/* * Auxiliary declarations and functions imported from iwlib in order to * process and parse scan events. This code is copied with little change * from wireless tools 30. It remains here until the wext code will be * replaced by corresponding netlink calls. */ #include "iw_if.h" #include /* lsearch(3) */ #include #include #include #include "iw_nl80211.h" /* GLOBAL VARIABLES */ static struct nl_sock *scan_wait_sk; /* * Ordering functions for scan results: all return true for a < b. */ /* Order by frequency. */ static bool cmp_freq(const struct scan_entry *a, const struct scan_entry *b) { return a->freq < b->freq; } /* Order by signal strength. */ static bool cmp_sig(const struct scan_entry *a, const struct scan_entry *b) { if (!a->bss_signal && !b->bss_signal) return a->bss_signal_qual < b->bss_signal_qual; return a->bss_signal < b->bss_signal; } /* Order by ESSID, organize entries with same ESSID by frequency and signal. */ static bool cmp_essid(const struct scan_entry *a, const struct scan_entry *b) { int res = strncmp(a->essid, b->essid, IW_ESSID_MAX_SIZE); return res == 0 ? (a->freq == b->freq ? cmp_sig(a, b) : cmp_freq(a, b)) : res < 0; } /* Order by MAC address */ static bool cmp_mac(const struct scan_entry *a, const struct scan_entry *b) { return memcmp(&a->ap_addr, &b->ap_addr, sizeof(a->ap_addr)) < 0; } /* Order by frequency, grouping channels by ESSID. */ static bool cmp_chan(const struct scan_entry *a, const struct scan_entry *b) { return a->freq == b->freq ? cmp_essid(a, b) : cmp_freq(a, b); } /* Order by frequency first, then by signal strength. */ static bool cmp_chan_sig(const struct scan_entry *a, const struct scan_entry *b) { return a->freq == b->freq ? cmp_sig(a, b) : cmp_chan(a, b); } /* Order by openness (open access points frist). */ static bool cmp_open(const struct scan_entry *a, const struct scan_entry *b) { return a->has_key < b->has_key; } /* Sort (open) access points by signal strength. */ static bool cmp_open_sig(const struct scan_entry *a, const struct scan_entry *b) { return a->has_key == b->has_key ? cmp_sig(a, b) : cmp_open(a, b); } static bool (*scan_cmp[])(const struct scan_entry *, const struct scan_entry *) = { [SO_CHAN] = cmp_chan, [SO_SIGNAL] = cmp_sig, [SO_MAC] = cmp_mac, [SO_ESSID] = cmp_essid, [SO_OPEN] = cmp_open, [SO_CHAN_SIG] = cmp_chan_sig, [SO_OPEN_SIG] = cmp_open_sig }; /* * Scan event handling */ /* Callback event handler */ static int wait_event(struct nl_msg *msg, void *arg) { struct wait_event *wait = arg; struct genlmsghdr *gnlh = nlmsg_data(nlmsg_hdr(msg)); int i; for (i = 0; i < wait->n_cmds; i++) { if (gnlh->cmd == wait->cmds[i]) wait->cmd = gnlh->cmd; } return NL_SKIP; } /** * Wait for scan result notification sent by the kernel * Returns true if scan results are available, false if scan was aborted. * Taken from iw:event.c:__do_listen_events */ static bool wait_for_scan_events(struct scan_result *sr) { static const uint32_t cmds[] = { NL80211_CMD_NEW_SCAN_RESULTS, NL80211_CMD_SCAN_ABORTED, }; struct wait_event wait_ev = { .cmds = cmds, .n_cmds = ARRAY_SIZE(cmds), .cmd = 0 }; struct nl_cb *cb; if (!scan_wait_sk) scan_wait_sk = alloc_nl_mcast_sk("scan"); cb = nl_cb_alloc(IW_NL_CB_DEBUG ? NL_CB_DEBUG : NL_CB_DEFAULT); if (!cb) err_sys("failed to allocate netlink callbacks"); /* no sequence checking for multicast messages */ nl_cb_set(cb, NL_CB_SEQ_CHECK, NL_CB_CUSTOM, no_seq_check, NULL); nl_cb_set(cb, NL_CB_VALID, NL_CB_CUSTOM, wait_event, &wait_ev); while (!wait_ev.cmd) nl_recvmsgs(scan_wait_sk, cb); nl_cb_put(cb); return wait_ev.cmd == NL80211_CMD_NEW_SCAN_RESULTS; } /** * Scan result handler. Stolen from iw:scan.c * This also updates the scan-result statistics. */ int scan_dump_handler(struct nl_msg *msg, void *arg) { struct scan_result *sr = (struct scan_result *)arg; struct scan_entry *new = calloc(1, sizeof(*new)); struct genlmsghdr *gnlh = nlmsg_data(nlmsg_hdr(msg)); struct nlattr *tb[NL80211_ATTR_MAX + 1]; struct nlattr *bss[NL80211_BSS_MAX + 1]; static struct nla_policy bss_policy[NL80211_BSS_MAX + 1] = { [NL80211_BSS_TSF] = { .type = NLA_U64 }, [NL80211_BSS_FREQUENCY] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, [NL80211_BSS_BSSID] = { }, [NL80211_BSS_BEACON_INTERVAL] = { .type = NLA_U16 }, [NL80211_BSS_CAPABILITY] = { .type = NLA_U16 }, [NL80211_BSS_INFORMATION_ELEMENTS] = { }, [NL80211_BSS_SIGNAL_MBM] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, [NL80211_BSS_SIGNAL_UNSPEC] = { .type = NLA_U8 }, [NL80211_BSS_STATUS] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, [NL80211_BSS_SEEN_MS_AGO] = { .type = NLA_U32 }, [NL80211_BSS_BEACON_IES] = { }, }; nla_parse(tb, NL80211_ATTR_MAX, genlmsg_attrdata(gnlh, 0), genlmsg_attrlen(gnlh, 0), NULL); if (!tb[NL80211_ATTR_BSS]) return NL_SKIP; if (nla_parse_nested(bss, NL80211_BSS_MAX, tb[NL80211_ATTR_BSS], bss_policy)) return NL_SKIP; if (!bss[NL80211_BSS_BSSID]) return NL_SKIP; new = calloc(1, sizeof(*new)); if (!new) err_sys("failed to allocate scan entry"); memcpy(&new->ap_addr, nla_data(bss[NL80211_BSS_BSSID]), sizeof(new->ap_addr)); if (bss[NL80211_BSS_FREQUENCY]) { new->freq = nla_get_u32(bss[NL80211_BSS_FREQUENCY]); new->chan = ieee80211_frequency_to_channel(new->freq); } if (bss[NL80211_BSS_SIGNAL_UNSPEC]) new->bss_signal_qual = nla_get_u8(bss[NL80211_BSS_SIGNAL_UNSPEC]); if (bss[NL80211_BSS_SIGNAL_MBM]) { int s = nla_get_u32(bss[NL80211_BSS_SIGNAL_MBM]); new->bss_signal = s / 100; } if (bss[NL80211_BSS_CAPABILITY]) { new->bss_capa = nla_get_u16(bss[NL80211_BSS_CAPABILITY]); new->has_key = (new->bss_capa & WLAN_CAPABILITY_PRIVACY) != 0; } if (bss[NL80211_BSS_SEEN_MS_AGO]) new->last_seen = nla_get_u32(bss[NL80211_BSS_SEEN_MS_AGO]); if (bss[NL80211_BSS_TSF]) new->tsf = nla_get_u64(bss[NL80211_BSS_TSF]); if (bss[NL80211_BSS_INFORMATION_ELEMENTS]) { uint8_t *ie = nla_data(bss[NL80211_BSS_INFORMATION_ELEMENTS]); int ielen = nla_len(bss[NL80211_BSS_INFORMATION_ELEMENTS]); uint8_t len = ie[1]; while (ielen >= 2 && ielen >= ie[1]) { switch (ie[0]) { case 0: /* SSID */ if (len > 0 && len <= 32) print_ssid_escaped(new->essid, sizeof(new->essid), ie+2, len); break; case 11: /* BSS Load */ if (len >= 5) { new->bss_sta_count = ie[3] << 8 | ie[2]; new->bss_chan_usage = ie[4]; } break; } ielen -= ie[1] + 2; ie += ie[1] + 2; } } /* Update stats */ new->next = sr->head; sr->head = new; if (str_is_ascii(new->essid)) sr->max_essid_len = clamp(strlen(new->essid), sr->max_essid_len, IW_ESSID_MAX_SIZE); if (new->freq > 45000) /* 802.11ad 60GHz spectrum */ err_quit("FIXME: can not handle %d MHz spectrum yet", new->freq); else if (new->freq >= 5000) sr->num.five_gig++; else if (new->freq >= 2000) sr->num.two_gig++; sr->num.entries += 1; sr->num.open += !new->has_key; return NL_SKIP; } static int iw_nl80211_scan_trigger(void) { static struct cmd cmd_trigger_scan = { .cmd = NL80211_CMD_TRIGGER_SCAN, }; return handle_cmd(&cmd_trigger_scan); } static int iw_nl80211_get_scan_data(struct scan_result *sr) { static struct cmd cmd_scan_dump = { .cmd = NL80211_CMD_GET_SCAN, .flags = NLM_F_DUMP, .handler = scan_dump_handler }; memset(sr, 0, sizeof(*sr)); cmd_scan_dump.handler_arg = sr; return handle_cmd(&cmd_scan_dump); } /* * Simple sort routine. * FIXME: use hash or tree to store entries, a list to display them. */ void sort_scan_list(struct scan_entry **headp) { struct scan_entry *head = NULL, *cur, *new = *headp, **prev; while (new) { for (cur = head, prev = &head; cur && conf.scan_sort_asc == scan_cmp[conf.scan_sort_order](cur, new); prev = &cur->next, cur = cur->next) ; *prev = new; new = new->next; (*prev)->next = cur; } *headp = head; } static void free_scan_list(struct scan_entry *head) { if (head) { free_scan_list(head->next); free(head); } } static void clear_scan_list(struct scan_result *sr) { pthread_mutex_lock(&sr->mutex); free_scan_list(sr->head); free(sr->channel_stats); sr->head = NULL; sr->channel_stats = NULL; sr->msg[0] = '\0'; sr->max_essid_len = MAX_ESSID_LEN; memset(&(sr->num), 0, sizeof(sr->num)); pthread_mutex_unlock(&sr->mutex); } /* * Channel statistics shown at the bottom of scan screen. */ /* * For lsearch, it compares key value with array member, needs to * return 0 if they are the same, non-0 otherwise. */ static int cmp_key(const void *a, const void *b) { return ((struct cnt *)a)->val - ((struct cnt *)b)->val; } /* For quick-sorting the array in descending order of counts */ static int cmp_cnt(const void *a, const void *b) { if (conf.scan_sort_order == SO_CHAN && !conf.scan_sort_asc) return ((struct cnt *)a)->count - ((struct cnt *)b)->count; return ((struct cnt *)b)->count - ((struct cnt *)a)->count; } /** * Fill in sr->channel_stats (must not have been allocated yet). */ static void compute_channel_stats(struct scan_result *sr) { struct scan_entry *cur; struct cnt *bin, key = {0, 0}; size_t n = 0; if (!sr->num.entries) return; sr->channel_stats = calloc(sr->num.entries, sizeof(key)); for (cur = sr->head; cur; cur = cur->next) { if (cur->chan >= 0) { key.val = cur->chan; bin = lsearch(&key, sr->channel_stats, &n, sizeof(key), cmp_key); if (bin) bin->count++; } } if (n > 0) { qsort(sr->channel_stats, n, sizeof(key), cmp_cnt); } else { free(sr->channel_stats); sr->channel_stats = NULL; } sr->num.ch_stats = n < MAX_CH_STATS ? n : MAX_CH_STATS; } /* * Scan results. */ void scan_result_init(struct scan_result *sr) { pthread_mutexattr_t ma; memset(sr, 0, sizeof(*sr)); pthread_mutexattr_init(&ma); if (pthread_mutexattr_setrobust(&ma, PTHREAD_MUTEX_ROBUST) < 0) err_sys("Failed to set the mutex robust attribute"); pthread_mutex_init(&sr->mutex, &ma); } void scan_result_fini(struct scan_result *sr) { /* FIXME: this may have a bug on resource de-allocation, if the main thread still holds the lock */ free_scan_list(sr->head); free(sr->channel_stats); pthread_mutex_destroy(&sr->mutex); } /** The actual scan thread. */ void *do_scan(void *sr_ptr) { struct scan_result *sr = sr_ptr; sigset_t blockmask; int ret = 0; /* SIGWINCH is supposed to be handled in the main thread. */ sigemptyset(&blockmask); sigaddset(&blockmask, SIGWINCH); pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &blockmask, NULL); pthread_detach(pthread_self()); do { clear_scan_list(sr); ret = iw_nl80211_scan_trigger(); switch(-ret) { case 0: case EBUSY: /* Trigger returns -EBUSY if a scan request is pending or ready. */ if (!wait_for_scan_events(sr)) { snprintf(sr->msg, sizeof(sr->msg), "Waiting for scan data..."); } else { pthread_mutex_lock(&sr->mutex); ret = iw_nl80211_get_scan_data(sr); if (ret < 0) { snprintf(sr->msg, sizeof(sr->msg), "Scan failed on %s: %s", conf_ifname(), strerror(-ret)); } else if (!sr->head) { snprintf(sr->msg, sizeof(sr->msg), "Empty scan results on %s", conf_ifname()); } compute_channel_stats(sr); pthread_mutex_unlock(&sr->mutex); } break; case EPERM: if (!has_net_admin_capability()) snprintf(sr->msg, sizeof(sr->msg), "This screen requires CAP_NET_ADMIN permissions"); return NULL; case EFAULT: /* EFAULT can occur after a window resizing event: temporary, fall through. */ case EINTR: case EAGAIN: /* Temporary errors. */ snprintf(sr->msg, sizeof(sr->msg), "Waiting for device to become ready ..."); break; case ENETDOWN: if (!if_is_up(conf_ifname())) { snprintf(sr->msg, sizeof(sr->msg), "Interface %s is down - setting it up ...", conf_ifname()); if (if_set_up(conf_ifname()) < 0) err_sys("Can not bring up interface '%s'", conf_ifname()); break; } /* fall through */ default: snprintf(sr->msg, sizeof(sr->msg), "Scan trigger failed on %s: %s", conf_ifname(), strerror(-ret)); } } while (usleep(conf.stat_iv * 1000) == 0); return NULL; }