diff options
authormichux <michux@3ae390bd-cb1e-0410-b409-cd5a39f66f1f>2008-02-25 17:06:00 +0000
committermichux <michux@3ae390bd-cb1e-0410-b409-cd5a39f66f1f>2008-02-25 17:06:00 +0000
commit26ee778b43d59a998d47595e9b05b96086525770 (patch)
parent533fb811bf2882ce7e8878a530aef4e674b82a90 (diff)
update mpd plugin to v0.8 - makefile needs some work now
git-svn-id: https://ssl.bulix.org/svn/lcd4linux/trunk@852 3ae390bd-cb1e-0410-b409-cd5a39f66f1f
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 201 insertions, 167 deletions
diff --git a/plugin_mpd.c b/plugin_mpd.c
index 5b5b053..7c666a1 100644
--- a/plugin_mpd.c
+++ b/plugin_mpd.c
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/* $Id$
* $URL$
- * mpd informations v0.7
+ * mpd informations v0.8
* Copyright (C) 2006 Stefan Kuhne <sk-privat@gmx.net>
* Copyright (C) 2007 Robert Buchholz <rbu@gentoo.org>
@@ -27,11 +27,6 @@
- * exported functions:
- *
- * int plugin_init_sample (void)
- * adds various functions
- *
* changelog v0.5 (20.11.2007):
* changed: mpd::artist(), mpd::title(), mpd::album()
* init code, call only if a function is used.
@@ -61,16 +56,19 @@
* changed: -connection handling improved, do not disconnect/reconnect for each query
* -> uses less ressources
+ * changelog v0.8 (30.01.2007):
+ * changed: -libmpd is not needed anymore, use libmpdclient.c instead
+ * fixed: -getMpdUptime()
+ * -getMpdPlaytime()
+ * -type definition
+ * added: -mpd::getSamplerateHz
+ * -getAudioChannels
- -what happens if the db is updating? int mpd_status_db_is_updating() 0/1
- -getMpdUptime() does not update its counter
- -getMpdPlaytime() does not update its counter
+ -what happens if the db is updating?
@@ -86,34 +84,33 @@ BUGS:
/* struct timeval */
#include <sys/time.h>
-/* you need libmpd to compile this plugin! http://sarine.nl/libmpd */
-#include <libmpd/libmpd.h>
+//source: http://www.musicpd.org/libmpdclient.shtml
+#include "libmpdclient.h"
#include <dmalloc.h>
/* current song */
-#define TAGLEN 512
-#define MAX_PATH 1024
-static char *artist[TAGLEN];
-static char *album[TAGLEN];
-static char *title[TAGLEN];
-static char *filename[MAX_PATH];
-static long l_totalTimeSec;
-static long l_elapsedTimeSec;
+static int l_totalTimeSec;
+static int l_elapsedTimeSec;
static int l_bitRate;
static int l_repeatEnabled;
static int l_randomEnabled;
static int l_state;
static int l_volume;
-static int l_songsInDb;
-static long l_mpdUptime;
-static long l_mpdPlaytime;
-static long l_mpdDbPlaytime;
-static long l_mpdPlaylistLength;
+static int l_numberOfSongs;
+static unsigned long l_uptime;
+static unsigned long l_playTime;
+static unsigned long l_dbPlayTime;
+static int l_playlistLength;
+/* pos in playlist */
static int l_currentSongPos;
+static unsigned int l_sampleRate;
+static int l_channels;
+static mpd_Song *currentSong;
/* connection information */
static char host[255];
@@ -122,16 +119,10 @@ static int iport;
static int waittime;
struct timeval timestamp;
-static MpdObj *mi = NULL;
+static mpd_Connection * conn;
static char Section[] = "Plugin:MPD";
-static void error_callback( __attribute__ ((unused)) MpdObj * mi, int errorid, char *msg, __attribute__ ((unused))
- void *userdata)
- debug("[MPD] caught error %i: '%s'", errorid, msg);
static int configure_mpd(void)
@@ -174,75 +165,109 @@ static int configure_mpd(void)
debug("[MPD] connection detail: [%s:%d]", host, iport);
- mi = mpd_new(host, iport, pw);
- mpd_signal_connect_error(mi, (ErrorCallback) error_callback, NULL);
- mpd_set_connection_timeout(mi, 5);
- configured = 1;
+ configured = 1;
+ //test connection - if it fails i dont care
+ conn = mpd_newConnection(host, iport, 10);
+ if(conn->error) {
+ error("[MPD] error mpd_newConnection: %s", conn->errorStr);
+ mpd_closeConnection(conn);
+ //return -1;
+ }
return configured;
static int mpd_update()
- int ret = -1;
- mpd_Song *song;
- static char *notagArt = "No artist tag";
- static char *notagTit = "No title tag";
- static char *notagAlb = "No album tag";
- static char *nofilename = "No Filename";
- struct timeval now;
- int len;
- //check if configured
- if (configure_mpd() < 0) {
- return -1;
- }
+ int ret = -1;
+ struct timeval now;
/* reread every 1000 msec only */
gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
int timedelta = (now.tv_sec - timestamp.tv_sec) * 1000 + (now.tv_usec - timestamp.tv_usec) / 1000;
- if (timedelta < waittime) {
+ if (timedelta < waittime) {
return 1;
- }
+ }
- //debug("[MPD] time delta: %i", timedelta);
+ //check if configured
+ if (configure_mpd() < 0) {
+ return -1;
+ }
- //send password if enabled
- if (pw[0] != 0)
- mpd_send_password(mi);
//check if connected
- if (mpd_check_connected(mi) != 1) {
- debug("[MPD] not connected, try to reconnect...");
- mpd_connect(mi);
- if (mpd_check_connected(mi) != 1) {
- debug("[MPD] connection failed, give up...");
- return -1;
+ if(conn->error) {
+ debug("[MPD] not connected, try to reconnect...");
+ mpd_closeConnection(conn);
+ conn = mpd_newConnection(host, iport, 10);
+ if(conn->error) {
+ error("[MPD] connection failed, give up...");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ debug("[MPD] connection ok...");
+ }
+ mpd_Status * status=NULL;
+ mpd_Stats *stats=NULL;
+ mpd_InfoEntity * entity;
+ mpd_sendCommandListOkBegin(conn);
+ mpd_sendStatsCommand(conn);
+ mpd_sendStatusCommand(conn);
+ mpd_sendCurrentSongCommand(conn);
+ mpd_sendCommandListEnd(conn);
+ stats = mpd_getStats(conn);
+ if(stats==NULL) {
+ error("[MPD] error mpd_getStats: %s", conn->errorStr);
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ mpd_nextListOkCommand(conn);
+ if((status = mpd_getStatus(conn))==NULL) {
+ error("[MPD] error mpd_nextListOkCommand: %s", conn->errorStr);
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ mpd_nextListOkCommand(conn);
+ while((entity = mpd_getNextInfoEntity(conn))) {
+ mpd_Song * song = entity->info.song;
+ if(entity->type!=MPD_INFO_ENTITY_TYPE_SONG) {
+ mpd_freeInfoEntity(entity);
+ continue;
- debug("[MPD] connection ok...");
+ if (currentSong!=NULL)
+ mpd_freeSong(currentSong);
+ currentSong = mpd_songDup(song);
+ mpd_freeInfoEntity(entity);
- ret = 0;
+ l_elapsedTimeSec = status->elapsedTime;
+ l_totalTimeSec = status->totalTime;
+ l_repeatEnabled = status->repeat;
+ l_randomEnabled = status->random;
+ l_bitRate = status->bitRate;
+ l_state = status->state;
+ l_volume = status->volume;
+ l_playlistLength = status->playlistLength;
+ l_currentSongPos = status->song+1;
+ l_sampleRate = status->sampleRate;
+ l_channels = status->channels;
- mpd_status_update(mi);
- l_elapsedTimeSec = mpd_status_get_elapsed_song_time(mi);
- l_bitRate = mpd_status_get_bitrate(mi);
- l_totalTimeSec = mpd_status_get_total_song_time(mi);
- l_repeatEnabled = mpd_player_get_repeat(mi);
- l_randomEnabled = mpd_player_get_random(mi);
- l_state = mpd_player_get_state(mi);
- l_volume = mpd_status_get_volume(mi);
- l_songsInDb = mpd_stats_get_total_songs(mi);
- l_mpdUptime = mpd_stats_get_uptime(mi);
- l_mpdPlaytime = mpd_stats_get_playtime(mi);
- l_mpdDbPlaytime = mpd_stats_get_db_playtime(mi);
- l_mpdPlaylistLength = mpd_playlist_get_playlist_length(mi);
- l_currentSongPos = mpd_player_get_current_song_pos(mi);
+ l_numberOfSongs = stats->numberOfSongs;
+ l_uptime = stats->uptime;
+ l_playTime = stats->playTime;
+ l_dbPlayTime = stats->dbPlayTime;
/* sanity checks */
if (l_volume < 0 || l_volume > 100)
l_volume = 0;
@@ -250,51 +275,29 @@ static int mpd_update()
if (l_bitRate < 0)
l_bitRate = 0;
- song = mpd_playlist_get_current_song(mi);
- if (song) {
- /* copy song information to local variables */
- memset(album, 0, TAGLEN);
- if (song->album != 0) {
- len = strlen(song->album);
- if (len > TAGLEN)
- len = TAGLEN;
- memcpy(album, song->album, len);
- } else
- memcpy(album, notagAlb, strlen(notagAlb));
- memset(artist, 0, TAGLEN);
- if (song->artist != 0) {
- len = strlen(song->artist);
- if (len > TAGLEN)
- len = TAGLEN;
- memcpy(artist, song->artist, len);
- } else
- memcpy(artist, notagArt, strlen(notagArt));
- memset(title, 0, TAGLEN);
- if (song->title != 0) {
- len = strlen(song->title);
- if (len > TAGLEN)
- len = TAGLEN;
- memcpy(title, song->title, len);
- } else
- memcpy(title, notagTit, strlen(notagTit));
- memset(filename, 0, MAX_PATH);
- if (song->file != 0) {
- len = strlen(song->file);
- if (len > MAX_PATH)
- len = MAX_PATH;
- memcpy(filename, song->file, len);
- } else
- memcpy(filename, nofilename, strlen(nofilename));
- }
+ if (l_elapsedTimeSec > l_totalTimeSec || l_elapsedTimeSec < 0)
+ l_elapsedTimeSec = 0;
+ ret = 0;
-// mpd_disconnect(mi); /* you need to disconnect here */
- gettimeofday(&timestamp, NULL);
+ if (stats!=NULL)
+ mpd_freeStats(stats);
+ if (status!=NULL)
+ mpd_freeStatus(status);
+ if(conn->error) {
+ error("[MPD] error: %s", conn->errorStr);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ mpd_finishCommand(conn);
+ if(conn->error) {
+ error("[MPD] error mpd_finishCommand: %s", conn->errorStr);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ gettimeofday(&timestamp, NULL);
return ret;
@@ -342,40 +345,57 @@ static void getRandomInt(RESULT * result)
SetResult(&result, R_NUMBER, &d);
+/* if no tag is availabe, use filename */
static void getArtist(RESULT * result)
- int cSong = mpd_update();
- if (cSong != 0) { /* inform user this information is cached... */
-// debug("[MPD] use cached artist information...");
- }
- SetResult(&result, R_STRING, artist);
+ mpd_update();
+ if (currentSong!=NULL) {
+ if (currentSong->artist!=NULL) {
+ SetResult(&result, R_STRING, currentSong->artist);
+ } else {
+ if (currentSong->file!=NULL)
+ SetResult(&result, R_STRING, currentSong->file);
+ else
+ SetResult(&result, R_STRING, "");
+ }
+ } else SetResult(&result, R_STRING, "");
static void getTitle(RESULT * result)
- int cSong = mpd_update();
- if (cSong != 0) { /* inform user this information is cached... */
-// debug("[MPD] use cached title information...");
- }
- SetResult(&result, R_STRING, title);
+ mpd_update();
+ if (currentSong!=NULL) {
+ if (currentSong->title!=NULL) {
+ SetResult(&result, R_STRING, currentSong->title);
+ } else SetResult(&result, R_STRING, "");
+ } else SetResult(&result, R_STRING, "");
static void getAlbum(RESULT * result)
- int cSong = mpd_update();
- if (cSong != 0) { /* inform user this information is cached... */
-// debug("[MPD] use cached album information...");
- }
- SetResult(&result, R_STRING, album);
+ mpd_update();
+ if (currentSong!=NULL) {
+ if (currentSong->album!=NULL)
+ SetResult(&result, R_STRING, currentSong->album);
+ else
+ SetResult(&result, R_STRING, "");
+ }
+ else SetResult(&result, R_STRING, "");
static void getFilename(RESULT * result)
- int cSong = mpd_update();
- if (cSong != 0) { /* inform user this information is cached... */
-// debug("[MPD] use cached filename information...");
- }
- SetResult(&result, R_STRING, filename);
+ mpd_update();
+ if (currentSong!=NULL) {
+ if (currentSong->file!=NULL)
+ SetResult(&result, R_STRING, currentSong->file);
+ else
+ SetResult(&result, R_STRING, "");
+ }
+ else SetResult(&result, R_STRING, "");
@@ -392,13 +412,13 @@ static void getStateInt(RESULT * result)
switch (l_state) {
ret = 1;
ret = 2;
ret = 3;
@@ -419,13 +439,12 @@ static void getVolume(RESULT * result)
SetResult(&result, R_NUMBER, &d);
-/* return the # of songs in thr mpd db .. */
+/* return the # of songs in the mpd db .. */
static void getSongsInDb(RESULT * result)
double d;
- d = (double)l_songsInDb;
- /* return 0..100 or < 0 when failed */
+ d = (double)l_numberOfSongs;
SetResult(&result, R_NUMBER, &d);
@@ -433,7 +452,7 @@ static void getMpdUptime(RESULT * result)
double d;
- d = (double)l_mpdUptime;
+ d = (double)l_uptime;
SetResult(&result, R_NUMBER, &d);
@@ -441,7 +460,7 @@ static void getMpdPlayTime(RESULT * result)
double d;
- d = (double)l_mpdPlaytime;
+ d = (double)l_playTime;
SetResult(&result, R_NUMBER, &d);
@@ -449,7 +468,7 @@ static void getMpdDbPlayTime(RESULT * result)
double d;
- d = (double)l_mpdDbPlaytime;
+ d = (double)l_dbPlayTime;
SetResult(&result, R_NUMBER, &d);
@@ -457,7 +476,7 @@ static void getMpdPlaylistLength(RESULT * result)
double d;
- d = (double)l_mpdPlaylistLength;
+ d = (double)l_playlistLength;
SetResult(&result, R_NUMBER, &d);
@@ -469,6 +488,22 @@ static void getCurrentSongPos(RESULT * result)
SetResult(&result, R_NUMBER, &d);
+static void getAudioChannels(RESULT * result)
+ double d;
+ mpd_update();
+ d = (double)l_channels;
+ SetResult(&result, R_NUMBER, &d);
+static void getSamplerateHz(RESULT * result)
+ double d;
+ mpd_update();
+ d = (double)l_sampleRate;
+ SetResult(&result, R_NUMBER, &d);
static void formatTimeMMSS(RESULT * result, RESULT * param)
@@ -515,18 +550,13 @@ static void formatTimeDDHHMM(RESULT * result, RESULT * param)
int plugin_init_mpd(void)
int check;
- debug("[MPD] v0.7, check lcd4linux configuration file...");
+ debug("[MPD] v0.8, check lcd4linux configuration file...");
check = configure_mpd();
if (check)
- debug("[MPD] done");
+ debug("[MPD] connected!");
- debug("[MPD] error!");
- memset(album, 0, TAGLEN);
- memset(artist, 0, TAGLEN);
- memset(title, 0, TAGLEN);
- memset(filename, 0, MAX_PATH);
+ debug("[MPD] error, NOT connected!");
gettimeofday(&timestamp, NULL);
@@ -537,6 +567,8 @@ int plugin_init_mpd(void)
AddFunction("mpd::totalTimeSec", 0, totalTimeSec);
AddFunction("mpd::elapsedTimeSec", 0, elapsedTimeSec);
AddFunction("mpd::bitRate", 0, bitRate);
+ AddFunction("mpd::getSamplerateHz", 0, getSamplerateHz);
+ AddFunction("mpd::getAudioChannels", 0, getAudioChannels);
AddFunction("mpd::getRepeatInt", 0, getRepeatInt);
AddFunction("mpd::getRandomInt", 0, getRandomInt);
AddFunction("mpd::getStateInt", 0, getStateInt);
@@ -558,5 +590,7 @@ int plugin_init_mpd(void)
void plugin_exit_mpd(void)
debug("[MPD] disconnect from mpd");
- mpd_free(mi);
+ if (currentSong!=NULL)
+ mpd_freeSong(currentSong);
+ mpd_closeConnection(conn);