path: root/lhist_scr.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 324 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lhist_scr.c b/lhist_scr.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c09e48e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lhist_scr.c
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+ * wavemon - a wireless network monitoring aplication
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Jan Morgenstern <>
+ *
+ * wavemon is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+ * Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+ * version.
+ *
+ * wavemon is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+ * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+ * details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with wavemon; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#include "iw_if.h"
+/* Number of lines in the key window at the bottom */
+#define KEY_WIN_HEIGHT 3
+/* Total number of lines in the histogram window */
+ * Analogous to MAXYLEN, the following sets both the
+ * - highest y/line index and the
+ * - total count of lines inside the histogram window.
+ */
+/* GLOBALS */
+static WINDOW *w_lhist, *w_key;
+ * Keeping track of global minima/maxima
+ */
+static struct iw_extrema {
+ bool initialised;
+ float min;
+ float max;
+} e_signal, e_noise, e_snr;
+static void init_extrema(struct iw_extrema *ie)
+ memset(ie, 0, sizeof(*ie));
+static void track_extrema(const float new_sample, struct iw_extrema *ie)
+ if (! ie->initialised) {
+ ie->initialised = true;
+ ie->min = ie->max = new_sample;
+ } else if (new_sample < ie->min) {
+ ie->min = new_sample;
+ } else if (new_sample > ie->max) {
+ ie->max = new_sample;
+ }
+static char *fmt_extrema(const struct iw_extrema *ie, const char *unit)
+ static char range[256];
+ if (! ie->initialised)
+ snprintf(range, sizeof(range), "unknown");
+ else if (ie->min == ie->max)
+ snprintf(range, sizeof(range), "%+.0f %s", ie->min, unit);
+ else
+ snprintf(range, sizeof(range), "%+.0f..%+.0f %s", ie->min,
+ ie->max, unit);
+ return range;
+ * Simple array-based circular FIFO buffer
+ * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ *
+ * Insertion works from lower to higher indices.
+ * Access works from higher down to lower indices.
+ *
+ * Cases & assumptions:
+ * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ * - principle: unsigned counter + hash function to handle array wrap-around;
+ * - buffer is empty if count == 0;
+ * - else count indicates the next place to insert(modulo %IW_STACKSIZE).
+ */
+#define IW_STACKSIZE 1024
+static struct iw_levelstat iw_stats_cache[IW_STACKSIZE];
+static uint32_t count;
+#define COUNTMAX (typeof(count))-1
+static void iw_cache_insert(const struct iw_levelstat new)
+ iw_stats_cache[count % IW_STACKSIZE] = new;
+ /*
+ * Handle counter overflow by mapping into a smaller index which is
+ * identical (modulo %IW_STACKSIZE) to the old value. (The datatype
+ * of 'count' must be able to express at least 2 * IW_STACKSIZE.)
+ */
+ if (++count == COUNTMAX)
+static struct iw_levelstat iw_cache_get(const uint32_t index)
+ struct iw_levelstat zero = IW_LSTAT_INIT;
+ if (index > IW_STACKSIZE || index > count)
+ return zero;
+ return iw_stats_cache[(count - index) % IW_STACKSIZE];
+void iw_cache_update(struct iw_stat *iw)
+ static struct iw_levelstat prev, avg = IW_LSTAT_INIT;
+ static int slot;
+ if (! (iw->stat.qual.updated & IW_QUAL_LEVEL_INVALID)) {
+ avg.flags &= ~IW_QUAL_LEVEL_INVALID;
+ avg.signal += iw->dbm.signal / conf.slotsize;
+ track_extrema(iw->dbm.signal, &e_signal);
+ }
+ if (! (iw->stat.qual.updated & IW_QUAL_NOISE_INVALID)) {
+ avg.flags &= ~IW_QUAL_NOISE_INVALID;
+ avg.noise += iw->dbm.noise / conf.slotsize;
+ track_extrema(iw->dbm.noise, &e_noise);
+ track_extrema(iw->dbm.signal - iw->dbm.noise, &e_snr);
+ }
+ if (++slot >= conf.slotsize) {
+ iw_cache_insert(avg);
+ if (conf.lthreshold_action &&
+ prev.signal < conf.lthreshold &&
+ avg.signal >= conf.lthreshold)
+ threshold_action(conf.lthreshold);
+ else if (conf.hthreshold_action &&
+ prev.signal > conf.hthreshold &&
+ avg.signal <= conf.hthreshold)
+ threshold_action(conf.hthreshold);
+ prev = avg;
+ avg.signal = avg.noise = slot = 0;
+ }
+ * Histogram-specific display functions
+ */
+static double hist_level(double val, int min, int max)
+ return map_range(val, min, max, 1, HIST_MAXYLEN);
+/* Order needs to be reversed as y-coordinates grow downwards */
+static int hist_y(int yval)
+ return reverse_range(yval, 1, HIST_MAXYLEN);
+/* Values come in from the right, so 'x' also needs to be reversed */
+static int hist_x(int xval)
+ return reverse_range(xval, 1, MAXXLEN);
+/* plot single values, without clamping to min/max */
+static void hist_plot(double yval, int xval, enum colour_pair plot_colour)
+ double level, fraction;
+ chtype ch;
+ fraction = modf(yval, &level);
+ if (in_range(level, 1, HIST_MAXYLEN)) {
+ /*
+ * The 5 different scanline chars provide a pretty good accuracy.
+ * ncurses will fall back to standard ASCII chars anyway if they
+ * are not available.
+ */
+ if (fraction < 0.2)
+ ch = ACS_S9;
+ else if (fraction < 0.4)
+ ch = ACS_S7;
+ else if (fraction < 0.6)
+ ch = ACS_HLINE;
+ else if (fraction < 0.8)
+ ch = ACS_S3;
+ else
+ ch = ACS_S1;
+ wattrset(w_lhist, COLOR_PAIR(plot_colour) | A_BOLD);
+ mvwaddch(w_lhist, hist_y(level), hist_x(xval), ch);
+ }
+static void display_lhist(void)
+ struct iw_levelstat iwl;
+ double snr_level, noise_level, sig_level;
+ enum colour_pair plot_colour;
+ int x, y;
+ for (x = 1; x <= MAXXLEN; x++) {
+ iwl = iw_cache_get(x);
+ /* Clear screen and set up horizontal grid lines */
+ wattrset(w_lhist, COLOR_PAIR(CP_STATBKG));
+ for (y = 1; y <= HIST_MAXYLEN; y++)
+ mvwaddch(w_lhist, hist_y(y), hist_x(x), y % 5 ? ' ' : '-');
+ /*
+ * SNR comes first, as it determines the background. If either
+ * noise or signal is invalid, set level below minimum value to
+ * indicate that no background is present.
+ */
+ snr_level = 0;
+ } else {
+ snr_level = hist_level(iwl.signal - iwl.noise,
+ conf.sig_min - conf.noise_max,
+ conf.sig_max - conf.noise_min);
+ wattrset(w_lhist, COLOR_PAIR(CP_STATSNR));
+ for (y = 1; y <= clamp(snr_level, 1, HIST_MAXYLEN); y++)
+ mvwaddch(w_lhist, hist_y(y), hist_x(x), ' ');
+ }
+ if (! (iwl.flags & IW_QUAL_NOISE_INVALID)) {
+ noise_level = hist_level(iwl.noise, conf.noise_min, conf.noise_max);
+ plot_colour = noise_level > snr_level ? CP_STATNOISE : CP_STATNOISE_S;
+ hist_plot(noise_level, x, plot_colour);
+ }
+ if (! (iwl.flags & IW_QUAL_LEVEL_INVALID)) {
+ sig_level = hist_level(iwl.signal, conf.sig_min, conf.sig_max);
+ plot_colour = sig_level > snr_level ? CP_STATSIG : CP_STATSIG_S;
+ hist_plot(sig_level, x, plot_colour);
+ }
+ }
+ wrefresh(w_lhist);
+static void display_key(WINDOW *w_key)
+ /* Clear the (one-line) screen) */
+ wmove(w_key, 1, 1);
+ wclrtoborder(w_key);
+ wattrset(w_key, COLOR_PAIR(CP_STANDARD));
+ waddch(w_key, '[');
+ wattrset(w_key, COLOR_PAIR(CP_STATSIG));
+ waddch(w_key, ACS_HLINE);
+ wattrset(w_key, COLOR_PAIR(CP_STANDARD));
+ wprintw(w_key, "] sig lvl (%s) [", fmt_extrema(&e_signal, "dBm"));
+ wattrset(w_key, COLOR_PAIR(CP_STATNOISE));
+ waddch(w_key, ACS_HLINE);
+ wattrset(w_key, COLOR_PAIR(CP_STANDARD));
+ wprintw(w_key, "] ns lvl (%s) [", fmt_extrema(&e_noise, "dBm"));
+ wattrset(w_key, COLOR_PAIR(CP_STATSNR));
+ waddch(w_key, ' ');
+ wattrset(w_key, COLOR_PAIR(CP_STANDARD));
+ wprintw(w_key, "] S-N ratio (%s)", fmt_extrema(&e_snr, "dB"));
+ wrefresh(w_key);
+static void redraw_lhist(void)
+ static int vcount = 1;
+ if (!--vcount) {
+ vcount = conf.slotsize;
+ display_lhist();
+ display_key(w_key);
+ }
+enum wavemon_screen scr_lhist(WINDOW *w_menu)
+ int key = 0;
+ w_lhist = newwin_title(0, HIST_WIN_HEIGHT, "Level histogram", true);
+ w_key = newwin_title(HIST_MAXYLEN + 1, KEY_WIN_HEIGHT, "Key", false);
+ init_extrema(&e_signal);
+ init_extrema(&e_noise);
+ init_extrema(&e_snr);
+ display_key(w_key);
+ iw_stat_redraw = redraw_lhist;
+ while (key < KEY_F(1) || key > KEY_F(10)) {
+ while ((key = wgetch(w_menu)) <= 0)
+ usleep(5000);
+ /* Keyboard shortcuts */
+ if (key == 'q')
+ key = KEY_F(10);
+ else if (key == 'i')
+ key = KEY_F(1);
+ }
+ iw_stat_redraw = NULL;
+ delwin(w_lhist);
+ delwin(w_key);
+ return key - KEY_F(1);