/* $Id: plugin_kvv.c,v 1.1 2006/08/13 18:14:03 harbaum Exp $ * * plugin kvv (karlsruher verkehrsverbund) * * Copyright (C) 2006 Till Harbaum * Copyright (C) 2006 The LCD4Linux Team * * This file is part of LCD4Linux. * * LCD4Linux is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * LCD4Linux is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * * * $Log: plugin_kvv.c,v $ * Revision 1.1 2006/08/13 18:14:03 harbaum * Added KVV plugin * * */ /* * exported functions: * * int plugin_init_kvv (void) * adds various functions * void plugin_exit_kvv (void) * */ /* define the include files you need */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* network specific includes */ #include #include #include #include #include /* these should always be included */ #include "debug.h" #include "plugin.h" #include "cfg.h" #include "thread.h" /* these can't be configured as it doesn't make sense to change them */ #define HTTP_SERVER "www.init-ka.de" #define HTTP_REQUEST "/webfgi/StopInfoInplace.aspx?ID=%s" #define DEFAULT_STATION_ID "89" // Hauptbahnhof /* example ids: * 89 = Hauptbahnhof * 12_701 = Berufsakademie */ /* total max values to calculate shm size */ #define MAX_LINES 4 #define MAX_LINE_LENGTH 8 #define MAX_STATION_LENGTH 32 typedef struct { char line[MAX_LINE_LENGTH + 1]; char station[MAX_STATION_LENGTH + 1]; int time; } kvv_entry_t; typedef struct { int entries; kvv_entry_t entry[MAX_LINES]; } kvv_shm_t; static char *station_id = NULL; static char *proxy_name = NULL; static int port = 80; static pid_t pid = -1; static int refresh = 60; static int stringlen = 16; static int mutex = 0; static int shmid; static kvv_shm_t *shm; #define SECTION "Plugin:KVV" #define TIMEOUT_SHORT 1 /* wait this long for additional data */ #define TIMEOUT_LONG 10 /* wait this long for initial data */ /* search an element in the result string */ static int get_element(char *input, char *name, char **data) { int skip = 0; int len = 0; int state = 0; // nothing found yet // search entire string while (*input) { if (skip == 0) { switch (state) { case 0: if (*input == '<') state = 1; else state = 0; break; case 1: // ignore white spaces if (*input != ' ') { if (strncasecmp(input, name, strlen(name)) == 0) { state = 2; skip = strlen(name) - 1; } else state = 0; } break; case 2: if (*input == ' ') { *data = ++input; while (*input++ != '>') len++; return len; } else state = 0; break; } } else if (skip) skip--; input++; } return -1; } /* serach an attribute within an element */ static int get_attrib(char *input, char *name, char **data) { int skip = 0; int len = 0; int state = 0; // nothing found // search in this element while (*input != '>') { // ignore white spaces if (((*input != ' ') && (*input != '\t')) && (skip == 0)) { switch (state) { case 0: if (strncasecmp(input, name, strlen(name)) == 0) { state = 1; skip = strlen(name) - 1; } break; case 1: if (*input == '=') state = 2; else state = 0; break; case 2: if (*input == '\"') { *data = ++input; while (*input++ != '\"') len++; return len; } else state = 0; break; } } else if (skip) skip--; input++; } return -1; } static int http_open(char *name) { struct sockaddr_in server; struct hostent *host_info; unsigned long addr; int sock; /* create socket */ sock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (sock < 0) { perror("failed to create socket"); return -1; } /* Erzeuge die Socketadresse des Servers * Sie besteht aus Typ, IP-Adresse und Portnummer */ memset(&server, 0, sizeof(server)); if ((addr = inet_addr(name)) != INADDR_NONE) { memcpy((char *) &server.sin_addr, &addr, sizeof(addr)); } else { /* Wandle den Servernamen in eine IP-Adresse um */ host_info = gethostbyname(name); if (NULL == host_info) { error("[KVV] Unknown server: %s", name); return -1; } memcpy((char *) &server.sin_addr, host_info->h_addr, host_info->h_length); } server.sin_family = AF_INET; server.sin_port = htons(port); /* Baue die Verbindung zum Server auf */ if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &server, sizeof(server)) < 0) { perror("can't connect to server"); return -1; } return sock; } static void get_text(char *input, char *end, char *dest, int dlen) { int state = 0; // nothing yet, outside any element int cnt = 0; while (*input) { switch (state) { case 0: if (*input == '<') state = 1; else { if (cnt < (dlen - 1)) dest[cnt++] = *input; } break; case 1: if (*input == '/') state = 2; else if (*input == '>') state = 0; break; case 2: if (strncasecmp(input, end, strlen(end)) == 0) { dest[cnt++] = 0; return; } break; } input++; } } static void process_station_string(char *str) { char *p, *q; int last, i; char *repl[] = { "Hauptbahnhof", "Hbf.", "Bahnhof", "Bhf.", "Karlsruhe", "KA", "Schienenersatzverkehr", "Ersatzv.", "Marktplatz", "Marktpl.", }; /* erase multiple spaces */ p = q = str; last = 1; // no leading spaces while (*p) { if ((!last) || (*p != ' ')) *q++ = *p; last = (*p == ' '); p++; } *q++ = 0; /* decode utf8 */ p = q = str; last = 0; while (*p) { if (last) { *q++ = (last << 6) | (*p & 0x3f); last = 0; } else if ((*p & 0xe0) == 0xc0) { last = *p & 3; } else *q++ = *p; p++; } *q++ = 0; /* replace certain (long) words with e.g. abbreviations */ for (i = 0; i < (int) (sizeof(repl) / (2 * sizeof(char *))); i++) { if ((p = strstr(str, repl[2 * i])) != NULL) { /* move new string */ memcpy(p, repl[2 * i + 1], strlen(repl[2 * i + 1])); /* move rest of string down */ memmove(p + strlen(repl[2 * i + 1]), p + strlen(repl[2 * i]), strlen(str) - (p - str) - strlen(repl[2 * i]) + 1); } } } static void kvv_client(void) { char ibuffer[8192]; char obuffer[8192]; int count, i, sock; char server_name[] = HTTP_SERVER; char *connect_to; /* connect to proxy if given, to server otherwise */ if ((proxy_name != NULL) && (strlen(proxy_name) != 0)) connect_to = proxy_name; else connect_to = server_name; info("[KVV] Connecting to %s", connect_to); while (1) { sock = http_open(connect_to); if (sock < 0) { error("[KVV] Error accessing server/proxy: %s", strerror(errno)); return; } // create and set get request sprintf(obuffer, "GET http://%s" HTTP_REQUEST " HTTP/1.1\n" "Host: %s\n\n", server_name, station_id, server_name); info("[KVV] Sending first (GET) request ..."); send(sock, obuffer, strlen(obuffer), 0); count = 0; do { fd_set rfds; struct timeval tv; FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_SET(sock, &rfds); tv.tv_sec = count ? TIMEOUT_SHORT : TIMEOUT_LONG; tv.tv_usec = 0; i = select(FD_SETSIZE, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv); if (i < 0) { perror("select"); exit(1); } if (i != 0) { i = recv(sock, ibuffer + count, sizeof(ibuffer) - count, 0); count += i; } } while (i > 0); ibuffer[count] = 0; // terminate string close(sock); if (count > 0) { char *input, *cookie, *name, *value; int input_len, cookie_len, name_len, value_len; // buffer to html encode value char value_enc[512]; int value_enc_len; // find cookie cookie_len = 0; cookie = strstr(ibuffer, "Set-Cookie:"); if (cookie) { cookie += strlen("Set-Cookie:"); while (*cookie == ' ') cookie++; while (cookie[cookie_len] != ';') cookie_len++; } // find input element input_len = get_element(ibuffer, "input", &input); if (input_len > 0) { char *input_end = input; while (*input_end != '>') input_end++; while (*input_end != '\"') input_end--; *(input_end + 1) = 0; name_len = get_attrib(input, "name", &name); value_len = get_attrib(input, "value", &value); for (value_enc_len = 0, i = 0; i < value_len; i++) { if (isalnum(value[i])) value_enc[value_enc_len++] = value[i]; else { sprintf(value_enc + value_enc_len, "%%%02X", 0xff & value[i]); value_enc_len += 3; } } if (cookie_len >= 0) cookie[cookie_len] = 0; if (name_len >= 0) name[name_len] = 0; if (value_len >= 0) value[value_len] = 0; if (value_enc_len >= 0) value_enc[value_enc_len] = 0; sock = http_open(connect_to); // send POST sprintf(obuffer, "POST http://%s" HTTP_REQUEST " HTTP/1.1\n" "Host: %s\n" "Cookie: %s\n" "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n" "Content-Length: %d\n" "\n%s=%s", server_name, station_id, server_name, cookie, name_len + value_enc_len + 1, name, value_enc); info("[KVV] Sending second (POST) request ..."); send(sock, obuffer, strlen(obuffer), 0); count = 0; do { fd_set rfds; struct timeval tv; FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_SET(sock, &rfds); tv.tv_sec = count ? TIMEOUT_SHORT : TIMEOUT_LONG; tv.tv_usec = 0; i = select(FD_SETSIZE, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv); if (i > 0) { i = recv(sock, ibuffer + count, sizeof(ibuffer) - count, 0); count += i; } } while (i > 0); /* leave on select or read error */ ibuffer[count] = 0; /* close connection */ close(sock); if (count > 0) { int last_was_stop = 0; char *td = ibuffer; char str[32]; int td_len, i, overflow = 0; /* lock shared memory */ mutex_lock(mutex); /* free allocated memory */ shm->entries = 0; /* scan through all entries and search the line nums */ do { if ((td_len = get_element(td, "td", &td)) > 0) { char *attr, *p; int attr_len; /* time does not have a class but comes immediately after stop :-( */ if (last_was_stop) { td += td_len + 1; get_text(td, "td", str, sizeof(str)); /* time needs special treatment */ if (strncasecmp(str, "sofort", strlen("sofort")) == 0) i = 0; else { /* skip everything that is not a number */ p = str; while (!isdigit(*p)) p++; /* and convert remaining to number */ i = atoi(p); } /* save time */ if (!overflow) shm->entry[shm->entries - 1].time = i; last_was_stop = 0; } /* linenum and stopname fields have proper classes */ if ((attr_len = get_attrib(td, "class", &attr)) > 0) { if (strncasecmp(attr, "lineNum", strlen("lineNum")) == 0) { td += td_len + 1; get_text(td, "td", str, sizeof(str)); if (shm->entries < MAX_LINES) { // allocate a new slot shm->entries++; shm->entry[shm->entries - 1].time = -1; memset(shm->entry[shm->entries - 1].line, 0, MAX_LINE_LENGTH + 1); memset(shm->entry[shm->entries - 1].station, 0, MAX_STATION_LENGTH + 1); // add new lines entry strncpy(shm->entry[shm->entries - 1].line, str, MAX_LINE_LENGTH); } else overflow = 1; /* don't add further entries */ } if (strncasecmp(attr, "stopname", strlen("stopname")) == 0) { td += td_len + 1; get_text(td, "td", str, sizeof(str)); /* stopname may need further tuning */ process_station_string(str); if (!overflow) strncpy(shm->entry[shm->entries - 1].station, str, MAX_STATION_LENGTH); last_was_stop = 1; } } } } while (td_len >= 0); mutex_unlock(mutex); } } } sleep(refresh); } } static void kvv_line(RESULT * result, RESULT * arg1) { int index = (int) R2N(arg1); mutex_lock(mutex); if (index < shm->entries) { SetResult(&result, R_STRING, shm->entry[index].line); } else SetResult(&result, R_STRING, "---"); mutex_unlock(mutex); } static void kvv_station(RESULT * result, RESULT * arg1) { int index = (int) R2N(arg1); mutex_lock(mutex); if (index < shm->entries) SetResult(&result, R_STRING, shm->entry[index].station); else SetResult(&result, R_STRING, "---"); mutex_unlock(mutex); } static void kvv_time(RESULT * result, RESULT * arg1) { int index = (int) R2N(arg1); double value = -1.0; mutex_lock(mutex); if (index < shm->entries) value = shm->entry[index].time; SetResult(&result, R_NUMBER, &value); mutex_unlock(mutex); } static void kvv_time_str(RESULT * result, RESULT * arg1) { int index = (int) R2N(arg1); mutex_lock(mutex); if (index < shm->entries) { char str[8]; sprintf(str, "%d", shm->entry[index].time); SetResult(&result, R_STRING, str); } else SetResult(&result, R_STRING, "---"); mutex_unlock(mutex); } /* plugin initialization */ int plugin_init_kvv(void) { int val; char *p; /* register all our cool functions */ AddFunction("kvv::line", 1, kvv_line); AddFunction("kvv::station", 1, kvv_station); AddFunction("kvv::time", 1, kvv_time); AddFunction("kvv::time_str", 1, kvv_time_str); /* parse parameter */ if ((p = cfg_get(SECTION, "StationID", DEFAULT_STATION_ID)) != NULL) { station_id = malloc(strlen(p) + 1); strcpy(station_id, p); } info("[KVV] Using station %s", station_id); if ((p = cfg_get(SECTION, "Proxy", NULL)) != NULL) { proxy_name = malloc(strlen(p) + 1); strcpy(proxy_name, p); info("[KVV] Using proxy \"%s\"", proxy_name); } if (cfg_number(SECTION, "Port", 0, 0, 65535, &val) > 0) { port = val; info("[KVV] Using port %d", port); } else { info("[KVV] Using default port %d", port); } if (cfg_number(SECTION, "Refresh", 0, 0, 65535, &val) > 0) { refresh = val; info("[KVV] Using %d seconds refresh interval", refresh); } else { info("[KVV] Using default refresh interval of %d seconds", refresh); } if (cfg_number(SECTION, "Stringlen", 0, 0, 65535, &val) > 0) { stringlen = val; info("[KVV] Using %d character string length", stringlen); } else { info("[KVV] Using %d characters default string length", stringlen); } /* create communication buffer */ shmid = shm_create((void **) &shm, sizeof(kvv_shm_t)); /* catch error */ if (shmid < 0) { error("[KVV] Shared memory allocation failed!"); return -1; } /* attach client thread */ mutex = mutex_create(); pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) { error("[KVV] Unable to fork client: %s", strerror(errno)); return -1; } if (pid == 0) kvv_client(); else info("[KVV] forked client with pid %d", pid); return 0; } void plugin_exit_kvv(void) { if (pid != -1) kill(pid, SIGTERM); if (station_id) free(station_id); if (proxy_name) free(proxy_name); mutex_destroy(mutex); if (shm) shm_destroy(shmid, shm); }