#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use vars qw ($file $DELAY); ########## CONFIG $file = "lcd4linux"; # .png is appended $DELAY = 0; # delay in seconds # if delay is zero, file is sent when modified. ################# use CGI qw/:push -nph/; $| = 1; my ($mtime, $nmtime, $size, $nsize); (undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, $size, undef, $mtime) = stat "$file.png"; print multipart_init(-boundary=>'----------------here we go!'); while (1) { print multipart_start(-type=>'image/png'); undef $/; open(IN, "$file.png") or die("Can't read '$file.png'"); $_ = ; print $_; close(IN); print multipart_end; if ($DELAY) { sleep $DELAY; } else { W: while (1) { # sleep(1); (undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, $nsize, undef, $nmtime) = stat "$file.png"; if($mtime != $nmtime || $size != $nsize) { $mtime = $nmtime; $size = $nsize; last W; } } } } tar'>pristine-tar dtv-scan-tables Debian packagingJonathan McCrohan
path: root/dvb-s/EutelsatW2-16E (unfollow)
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2014-10-15New Upstream Snapshot (commit d26b627)Jonathan McCrohan1-0/+10
2014-10-15Imported Upstream version 0+git20141009.d26b627upstream/0+git20141009.d26b627Jonathan McCrohan2010-11120/+159271
2014-07-23Release 0+git20140611.14bd6c7-1debian/0+git20140611.14bd6c7-1Jonathan McCrohan1-2/+2
2014-07-23New Upstream Snapshot (commit 14bd6c7)Jonathan McCrohan1-2/+3
2014-07-23Imported Upstream version 0+git20140611.14bd6c7upstream/0+git20140611.14bd6c7Jonathan McCrohan7-11/+60
2014-05-13New Upstream Snapshot (commit 1246b27)Jonathan McCrohan1-0/+6
2014-05-13Imported Upstream version 0+git20140512.1246b27upstream/0+git20140512.1246b27Jonathan McCrohan391-301/+3983
2014-04-05Release 0+git20140326.cfc2975-1debian/0+git20140326.cfc2975-1Jonathan McCrohan1-2/+2
2014-04-05d/control: update Homepage (upstream has moved from Gitweb to cgit)Jonathan McCrohan2-1/+2
2014-04-05New Upstream Snapshot (commit cfc2975)Jonathan McCrohan1-0/+6
2014-04-05Imported Upstream version 0+git20140326.cfc2975upstream/0+git20140326.cfc2975Jonathan McCrohan118-656/+877
2014-01-16Release 0+git20140107.1850cf8-1debian/0+git20140107.1850cf8-1Jonathan McCrohan1-2/+2
2014-01-16Update Standards Version to 3.9.5Jonathan McCrohan2-1/+9