/* $Id: bar.c,v 1.9 2003/10/05 17:58:50 reinelt Exp $ * * generic bar handling * * Copyright 2002 Michael Reinelt * * This file is part of LCD4Linux. * * LCD4Linux is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * LCD4Linux is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * * * $Log: bar.c,v $ * Revision 1.9 2003/10/05 17:58:50 reinelt * libtool junk; copyright messages cleaned up * * Revision 1.8 2003/09/09 05:30:34 reinelt * even more icons stuff * * Revision 1.7 2003/09/01 04:09:34 reinelt * icons nearly finished, but MatrixOrbital only * * Revision 1.6 2003/08/20 05:26:43 reinelt * small bug in bar compaction fixed * * Revision 1.5 2003/08/19 04:28:41 reinelt * more Icon stuff, minor glitches fixed * * Revision 1.4 2003/01/12 06:51:27 reinelt * fixed bug in bar compaction * * Revision 1.3 2002/08/19 07:52:19 reinelt * corrected type declaration of (*defchar)() * * Revision 1.2 2002/08/19 07:36:29 reinelt * * finished bar.c, USBLCD is the first driver that uses the generic bar functions * * Revision 1.1 2002/08/19 04:41:20 reinelt * introduced bar.c, moved bar stuff from display.h to bar.h * * */ /* * exported functions: * * int bar_init (int rows, int cols, int xres, int yres, int chars) * * void bar_clear(void) * * void bar_add_segment(int len1, int len2, int type, int ascii) * * int bar_draw (int type, int row, int col, int max, int len1, int len2) * * int bar_process (void(*defchar)(int ascii, char *matrix)) * * int bar_peek (int row, int col) * */ #include #include "bar.h" #include "debug.h" static int ROWS=0; static int COLS=0; static int XRES=0; static int YRES=0; static int CHARS=0; static int nSegment=0; static int fSegment=0; static SEGMENT Segment[128]; static BAR *Bar=NULL; int bar_init (int rows, int cols, int xres, int yres, int chars) { if (rows<1 || cols<1) return -1; ROWS=rows; COLS=cols; XRES=xres; YRES=yres; CHARS=chars; if (Bar) { free (Bar); } if ((Bar=malloc (ROWS*COLS*sizeof(BAR)))==NULL) { error ("bar buffer allocation failed: out of memory"); return -1; } bar_clear(); nSegment=0; fSegment=0; return 0; } void bar_clear(void) { int n; for (n=0; nmax) len1=max; if (len2<1) len2=1; else if (len2>max) len2=max; switch (type) { case BAR_L: len1=max-len1; len2=max-len2; rev=1; case BAR_R: while (max>0 && col=XRES) { Bar[row*COLS+col].len1=rev?0:XRES; len1-=XRES; } else { Bar[row*COLS+col].len1=rev?XRES-len1:len1; len1=0; } if (len2>=XRES) { Bar[row*COLS+col].len2=rev?0:XRES; len2-=XRES; } else { Bar[row*COLS+col].len2=rev?XRES-len2:len2; len2=0; } max-=XRES; col++; } break; case BAR_U: len1=max-len1; len2=max-len2; rev=1; case BAR_D: while (max>0 && row=YRES) { Bar[row*COLS+col].len1=rev?0:YRES; len1-=YRES; } else { Bar[row*COLS+col].len1=rev?YRES-len1:len1; len1=0; } if (len2>=YRES) { Bar[row*COLS+col].len2=rev?0:YRES; len2-=YRES; } else { Bar[row*COLS+col].len2=rev?YRES-len2:len2; len2=0; } max-=YRES; row++; } break; } return 0; } static void create_segments (void) { int RES; int i, j, n; int l1, l2; /* find first unused segment */ for (i=fSegment; iRES) l1=RES; l2=Segment[i].len2; if (l2>RES) l2=RES; if (l1 == Bar[n].len1 && l2 == Bar[n].len2) break; } } if (i==nSegment) { nSegment++; Segment[i].len1=Bar[n].len1; Segment[i].len2=Bar[n].len2; Segment[i].type=Bar[n].type; Segment[i].used=0; Segment[i].ascii=-1; } Bar[n].segment=i; } } static int segment_deviation (int i, int j) { int RES; int i1, i2, j1, j2; if (i==j) return 65535; if (!(Segment[i].type & Segment[j].type)) return 65535; RES=Segment[i].type & BAR_H ? XRES:YRES; i1=Segment[i].len1; if (i1>RES) i1=RES; i2=Segment[i].len2; if (i2>RES) i2=RES; j1=Segment[j].len1; if (j1>RES) j1=RES; j2=Segment[j].len2; if (j2>RES) j2=RES; if (i1==0 && j1!=0) return 65535; if (i2==0 && j2!=0) return 65535; if (i1==RES && j1 0) return 65535; if (i2==1 && j2!=1 && j1 > 0) return 65535; if (i1==i2 && j1!=j2) return 65535; return (i1-j1)*(i1-j1)+(i2-j2)*(i2-j2); } static void pack_segments (void) { int i, j, n, min; int pack_i, pack_j; int pass1=1; int deviation[nSegment][nSegment]; if (nSegment<=fSegment+CHARS) { return; } for (i=0; ifSegment+CHARS) { min=65535; pack_i=-1; pack_j=-1; for (i=fSegment; iJonathan McCrohan1-2/+2 2014-07-23New Upstream Snapshot (commit 14bd6c7)Jonathan McCrohan1-2/+3 2014-07-23Imported Upstream version 0+git20140611.14bd6c7upstream/0+git20140611.14bd6c7Jonathan McCrohan7-11/+60 2014-05-13New Upstream Snapshot (commit 1246b27)Jonathan McCrohan1-0/+6 2014-05-13Imported Upstream version 0+git20140512.1246b27upstream/0+git20140512.1246b27Jonathan McCrohan391-301/+3983 2014-04-05Release 0+git20140326.cfc2975-1debian/0+git20140326.cfc2975-1Jonathan McCrohan1-2/+2 2014-04-05d/control: update Homepage (upstream has moved from Gitweb to cgit)Jonathan McCrohan2-1/+2 2014-04-05New Upstream Snapshot (commit cfc2975)Jonathan McCrohan1-0/+6 2014-04-05Imported Upstream version 0+git20140326.cfc2975upstream/0+git20140326.cfc2975Jonathan McCrohan118-656/+877 2014-01-16Release 0+git20140107.1850cf8-1debian/0+git20140107.1850cf8-1Jonathan McCrohan1-2/+2 2014-01-16Update Standards Version to 3.9.5Jonathan McCrohan2-1/+9