/* $Id$ * $URL$ * * Libvncserver driver * * Copyright (C) 2009 Michael Vogt * Modified from sample code by: * Copyright (C) 2005 Michael Reinelt * Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 The LCD4Linux Team * * This file is part of LCD4Linux. * * LCD4Linux is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * LCD4Linux is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ /* * * exported fuctions: * * struct DRIVER drv_vnc * */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "debug.h" #include "cfg.h" #include "qprintf.h" #include "udelay.h" #include "plugin.h" #include "widget.h" #include "widget_text.h" #include "widget_icon.h" #include "widget_bar.h" #include "drv.h" #include "drv_generic_graphic.h" //todo: fps limiter // key widget /* 15 frames per second (if we can) */ #define PICTURE_TIMEOUT (1.0/15.0) static char Name[] = "VNC"; static rfbScreenInfoPtr server; static int xres = 320; static int yres = 200; static int BPP = 4; static int max_clients = 2; static int clientCount = 0; static void clientgone(rfbClientPtr cl) { if (clientCount > 0) clientCount--; debug("%d clients connected\n", clientCount); } static enum rfbNewClientAction newclient(rfbClientPtr cl) { if (clientCount < max_clients) { clientCount++; cl->clientGoneHook = clientgone; debug("%d clients connected\n", clientCount); return RFB_CLIENT_ACCEPT; } else { info("client refused due max. client connections (%d)\n", clientCount); return RFB_CLIENT_REFUSE; } } /* handle mouse action */ static void doptr(int buttonMask, int x, int y, rfbClientPtr cl) { if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < xres && y < yres) { if (buttonMask) { printf("btn:%d, x:%d, y:%d\n", buttonMask, x, y); } } rfbDefaultPtrAddEvent(buttonMask, x, y, cl); } static int drv_vnc_open(const char *Section) { if (cfg_number(Section, "xres", 320, 32, 2048, &xres) < 1) { info("[DRV_VNC] no '%s.xres' entry frXom %s using default %d", Section, cfg_source(), xres); } if (cfg_number(Section, "yres", 200, 32, 2048, &yres) < 1) { info("[DRV_VNC] no '%s.yres' entry from %s using default %d", Section, cfg_source(), yres); } if (cfg_number(Section, "bpp", 4, 1, 4, &BPP) < 1) { info("[DRV_VNC] no '%s.bpp' entry from %s using default %d", Section, cfg_source(), BPP); } if (cfg_number(Section, "maxclients", 2, 1, 64, &max_clients) < 1) { info("[DRV_VNC] no '%s.maxclients' entry from %s using default %d", Section, cfg_source(), max_clients); } return 0; } static int drv_vnc_close(void) { rfbShutdownServer(server, TRUE); free(server->frameBuffer); return 0; } static void drv_vnc_blit_it(const int row, const int col, const int height, const int width, unsigned char *buffer) { int r, c, ofs; RGBA p; for (r = row; r < row + height; r++) { for (c = col; c < col + width; c++) { p = drv_generic_graphic_rgb(r, c); ofs = (r * xres + c) * BPP; buffer[ofs++] = p.R; buffer[ofs++] = p.G; buffer[ofs++] = p.B; buffer[ofs] = 255; } } } static void drv_vnc_blit(const int row, const int col, const int height, const int width) { if (rfbIsActive(server)) { drv_vnc_blit_it(row, col, height, width, (unsigned char *) server->frameBuffer); if (clientCount > 0) { rfbMarkRectAsModified(server, 0, 0, xres, yres); } rfbProcessEvents(server, server->deferUpdateTime * 1000); } } /* start graphic display */ static int drv_vnc_start(const char *section) { char *s; s = cfg_get(section, "Font", "6x8"); if (s == NULL || *s == '\0') { error("%s: no '%s.Font' entry from %s", Name, section, cfg_source()); return -1; } XRES = -1; YRES = -1; if (sscanf(s, "%dx%d", &XRES, &YRES) != 2 || XRES < 1 || YRES < 1) { error("%s: bad Font '%s' from %s", Name, s, cfg_source()); return -1; } /* Fixme: provider other fonts someday... */ if (XRES != 6 && YRES != 8) { error("%s: bad Font '%s' from %s (only 6x8 at the moment)", Name, s, cfg_source()); return -1; } /* open communication with the display */ if (drv_vnc_open(section) < 0) { return -1; } /* you surely want to allocate a framebuffer or something... */ server = rfbGetScreen(0, NULL, xres, yres, 8, 3, BPP); server->desktopName = "LCD4Linux VNC Driver"; server->frameBuffer = (char *) malloc(xres * yres * BPP); server->alwaysShared = (1 == 1); server->ptrAddEvent = doptr; server->newClientHook = newclient; /* Initialize the server */ rfbInitServer(server); /* set width/height */ DROWS = yres; DCOLS = xres; return 0; } /****************************************/ /*** widget callbacks ***/ /****************************************/ /* using drv_generic_text_draw(W) */ /* using drv_generic_text_icon_draw(W) */ /* using drv_generic_text_bar_draw(W) */ /* using drv_generic_gpio_draw(W) */ /****************************************/ /*** exported functions ***/ /****************************************/ /* list models */ int drv_vnc_list(void) { printf("vnc server"); return 0; } /* initialize driver & display */ int drv_vnc_init(const char *section, const int quiet) { int ret; /* real worker functions */ drv_generic_graphic_real_blit = drv_vnc_blit; /* start display */ if ((ret = drv_vnc_start(section)) != 0) return ret; /* initialize generic graphic driver */ if ((ret = drv_generic_graphic_init(section, Name)) != 0) return ret; if (!quiet) { char buffer[40]; qprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s %dx%d", Name, DCOLS, DROWS); if (drv_generic_graphic_greet(buffer, NULL)) { sleep(3); drv_generic_graphic_clear(); } } return 0; } /* close driver & display */ int drv_vnc_quit(const int quiet) { info("%s: shutting down.", Name); /* clear display */ drv_generic_graphic_clear(); /* say goodbye... */ if (!quiet) { drv_generic_graphic_greet("goodbye!", NULL); } drv_generic_graphic_quit(); debug("closing connection"); drv_vnc_close(); return (0); } DRIVER drv_vnc = { .name = Name, .list = drv_vnc_list, .init = drv_vnc_init, .quit = drv_vnc_quit, };