/* $Id$ * $URL$ * * PICGraphic lcd4linux driver * * Copyright (C) 2009 Peter Bailey * Copyright (C) 2005 Michael Reinelt * Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007 The LCD4Linux Team * * This file is part of LCD4Linux. * * LCD4Linux is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * LCD4Linux is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ /* * * exported fuctions: * * struct DRIVER drv_PICGraphic * */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "debug.h" #include "cfg.h" #include "qprintf.h" #include "udelay.h" #include "plugin.h" #include "widget.h" #include "widget_text.h" #include "widget_icon.h" #include "widget_bar.h" #include "drv.h" #include "timer.h" #include "drv_generic_graphic.h" #include "drv_generic_gpio.h" #include "drv_generic_serial.h" #define min(a,b) (a < b ? a : b) static char Name[] = "PICGraphic"; //#define partialFrame /* example config: Display PICGraphic { Driver 'PICGraphic' Port '/dev/ttyS1' Contrast 8 # these could be automatic Size '48x128' Speed 115200 Font '6x8' } */ /* typedef struct { char *name; int columns; int rows; int max_contrast; int default_contrast; int gpo; int protocol; } MODEL; */ static char *fbPG = 0, delayDone = 0; void drv_PICGraphic_delay(void *arg) { (void)arg; delayDone = 1; debug("delay done"); } /****************************************/ /*** hardware-dependent functions ***/ /****************************************/ static int drv_PICGraphic_open(const char *section) { /* open serial port */ if (drv_generic_serial_open(section, Name, 0) < 0) return -1; return 0; } static int drv_PICGraphic_close(void) { /* close opened serial port */ return drv_generic_serial_close(); } static void convert2ASCII(char input, char *output) { unsigned char temp = input >> 4; if (temp < 10) output[0] = temp + '0'; else output[0] = temp - 10 + 'a'; input &= 0xf; if (input < 10) output[1] = input + '0'; else output[1] = input - 10 + 'a'; } static void drv_PICGraphic_send(const char *data, const unsigned int len) { unsigned int i; char hexDigits[3]; hexDigits[2] = 0; drv_generic_serial_write(data, len); info("sending %d bytes: ", len); for (i = 0; i < min(10, len); i++) { // min(10, len) convert2ASCII(data[i], hexDigits); debug("0x%s (%c)", hexDigits, data[i]); } } static int drv_PICGraphic_recv(char *dest, const unsigned int len, const char *expect) { unsigned int bytes = 0; int status; while (bytes < len) { status = drv_generic_serial_read((char *) dest + bytes, 1); if (status == 1) { if (dest[bytes] != 0xa && dest[bytes] != 0xd) { if (dest[bytes] != '@') { bytes += status; } } } else { info("error receiving response: %d", status); return status; } usleep(10000); } status = strncmp((const char *) dest, expect, len); if (!status) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } static void drv_PICGraphic_blit(const int row, const int col, const int height, const int width) { /* update a rectangular portion of the display */ int r, c, index, status; unsigned char cmd[5]; debug("blit from (%d,%d) to (%d,%d) out of (%d,%d)", row, col, row + height, col + width, DROWS, DCOLS); if (!fbPG) return; for (c = min(col, DCOLS - 1); c < min(col + width, DCOLS); c++) { for (r = min(row, DROWS - 1); r < min(row + height, DROWS); r++) { index = DCOLS * (r / 8) + c; if (index < 0 || index >= DCOLS * DROWS / 8) { error("index too large: %d, r: %d, c: %d", index, r, c); break; } if (drv_generic_graphic_black(r, c)) { fbPG[index] |= (1 << (r % 8)); } else { fbPG[index] &= ~(1 << (r % 8)); } } } // send rectangular portion with height divisible by 8 #ifdef partialFrame if (delayDone) { delayDone = 0; int row8, height8; row8 = 8 * (row / 8); height8 = 8 * (height / 8) + !!(height % 8); info("sending blit"); cmd[0] = 'b'; cmd[1] = row8; cmd[2] = col; cmd[3] = height8; cmd[4] = width; drv_PICGraphic_send(cmd, 5); for (r = min(row8, DROWS - 1); r < min(row8 + height8, DROWS); r += 8) { drv_PICGraphic_send(fbPG + DCOLS * (r / 8) + col, width); } } #else // send full frame if (delayDone) { delayDone = 0; info("sending frame"); cmd[0] = 'f'; drv_PICGraphic_send((char *) cmd, 1); drv_PICGraphic_send(fbPG, DROWS * DCOLS / 8); usleep(20000); // wait for reception of confirmation code status = drv_PICGraphic_recv((char *) cmd, 2, "ff"); if (!status) { info("received ff from device"); } else { info("did not receive ff from device"); } } #endif } static int drv_PICGraphic_GPO(const int num, const int val) { char cmd[3]; cmd[0] = 'g'; cmd[1] = val ? 's' : 'c'; cmd[2] = num; // todo: fixme // drv_PICGraphic_send(cmd, 3); return 0; } static int drv_PICGraphic_GPI(const int num) { char cmd[3]; int ret = 0; cmd[0] = 'g'; cmd[1] = 'r'; cmd[2] = num; // todo: fixme // drv_PICGraphic_send(cmd, 3); // ret = drv_generic_serial_read(cmd, 1); if (ret) return -1; else return cmd[0]; } /* example function used in a plugin */ static int drv_PICGraphic_contrast(int contrast) { char cmd[2]; /* adjust limits according to the display */ if (contrast < 0) contrast = 0; if (contrast > 15) contrast = 15; /* call a 'contrast' function */ cmd[0] = 'c'; cmd[1] = contrast; // todo: fixme // drv_PICGraphic_send(cmd, 2); return contrast; } /* start graphic display */ static int drv_PICGraphic_start2(const char *section) { char *s; char cmd[2]; int contrast, status, tick, tack; /* read display size from config */ s = cfg_get(section, "Size", NULL); if (s == NULL || *s == '\0') { error("%s: no '%s.Size' entry from %s", Name, section, cfg_source()); return -1; } DROWS = -1; DCOLS = -1; if (sscanf(s, "%dx%d", &DCOLS, &DROWS) != 2 || DCOLS < 1 || DROWS < 1) { error("%s: bad Size '%s' from %s", Name, s, cfg_source()); return -1; } s = cfg_get(section, "Font", "6x8"); if (s == NULL || *s == '\0') { error("%s: no '%s.Font' entry from %s", Name, section, cfg_source()); return -1; } XRES = -1; YRES = -1; if (sscanf(s, "%dx%d", &XRES, &YRES) != 2 || XRES < 1 || YRES < 1) { error("%s: bad Font '%s' from %s", Name, s, cfg_source()); return -1; } if (XRES != 6 && YRES != 8) { error("%s: bad Font '%s' from %s (only 6x8 at the moment)", Name, s, cfg_source()); return -1; } /* you surely want to allocate a framebuffer or something... */ fbPG = calloc(DCOLS * DROWS / 8, 1); if (!fbPG) { error("failed to allocate framebuffer"); return -1; } info("allocated framebuffer with size %d", DCOLS * DROWS / 8); if (cfg_number("Variables", "tick", 500, 100, 0, &tick) > 0 && cfg_number("Variables", "tack", 500, 100, 0, &tack) > 0) { info("tick & tack read from config"); timer_add(drv_PICGraphic_delay, 0, min(tick, tack), 0); // } else { info("tick & tack not read from config"); timer_add(drv_PICGraphic_delay, 0, 80, 0); // } /* open communication with the display */ if (drv_PICGraphic_open(section) < 0) { return -1; } /* reset & initialize display */ cmd[0] = 'i'; drv_PICGraphic_send(cmd, 1); usleep(10000); // wait for reception of confirmation code status = drv_PICGraphic_recv(cmd, 2, "fi"); if (!status) { info("received fi from device"); } else { info("did not receive fi from device"); } if (cfg_number(section, "Contrast", 8, 0, 15, &contrast) > 0) { drv_PICGraphic_contrast(contrast); } return 0; } /****************************************/ /*** plugins ***/ /****************************************/ static void plugin_contrast(RESULT * result, RESULT * arg1) { double contrast; contrast = drv_PICGraphic_contrast(R2N(arg1)); SetResult(&result, R_NUMBER, &contrast); } /****************************************/ /*** widget callbacks ***/ /****************************************/ /* using drv_generic_text_draw(W) */ /* using drv_generic_text_icon_draw(W) */ /* using drv_generic_text_bar_draw(W) */ /* using drv_generic_gpio_draw(W) */ /****************************************/ /*** exported functions ***/ /****************************************/ /* list models */ int drv_PICGraphic_list(void) { printf("PICGraphic serial-to-graphic by Peter Bailey"); return 0; } /* initialize driver & display */ int drv_PICGraphic_init2(const char *section, const int quiet) { int ret; /* real worker functions */ drv_generic_graphic_real_blit = drv_PICGraphic_blit; drv_generic_gpio_real_set = drv_PICGraphic_GPO; drv_generic_gpio_real_get = drv_PICGraphic_GPI; /* start display */ if ((ret = drv_PICGraphic_start2(section)) != 0) return ret; /* initialize generic graphic driver */ if ((ret = drv_generic_graphic_init(section, Name)) != 0) return ret; if (!quiet) { char buffer[40]; qprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s %dx%d", Name, DCOLS, DROWS); if (drv_generic_graphic_greet(buffer, NULL)) { sleep(3); drv_generic_graphic_clear(); // also clears main framebuffer } } /* register plugins */ AddFunction("LCD::contrast", 1, plugin_contrast); return 0; } /* close driver & display */ /* use this function for a graphic display */ int drv_PICGraphic_quit2(const int quiet) { info("%s: shutting down.", Name); /* clear display */ drv_generic_graphic_clear(); drv_generic_gpio_quit(); /* say goodbye... */ if (!quiet) { drv_generic_graphic_greet("goodbye!", NULL); } info("freeing framebuffer"); free(fbPG); drv_generic_graphic_quit(); debug("closing connection"); drv_PICGraphic_close(); return (0); } /* use this one for a graphic display */ DRIVER drv_PICGraphic = { .name = Name, .list = drv_PICGraphic_list, .init = drv_PICGraphic_init2, .quit = drv_PICGraphic_quit2, };