/* $Id$ * $URL$ * * mpd informations v0.82 * * Copyright (C) 2006 Stefan Kuhne * Copyright (C) 2007 Robert Buchholz * Copyright (C) 2008 Michael Vogt * Copyright (C) 2006 The LCD4Linux Team * * This file is part of LCD4Linux. * * LCD4Linux is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * LCD4Linux is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ /* * changelog v0.5 (20.11.2007): * changed: mpd::artist(), mpd::title(), mpd::album() * init code, call only if a function is used. * removed: "old style" functions, duplicate code * fixed: strdup() mem leaks * added: getstate, function which return player status: play/pause/stop * getVolume, funtcion which returns the mpd volume * getFilename, return current filename * * * changelog v0.6 (05.12.2007): * changed: -connection handling * -verbose "NO TAG" messages * -init code * added: -added password support (MPD_PASSWORD env variable) * -mpd::getSongsInDb - how many songs are in the mpd db? * -mpd::getMpdUptime - uptime of mpd * -mpd::getMpdPlayTime - playtime of mpd * -mpd::getMpdDbPlayTime - playtime of all songs in mpd db * -basic error handler.. * -mpd configuration in lcd4linux.conf * -formatTime* - use those functions to format time values * removed: -reprand method * * * changelog v0.7 (14.12.2007): * changed: -connection handling improved, do not disconnect/reconnect for each query * -> uses less ressources * * changelog v0.8 (30.01.2008): * changed: -libmpd is not needed anymore, use libmpdclient.c instead * fixed: -getMpdUptime() * -getMpdPlaytime() * -type definition * added: -mpd::getSamplerateHz * -getAudioChannels * * changelog v0.83 (26.07.2008): * added: -mpd::cmd* commands * */ /* TODO: -what happens if the db is updating? */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "debug.h" #include "plugin.h" #include "cfg.h" /* struct timeval */ #include #include #include #include /* source: http://www.musicpd.org/libmpdclient.shtml */ #include "mpd/client.h" #ifdef WITH_DMALLOC #include #endif #define TIMEOUT_IN_S 10 #define ERROR_DISPLAY 5 /* current song */ static int l_totalTimeSec; static int l_elapsedTimeSec; static int l_bitRate; static int l_repeatEnabled; static int l_randomEnabled; static int l_singleEnabled; static int l_consumeEnabled; static int l_state; static int l_volume; static int l_numberOfSongs; static unsigned long l_uptime; static unsigned long l_playTime; static unsigned long l_dbPlayTime; static int l_playlistLength; /* pos in playlist */ static int l_currentSongPos; static unsigned int l_sampleRate; static int l_channels; static struct mpd_song *currentSong; /* connection information */ static char host[255]; static char pw[255]; static int iport; static int plugin_enabled; static int waittime; struct timeval timestamp; static struct mpd_connection *conn; static char Section[] = "Plugin:MPD"; static int errorcnt = 0; static iconv_t char_conv_iconv; static char * char_conv_to; static char * char_conv_from; #define BUFFER_SIZE 1024 static void charset_close(void) { if(char_conv_to) { iconv_close(char_conv_iconv); free(char_conv_to); free(char_conv_from); char_conv_to = NULL; char_conv_from = NULL; } } static int charset_set(const char *to, const char *from) { if(char_conv_to && strcmp(to,char_conv_to)==0 && char_conv_from && strcmp(from,char_conv_from)==0) return 0; charset_close(); if ((char_conv_iconv = iconv_open(to,from))==(iconv_t)(-1)) return -1; char_conv_to = strdup(to); char_conv_from = strdup(from); return 0; } static inline size_t deconst_iconv(iconv_t cd, const char **inbuf, size_t *inbytesleft, char **outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft) { union { const char **a; char **b; } deconst; deconst.a = inbuf; return iconv(cd, deconst.b, inbytesleft, outbuf, outbytesleft); } static char * charset_conv_strdup(const char *string) { char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; size_t inleft = strlen(string); char * ret; size_t outleft; size_t retlen = 0; size_t err; char * bufferPtr; if(!char_conv_to) return NULL; ret = strdup(""); while(inleft) { bufferPtr = buffer; outleft = BUFFER_SIZE; err = deconst_iconv(char_conv_iconv,&string,&inleft,&bufferPtr, &outleft); if (outleft == BUFFER_SIZE || (err == (size_t)-1/* && errno != E2BIG*/)) { free(ret); return NULL; } ret = realloc(ret,retlen+BUFFER_SIZE-outleft+1); memcpy(ret+retlen,buffer,BUFFER_SIZE-outleft); retlen+=BUFFER_SIZE-outleft; ret[retlen] = '\0'; } return ret; } const char * charset_from_utf8(const char *from) { static char * to = NULL; if(to) free(to); charset_set("ISO−8859−1", "UTF-8"); to = charset_conv_strdup(from); if (to == NULL) return from; return to; } static int configure_mpd(void) { static int configured = 0; char *s; if (configured != 0) return configured; /* read enabled */ if (cfg_number(Section, "enabled", 0, 0, 1, &plugin_enabled) < 1) { plugin_enabled = 0; } if (plugin_enabled != 1) { info("[MPD] WARNING: Plugin is not enabled! (set 'enabled 1' to enable this plugin)"); configured = 1; return configured; } /* read server */ s = cfg_get(Section, "server", "localhost"); if (!s || *s == '\0') { info("[MPD] empty '%s.server' entry from %s, assuming 'localhost'", Section, cfg_source()); strcpy(host, "localhost"); } else strcpy(host, s); if(s) free(s); /* read port */ if (cfg_number(Section, "port", 6600, 1, 65536, &iport) < 1) { info("[MPD] no '%s.port' entry from %s using MPD's default", Section, cfg_source()); } /* read minUpdateTime in ms */ if (cfg_number(Section, "minUpdateTime", 500, 1, 10000, &waittime) < 1) { info("[MPD] no '%s.minUpdateTime' entry from %s using MPD's default", Section, cfg_source()); } /* read password */ s = cfg_get(Section, "password", ""); if (!s || *s == '\0') { info("[MPD] empty '%s.password' entry in %s, assuming none", Section, cfg_source()); memset(pw, 0, sizeof(pw)); } else strcpy(pw, s); if(s) free(s); debug("[MPD] connection detail: [%s:%d]", host, iport); configured = 1; return configured; } static void mpd_printerror(const char* cmd) { const char *s; if(conn) { //assert(mpd_connection_get_error(conn) != MPD_ERROR_SUCCESS); s = mpd_connection_get_error_message(conn); if (mpd_connection_get_error(conn) == MPD_ERROR_SERVER) /* messages received from the server are UTF-8; the rest is either US-ASCII or locale */ s = charset_from_utf8(s); error("[MPD] %s to [%s]:[%i] failed : [%s]", cmd, host, iport, s); mpd_connection_free(conn); conn = NULL; } } void mpd_query_status(struct mpd_connection *conn) { struct mpd_status *status; struct mpd_song *song; const struct mpd_audio_format * audio; if(!conn) return; if (!mpd_command_list_begin(conn, true) || !mpd_send_status(conn) || !mpd_send_current_song(conn) || !mpd_command_list_end(conn)) { mpd_printerror("queue_commands"); return; } status = mpd_recv_status(conn); if (status == NULL) { mpd_printerror("recv_status"); return; } if (currentSong != NULL) { mpd_song_free(currentSong); currentSong = NULL; } if (!mpd_response_next(conn)) { mpd_printerror("response_next"); return; } song = mpd_recv_song(conn); if (song != NULL) { currentSong = mpd_song_dup(song); mpd_song_free(song); l_elapsedTimeSec = mpd_status_get_elapsed_time(status); l_totalTimeSec = mpd_status_get_total_time(status); l_bitRate = mpd_status_get_kbit_rate(status); } else { l_elapsedTimeSec = 0; l_totalTimeSec = 0; l_bitRate = 0; } l_state = mpd_status_get_state(status); l_repeatEnabled = mpd_status_get_repeat(status); l_randomEnabled = mpd_status_get_random(status); l_singleEnabled = mpd_status_get_single(status); l_consumeEnabled = mpd_status_get_consume(status); l_volume = mpd_status_get_volume(status); l_currentSongPos = mpd_status_get_song_pos(status) + 1; l_playlistLength = mpd_status_get_queue_length(status); audio = mpd_status_get_audio_format(status); if(audio) { l_sampleRate = audio->sample_rate; l_channels = audio->channels; } else { l_sampleRate = 0; l_channels = 0; } if (mpd_status_get_error(status) != NULL) error("[MPD] query status : %s", charset_from_utf8(mpd_status_get_error(status))); mpd_status_free(status); if (!mpd_response_finish(conn)) { mpd_printerror("response_finish"); return; } } void mpd_query_stats(struct mpd_connection *conn) { struct mpd_stats *stats; if(!conn) return; if (!mpd_command_list_begin(conn, true) || !mpd_send_stats(conn) || !mpd_command_list_end(conn)) { mpd_printerror("queue_commands"); return; } stats = mpd_recv_stats(conn); if (stats == NULL) { mpd_printerror("recv_stats"); return; } l_numberOfSongs = mpd_stats_get_number_of_songs(stats); l_uptime = mpd_stats_get_uptime(stats); l_playTime = mpd_stats_get_play_time(stats); l_dbPlayTime = mpd_stats_get_db_play_time(stats); mpd_stats_free(stats); if (!mpd_response_finish(conn)) { mpd_printerror("response_finish"); return; } } static int mpd_update() { struct timeval now; /* reread every 1000 msec only */ gettimeofday(&now, NULL); int timedelta = (now.tv_sec - timestamp.tv_sec) * 1000 + (now.tv_usec - timestamp.tv_usec) / 1000; if (timedelta > 0 && timedelta < waittime) { /* debug("[MPD] waittime not reached...\n"); */ return 1; } /* check if configured */ if (configure_mpd() < 0) { return -1; } /* check if connected */ if (conn == NULL || mpd_connection_get_error(conn) != MPD_ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (conn) { if (errorcnt < ERROR_DISPLAY) mpd_printerror("reconnect"); } else debug("[MPD] initialize connect to [%s]:[%i]", host, iport); } if(!conn) { conn = mpd_connection_new(host, iport, TIMEOUT_IN_S * 1000); if (conn == NULL || mpd_connection_get_error(conn) != MPD_ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (conn) { if (errorcnt < ERROR_DISPLAY) mpd_printerror("connect"); } if (errorcnt == ERROR_DISPLAY) error("[MPD] stop logging, until connection is fixed!"); errorcnt++; gettimeofday(×tamp, NULL); return -1; } if (*pw && !mpd_run_password(conn, pw)) { errorcnt++; mpd_printerror("run_password"); return -1; } errorcnt = 0; debug("[MPD] connection fixed..."); } mpd_query_status(conn); mpd_query_stats(conn); gettimeofday(×tamp, NULL); return 1; } static void elapsedTimeSec(RESULT * result) { double d; mpd_update(); d = (double) l_elapsedTimeSec; SetResult(&result, R_NUMBER, &d); } static void totalTimeSec(RESULT * result) { double d; mpd_update(); d = (double) l_totalTimeSec; SetResult(&result, R_NUMBER, &d); } static void bitRate(RESULT * result) { double d; mpd_update(); d = (double) l_bitRate; SetResult(&result, R_NUMBER, &d); } static void getRepeatInt(RESULT * result) { double d; mpd_update(); d = (double) l_repeatEnabled; SetResult(&result, R_NUMBER, &d); } static void getRandomInt(RESULT * result) { double d; mpd_update(); d = (double) l_randomEnabled; SetResult(&result, R_NUMBER, &d); } static void getSingleInt(RESULT * result) { double d; mpd_update(); d = (double) l_singleEnabled; SetResult(&result, R_NUMBER, &d); } static void getConsumeInt(RESULT * result) { double d; mpd_update(); d = (double) l_consumeEnabled; SetResult(&result, R_NUMBER, &d); } /* if no tag is availabe, use filename */ static void getArtist(RESULT * result) { const char * value = NULL; mpd_update(); if (currentSong != NULL) { value = mpd_song_get_tag(currentSong, MPD_TAG_ARTIST, 0); if(!value) { value = mpd_song_get_tag(currentSong, MPD_TAG_ALBUM_ARTIST, 0); } if(!value) { value = mpd_song_get_uri(currentSong); } } if(value) SetResult(&result, R_STRING, charset_from_utf8(value)); else SetResult(&result, R_STRING, ""); } static void getTitle(RESULT * result) { const char * value = NULL; mpd_update(); if (currentSong != NULL) { value = mpd_song_get_tag(currentSong, MPD_TAG_TITLE, 0); } if(value) SetResult(&result, R_STRING, charset_from_utf8(value)); else SetResult(&result, R_STRING, ""); } static void getAlbum(RESULT * result) { const char * value = NULL; mpd_update(); if (currentSong != NULL) { value = mpd_song_get_tag(currentSong, MPD_TAG_ALBUM, 0); } if(value) SetResult(&result, R_STRING, charset_from_utf8(value)); else SetResult(&result, R_STRING, ""); } static void getFilename(RESULT * result) { const char * value = NULL; mpd_update(); if (currentSong != NULL) { value = mpd_song_get_uri(currentSong); } if(value) SetResult(&result, R_STRING, charset_from_utf8(value)); else SetResult(&result, R_STRING, ""); } /* return player state: 0=unknown 1=play 2=pause 3=stop */ static void getStateInt(RESULT * result) { double ret; mpd_update(); switch (l_state) { case MPD_STATE_PLAY: ret = 1; break; case MPD_STATE_PAUSE: ret = 2; break; case MPD_STATE_STOP: ret = 3; break; default: ret = 0; break; } SetResult(&result, R_NUMBER, &ret); } static void getVolume(RESULT * result) { double d; mpd_update(); d = (double) l_volume; /* return 0..100 or < 0 when failed */ SetResult(&result, R_NUMBER, &d); } /* return the # of songs in the mpd db .. */ static void getSongsInDb(RESULT * result) { double d; mpd_update(); d = (double) l_numberOfSongs; SetResult(&result, R_NUMBER, &d); } static void getMpdUptime(RESULT * result) { double d; mpd_update(); d = (double) l_uptime; SetResult(&result, R_NUMBER, &d); } static void getMpdPlayTime(RESULT * result) { double d; mpd_update(); d = (double) l_playTime; SetResult(&result, R_NUMBER, &d); } static void getMpdDbPlayTime(RESULT * result) { double d; mpd_update(); d = (double) l_dbPlayTime; SetResult(&result, R_NUMBER, &d); } static void getMpdPlaylistLength(RESULT * result) { double d; mpd_update(); d = (double) l_playlistLength; SetResult(&result, R_NUMBER, &d); } static void getCurrentSongPos(RESULT * result) { double d; mpd_update(); d = (double) l_currentSongPos; SetResult(&result, R_NUMBER, &d); } static void getAudioChannels(RESULT * result) { double d; mpd_update(); d = (double) l_channels; SetResult(&result, R_NUMBER, &d); } static void getSamplerateHz(RESULT * result) { double d; mpd_update(); d = (double) l_sampleRate; SetResult(&result, R_NUMBER, &d); } static void nextSong() { mpd_update(); if (currentSong != NULL) { if ((!mpd_run_next(conn)) || (!mpd_response_finish(conn))) { mpd_printerror("run_next"); } } } static void prevSong() { mpd_update(); if (currentSong != NULL) { if ((!mpd_run_previous(conn)) || (!mpd_response_finish(conn))) { mpd_printerror("run_previous"); } } } static void stopSong() { mpd_update(); if (currentSong != NULL) { if ((!mpd_run_stop(conn)) || (!mpd_response_finish(conn))) { mpd_printerror("run_stop"); } } } static void pauseSong() { mpd_update(); if (currentSong != NULL) { if ((!mpd_send_pause(conn, l_state == MPD_STATE_PAUSE ? 0 : 1)) || (!mpd_response_finish(conn))) { mpd_printerror("send_pause"); } } } static void volUp() { mpd_update(); if (currentSong != NULL) { l_volume += 5; if (l_volume > 100) l_volume = 100; if ((!mpd_run_set_volume(conn, l_volume)) || (!mpd_response_finish(conn))) { mpd_printerror("set_volume"); } } } static void volDown() { mpd_update(); if (currentSong != NULL) { if (l_volume > 5) l_volume -= 5; else l_volume = 0; if ((!mpd_run_set_volume(conn, l_volume)) || (!mpd_response_finish(conn))) { mpd_printerror("set_volume"); } } } static void toggleRepeat() { mpd_update(); if (currentSong != NULL) { l_repeatEnabled = !l_repeatEnabled; if ((!mpd_run_repeat(conn, l_repeatEnabled)) || (!mpd_response_finish(conn))) { mpd_printerror("run_repeat"); } } } static void toggleRandom() { mpd_update(); if (currentSong != NULL) { l_randomEnabled = !l_randomEnabled; if ((!mpd_run_random(conn, l_randomEnabled)) || (!mpd_response_finish(conn))) { mpd_printerror("run_random"); } } } static void toggleSingle() { mpd_update(); if (currentSong != NULL) { l_singleEnabled = !l_singleEnabled; if ((!mpd_run_single(conn, l_singleEnabled)) || (!mpd_response_finish(conn))) { mpd_printerror("run_single"); } } } static void toggleConsume() { mpd_update(); if (currentSong != NULL) { l_consumeEnabled = !l_consumeEnabled; if ((!mpd_run_consume(conn, l_consumeEnabled)) || (!mpd_response_finish(conn))) { mpd_printerror("run_consume"); } } } static void formatTimeMMSS(RESULT * result, RESULT * param) { long sec; char myTime[6] = " "; sec = R2N(param); if ((sec >= 0) && (sec < 6000)) { const int minutes = (int) (sec / 60); const int seconds = (int) (sec % 60); sprintf(myTime, "%02d:%02d", minutes, seconds); } else if (sec >= 6000) { strcpy(myTime, "LONG"); } else strcpy(myTime, "ERROR"); /* store result */ SetResult(&result, R_STRING, myTime); } static void formatTimeDDHHMM(RESULT * result, RESULT * param) { long sec; char myTime[16] = " "; sec = R2N(param); if (sec >= 0) { int days = sec / 86400; int hours = (sec % 86400) / 3600; int minutes = (sec % 3600) / 60; sprintf(myTime, "%dd%02dh%02dm", days, hours, minutes); /* 3d 12:33h */ } else strcpy(myTime, "ERROR"); /* store result */ SetResult(&result, R_STRING, myTime); } int plugin_init_mpd(void) { int check; debug("[MPD] v0.83, check lcd4linux configuration file..."); check = configure_mpd(); if (plugin_enabled != 1) return 0; if (check) debug("[MPD] configured!"); else debug("[MPD] error, NOT configured!"); /* when mpd dies, do NOT exit application, ignore it! */ signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); gettimeofday(×tamp, NULL); AddFunction("mpd::artist", 0, getArtist); AddFunction("mpd::title", 0, getTitle); AddFunction("mpd::album", 0, getAlbum); AddFunction("mpd::file", 0, getFilename); AddFunction("mpd::totalTimeSec", 0, totalTimeSec); AddFunction("mpd::elapsedTimeSec", 0, elapsedTimeSec); AddFunction("mpd::bitRate", 0, bitRate); AddFunction("mpd::getSamplerateHz", 0, getSamplerateHz); AddFunction("mpd::getAudioChannels", 0, getAudioChannels); AddFunction("mpd::getRepeatInt", 0, getRepeatInt); AddFunction("mpd::getRandomInt", 0, getRandomInt); AddFunction("mpd::getSingleInt", 0, getSingleInt); AddFunction("mpd::getConsumeInt", 0, getConsumeInt); AddFunction("mpd::getStateInt", 0, getStateInt); AddFunction("mpd::getVolume", 0, getVolume); AddFunction("mpd::getSongsInDb", 0, getSongsInDb); AddFunction("mpd::getMpdUptime", 0, getMpdUptime); AddFunction("mpd::getMpdPlayTime", 0, getMpdPlayTime); AddFunction("mpd::getMpdDbPlayTime", 0, getMpdDbPlayTime); AddFunction("mpd::getMpdPlaylistLength", 0, getMpdPlaylistLength); AddFunction("mpd::getMpdPlaylistGetCurrentId", 0, getCurrentSongPos); AddFunction("mpd::cmdNextSong", 0, nextSong); AddFunction("mpd::cmdPrevSong", 0, prevSong); AddFunction("mpd::cmdStopSong", 0, stopSong); AddFunction("mpd::cmdTogglePauseSong", 0, pauseSong); AddFunction("mpd::cmdVolUp", 0, volUp); AddFunction("mpd::cmdVolDown", 0, volDown); AddFunction("mpd::cmdToggleRandom", 0, toggleRandom); AddFunction("mpd::cmdToggleRepeat", 0, toggleRepeat); AddFunction("mpd::cmdToggleSingle", 0, toggleSingle); AddFunction("mpd::cmdToggleConsume", 0, toggleConsume); AddFunction("mpd::formatTimeMMSS", 1, formatTimeMMSS); AddFunction("mpd::formatTimeDDHHMM", 1, formatTimeDDHHMM); return 0; } void plugin_exit_mpd(void) { if (plugin_enabled == 1) { debug("[MPD] disconnect from mpd"); if (currentSong != NULL) mpd_song_free(currentSong); } if (conn != NULL) mpd_connection_free(conn); charset_close(); }