Display picoLCD {
Driver 'picoLCDGraphic'
Size '256x64'
Contrast 230
Backlight 1
Inverted 1
Icons 1
Variables {
n 0
nkey 0
page 0
title 0
rss1 'http://slashdot.org/slashdot.rdf'
rss2 'http://www.engadget.com/rss.xml'
rss 'http://www.linuxsecurity.com/static-content/debian.rss'
tick 500
tack 100
minute 60000
Widget TimerW {
class 'Timer'
expression n=LCD::GPI(1);nkey=n
active 1
update 100
# export PYTHONPATH which should point to the scripts usually /etc/picoLCDGraphic/Scripts
Widget RSSFeedInfo {
class 'Text'
#expression title=1+page;param='!'.title;python::exec('rsstimer', 'getfeed', rss.param)
expression rss.' page:'.page
width 42
align 'L'
style 'bold'
#update minute
update 500
Widget RSSFeedTitle1 {
class 'Text'
expression title=1+page;param='!'.title;python::exec('rsstimer', 'getfeed', rss.param)
width 42
prefix '>'
align 'L'
#update minute
update 500
Widget RSSFeedTitle2 {
class 'Text'
expression title=2+page;param='!'.title;python::exec('rsstimer', 'getfeed', rss.param)
width 42
prefix '>'
align 'L'
#update minute
update 500
Widget RSSFeedTitle3 {
class 'Text'
expression title=3+page;param='!'.title;python::exec('rsstimer', 'getfeed', rss.param)
width 42
prefix '>'
align 'L'
#update minute
update 500
Widget RSSFeedTitle4 {
class 'Text'
expression title=4+page;param='!'.title;python::exec('rsstimer', 'getfeed', rss.param)
width 42
prefix '>'
align 'L'
#update minute
update 500
Widget GPO_kback {
class 'GPO'
expression rss=nkey==1?rss1:rss
update 100
Widget GPO_khome {
class 'GPO'
expression rss=nkey==2?rss2:rss
update 100
Widget GPO_kup {
class 'GPO'
expression page=nkey==5?page-1:page#;nkey==5?1:0
update 100
Widget GPO_kdown {
class 'GPO'
expression page=nkey==7?page+1:page#;nkey==7?1:0
update 100
Layout picoLCD {
Row1 {
Col1 'RSSFeedInfo'
Row2 {
Col1 'RSSFeedTitle1'
Row4 {
Col1 'RSSFeedTitle2'
Row6 {
Col1 'RSSFeedTitle3'
Row8 {
Col1 'RSSFeedTitle4'
Timer1 'TimerW'
GPO1 'GPO_kback'
GPO2 'GPO_khome'
GPO3 'GPO_kup'
GPO4 'GPO_kdown'
Display 'picoLCD'
Layout 'picoLCD'
50b3028ffe3f56ac1fe9261d72ad03ad34a&follow=1'>au-Hobart (unfollow)