_timer].when, <)) { /* if so, mark it as the next upcoming timer */ next_timer = timer; } } /* sanity check; we should by now have found the next upcoming timer */ if (next_timer < 0) { /* otherwise, print an error and return a value of -1 to signal an error */ error("Huh? Not even a single timer left? Dazed and confused..."); return -1; } /* processing all the timers might have taken a while, so update the current time to compensate for processing delay */ gettimeofday(&now, NULL); struct timeval diff; /* struct holding the time difference between current time and the triggering time of the next upcoming timer event */ /* calculate delay to the next upcoming timer event and store it in "diff" */ timersub(&Timers[next_timer].when, &now, &diff); /* a negative delay has occurred (positive clock skew or some timers are faster than the time needed for processing their callbacks) */ if (diff.tv_sec < 0) { /* zero "diff" so the next update is triggered immediately */ timerclear(&diff); } else { /* convert "diff" to milliseconds */ int time_difference = diff.tv_sec * 1000 + diff.tv_usec / 1000; /* if there is a notable difference between "time_difference" and the next upcoming timer's interval, assume clock skew */ if (time_difference > (Timers[next_timer].interval + CLOCK_SKEW_DETECT_TIME_IN_MS)) { /* extract clock skew from "time_difference" by eliminating the timer's triggering interval */ int skew = time_difference - Timers[next_timer].interval; /* display an info message to inform the user */ info("Oops, clock skewed by %d ms, updating timestamps...", skew); /* convert clock skew from milliseconds to "timeval" structure */ struct timeval clock_skew = { .tv_sec = skew / 1000, .tv_usec = (skew % 1000) * 1000 }; /* process all timers */ for (timer = 0; timer < nTimers; timer++) { /* skip inactive (i.e. deleted) timers */ if (Timers[timer].active == TIMER_INACTIVE) continue; /* correct timer's time stamp by clock skew */ timersub(&Timers[timer].when, &clock_skew, &Timers[timer].when); } /* finally, zero "diff" so the next update is triggered immediately */ timerclear(&diff); } } /* set timespec "delay" passed by calling function to "diff" */ delay->tv_sec = diff.tv_sec; /* timespec uses nanoseconds instead of microseconds!!! */ delay->tv_nsec = diff.tv_usec * 1000; /* signal successful timer processing */ return 0; } void timer_exit(void) /* Release all timers and free the associated memory block. return value: void */ { /* reset number of allocated timer slots */ nTimers = 0; /* free memory used for storing the timer slots */ if (Timers != NULL) { free(Timers); Timers = NULL; } }