/* * wavemon - a wireless network monitoring aplication * * Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Jan Morgenstern * * wavemon is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later * version. * * wavemon is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with wavemon; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "iw_if.h" #define START_LINE 2 /* where to begin the screen */ /* GLOBALS */ static struct scan_result sr; static pthread_t scan_thread; static WINDOW *w_aplst; /** * Sanitize and format single scan entry as a string. * @cur: entry to format * @buf: buffer to put results into * @buflen: length of @buf */ static void fmt_scan_entry(struct scan_entry *cur, char buf[], size_t buflen) { size_t len = 0; if (!(cur->qual.updated & (IW_QUAL_QUAL_INVALID|IW_QUAL_LEVEL_INVALID))) len += snprintf(buf + len, buflen - len, "%3.0f%%, %.0f dBm", 1E2 * cur->qual.qual / sr.range.max_qual.qual, cur->dbm.signal); else if (!(cur->qual.updated & IW_QUAL_QUAL_INVALID)) len += snprintf(buf + len, buflen - len, "%2d/%d", cur->qual.qual, sr.range.max_qual.qual); else if (!(cur->qual.updated & IW_QUAL_LEVEL_INVALID)) len += snprintf(buf + len, buflen - len, "%.0f dBm", cur->dbm.signal); else len += snprintf(buf + len, buflen - len, "? dBm"); if (cur->freq < 1e3) len += snprintf(buf + len, buflen - len, ", Chan %2.0f", cur->freq); else if (cur->chan >= 0) len += snprintf(buf + len, buflen - len, ", %s %3d, %g MHz", cur->freq < 5e9 ? "ch" : "CH", cur->chan, cur->freq / 1e6); else len += snprintf(buf + len, buflen - len, ", %g GHz", cur->freq / 1e9); /* Access Points are marked by CP_SCAN_CRYPT/CP_SCAN_UNENC already */ if (cur->mode != IW_MODE_MASTER) len += snprintf(buf + len, buflen - len, " %s", iw_opmode(cur->mode)); if (cur->flags) len += snprintf(buf + len, buflen - len, ", %s", format_enc_capab(cur->flags, "/")); } static void display_aplist(WINDOW *w_aplst) { char s[IW_ESSID_MAX_SIZE << 3]; const char *sort_type[] = { [SO_CHAN] = "Chan", [SO_SIGNAL] = "Sig", [SO_ESSID] = "Essid", [SO_OPEN] = "Open", [SO_CHAN_SIG] = "Ch/Sg", [SO_OPEN_SIG] = "Op/Sg" }; int i, col, line = START_LINE; struct scan_entry *cur; /* Scanning can take several seconds - do not refresh if locked. */ if (pthread_mutex_trylock(&sr.mutex)) return; if (sr.head || *sr.msg) for (i = 1; i <= MAXYLEN; i++) mvwclrtoborder(w_aplst, i, 1); if (!sr.head) waddstr_center(w_aplst, WAV_HEIGHT/2 - 1, sr.msg); sort_scan_list(&sr.head); /* Truncate overly long access point lists to match screen height. */ for (cur = sr.head; cur && line < MAXYLEN; line++, cur = cur->next) { col = CP_SCAN_NON_AP; if (cur->mode == IW_MODE_MASTER) col = cur->has_key ? CP_SCAN_CRYPT : CP_SCAN_UNENC; wmove(w_aplst, line, 1); if (!*cur->essid) { sprintf(s, "%-*s ", sr.max_essid_len, ""); wattron(w_aplst, COLOR_PAIR(col)); waddstr(w_aplst, s); } else if (str_is_ascii(cur->essid)) { sprintf(s, "%-*s ", sr.max_essid_len, cur->essid); waddstr_b(w_aplst, s); wattron(w_aplst, COLOR_PAIR(col)); } else { sprintf(s, "%-*s ", sr.max_essid_len, ""); wattron(w_aplst, COLOR_PAIR(col)); waddstr(w_aplst, s); } waddstr(w_aplst, ether_addr(&cur->ap_addr)); wattroff(w_aplst, COLOR_PAIR(col)); fmt_scan_entry(cur, s, sizeof(s)); waddstr(w_aplst, " "); waddstr(w_aplst, s); } if (sr.num.entries < MAX_CH_STATS) goto done; wmove(w_aplst, MAXYLEN, 1); wadd_attr_str(w_aplst, A_REVERSE, "total:"); sprintf(s, " %d ", sr.num.entries); waddstr(w_aplst, s); sprintf(s, "%s %ssc", sort_type[conf.scan_sort_order], conf.scan_sort_asc ? "a" : "de"); wadd_attr_str(w_aplst, A_REVERSE, s); if (sr.num.entries + START_LINE > line) { sprintf(s, ", %d not shown", sr.num.entries + START_LINE - line); waddstr(w_aplst, s); } if (sr.num.open) { sprintf(s, ", %d open", sr.num.open); waddstr(w_aplst, s); } if (sr.num.two_gig && sr.num.five_gig) { waddch(w_aplst, ' '); wadd_attr_str(w_aplst, A_REVERSE, "5/2GHz:"); sprintf(s, " %d/%d", sr.num.five_gig, sr.num.two_gig); waddstr(w_aplst, s); } if (sr.channel_stats) { waddch(w_aplst, ' '); if (conf.scan_sort_order == SO_CHAN && !conf.scan_sort_asc) sprintf(s, "bottom-%d:", (int)sr.num.ch_stats); else sprintf(s, "top-%d:", (int)sr.num.ch_stats); wadd_attr_str(w_aplst, A_REVERSE, s); for (i = 0; i < sr.num.ch_stats; i++) { waddstr(w_aplst, i ? ", " : " "); sprintf(s, "ch#%d", sr.channel_stats[i].val); wadd_attr_str(w_aplst, A_BOLD, s); sprintf(s, " (%d)", sr.channel_stats[i].count); waddstr(w_aplst, s); } } done: pthread_mutex_unlock(&sr.mutex); wrefresh(w_aplst); } void scr_aplst_init(void) { w_aplst = newwin_title(0, WAV_HEIGHT, "Scan window", false); /* Gathering scan data can take seconds. Inform user. */ mvwaddstr(w_aplst, START_LINE, 1, "Waiting for scan data ..."); wrefresh(w_aplst); scan_result_init(&sr); pthread_create(&scan_thread, NULL, do_scan, &sr); } int scr_aplst_loop(WINDOW *w_menu) { int key; display_aplist(w_aplst); key = wgetch(w_menu); switch (key) { case 'a': /* ascending */ conf.scan_sort_asc = true; return -1; case 'c': /* channel */ conf.scan_sort_order = SO_CHAN; return -1; case 'C': /* channel and signal */ conf.scan_sort_order = SO_CHAN_SIG; return -1; case 'd': /* descending */ conf.scan_sort_asc = false; return -1; case 'e': /* ESSID */ conf.scan_sort_order = SO_ESSID; return -1; case 'o': /* open (descending is default) */ conf.scan_sort_order = SO_OPEN; conf.scan_sort_asc = false; return -1; case 'O': /* open and signal (descending) */ conf.scan_sort_order = SO_OPEN_SIG; conf.scan_sort_asc = false; return -1; case 's': /* signal */ conf.scan_sort_order = SO_SIGNAL; return -1; } return key; } void scr_aplst_fini(void) { pthread_cancel(scan_thread); scan_result_fini(&sr); delwin(w_aplst); }