Display picoLCD {
    Driver   'picoLCDGraphic'
    Size     '256x64'
    Contrast  230
    Backlight 1
    Inverted   1
    Icons     1

Variables {
   n 0
   nkey 0
   currentImage ''
   mrtgDayImageURL ''
   mrtgWeekImageURL ''
   #currentFile '/tmp/'
   currentFile ' '
   tick 500
   tack 100
   minute 60000

Widget TimerW {
    class 'Timer'
    expression n=LCD::GPI(1);nkey=n!=0?n:nkey
    active 1
    update 100

# export PYTHONPATH which should point to the scripts usually /etc/picoLCDGraphic/Scripts
Widget MRTGMinute {
    class 'Text'
    expression currentFile=python::exec('mrtg', 'saveimage', currentImage)
    width 42
    #update minute
    update 100

Widget test {
    class 'Text'
    expression currentFile
    width 42
    #update minute
    update 100

# Python script will save the filename as taken from the URL above in the /etc/picoLCDGraphic/Images path
# Modify mrtg.py to save in another path and also change file tag below
Widget BandwidthImage {
    class 'Image'
    file currentFile
    visible 1
    inverted 0
    reload 1
    #update minute
    update 100
    #update tick

Widget GPO_kup {
   class 'GPO'
   expression currentImage=nkey==5?mrtgDayImageURL:currentImage;nkey==5?1:0
   update 300
  Widget GPO_kdown {
  class 'GPO'
  expression currentImage=nkey==7?mrtgWeekImageURL:currentImage;nkey==7?1:0
  update 300

Layout picoLCD {
    Row1 {
	Col1 'MRTGMinute'
    Layer 1 {
        X0.Y0 'BandwidthImage'
    Timer1 'TimerW'
    GPO2       'GPO_kup'
    GPO3       'GPO_kdown'

Display 'picoLCD'
Layout  'picoLCD'