path: root/dvb-t/it-Milano (follow)
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2010-09-01fix tuning parametersChristoph Pfister1-26/+26
2010-08-24update scan file for it-MilanoChristoph Pfister1-7/+41
submitted by stefano stalksoft.com
2008-07-22make scan files syntax more strict /3Christoph Pfister1-7/+7
fec of the low priority stream is NONE if hierarchy is disabled the replaced values are either AUTO, 1/2 (that's due to EN300468 signalling) or are the same as the fec of the high priority stream
2008-02-02update scan file for it-MilanoChristoph Pfister1-0/+2
2005-02-26submitted by Nico Sabbi and Gabriele Turchikenneth1-0/+13
rtions'>+0 2011-07-16update scan file us-Cable-Standard-center-frequencies-QAM256Christoph Pfister1-0/+36 2011-06-26update scan file for au-Sydney_North_ShoreChristoph Pfister1-1/+1