#!/usr/bin/env python ######################################################################## # This is transmission-remote-cli, whereas 'cli' stands for 'Curses # # Luminous Interface', a client for the daemon of the BitTorrent # # client Transmission. # # # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details: # # http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt # ######################################################################## VERSION = '1.6.2' TRNSM_VERSION_MIN = '1.90' TRNSM_VERSION_MAX = '2.82' RPC_VERSION_MIN = 8 RPC_VERSION_MAX = 15 # error codes CONNECTION_ERROR = 1 JSON_ERROR = 2 CONFIGFILE_ERROR = 3 # use simplejson if available because it seems to be faster try: import simplejson as json except ImportError: try: # Python 2.6 comes with a json module ... import json # ...but there is also an old json module that doesn't support .loads/.dumps. json.dumps ; json.dumps except (ImportError,AttributeError): quit("Please install simplejson or Python 2.6 or higher.") import time import datetime import re import base64 import httplib import urllib2 import socket socket.setdefaulttimeout(None) import ConfigParser from optparse import OptionParser, SUPPRESS_HELP import sys import os import signal import unicodedata import locale import curses import curses.ascii from textwrap import wrap from subprocess import call, Popen import netrc import operator import urlparse locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') ENCODING = locale.getpreferredencoding() or 'UTF-8' # optional features provided by non-standard modules features = {'dns':False, 'geoip':False, 'ipy':False} try: import adns; features['dns'] = True # resolve IP to host name except ImportError: features['dns'] = False try: import GeoIP; features['geoip'] = True # show country peer seems to be in except ImportError: features['geoip'] = False try: import IPy; features['ipy'] = True # extract ipv4 from ipv6 addresses except ImportError: features['ipy'] = False if features['ipy']: IPV6_RANGE_6TO4 = IPy.IP('2002::/16') IPV6_RANGE_TEREDO = IPy.IP('2001::/32') IPV4_ONES = 0xffffffff if features['geoip']: def country_code_by_addr_vany(geo_ip, geo_ip6, addr): if '.' in addr: return geo_ip.country_code_by_addr(addr) if not ':' in addr: return None if features['ipy']: ip = IPy.IP(addr) if ip in IPV6_RANGE_6TO4: addr = str(IPy.IP(ip.int() >> 80 & IPV4_ONES)) return geo_ip.country_code_by_addr(addr) elif ip in IPV6_RANGE_TEREDO: addr = str(IPy.IP(ip.int() & IPV4_ONES ^ IPV4_ONES)) return geo_ip.country_code_by_addr(addr) if hasattr(geo_ip6, 'country_code_by_addr_v6'): return geo_ip6.country_code_by_addr_v6(addr) # define config defaults config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() config.add_section('Connection') config.set('Connection', 'password', '') config.set('Connection', 'username', '') config.set('Connection', 'port', '9091') config.set('Connection', 'host', 'localhost') config.set('Connection', 'path', '/transmission/rpc') config.set('Connection', 'ssl', 'False') config.add_section('Sorting') config.set('Sorting', 'order', 'name') config.add_section('Filtering') config.set('Filtering', 'filter', '') config.set('Filtering', 'invert', 'False') config.add_section('Misc') config.set('Misc', 'compact_list', 'False') config.set('Misc', 'blank_lines', 'True') config.set('Misc', 'torrentname_is_progressbar', 'True') config.set('Misc', 'file_viewer', 'xdg-open %%s') config.set('Misc', 'file_open_in_terminal', 'True') config.add_section('Colors') config.set('Colors', 'title_seed', 'bg:green,fg:black') config.set('Colors', 'title_download', 'bg:blue,fg:black') config.set('Colors', 'title_idle', 'bg:cyan,fg:black') config.set('Colors', 'title_verify', 'bg:magenta,fg:black') config.set('Colors', 'title_paused', 'bg:black,fg:white') config.set('Colors', 'title_error', 'bg:red,fg:white') config.set('Colors', 'download_rate', 'bg:black,fg:blue') config.set('Colors', 'upload_rate', 'bg:black,fg:red') config.set('Colors', 'eta+ratio', 'bg:black,fg:white') config.set('Colors', 'filter_status', 'bg:red,fg:black') config.set('Colors', 'dialog', 'bg:black,fg:white') config.set('Colors', 'dialog_important', 'bg:red,fg:black') config.set('Colors', 'button', 'bg:white,fg:black') config.set('Colors', 'button_focused', 'bg:black,fg:white') config.set('Colors', 'file_prio_high', 'bg:red,fg:black') config.set('Colors', 'file_prio_normal', 'bg:white,fg:black') config.set('Colors', 'file_prio_low', 'bg:yellow,fg:black') config.set('Colors', 'file_prio_off', 'bg:blue,fg:black') class ColorManager: def __init__(self, config): self.config = dict() self.term_has_colors = curses.has_colors() curses.start_color() if self.term_has_colors: curses.use_default_colors() for name in config.keys(): self.config[name] = self._parse_color_pair(config[name]) if self.term_has_colors: curses.init_pair(self.config[name]['id'], self.config[name]['fg'], self.config[name]['bg']) def _parse_color_pair(self, pair): # BG and FG are intentionally switched here because colors are always # used with curses.A_REVERSE. (To be honest, I forgot why, probably # has something to do with how highlighting focus works.) bg_name = pair.split(',')[1].split(':')[1].upper() fg_name = pair.split(',')[0].split(':')[1].upper() color_pair = { 'id': len(self.config.keys()) + 1 } try: color_pair['bg'] = eval('curses.COLOR_' + bg_name) except AttributeError: color_pair['bg'] = -1 try: color_pair['fg'] = eval('curses.COLOR_' + fg_name) except AttributeError: color_pair['fg'] = -1 return color_pair def id(self, name): return self.config[name]['id'] class Normalizer: def __init__(self): self.values = {} def add(self, id, value, max): if not id in self.values.keys(): self.values[id] = [ float(value) ] else: if len(self.values[id]) >= max: self.values[id].pop(0) self.values[id].append(float(value)) return self.get(id) def get(self, id): if not id in self.values.keys(): return 0.0 return sum(self.values[id]) / len(self.values[id]) authhandler = None session_id = 0 # Handle communication with Transmission server. class TransmissionRequest: def __init__(self, host, port, path, method=None, tag=None, arguments=None): self.url = create_url(host, port, path) self.open_request = None self.last_update = 0 if method and tag: self.set_request_data(method, tag, arguments) def set_request_data(self, method, tag, arguments=None): request_data = {'method':method, 'tag':tag} if arguments: request_data['arguments'] = arguments self.http_request = urllib2.Request(url=self.url, data=json.dumps(request_data)) def send_request(self): """Ask for information from server OR submit command.""" global session_id try: if session_id: self.http_request.add_header('X-Transmission-Session-Id', session_id) self.open_request = urllib2.urlopen(self.http_request) except AttributeError: # request data (http_request) isn't specified yet -- data will be available on next call pass # authentication except urllib2.HTTPError, e: try: msg = html2text(str(e.read())) except: msg = str(e) # extract session id and send request again m = re.search('X-Transmission-Session-Id:\s*(\w+)', msg) try: session_id = m.group(1) self.send_request() except AttributeError: quit(str(msg) + "\n", CONNECTION_ERROR) except urllib2.URLError, msg: try: reason = msg.reason[1] except IndexError: reason = str(msg.reason) quit("Cannot connect to %s: %s\n" % (self.http_request.host, reason), CONNECTION_ERROR) def get_response(self): """Get response to previously sent request.""" if self.open_request == None: return {'result': 'no open request'} response = self.open_request.read() # work around regression in Python 2.6.5, caused by http://bugs.python.org/issue8797 if authhandler: authhandler.retried = 0 try: data = json.loads(unicode(response)) except ValueError: quit("Cannot parse response: %s\n" % response, JSON_ERROR) self.open_request = None return data # End of Class TransmissionRequest # Higher level of data exchange class Transmission: STATUS_STOPPED = 0 # Torrent is stopped STATUS_CHECK_WAIT = 1 # Queued to check files STATUS_CHECK = 2 # Checking files STATUS_DOWNLOAD_WAIT = 3 # Queued to download STATUS_DOWNLOAD = 4 # Downloading STATUS_SEED_WAIT = 5 # Queued to seed STATUS_SEED = 6 # Seeding TAG_TORRENT_LIST = 7 TAG_TORRENT_DETAILS = 77 TAG_SESSION_STATS = 21 TAG_SESSION_GET = 22 LIST_FIELDS = [ 'id', 'name', 'downloadDir', 'status', 'trackerStats', 'desiredAvailable', 'rateDownload', 'rateUpload', 'eta', 'uploadRatio', 'sizeWhenDone', 'haveValid', 'haveUnchecked', 'addedDate', 'uploadedEver', 'errorString', 'recheckProgress', 'peersConnected', 'uploadLimit', 'downloadLimit', 'uploadLimited', 'downloadLimited', 'bandwidthPriority', 'peersSendingToUs', 'peersGettingFromUs', 'seedRatioLimit', 'seedRatioMode', 'isPrivate' ] DETAIL_FIELDS = [ 'files', 'priorities', 'wanted', 'peers', 'trackers', 'activityDate', 'dateCreated', 'startDate', 'doneDate', 'totalSize', 'leftUntilDone', 'comment', 'hashString', 'pieceCount', 'pieceSize', 'pieces', 'downloadedEver', 'corruptEver', 'peersFrom' ] + LIST_FIELDS def __init__(self, host, port, path, username, password): self.host = host self.port = port self.path = path if username and password: password_mgr = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() password_mgr.add_password(None, create_url(host, port, path), username, password) global authhandler authhandler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(password_mgr) opener = urllib2.build_opener(authhandler) urllib2.install_opener(opener) # check rpc version request = TransmissionRequest(host, port, path, 'session-get', self.TAG_SESSION_GET) request.send_request() response = request.get_response() self.rpc_version = response['arguments']['rpc-version'] # rpc version too old? version_error = "Unsupported Transmission version: " + str(response['arguments']['version']) + \ " -- RPC protocol version: " + str(response['arguments']['rpc-version']) + "\n" min_msg = "Please install Transmission version " + TRNSM_VERSION_MIN + " or higher.\n" try: if response['arguments']['rpc-version'] < RPC_VERSION_MIN: quit(version_error + min_msg) except KeyError: quit(version_error + min_msg) # rpc version too new? if response['arguments']['rpc-version'] > RPC_VERSION_MAX: quit(version_error + "Please install Transmission version " + TRNSM_VERSION_MAX + " or lower.\n") # setup compatibility to Transmission <2.40 if self.rpc_version < 14: Transmission.STATUS_CHECK_WAIT = 1 << 0 Transmission.STATUS_CHECK = 1 << 1 Transmission.STATUS_DOWNLOAD_WAIT = 1 << 2 Transmission.STATUS_DOWNLOAD = 1 << 2 Transmission.STATUS_SEED_WAIT = 1 << 3 Transmission.STATUS_SEED = 1 << 3 Transmission.STATUS_STOPPED = 1 << 4 # Queue was implemented in Transmission v2.4 if self.rpc_version >= 14: self.LIST_FIELDS.append('queuePosition'); self.DETAIL_FIELDS.append('queuePosition'); # set up request list self.requests = {'torrent-list': TransmissionRequest(host, port, path, 'torrent-get', self.TAG_TORRENT_LIST, {'fields': self.LIST_FIELDS}), 'session-stats': TransmissionRequest(host, port, path, 'session-stats', self.TAG_SESSION_STATS, 21), 'session-get': TransmissionRequest(host, port, path, 'session-get', self.TAG_SESSION_GET), 'torrent-details': TransmissionRequest(host, port, path)} self.torrent_cache = [] self.status_cache = dict() self.torrent_details_cache = dict() self.peer_progress_cache = dict() self.hosts_cache = dict() self.geo_ips_cache = dict() if features['dns']: self.resolver = adns.init() if features['geoip']: self.geo_ip = GeoIP.new(GeoIP.GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE) try: self.geo_ip6 = GeoIP.open_type(GeoIP.GEOIP_COUNTRY_EDITION_V6, GeoIP.GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE); except AttributeError: self.geo_ip6 = None except GeoIP.error: self.geo_ip6 = None # make sure there are no undefined values self.wait_for_torrentlist_update() self.requests['torrent-details'] = TransmissionRequest(self.host, self.port, self.path) def update(self, delay, tag_waiting_for=0): """Maintain up-to-date data.""" tag_waiting_for_occurred = False for request in self.requests.values(): if time.time() - request.last_update >= delay: request.last_update = time.time() response = request.get_response() if response['result'] == 'no open request': request.send_request() elif response['result'] == 'success': tag = self.parse_response(response) if tag == tag_waiting_for: tag_waiting_for_occurred = True if tag_waiting_for: return tag_waiting_for_occurred else: return None def parse_response(self, response): def get_main_tracker_domain(torrent): if torrent['trackerStats']: trackers = sorted(torrent['trackerStats'], key=operator.itemgetter('tier', 'id')) return urlparse.urlparse(trackers[0]['announce']).hostname else: # Trackerless torrents return None # response is a reply to torrent-get if response['tag'] == self.TAG_TORRENT_LIST or response['tag'] == self.TAG_TORRENT_DETAILS: for t in response['arguments']['torrents']: t['uploadRatio'] = round(float(t['uploadRatio']), 2) t['percentDone'] = percent(float(t['sizeWhenDone']), float(t['haveValid'] + t['haveUnchecked'])) t['available'] = t['desiredAvailable'] + t['haveValid'] + t['haveUnchecked'] if t['downloadDir'][-1] != '/': t['downloadDir'] += '/' try: t['seeders'] = max(map(lambda x: x['seederCount'], t['trackerStats'])) t['leechers'] = max(map(lambda x: x['leecherCount'], t['trackerStats'])) except ValueError: t['seeders'] = t['leechers'] = -1 t['isIsolated'] = not self.can_has_peers(t) t['mainTrackerDomain'] = get_main_tracker_domain(t) if response['tag'] == self.TAG_TORRENT_LIST: self.torrent_cache = response['arguments']['torrents'] elif response['tag'] == self.TAG_TORRENT_DETAILS: # torrent list may be empty sometimes after deleting # torrents. no idea why and why the server sends us # TAG_TORRENT_DETAILS, but just passing seems to help.(?) try: torrent_details = response['arguments']['torrents'][0] torrent_details['pieces'] = base64.decodestring(torrent_details['pieces']) self.torrent_details_cache = torrent_details self.upgrade_peerlist() except IndexError: pass elif response['tag'] == self.TAG_SESSION_STATS: self.status_cache.update(response['arguments']) elif response['tag'] == self.TAG_SESSION_GET: self.status_cache.update(response['arguments']) return response['tag'] def upgrade_peerlist(self): for index,peer in enumerate(self.torrent_details_cache['peers']): ip = peer['address'] peerid = ip + self.torrent_details_cache['hashString'] # make sure peer cache exists if not self.peer_progress_cache.has_key(peerid): self.peer_progress_cache[peerid] = {'last_progress':peer['progress'], 'last_update':time.time(), 'download_speed':0, 'time_left':0} this_peer = self.peer_progress_cache[peerid] this_torrent = self.torrent_details_cache # estimate how fast a peer is downloading if peer['progress'] < 1: this_time = time.time() time_diff = this_time - this_peer['last_update'] progress_diff = peer['progress'] - this_peer['last_progress'] if this_peer['last_progress'] and progress_diff > 0 and time_diff > 5: download_left = this_torrent['totalSize'] - \ (this_torrent['totalSize']*peer['progress']) downloaded = this_torrent['totalSize'] * progress_diff this_peer['download_speed'] = \ norm.add(peerid+':download_speed', downloaded/time_diff, 10) this_peer['time_left'] = download_left/this_peer['download_speed'] this_peer['last_update'] = this_time # infrequent progress updates lead to increasingly inaccurate # estimates, so we go back to elif time_diff > 60: this_peer['download_speed'] = 0 this_peer['time_left'] = 0 this_peer['last_update'] = time.time() this_peer['last_progress'] = peer['progress'] # remember progress this_torrent['peers'][index].update(this_peer) # resolve and locate peer's ip if features['dns'] and not self.hosts_cache.has_key(ip): try: self.hosts_cache[ip] = self.resolver.submit_reverse(ip, adns.rr.PTR) except adns.Error: pass if features['geoip'] and not self.geo_ips_cache.has_key(ip): self.geo_ips_cache[ip] = country_code_by_addr_vany(self.geo_ip, self.geo_ip6, ip) if self.geo_ips_cache[ip] == None: self.geo_ips_cache[ip] = '?' def get_rpc_version(self): return self.rpc_version def get_global_stats(self): return self.status_cache def get_torrent_list(self, sort_orders): def sort_value(value): try: return value.lower() except AttributeError: return value try: for sort_order in sort_orders: self.torrent_cache.sort(key=lambda x: sort_value(x[sort_order['name']]), reverse=sort_order['reverse']) except IndexError: return [] return self.torrent_cache def get_torrent_by_id(self, id): i = 0 while self.torrent_cache[i]['id'] != id: i += 1 if self.torrent_cache[i]['id'] == id: return self.torrent_cache[i] else: return None def get_torrent_details(self): return self.torrent_details_cache def set_torrent_details_id(self, id): if id < 0: self.requests['torrent-details'] = TransmissionRequest(self.host, self.port, self.path) else: self.requests['torrent-details'].set_request_data('torrent-get', self.TAG_TORRENT_DETAILS, {'ids':id, 'fields': self.DETAIL_FIELDS}) def get_hosts(self): return self.hosts_cache def get_geo_ips(self): return self.geo_ips_cache def set_option(self, option_name, option_value): request = TransmissionRequest(self.host, self.port, self.path, 'session-set', 1, {option_name: option_value}) request.send_request() self.wait_for_status_update() def set_rate_limit(self, direction, new_limit, torrent_id=-1): data = dict() if new_limit <= -1: new_limit = None limit_enabled = False else: limit_enabled = True if torrent_id < 0: type = 'session-set' data['speed-limit-'+direction] = new_limit data['speed-limit-'+direction+'-enabled'] = limit_enabled else: type = 'torrent-set' data['ids'] = [torrent_id] data[direction+'loadLimit'] = new_limit data[direction+'loadLimited'] = limit_enabled request = TransmissionRequest(self.host, self.port, self.path, type, 1, data) request.send_request() self.wait_for_torrentlist_update() def set_seed_ratio(self, ratio, torrent_id=-1): data = dict() if ratio == -1: ratio = None mode = 0 # Use global settings elif ratio == 0: ratio = None mode = 2 # Seed regardless of ratio elif ratio >= 0: mode = 1 # Stop seeding at seedRatioLimit else: return data['ids'] = [torrent_id] data['seedRatioLimit'] = ratio data['seedRatioMode'] = mode request = TransmissionRequest(self.host, self.port, self.path, 'torrent-set', 1, data) request.send_request() self.wait_for_torrentlist_update() def increase_bandwidth_priority(self, torrent_id): torrent = self.get_torrent_by_id(torrent_id) if torrent == None or torrent['bandwidthPriority'] >= 1: return False else: new_priority = torrent['bandwidthPriority'] + 1 request = TransmissionRequest(self.host, self.port, self.path, 'torrent-set', 1, {'ids': [torrent_id], 'bandwidthPriority':new_priority}) request.send_request() self.wait_for_torrentlist_update() def decrease_bandwidth_priority(self, torrent_id): torrent = self.get_torrent_by_id(torrent_id) if torrent == None or torrent['bandwidthPriority'] <= -1: return False else: new_priority = torrent['bandwidthPriority'] - 1 request = TransmissionRequest(self.host, self.port, self.path, 'torrent-set', 1, {'ids': [torrent_id], 'bandwidthPriority':new_priority}) request.send_request() self.wait_for_torrentlist_update() def move_queue(self, torrent_id, new_position): args = {'ids': [ torrent_id ] } if new_position in ('up', 'down', 'top', 'bottom'): method_name = 'queue-move-' + new_position elif isinstance(new_position, int): method_name = 'torrent-set' args['queuePosition'] = min(max(new_position, 0), len(self.torrent_cache)-1) else: raise ValueError("Is not up/down/top/bottom/: %s" % new_position) request = TransmissionRequest(self.host, self.port, self.path, method_name, 1, args) request.send_request() self.wait_for_torrentlist_update() def toggle_turtle_mode(self): self.set_option('alt-speed-enabled', not self.status_cache['alt-speed-enabled']) def add_torrent(self, location): args = {} try: with open(location, 'rb') as fp: args['metainfo'] = unicode(base64.b64encode(fp.read())) # If the file doesnt exist or we cant open it, then it is either a url or needs to # be open by the server except IOError: args['filename'] = location request = TransmissionRequest(self.host, self.port, self.path, 'torrent-add', 1, args) request.send_request() response = request.get_response() if response['result'] != 'success': return response['result'] else: return '' def stop_torrent(self, id): request = TransmissionRequest(self.host, self.port, self.path, 'torrent-stop', 1, {'ids': [id]}) request.send_request() self.wait_for_torrentlist_update() def start_torrent(self, id): request = TransmissionRequest(self.host, self.port, self.path, 'torrent-start', 1, {'ids': [id]}) request.send_request() self.wait_for_torrentlist_update() def verify_torrent(self, id): request = TransmissionRequest(self.host, self.port, self.path, 'torrent-verify', 1, {'ids': [id]}) request.send_request() self.wait_for_torrentlist_update() def reannounce_torrent(self, id): request = TransmissionRequest(self.host, self.port, self.path, 'torrent-reannounce', 1, {'ids': [id]}) request.send_request() self.wait_for_torrentlist_update() def move_torrent(self, torrent_id, new_location): request = TransmissionRequest(self.host, self.port, self.path, 'torrent-set-location', 1, {'ids': torrent_id, 'location': new_location, 'move': True}) request.send_request() self.wait_for_torrentlist_update() def remove_torrent(self, id): request = TransmissionRequest(self.host, self.port, self.path, 'torrent-remove', 1, {'ids': [id]}) request.send_request() self.wait_for_torrentlist_update() def remove_torrent_local_data(self, id): request = TransmissionRequest(self.host, self.port, self.path, 'torrent-remove', 1, {'ids': [id], 'delete-local-data':True}) request.send_request() self.wait_for_torrentlist_update() def add_torrent_tracker(self, id, tracker): data = { 'ids' : [id], 'trackerAdd' : [tracker] } request = TransmissionRequest(self.host, self.port, self.path, 'torrent-set', 1, data) request.send_request() response = request.get_response() return response['result'] if response['result'] != 'success' else '' def remove_torrent_tracker(self, id, tracker): data = { 'ids' : [id], 'trackerRemove' : [tracker] } request = TransmissionRequest(self.host, self.port, self.path, 'torrent-set', 1, data) request.send_request() response = request.get_response() self.wait_for_torrentlist_update() return response['result'] if response['result'] != 'success' else '' def increase_file_priority(self, file_nums): file_nums = list(file_nums) ref_num = file_nums[0] for num in file_nums: if not self.torrent_details_cache['wanted'][num]: ref_num = num break elif self.torrent_details_cache['priorities'][num] < \ self.torrent_details_cache['priorities'][ref_num]: ref_num = num current_priority = self.torrent_details_cache['priorities'][ref_num] if not self.torrent_details_cache['wanted'][ref_num]: self.set_file_priority(self.torrent_details_cache['id'], file_nums, 'low') elif current_priority == -1: self.set_file_priority(self.torrent_details_cache['id'], file_nums, 'normal') elif current_priority == 0: self.set_file_priority(self.torrent_details_cache['id'], file_nums, 'high') def decrease_file_priority(self, file_nums): file_nums = list(file_nums) ref_num = file_nums[0] for num in file_nums: if self.torrent_details_cache['priorities'][num] > \ self.torrent_details_cache['priorities'][ref_num]: ref_num = num current_priority = self.torrent_details_cache['priorities'][ref_num] if current_priority >= 1: self.set_file_priority(self.torrent_details_cache['id'], file_nums, 'normal') elif current_priority == 0: self.set_file_priority(self.torrent_details_cache['id'], file_nums, 'low') elif current_priority == -1: self.set_file_priority(self.torrent_details_cache['id'], file_nums, 'off') def set_file_priority(self, torrent_id, file_nums, priority): request_data = {'ids': [torrent_id]} if priority == 'off': request_data['files-unwanted'] = file_nums else: request_data['files-wanted'] = file_nums request_data['priority-' + priority] = file_nums request = TransmissionRequest(self.host, self.port, self.path, 'torrent-set', 1, request_data) request.send_request() self.wait_for_details_update() def get_file_priority(self, torrent_id, file_num): priority = self.torrent_details_cache['priorities'][file_num] if not self.torrent_details_cache['wanted'][file_num]: return 'off' elif priority <= -1: return 'low' elif priority == 0: return 'normal' elif priority >= 1: return 'high' return '?' def wait_for_torrentlist_update(self): self.wait_for_update(7) def wait_for_details_update(self): self.wait_for_update(77) def wait_for_status_update(self): self.wait_for_update(22) def wait_for_update(self, update_id): self.update(0) # send request while True: # wait for response if self.update(0, update_id): break time.sleep(0.1) def get_status(self, torrent): if torrent['status'] == Transmission.STATUS_STOPPED: status = 'paused' elif torrent['status'] == Transmission.STATUS_CHECK: status = 'verifying' elif torrent['status'] == Transmission.STATUS_CHECK_WAIT: status = 'will verify' elif torrent['isIsolated']: status = 'isolated' elif torrent['status'] == Transmission.STATUS_DOWNLOAD: status = ('idle','downloading')[torrent['rateDownload'] > 0] elif torrent['status'] == Transmission.STATUS_DOWNLOAD_WAIT: status = 'will download (%d)' % torrent['queuePosition'] elif torrent['status'] == Transmission.STATUS_SEED: status = 'seeding' elif torrent['status'] == Transmission.STATUS_SEED_WAIT: status = 'will seed (%d)' % torrent['queuePosition'] else: status = 'unknown state' return status def can_has_peers(self, torrent): """ Will return True if at least one tracker was successfully queried recently, or if DHT is enabled for this torrent and globally, False otherwise. """ # Torrent has trackers? if torrent['trackerStats']: # Did we try to connect a tracker? if any([tracker['hasAnnounced'] for tracker in torrent['trackerStats']]): for tracker in torrent['trackerStats']: if tracker['lastAnnounceSucceeded']: return True # We didn't try yet; assume at least one is online else: return True # Torrent can use DHT? # ('dht-enabled' may be missing; assume DHT is available until we can say for sure) if not self.status_cache.has_key('dht-enabled') or \ (self.status_cache['dht-enabled'] and not torrent['isPrivate']): return True # No ways of finding peers remaining return False def get_bandwidth_priority(self, torrent): if torrent['bandwidthPriority'] == -1: return '-' elif torrent['bandwidthPriority'] == 0: return ' ' elif torrent['bandwidthPriority'] == 1: return '+' else: return '?' # End of Class Transmission # User Interface class Interface: TRACKER_ITEM_HEIGHT = 6 def __init__(self): self.filter_list = config.get('Filtering', 'filter') self.filter_inverse = config.getboolean('Filtering', 'invert') self.sort_orders = parse_sort_str(config.get('Sorting', 'order')) self.compact_list = config.getboolean('Misc', 'compact_list') self.blank_lines = config.getboolean('Misc', 'blank_lines') self.torrentname_is_progressbar = config.getboolean('Misc', 'torrentname_is_progressbar') self.file_viewer = config.get('Misc', 'file_viewer') self.file_open_in_terminal = config.getboolean('Misc', 'file_open_in_terminal') self.torrents = server.get_torrent_list(self.sort_orders) self.stats = server.get_global_stats() self.torrent_details = [] self.selected_torrent = -1 # changes to >-1 when focus >-1 & user hits return self.all_paused = False self.highlight_dialog = False self.search_focus = 0 # like self.focus but for searches in torrent list self.focused_id = -1 # the id (provided by Transmission) of self.torrents[self.focus] self.focus = -1 # -1: nothing focused; 0: top of list; <# of torrents>-1: bottom of list self.scrollpos = 0 # start of torrentlist self.torrents_per_page = 0 # will be set by manage_layout() self.rateDownload_width = self.rateUpload_width = 2 self.details_category_focus = 0 # overview/files/peers/tracker in details self.focus_detaillist = -1 # same as focus but for details self.selected_files = [] # marked files in details self.file_index_map = {} # Maps local torrent's file indices to server file indices self.scrollpos_detaillist = 0 # same as scrollpos but for details self.compact_torrentlist = False # draw only one line for each torrent in compact mode self.exit_now = False self.keybindings = { ord('?'): self.call_list_key_bindings, curses.KEY_F1: self.call_list_key_bindings, 27: self.go_back_or_unfocus, curses.KEY_BREAK: self.go_back_or_unfocus, 12: self.go_back_or_unfocus, curses.KEY_BACKSPACE: self.leave_details, ord('q'): self.go_back_or_quit, ord('o'): self.o_key, ord('\n'): self.enter_key, curses.KEY_RIGHT: self.right_key, ord('l'): self.l_key, ord('s'): self.show_sort_order_menu, ord('f'): self.f_key, ord('u'): self.global_upload, ord('d'): self.global_download, ord('U'): self.torrent_upload, ord('D'): self.torrent_download, ord('L'): self.seed_ratio, ord('t'): self.t_key, ord('+'): self.bandwidth_priority, ord('-'): self.bandwidth_priority, ord('J'): self.J_key, ord('K'): self.K_key, ord('p'): self.pause_unpause_torrent, ord('P'): self.pause_unpause_all_torrent, ord('v'): self.verify_torrent, ord('y'): self.verify_torrent, ord('r'): self.r_key, curses.KEY_DC: self.r_key, ord('R'): self.remove_torrent_local_data, curses.KEY_SDC: self.remove_torrent_local_data, curses.KEY_UP: self.movement_keys, ord('k'): self.movement_keys, curses.KEY_DOWN: self.movement_keys, ord('j'): self.movement_keys, curses.KEY_PPAGE: self.movement_keys, curses.KEY_NPAGE: self.movement_keys, curses.KEY_HOME: self.movement_keys, curses.KEY_END: self.movement_keys, ord('g'): self.movement_keys, ord('G'): self.movement_keys, curses.ascii.ctrl(ord('f')): self.movement_keys, curses.ascii.ctrl(ord('b')): self.movement_keys, curses.ascii.ctrl(ord('n')): self.movement_keys, curses.ascii.ctrl(ord('p')): self.movement_keys, ord("\t"): self.move_in_details, curses.KEY_BTAB: self.move_in_details, ord('e'): self.move_in_details, ord('c'): self.move_in_details, ord('C'): self.toggle_compact_torrentlist, ord('h'): self.file_pritority_or_switch_details, curses.KEY_LEFT: self.file_pritority_or_switch_details, ord(' '): self.space_key, ord('a'): self.a_key, ord('A'): self.A_key, ord('m'): self.move_torrent, ord('n'): self.reannounce_torrent, ord('/'): self.dialog_search_torrentlist, curses.KEY_SEND: lambda c: self.move_queue('bottom'), curses.KEY_SHOME: lambda c: self.move_queue('top'), curses.KEY_SLEFT: lambda c: self.move_queue('ppage'), curses.KEY_SRIGHT: lambda c: self.move_queue('npage') } self.sort_options = [ ('name','_Name'), ('addedDate','_Age'), ('percentDone','_Progress'), ('seeders','_Seeds'), ('leechers','Lee_ches'), ('sizeWhenDone', 'Si_ze'), ('status','S_tatus'), ('uploadedEver','Up_loaded'), ('rateUpload','_Upload Speed'), ('rateDownload','_Download Speed'), ('uploadRatio','_Ratio'), ('peersConnected','P_eers'), ('downloadDir', 'L_ocation'), ('mainTrackerDomain', 'Trac_ker') ] # queue was implemmented in transmission 2.4 if server.get_rpc_version() >= 14: self.sort_options.append(('queuePosition', '_Queue Position')) self.sort_options.append(('reverse','Re_verse')) try: self.init_screen() self.run() except: self.restore_screen() (exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) = sys.exc_info() raise exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback else: self.restore_screen() def init_screen(self): os.environ['ESCDELAY'] = '0' # make escape usable self.screen = curses.initscr() curses.noecho() ; curses.cbreak() ; self.screen.keypad(1) curses.halfdelay(10) # STDIN timeout hide_cursor() self.colors = ColorManager(dict(config.items('Colors'))) # http://bugs.python.org/issue2675 try: del os.environ['LINES'] del os.environ['COLUMNS'] except: pass # http://bugs.python.org/issue2675 try: del os.environ['LINES'] del os.environ['COLUMNS'] except: pass signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, lambda y,frame: self.get_screen_size()) self.get_screen_size() def restore_screen(self): curses.endwin() def enc(self, text): return text.encode(ENCODING, 'replace') def get_screen_size(self): time.sleep(0.1) # prevents curses.error on rapid resizing while True: curses.endwin() self.screen.refresh() self.height, self.width = self.screen.getmaxyx() # Tracker list breaks if width smaller than 73 if self.width < 73 or self.height < 16: self.screen.erase() self.screen.addstr(0,0, "Terminal too small", curses.A_REVERSE + curses.A_BOLD) time.sleep(1) else: break self.manage_layout() def manage_layout(self): self.recalculate_torrents_per_page() self.pad_height = max((len(self.torrents)+1) * self.tlist_item_height, self.height) self.pad = curses.newpad(self.pad_height, self.width) self.detaillistitems_per_page = self.height - 8 if self.selected_torrent > -1: self.rateDownload_width = self.get_rateDownload_width([self.torrent_details]) self.rateUpload_width = self.get_rateUpload_width([self.torrent_details]) self.torrent_title_width = self.width - self.rateUpload_width - 2 # show downloading column only if torrents is downloading if self.torrent_details['status'] == Transmission.STATUS_DOWNLOAD: self.torrent_title_width -= self.rateDownload_width + 2 elif self.torrents: self.visible_torrents_start = self.scrollpos/self.tlist_item_height self.visible_torrents = self.torrents[self.visible_torrents_start : self.scrollpos/self.tlist_item_height + self.torrents_per_page + 1] self.rateDownload_width = self.get_rateDownload_width(self.visible_torrents) self.rateUpload_width = self.get_rateUpload_width(self.visible_torrents) self.torrent_title_width = self.width - self.rateUpload_width - 2 # show downloading column only if any downloading torrents are visible if filter(lambda x: x['status']==Transmission.STATUS_DOWNLOAD, self.visible_torrents): self.torrent_title_width -= self.rateDownload_width + 2 else: self.visible_torrents = [] self.torrent_title_width = 80 def get_rateDownload_width(self, torrents): new_width = max(map(lambda x: len(scale_bytes(x['rateDownload'])), torrents)) new_width = max(max(map(lambda x: len(scale_time(x['eta'])), torrents)), new_width) new_width = max(len(scale_bytes(self.stats['downloadSpeed'])), new_width) new_width = max(self.rateDownload_width, new_width) # don't shrink return new_width def get_rateUpload_width(self, torrents): new_width = max(map(lambda x: len(scale_bytes(x['rateUpload'])), torrents)) new_width = max(max(map(lambda x: len(num2str(x['uploadRatio'], '%.02f')), torrents)), new_width) new_width = max(len(scale_bytes(self.stats['uploadSpeed'])), new_width) new_width = max(self.rateUpload_width, new_width) # don't shrink return new_width def recalculate_torrents_per_page(self): self.lines_per_entry = 3 if self.blank_lines else 2 self.tlist_item_height = self.lines_per_entry if not self.compact_list else 1 self.mainview_height = self.height - 2 self.torrents_per_page = self.mainview_height / self.tlist_item_height def run(self): self.draw_title_bar() self.draw_stats() self.draw_torrent_list() while True: server.update(1) # display torrentlist if self.selected_torrent == -1: self.draw_torrent_list() # display some torrent's details else: self.draw_details() self.stats = server.get_global_stats() self.draw_title_bar() # show shortcuts and stuff self.draw_stats() # show global states self.screen.move(0,0) # in case cursor can't be invisible self.handle_user_input() if self.exit_now: sort_str = ','.join(map(lambda x: ('','reverse:')[x['reverse']] + x['name'], self.sort_orders)) config.set('Sorting', 'order', sort_str) config.set('Filtering', 'filter', self.filter_list) config.set('Filtering', 'invert', str(self.filter_inverse)) config.set('Misc', 'compact_list', str(self.compact_list)) config.set('Misc', 'blank_lines', str(self.blank_lines)) config.set('Misc', 'torrentname_is_progressbar', str(self.torrentname_is_progressbar)) save_config(cmd_args.configfile) return def go_back_or_unfocus(self, c): if self.focus_detaillist > -1: # unfocus and deselect file self.focus_detaillist = -1 self.scrollpos_detaillist = 0 self.selected_files = [] elif self.selected_torrent > -1: # return from details self.details_category_focus = 0 self.selected_torrent = -1 self.selected_files = [] else: if self.focus > -1: self.scrollpos = 0 # unfocus main list self.focus = -1 elif self.filter_list: self.filter_list = '' # reset filter def leave_details(self, c): if self.selected_torrent > -1: server.set_torrent_details_id(-1) self.selected_torrent = -1 self.details_category_focus = 0 self.scrollpos_detaillist = 0 self.selected_files = [] def go_back_or_quit(self, c): if self.selected_torrent == -1: self.exit_now = True else: # return to list view server.set_torrent_details_id(-1) self.selected_torrent = -1 self.details_category_focus = 0 self.focus_detaillist = -1 self.scrollpos_detaillist = 0 self.selected_files = [] def space_key(self, c): # File list if self.selected_torrent > -1 and self.details_category_focus == 1: self.select_unselect_file(c) # Torrent list elif self.selected_torrent == -1: self.enter_key(c) def A_key(self, c): # File list if self.selected_torrent > -1 and self.details_category_focus == 1: self.select_unselect_file(c) def a_key(self, c): # File list if self.selected_torrent > -1 and self.details_category_focus == 1: self.select_unselect_file(c) # Trackers elif self.selected_torrent > -1 and self.details_category_focus == 3: self.add_tracker() # Do nothing in other detail tabs elif self.selected_torrent > -1: pass else: self.add_torrent() def o_key(self, c): if self.selected_torrent == -1: self.draw_options_dialog() elif self.selected_torrent > -1: self.details_category_focus = 0 def l_key(self, c): if self.focus > -1 and self.selected_torrent == -1: self.enter_key(c) elif self.selected_torrent > -1: self.file_pritority_or_switch_details(c) def t_key(self, c): if self.selected_torrent == -1: server.toggle_turtle_mode() elif self.selected_torrent > -1: self.details_category_focus = 3 def f_key(self, c): if self.selected_torrent == -1: self.show_state_filter_menu(c) elif self.selected_torrent > -1: self.details_category_focus = 1 def r_key(self, c): # Torrent list if self.selected_torrent == -1: self.remove_torrent(c) # Trackers elif self.selected_torrent > -1 and self.details_category_focus == 3: self.remove_tracker() def J_key(self, c): if self.selected_torrent > -1 and self.details_category_focus == 1: self.move_to_next_directory_in_filelist() else: self.move_queue('down') def K_key(self, c): if self.selected_torrent > -1 and self.details_category_focus == 1: self.move_to_previous_directory_in_filelist() else: self.move_queue('up') def right_key(self, c): if self.focus > -1 and self.selected_torrent == -1: self.enter_key(c) else: self.file_pritority_or_switch_details(c) def add_torrent(self): location = self.dialog_input_text("Add torrent from file or URL", homedir2tilde(os.getcwd()+os.sep), tab_complete='all') if location: error = server.add_torrent(tilde2homedir(location)) if error: msg = wrap("Couldn't add torrent \"%s\":" % location) msg.extend(wrap(error, self.width-4)) self.dialog_ok("\n".join(msg)) def enter_key(self, c): # Torrent list if self.focus > -1 and self.selected_torrent == -1: self.screen.clear() self.selected_torrent = self.focus server.set_torrent_details_id(self.torrents[self.focus]['id']) server.wait_for_details_update() # File list elif self.selected_torrent > -1 and self.details_category_focus == 1: self.open_torrent_file(c) def show_sort_order_menu(self, c): if self.selected_torrent == -1: choice = self.dialog_menu('Sort order', self.sort_options, map(lambda x: x[0]==self.sort_orders[-1]['name'], self.sort_options).index(True)+1) if choice != -128: if choice == 'reverse': self.sort_orders[-1]['reverse'] = not self.sort_orders[-1]['reverse'] else: self.sort_orders.append({'name':choice, 'reverse':False}) while len(self.sort_orders) > 2: self.sort_orders.pop(0) def show_state_filter_menu(self, c): if self.selected_torrent == -1: options = [('uploading','_Uploading'), ('downloading','_Downloading'), ('active','Ac_tive'), ('paused','_Paused'), ('seeding','_Seeding'), ('incomplete','In_complete'), ('verifying','Verif_ying'), ('private','P_rivate'), ('isolated', '_Isolated'), ('invert','In_vert'), ('','_All')] choice = self.dialog_menu(('Show only','Filter all')[self.filter_inverse], options, map(lambda x: x[0]==self.filter_list, options).index(True)+1) if choice != -128: if choice == 'invert': self.filter_inverse = not self.filter_inverse else: if choice == '': self.filter_inverse = False self.filter_list = choice def global_upload(self, c): current_limit = (-1,self.stats['speed-limit-up'])[self.stats['speed-limit-up-enabled']] limit = self.dialog_input_number("Global upload limit in kilobytes per second", current_limit) if limit == -128: return server.set_rate_limit('up', limit) def global_download(self, c): current_limit = (-1,self.stats['speed-limit-down'])[self.stats['speed-limit-down-enabled']] limit = self.dialog_input_number("Global download limit in kilobytes per second", current_limit) if limit == -128: return server.set_rate_limit('down', limit) def torrent_upload(self, c): if self.focus > -1: current_limit = (-1,self.torrents[self.focus]['uploadLimit'])[self.torrents[self.focus]['uploadLimited']] limit = self.dialog_input_number("Upload limit in kilobytes per second for\n%s" % \ self.torrents[self.focus]['name'], current_limit) if limit == -128: return server.set_rate_limit('up', limit, self.torrents[self.focus]['id']) def torrent_download(self, c): if self.focus > -1: current_limit = (-1,self.torrents[self.focus]['downloadLimit'])[self.torrents[self.focus]['downloadLimited']] limit = self.dialog_input_number("Download limit in Kilobytes per second for\n%s" % \ self.torrents[self.focus]['name'], current_limit) if limit == -128: return server.set_rate_limit('down', limit, self.torrents[self.focus]['id']) def seed_ratio(self, c): if self.focus > -1: if self.torrents[self.focus]['seedRatioMode'] == 0: # Use global settings current_limit = '' elif self.torrents[self.focus]['seedRatioMode'] == 1: # Stop seeding at seedRatioLimit current_limit = self.torrents[self.focus]['seedRatioLimit'] elif self.torrents[self.focus]['seedRatioMode'] == 2: # Seed regardless of ratio current_limit = -1 limit = self.dialog_input_number("Seed ratio limit for\n%s" % self.torrents[self.focus]['name'], current_limit, floating_point=True, allow_empty=True) if limit == -1: limit = 0 if limit == -2: # -2 means 'empty' in dialog_input_number return codes limit = -1 server.set_seed_ratio(float(limit), self.torrents[self.focus]['id']) def bandwidth_priority(self, c): if c == ord('-') and self.focus > -1: server.decrease_bandwidth_priority(self.torrents[self.focus]['id']) elif c == ord('+') and self.focus > -1: server.increase_bandwidth_priority(self.torrents[self.focus]['id']) def move_queue(self, direction): # queue was implemmented in Transmission v2.4 if server.get_rpc_version() >= 14 and self.focus > -1: if direction in ('ppage', 'npage'): new_position = self.torrents[self.focus]['queuePosition'] if direction == 'ppage': new_position -= 10 else: new_position += 10 else: new_position = direction server.move_queue(self.torrents[self.focus]['id'], new_position) def pause_unpause_torrent(self, c): if self.focus > -1: if self.selected_torrent > -1: t = self.torrent_details else: t = self.torrents[self.focus] if t['status'] == Transmission.STATUS_STOPPED: server.start_torrent(t['id']) else: server.stop_torrent(t['id']) def pause_unpause_all_torrent(self, c): if self.all_paused: for t in self.torrents: server.start_torrent(t['id']) self.all_paused = False else: for t in self.torrents: server.stop_torrent(t['id']) self.all_paused = True def verify_torrent(self, c): if self.focus > -1: if self.torrents[self.focus]['status'] != Transmission.STATUS_CHECK \ and self.torrents[self.focus]['status'] != Transmission.STATUS_CHECK_WAIT: server.verify_torrent(self.torrents[self.focus]['id']) def reannounce_torrent(self, c): if self.focus > -1: server.reannounce_torrent(self.torrents[self.focus]['id']) def remove_torrent(self, c): if self.focus > -1: name = self.torrents[self.focus]['name'][0:self.width - 15] if self.dialog_yesno("Remove %s?" % name) == True: if self.selected_torrent > -1: # leave details server.set_torrent_details_id(-1) self.selected_torrent = -1 self.details_category_focus = 0 server.remove_torrent(self.torrents[self.focus]['id']) self.focus_next_after_delete() def remove_torrent_local_data(self, c): if self.focus > -1: name = self.torrents[self.focus]['name'][0:self.width - 15] if self.dialog_yesno("Remove and delete %s?" % name, important=True) == True: if self.selected_torrent > -1: # leave details server.set_torrent_details_id(-1) self.selected_torrent = -1 self.details_category_focus = 0 server.remove_torrent_local_data(self.torrents[self.focus]['id']) self.focus_next_after_delete() def focus_next_after_delete(self): """ Focus next torrent after user deletes torrent """ new_focus = min(self.focus + 1, len(self.torrents) - 2) self.focused_id = self.torrents[new_focus]['id'] def add_tracker(self): if server.get_rpc_version() < 10: self.dialog_ok("You need Transmission v2.10 or higher to add trackers.") return tracker = self.dialog_input_text('Add tracker URL:') if tracker: t = self.torrent_details response = server.add_torrent_tracker(t['id'], tracker) if response: msg = wrap("Couldn't add tracker: %s" % response) self.dialog_ok("\n".join(msg)) def remove_tracker(self): if server.get_rpc_version() < 10: self.dialog_ok("You need Transmission v2.10 or higher to remove trackers.") return t = self.torrent_details if (self.scrollpos_detaillist >= 0 and \ self.scrollpos_detaillist < len(t['trackerStats']) and \ self.dialog_yesno("Do you want to remove this tracker?") is True): tracker = t['trackerStats'][self.scrollpos_detaillist] response = server.remove_torrent_tracker(t['id'], tracker['id']) if response: msg = wrap("Couldn't remove tracker: %s" % response) self.dialog_ok("\n".join(msg)) def movement_keys(self, c): if self.selected_torrent == -1 and len(self.torrents) > 0: if c == curses.KEY_UP or c == ord('k') or c == curses.ascii.ctrl(ord('p')): self.focus, self.scrollpos = self.move_up(self.focus, self.scrollpos, self.tlist_item_height) elif c == curses.KEY_DOWN or c == ord('j') or c == curses.ascii.ctrl(ord('n')): self.focus, self.scrollpos = self.move_down(self.focus, self.scrollpos, self.tlist_item_height, self.torrents_per_page, len(self.torrents)) elif c == curses.KEY_PPAGE or c == curses.ascii.ctrl(ord('b')): self.focus, self.scrollpos = self.move_page_up(self.focus, self.scrollpos, self.tlist_item_height, self.torrents_per_page) elif c == curses.KEY_NPAGE or c == curses.ascii.ctrl(ord('f')): self.focus, self.scrollpos = self.move_page_down(self.focus, self.scrollpos, self.tlist_item_height, self.torrents_per_page, len(self.torrents)) elif c == curses.KEY_HOME or c == ord('g'): self.focus, self.scrollpos = self.move_to_top() elif c == curses.KEY_END or c == ord('G'): self.focus, self.scrollpos = self.move_to_end(self.tlist_item_height, self.torrents_per_page, len(self.torrents)) self.focused_id = self.torrents[self.focus]['id'] elif self.selected_torrent > -1: # file list if self.details_category_focus == 1: # focus/movement if c == curses.KEY_UP or c == ord('k') or c == curses.ascii.ctrl(ord('p')): self.focus_detaillist, self.scrollpos_detaillist = \ self.move_up(self.focus_detaillist, self.scrollpos_detaillist, 1) elif c == curses.KEY_DOWN or c == ord('j') or c == curses.ascii.ctrl(ord('n')): self.focus_detaillist, self.scrollpos_detaillist = \ self.move_down(self.focus_detaillist, self.scrollpos_detaillist, 1, self.detaillistitems_per_page, len(self.torrent_details['files'])) elif c == curses.KEY_PPAGE or c == curses.ascii.ctrl(ord('b')): self.focus_detaillist, self.scrollpos_detaillist = \ self.move_page_up(self.focus_detaillist, self.scrollpos_detaillist, 1, self.detaillistitems_per_page) elif c == curses.KEY_NPAGE or c == curses.ascii.ctrl(ord('f')): self.focus_detaillist, self.scrollpos_detaillist = \ self.move_page_down(self.focus_detaillist, self.scrollpos_detaillist, 1, self.detaillistitems_per_page, len(self.torrent_details['files'])) elif c == curses.KEY_HOME or c == ord('g'): self.focus_detaillist, self.scrollpos_detaillist = self.move_to_top() elif c == curses.KEY_END or c == ord('G'): self.focus_detaillist, self.scrollpos_detaillist = \ self.move_to_end(1, self.detaillistitems_per_page, len(self.torrent_details['files'])) list_len = 0 # peer list movement if self.details_category_focus == 2: list_len = len(self.torrent_details['peers']) # tracker list movement elif self.details_category_focus == 3: list_len = len(self.torrent_details['trackerStats']) # pieces list movement elif self.details_category_focus == 4: piece_count = self.torrent_details['pieceCount'] margin = len(str(piece_count)) + 2 map_width = int(str(self.width-margin-1)[0:-1] + '0') list_len = int(piece_count / map_width) + 1 if list_len: if c == curses.KEY_UP or c == ord('k') or c == curses.ascii.ctrl(ord('p')): if self.scrollpos_detaillist > 0: self.scrollpos_detaillist -= 1 elif c == curses.KEY_DOWN or c == ord('j') or c == curses.ascii.ctrl(ord('n')): if self.scrollpos_detaillist < list_len - 1: self.scrollpos_detaillist += 1 elif c == curses.KEY_PPAGE or c == curses.ascii.ctrl(ord('b')): self.scrollpos_detaillist = \ max(self.scrollpos_detaillist - self.detaillistitems_per_page - 1, 0) elif c == curses.KEY_NPAGE or c == curses.ascii.ctrl(ord('f')): if self.scrollpos_detaillist + self.detaillistitems_per_page >= list_len: self.scrollpos_detaillist = list_len - 1 else: self.scrollpos_detaillist += self.detaillistitems_per_page elif c == curses.KEY_HOME or c == ord('g'): self.scrollpos_detaillist = 0 elif c == curses.KEY_END or c == ord('G'): self.scrollpos_detaillist = list_len - 1 # Disallow scrolling past the last item that would cause blank # space to be displayed in pieces and peer lists. if self.details_category_focus in (2, 4): self.scrollpos_detaillist = min(self.scrollpos_detaillist, max(0, list_len - self.detaillistitems_per_page)) def file_pritority_or_switch_details(self, c): if self.selected_torrent > -1: # file priority OR walk through details if c == curses.KEY_RIGHT or c == ord('l'): if self.details_category_focus == 1 and \ (self.selected_files or self.focus_detaillist > -1): if self.selected_files: files = set([self.file_index_map[index] for index in self.selected_files]) server.increase_file_priority(files) elif self.focus_detaillist > -1: server.increase_file_priority([self.file_index_map[self.focus_detaillist]]) else: self.scrollpos_detaillist = 0 self.next_details() elif c == curses.KEY_LEFT or c == ord('h'): if self.details_category_focus == 1 and \ (self.selected_files or self.focus_detaillist > -1): if self.selected_files: files = set([self.file_index_map[index] for index in self.selected_files]) server.decrease_file_priority(files) elif self.focus_detaillist > -1: server.decrease_file_priority([self.file_index_map[self.focus_detaillist]]) else: self.scrollpos_detaillist = 0 self.prev_details() def select_unselect_file(self, c): if self.selected_torrent > -1 and self.details_category_focus == 1 and self.focus_detaillist >= 0: # file selection with space if c == ord(' '): try: self.selected_files.pop(self.selected_files.index(self.focus_detaillist)) except ValueError: self.selected_files.append(self.focus_detaillist) curses.ungetch(curses.KEY_DOWN) # move down # (un)select directory elif c == ord('A'): file_id = self.file_index_map[self.focus_detaillist] focused_dir = os.path.dirname(self.torrent_details['files'][file_id]['name']) if self.selected_files.count(self.focus_detaillist): for focus in range(0, len(self.torrent_details['files'])): file_id = self.file_index_map[focus] if self.torrent_details['files'][file_id]['name'].startswith(focused_dir): try: while focus in self.selected_files: self.selected_files.remove(focus) except ValueError: pass else: for focus in range(0, len(self.torrent_details['files'])): file_id = self.file_index_map[focus] if self.torrent_details['files'][file_id]['name'].startswith(focused_dir): self.selected_files.append(focus) self.move_to_next_directory_in_filelist() # (un)select all files elif c == ord('a'): if self.selected_files: self.selected_files = [] else: self.selected_files = range(0, len(self.torrent_details['files'])) def move_to_next_directory_in_filelist(self): if self.selected_torrent > -1 and self.details_category_focus == 1: self.focus_detaillist = max(self.focus_detaillist, 0) file_id = self.file_index_map[self.focus_detaillist] focused_dir = os.path.dirname(self.torrent_details['files'][file_id]['name']) while self.torrent_details['files'][file_id]['name'].startswith(focused_dir) \ and self.focus_detaillist < len(self.torrent_details['files'])-1: self.movement_keys(curses.KEY_DOWN) file_id = self.file_index_map[self.focus_detaillist] def move_to_previous_directory_in_filelist(self): if self.selected_torrent > -1 and self.details_category_focus == 1: self.focus_detaillist = max(self.focus_detaillist, 0) file_id = self.file_index_map[self.focus_detaillist] focused_dir = os.path.dirname(self.torrent_details['files'][file_id]['name']) while self.torrent_details['files'][file_id]['name'].startswith(focused_dir) \ and self.focus_detaillist > 0: self.movement_keys(curses.KEY_UP) file_id = self.file_index_map[self.focus_detaillist] def open_torrent_file(self, c): if self.focus_detaillist >= 0: details = server.get_torrent_details() stats = server.get_global_stats() file_server_index = self.file_index_map[self.focus_detaillist] file_name = details['files'][file_server_index]['name'] download_dir = details['downloadDir'] incomplete_dir = stats['incomplete-dir'] + '/' file_path = None possible_file_locations = [ download_dir + file_name, download_dir + file_name + '.part', incomplete_dir + file_name, incomplete_dir + file_name + '.part' ] for f in possible_file_locations: if (os.path.isfile(f)): file_path = f break if file_path is None: self.get_screen_size() self.dialog_ok("Could not find file:\n%s" % (file_name)) return viewer_cmd=[] for argstr in self.file_viewer.split(" "): viewer_cmd.append(argstr.replace('%s', file_path)) try: if self.file_open_in_terminal: self.restore_screen() call(viewer_cmd) self.get_screen_size() else: devnull = open(os.devnull, 'wb') Popen(viewer_cmd, stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull) devnull.close() except OSError, err: self.get_screen_size() self.dialog_ok("%s:\n%s" % (" ".join(viewer_cmd), err)) def move_in_details(self, c): if self.selected_torrent > -1: if c == ord("\t"): self.next_details() elif c == curses.KEY_BTAB: self.prev_details() elif c == ord('e'): self.details_category_focus = 2 elif c == ord('c'): self.details_category_focus = 4 def call_list_key_bindings(self, c): self.list_key_bindings() def toggle_compact_torrentlist(self, c): self.compact_list = not self.compact_list self.recalculate_torrents_per_page() self.follow_list_focus() def move_torrent(self, c): if self.focus > -1: location = homedir2tilde(self.torrents[self.focus]['downloadDir']) msg = 'Move "%s" from\n%s to' % (self.torrents[self.focus]['name'], location) path = self.dialog_input_text(msg, location, tab_complete='dirs') if path: server.move_torrent(self.torrents[self.focus]['id'], tilde2homedir(path)) def handle_user_input(self): c = self.screen.getch() if c == -1: return 0 f = self.keybindings.get(c, None) if f: f(c) # update view if self.selected_torrent == -1: self.draw_torrent_list() else: self.draw_details() def filter_torrent_list(self): unfiltered = self.torrents if self.filter_list == 'downloading': self.torrents = [t for t in self.torrents if t['rateDownload'] > 0] elif self.filter_list == 'uploading': self.torrents = [t for t in self.torrents if t['rateUpload'] > 0] elif self.filter_list == 'paused': self.torrents = [t for t in self.torrents if t['status'] == Transmission.STATUS_STOPPED] elif self.filter_list == 'seeding': self.torrents = [t for t in self.torrents if t['status'] == Transmission.STATUS_SEED \ or t['status'] == Transmission.STATUS_SEED_WAIT] elif self.filter_list == 'incomplete': self.torrents = [t for t in self.torrents if t['percentDone'] < 100] elif self.filter_list == 'private': self.torrents = [t for t in self.torrents if t['isPrivate']] elif self.filter_list == 'active': self.torrents = [t for t in self.torrents if t['peersGettingFromUs'] > 0 \ or t['peersSendingToUs'] > 0 \ or t['status'] == Transmission.STATUS_CHECK] elif self.filter_list == 'verifying': self.torrents = [t for t in self.torrents if t['status'] == Transmission.STATUS_CHECK \ or t['status'] == Transmission.STATUS_CHECK_WAIT] elif self.filter_list == 'isolated': self.torrents = [t for t in self.torrents if t['isIsolated']] # invert list? if self.filter_inverse: self.torrents = [t for t in unfiltered if t not in self.torrents] def follow_list_focus(self): if self.focus == -1: return # check if list is empty or id to look for isn't in list ids = [t['id'] for t in self.torrents] if len(self.torrents) == 0 or self.focused_id not in ids: self.focus, self.scrollpos = -1, 0 return # find focused_id self.focus = min(self.focus, len(self.torrents)-1) if self.torrents[self.focus]['id'] != self.focused_id: for i,t in enumerate(self.torrents): if t['id'] == self.focused_id: self.focus = i break # make sure the focus is not above the visible area while self.focus < (self.scrollpos/self.tlist_item_height): self.scrollpos -= self.tlist_item_height # make sure the focus is not below the visible area while self.focus > (self.scrollpos/self.tlist_item_height) + self.torrents_per_page-1: self.scrollpos += self.tlist_item_height # keep min and max bounds self.scrollpos = min(self.scrollpos, (len(self.torrents) - self.torrents_per_page) * self.tlist_item_height) self.scrollpos = max(0, self.scrollpos) def draw_torrent_list(self, search_keyword=''): self.torrents = server.get_torrent_list(self.sort_orders) self.filter_torrent_list() if search_keyword: matched_torrents = [t for t in self.torrents if search_keyword.lower() in t['name'].lower()] if matched_torrents: self.focus = 0 if self.search_focus >= len(matched_torrents): self.search_focus = 0 self.focused_id = matched_torrents[self.search_focus]['id'] self.highlight_dialog = False else: self.highlight_dialog = True curses.beep() else: self.search_focus = 0 self.follow_list_focus() self.manage_layout() ypos = 0 for i in range(len(self.visible_torrents)): ypos += self.draw_torrentlist_item(self.visible_torrents[i], (i == self.focus-self.visible_torrents_start), self.compact_list, ypos) self.pad.refresh(0,0, 1,0, self.mainview_height,self.width-1) self.screen.refresh() def draw_torrentlist_item(self, torrent, focused, compact, y): # the torrent name is also a progress bar self.draw_torrentlist_title(torrent, focused, self.torrent_title_width, y) rates = '' if torrent['status'] == Transmission.STATUS_DOWNLOAD: self.draw_downloadrate(torrent, y) if torrent['status'] == Transmission.STATUS_DOWNLOAD or torrent['status'] == Transmission.STATUS_SEED: self.draw_uploadrate(torrent, y) if not compact: # the line below the title/progress if torrent['percentDone'] < 100 and torrent['status'] == Transmission.STATUS_DOWNLOAD: self.draw_eta(torrent, y) self.draw_ratio(torrent, y) self.draw_torrentlist_status(torrent, focused, y) return self.lines_per_entry # number of lines that were used for drawing the list item else: # Draw ratio in place of upload rate if upload rate = 0 if not torrent['rateUpload']: self.draw_ratio(torrent, y - 1) return 1 def draw_downloadrate(self, torrent, ypos): self.pad.move(ypos, self.width-self.rateDownload_width-self.rateUpload_width-3) self.pad.addch(curses.ACS_DARROW, (0,curses.A_BOLD)[torrent['downloadLimited']]) rate = ('',scale_bytes(torrent['rateDownload']))[torrent['rateDownload']>0] self.pad.addstr(rate.rjust(self.rateDownload_width), curses.color_pair(self.colors.id('download_rate')) + curses.A_BOLD + curses.A_REVERSE) def draw_uploadrate(self, torrent, ypos): self.pad.move(ypos, self.width-self.rateUpload_width-1) self.pad.addch(curses.ACS_UARROW, (0,curses.A_BOLD)[torrent['uploadLimited']]) rate = ('',scale_bytes(torrent['rateUpload']))[torrent['rateUpload']>0] self.pad.addstr(rate.rjust(self.rateUpload_width), curses.color_pair(self.colors.id('upload_rate')) + curses.A_BOLD + curses.A_REVERSE) def draw_ratio(self, torrent, ypos): self.pad.addch(ypos+1, self.width-self.rateUpload_width-1, curses.ACS_DIAMOND, (0,curses.A_BOLD)[torrent['uploadRatio'] < 1 and torrent['uploadRatio'] >= 0]) self.pad.addstr(ypos+1, self.width-self.rateUpload_width, num2str(torrent['uploadRatio'], '%.02f').rjust(self.rateUpload_width), curses.color_pair(self.colors.id('eta+ratio')) + curses.A_BOLD + curses.A_REVERSE) def draw_eta(self, torrent, ypos): self.pad.addch(ypos+1, self.width-self.rateDownload_width-self.rateUpload_width-3, curses.ACS_PLMINUS) self.pad.addstr(ypos+1, self.width-self.rateDownload_width-self.rateUpload_width-2, scale_time(torrent['eta']).rjust(self.rateDownload_width), curses.color_pair(self.colors.id('eta+ratio')) + curses.A_BOLD + curses.A_REVERSE) def draw_torrentlist_title(self, torrent, focused, width, ypos): if torrent['status'] == Transmission.STATUS_CHECK: percentDone = float(torrent['recheckProgress']) * 100 else: percentDone = torrent['percentDone'] bar_width = int(float(width) * (float(percentDone)/100)) size = "%6s" % scale_bytes(torrent['sizeWhenDone']) if torrent['percentDone'] < 100: if torrent['seeders'] <= 0 and torrent['status'] != Transmission.STATUS_CHECK: size = "%6s / " % scale_bytes(torrent['available']) + size size = "%6s / " % scale_bytes(torrent['haveValid'] + torrent['haveUnchecked']) + size size = '| ' + size title = ljust_columns(torrent['name'], width - len(size)) + size if torrent['isIsolated']: color = curses.color_pair(self.colors.id('title_error')) elif torrent['status'] == Transmission.STATUS_SEED or \ torrent['status'] == Transmission.STATUS_SEED_WAIT: color = curses.color_pair(self.colors.id('title_seed')) elif torrent['status'] == Transmission.STATUS_STOPPED: color = curses.color_pair(self.colors.id('title_paused')) elif torrent['status'] == Transmission.STATUS_CHECK or \ torrent['status'] == Transmission.STATUS_CHECK_WAIT: color = curses.color_pair(self.colors.id('title_verify')) elif torrent['rateDownload'] == 0: color = curses.color_pair(self.colors.id('title_idle')) elif torrent['percentDone'] < 100: color = curses.color_pair(self.colors.id('title_download')) else: color = 0 tag = curses.A_REVERSE tag_done = tag + color if focused: tag += curses.A_BOLD tag_done += curses.A_BOLD if self.torrentname_is_progressbar: # addstr() dies when you tell it to draw on the last column of the # terminal, so we have to catch this exception. try: self.pad.addstr(ypos, 0, self.enc(title[0:bar_width]), tag_done) self.pad.addstr(ypos, len_columns(title[0:bar_width]), self.enc(title[bar_width:]), tag) except: pass else: self.pad.addstr(ypos, 0, self.enc(title), tag_done) def draw_torrentlist_status(self, torrent, focused, ypos): peers = '' parts = [server.get_status(torrent)] if torrent['isIsolated'] and torrent['peersConnected'] <= 0: if not torrent['trackerStats']: parts[0] = "Unable to find peers without trackers and DHT disabled" else: tracker_errors = [tracker['lastAnnounceResult'] or tracker['lastScrapeResult'] for tracker in torrent['trackerStats']] parts[0] = self.enc([te for te in tracker_errors if te][0]) else: if torrent['status'] == Transmission.STATUS_CHECK: parts[0] += " (%d%%)" % int(float(torrent['recheckProgress']) * 100) elif torrent['status'] == Transmission.STATUS_DOWNLOAD: parts[0] += " (%d%%)" % torrent['percentDone'] parts[0] = parts[0].ljust(20) # seeds and leeches will be appended right justified later peers = "%5s seed%s " % (num2str(torrent['seeders']), ('s', ' ')[torrent['seeders']==1]) peers += "%5s leech%s" % (num2str(torrent['leechers']), ('es', ' ')[torrent['leechers']==1]) # show additional information if enough room if self.torrent_title_width - sum(map(lambda x: len(x), parts)) - len(peers) > 18: uploaded = scale_bytes(torrent['uploadedEver']) parts.append("%7s uploaded" % ('nothing',uploaded)[uploaded != '0B']) if self.torrent_title_width - sum(map(lambda x: len(x), parts)) - len(peers) > 22: parts.append("%4s peer%s connected" % (torrent['peersConnected'], ('s',' ')[torrent['peersConnected'] == 1])) if focused: tags = curses.A_REVERSE + curses.A_BOLD else: tags = 0 remaining_space = self.torrent_title_width - sum(map(lambda x: len(x), parts), len(peers)) - 2 delimiter = ' ' * int(remaining_space / (len(parts))) line = server.get_bandwidth_priority(torrent) + ' ' + delimiter.join(parts) # make sure the peers element is always right justified line += ' ' * int(self.torrent_title_width - len(line) - len(peers)) + peers self.pad.addstr(ypos+1, 0, line, tags) def draw_details(self): self.torrent_details = server.get_torrent_details() self.manage_layout() # details could need more space than the torrent list self.pad_height = max(50, len(self.torrent_details['files'])+10, (len(self.torrents)+1)*3, self.height) self.pad = curses.newpad(self.pad_height, self.width) # torrent name + progress bar self.draw_torrentlist_item(self.torrent_details, False, False, 0) # divider + menu menu_items = ['_Overview', "_Files", 'P_eers', '_Trackers', 'Pie_ces' ] xpos = int((self.width - sum(map(lambda x: len(x), menu_items))-len(menu_items)) / 2) for item in menu_items: self.pad.move(3, xpos) tags = curses.A_BOLD if menu_items.index(item) == self.details_category_focus: tags += curses.A_REVERSE title = item.split('_') self.pad.addstr(title[0], tags) self.pad.addstr(title[1][0], tags + curses.A_UNDERLINE) self.pad.addstr(title[1][1:], tags) xpos += len(item)+1 # which details to display if self.details_category_focus == 0: self.draw_details_overview(5) elif self.details_category_focus == 1: self.draw_filelist(5) elif self.details_category_focus == 2: self.draw_peerlist(5) elif self.details_category_focus == 3: self.draw_trackerlist(5) elif self.details_category_focus == 4: self.draw_pieces_map(5) self.pad.refresh(0,0, 1,0, self.height-2,self.width) self.screen.refresh() def draw_details_overview(self, ypos): t = self.torrent_details info = [] info.append(['Hash: ', "%s" % t['hashString']]) info.append(['ID: ', "%s" % t['id']]) wanted = 0 for i, file_info in enumerate(t['files']): if t['wanted'][i] == True: wanted += t['files'][i]['length'] sizes = ['Size: ', "%s; " % scale_bytes(t['totalSize'], 'long'), "%s wanted; " % (scale_bytes(wanted, 'long'),'everything') [t['totalSize'] == wanted]] if t['available'] < t['totalSize']: sizes.append("%s available; " % scale_bytes(t['available'], 'long')) sizes.extend(["%s left" % scale_bytes(t['leftUntilDone'], 'long')]) info.append(sizes) info.append(['Files: ', "%d; " % len(t['files'])]) complete = map(lambda x: x['bytesCompleted'] == x['length'], t['files']).count(True) not_complete = filter(lambda x: x['bytesCompleted'] != x['length'], t['files']) partial = map(lambda x: x['bytesCompleted'] > 0, not_complete).count(True) if complete == len(t['files']): info[-1].append("all complete") else: info[-1].append("%d complete; " % complete) info[-1].append("%d commenced" % partial) info.append(['Pieces: ', "%s; " % t['pieceCount'], "%s each" % scale_bytes(t['pieceSize'], 'long')]) info.append(['Download: ']) info[-1].append("%s" % scale_bytes(t['downloadedEver'], 'long') + \ " (%d%%) received; " % int(percent(t['sizeWhenDone'], t['downloadedEver']))) info[-1].append("%s" % scale_bytes(t['haveValid'], 'long') + \ " (%d%%) verified; " % int(percent(t['sizeWhenDone'], t['haveValid']))) info[-1].append("%s corrupt" % scale_bytes(t['corruptEver'], 'long')) if t['percentDone'] < 100: info[-1][-1] += '; ' if t['rateDownload']: info[-1].append("receiving %s per second" % scale_bytes(t['rateDownload'], 'long')) if t['downloadLimited']: info[-1][-1] += " (throttled to %s)" % scale_bytes(t['downloadLimit']*1024, 'long') else: info[-1].append("no reception in progress") try: copies_distributed = (float(t['uploadedEver']) / float(t['sizeWhenDone'])) except ZeroDivisionError: copies_distributed = 0 info.append(['Upload: ', "%s (%d%%) transmitted; " % (scale_bytes(t['uploadedEver'], 'long'), t['uploadRatio']*100)]) if t['rateUpload']: info[-1].append("sending %s per second" % scale_bytes(t['rateUpload'], 'long')) if t['uploadLimited']: info[-1][-1] += " (throttled to %s)" % scale_bytes(t['uploadLimit']*1024, 'long') else: info[-1].append("no transmission in progress") info.append(['Ratio: ', '%.2f copies distributed' % copies_distributed]) norm_upload_rate = norm.add('%s:rateUpload' % t['id'], t['rateUpload'], 50) if norm_upload_rate > 0: target_ratio = self.get_target_ratio() bytes_left = (max(t['downloadedEver'],t['sizeWhenDone']) * target_ratio) - t['uploadedEver'] time_left = bytes_left / norm_upload_rate info[-1][-1] += '; ' if time_left < 86400: # 1 day info[-1].append('approaching %.2f at %s' % \ (target_ratio, timestamp(time.time() + time_left, "%R"))) else: info[-1].append('approaching %.2f on %s' % \ (target_ratio, timestamp(time.time() + time_left, "%x"))) info.append(['Seed limit: ']) if t['seedRatioMode'] == 0: if self.stats['seedRatioLimited']: info[-1].append('default (pause torrent after distributing %s copies)' % self.stats['seedRatioLimit']) else: info[-1].append('default (unlimited)') elif t['seedRatioMode'] == 1: info[-1].append('pause torrent after distributing %s copies' % t['seedRatioLimit']) elif t['seedRatioMode'] == 2: info[-1].append('unlimited (ignore global limits)') info.append(['Peers: ', "connected to %d; " % t['peersConnected'], "downloading from %d; " % t['peersSendingToUs'], "uploading to %d" % t['peersGettingFromUs']]) # average peer speed incomplete_peers = [peer for peer in self.torrent_details['peers'] if peer['progress'] < 1] if incomplete_peers: # use at least 2/3 or 10 of incomplete peers to make an estimation active_peers = [peer for peer in incomplete_peers if peer['download_speed']] min_active_peers = min(10, max(1, round(len(incomplete_peers)*0.666))) if 1 <= len(active_peers) >= min_active_peers: swarm_speed = sum([peer['download_speed'] for peer in active_peers]) / len(active_peers) info.append(['Swarm speed: ', "%s on average; " % scale_bytes(swarm_speed), "distribution of 1 copy takes %s" % \ scale_time(int(t['totalSize'] / swarm_speed), 'long')]) else: info.append(['Swarm speed: ', "" % \ (min_active_peers, len(active_peers))]) else: info.append(['Swarm speed: ', ""]) info.append(['Privacy: ']) if t['isPrivate']: info[-1].append('Private to this tracker -- DHT and PEX disabled') else: info[-1].append('Public torrent') info.append(['Location: ',"%s" % homedir2tilde(t['downloadDir'])]) ypos = self.draw_details_list(ypos, info) self.draw_details_eventdates(ypos+1) return ypos+1 def get_target_ratio(self): t = self.torrent_details if t['seedRatioMode'] == 1: return t['seedRatioLimit'] # individual limit elif t['seedRatioMode'] == 0 and self.stats['seedRatioLimited']: return self.stats['seedRatioLimit'] # global limit else: # round up to next 10/5/1 if t['uploadRatio'] >= 100: step_size = 10.0 elif t['uploadRatio'] >= 10: step_size = 5.0 else: step_size = 1.0 return int(round((t['uploadRatio'] + step_size/2) / step_size) * step_size) def draw_details_eventdates(self, ypos): t = self.torrent_details self.pad.addstr(ypos, 1, ' Created: ' + timestamp(t['dateCreated'])) self.pad.addstr(ypos+1, 1, ' Added: ' + timestamp(t['addedDate'])) self.pad.addstr(ypos+2, 1, ' Started: ' + timestamp(t['startDate'])) self.pad.addstr(ypos+3, 1, ' Activity: ' + timestamp(t['activityDate'])) if t['percentDone'] < 100 and t['eta'] > 0: self.pad.addstr(ypos+4, 1, 'Finishing: ' + timestamp(time.time() + t['eta'])) elif t['doneDate'] <= 0: self.pad.addstr(ypos+4, 1, 'Finishing: sometime') else: self.pad.addstr(ypos+4, 1, ' Finished: ' + timestamp(t['doneDate'])) if t['comment']: if self.width >= 90: width = self.width - 50 comment = wrap_multiline(t['comment'], width, initial_indent='Comment: ') for i, line in enumerate(comment): if(ypos+i > self.height-1): break self.pad.addstr(ypos+i, 50, self.enc(line)) else: width = self.width - 2 comment = wrap_multiline(t['comment'], width, initial_indent='Comment: ') for i, line in enumerate(comment): self.pad.addstr(ypos+6+i, 2, self.enc(line)) def draw_filelist(self, ypos): column_names = ' # Progress Size Priority Filename' self.pad.addstr(ypos, 0, column_names.ljust(self.width), curses.A_UNDERLINE) ypos += 1 for line in self.create_filelist(): curses_tags = 0 # highlight focused/selected line(s) while line.startswith('_'): if line[1] == 'S': curses_tags = curses.A_BOLD line = line[2:] if line[1] == 'F': curses_tags += curses.A_REVERSE line = line[2:] try: self.pad.addstr(ypos, 0, ' '*self.width, curses_tags) except: pass # colored priority (only in the first 30 chars, the rest is filename) xpos = 0 for part in re.split('(high|normal|low|off)', line[0:30], 1): if part == 'high': self.pad.addstr(ypos, xpos, self.enc(part), curses_tags + curses.color_pair(self.colors.id('file_prio_high'))) elif part == 'normal': self.pad.addstr(ypos, xpos, self.enc(part), curses_tags + curses.color_pair(self.colors.id('file_prio_normal'))) elif part == 'low': self.pad.addstr(ypos, xpos, self.enc(part), curses_tags + curses.color_pair(self.colors.id('file_prio_low'))) elif part == 'off': self.pad.addstr(ypos, xpos, self.enc(part), curses_tags + curses.color_pair(self.colors.id('file_prio_off'))) else: self.pad.addstr(ypos, xpos, self.enc(part), curses_tags) xpos += len(part) self.pad.addstr(ypos, xpos, self.enc(line[30:]), curses_tags) ypos += 1 if ypos > self.height: break def create_filelist(self): files = sorted(self.torrent_details['files'], cmp=lambda x,y: cmp(x['name'], y['name'])) # Build new mapping between sorted local files and transmission-daemon's unsorted files self.file_index_map = {} for index,file in enumerate(files): self.file_index_map[index] = self.torrent_details['files'].index(file) filelist = [] current_folder = [] current_depth = 0 pos = 0 pos_before_focus = 0 index = 0 for file in files: f = file['name'].split('/') f_len = len(f) - 1 if f[:f_len] != current_folder: [current_depth, pos] = self.create_filelist_transition(f, current_folder, filelist, current_depth, pos) current_folder = f[:f_len] filelist.append(self.create_filelist_line(f[-1], index, percent(file['length'], file['bytesCompleted']), file['length'], current_depth)) index += 1 if self.focus_detaillist == index - 1: pos_before_focus = pos if index + pos >= self.focus_detaillist + 1 + pos + self.detaillistitems_per_page/2 \ and index + pos >= self.detaillistitems_per_page: if self.focus_detaillist + 1 + pos_before_focus < self.detaillistitems_per_page / 2: return filelist return filelist[self.focus_detaillist + 1 + pos_before_focus - self.detaillistitems_per_page / 2 : self.focus_detaillist + 1 + pos_before_focus + self.detaillistitems_per_page / 2] begin = len(filelist) - self.detaillistitems_per_page return filelist[begin > 0 and begin or 0:] def create_filelist_transition(self, f, current_folder, filelist, current_depth, pos): """ Create directory transition from to , both of which are an array of strings, each one representing one subdirectory in their path (e.g. /tmp/a/c would result in [temp, a, c]). is a list of strings that will later be drawn to screen. This function only creates directory strings, and is responsible for managing depth (i.e. indentation) between different directories. """ f_len = len(f) - 1 # Amount of subdirectories in f current_folder_len = len(current_folder) # Amount of subdirectories in # current_folder # Number of directory parts from f and current_directory that are identical same = 0 while (same < current_folder_len and same < f_len and f[same] == current_folder[same]): same += 1 # Reduce depth for each directory f has less than current_folder if self.blank_lines: for i in range(current_folder_len - same): current_depth -= 1 filelist.append(' '*current_depth + ' '*31 + '/') pos += 1 else: # code duplication, but less calculation for i in range(current_folder_len - same): current_depth -= 1 # Stepping out of a directory, but not into a new directory if f_len < current_folder_len and f_len == same: return [current_depth, pos] # Increase depth for each new directory that appears in f, # but not in current_directory while current_depth < f_len: filelist.append('%s\\ %s' % (' '*current_depth + ' '*31 , f[current_depth])) current_depth += 1 pos += 1 return [current_depth, pos] def create_filelist_line(self, name, index, percent, length, current_depth): line = "%s %6.1f%%" % (str(index+1).rjust(3), percent) + \ ' '+scale_bytes(length).rjust(5) + \ ' '+server.get_file_priority(self.torrent_details['id'], self.file_index_map[index]).center(8) + \ " %s| %s" % (' '*current_depth, name[0:self.width-31-current_depth]) if index == self.focus_detaillist: line = '_F' + line if index in self.selected_files: line = '_S' + line return line def draw_peerlist(self, ypos): # Start drawing list either at the "selected" index, or at the index # that is required to display all remaining items without further scrolling. last_possible_index = max(0, len(self.torrent_details['peers']) - self.detaillistitems_per_page) start = min(self.scrollpos_detaillist, last_possible_index) end = start + self.detaillistitems_per_page peers = self.torrent_details['peers'][start:end] # Find width of columns clientname_width = 0 address_width = 0 port_width = 0 for peer in peers: if len(peer['clientName']) > clientname_width: clientname_width = len(peer['clientName']) if len(peer['address']) > address_width: address_width = len(peer['address']) if len(str(peer['port'])) > port_width: port_width = len(str(peer['port'])) # Column names column_names = 'Flags %3d Down %3d Up Progress ETA ' % \ (self.torrent_details['peersSendingToUs'], self.torrent_details['peersGettingFromUs']) column_names += 'Client'.ljust(clientname_width + 1) \ + 'Address'.ljust(address_width+port_width+1) if features['geoip']: column_names += 'Country' if features['dns']: column_names += ' Host' self.pad.addstr(ypos, 0, column_names.ljust(self.width), curses.A_UNDERLINE) ypos += 1 # Peers hosts = server.get_hosts() geo_ips = server.get_geo_ips() for index, peer in enumerate(peers): if features['dns']: try: try: host = hosts[peer['address']].check() host_name = host[3][0] except (IndexError, KeyError): host_name = "" except adns.NotReady: host_name = "" except adns.Error, msg: host_name = msg upload_tag = download_tag = line_tag = 0 if peer['rateToPeer']: upload_tag = curses.A_BOLD if peer['rateToClient']: download_tag = curses.A_BOLD self.pad.move(ypos, 0) # Flags self.pad.addstr("%-6s " % peer['flagStr']) # Down self.pad.addstr("%5s " % scale_bytes(peer['rateToClient']), download_tag) # Up self.pad.addstr("%5s " % scale_bytes(peer['rateToPeer']), upload_tag) # Progress if peer['progress'] < 1: self.pad.addstr("%3d%%" % (float(peer['progress'])*100)) else: self.pad.addstr("%3d%%" % (float(peer['progress'])*100), curses.A_BOLD) # ETA if peer['progress'] < 1 and peer['download_speed'] > 1024: self.pad.addstr(" %6s %4s " % \ ('~' + scale_bytes(peer['download_speed']), '~' + scale_time(peer['time_left']))) else: if peer['progress'] < 1: self.pad.addstr(" ") else: self.pad.addstr(" ") # Client self.pad.addstr(self.enc(peer['clientName'].ljust(clientname_width + 1))) # Address:Port self.pad.addstr(peer['address'].rjust(address_width) + \ ':' + str(peer['port']).ljust(port_width) + ' ') # Country if features['geoip']: self.pad.addstr(" %2s " % geo_ips[peer['address']]) # Host if features['dns']: self.pad.addstr(self.enc(host_name), curses.A_DIM) ypos += 1 def draw_trackerlist(self, ypos): top = ypos - 1 def addstr(ypos, xpos, *args): if ypos > top and ypos < self.height - 2: self.pad.addstr(ypos, xpos, *args) tracker_per_page = self.detaillistitems_per_page // self.TRACKER_ITEM_HEIGHT page = self.scrollpos_detaillist // tracker_per_page start = tracker_per_page * page end = tracker_per_page * (page + 1) tlist = self.torrent_details['trackerStats'][start:end] # keep position in range when last tracker gets deleted self.scrollpos_detaillist = min(self.scrollpos_detaillist, len(self.torrent_details['trackerStats'])-1) # show newly added tracker when list was empty before if self.torrent_details['trackerStats']: self.scrollpos_detaillist = max(0, self.scrollpos_detaillist) current_tier = -1 for index, t in enumerate(tlist): announce_msg_size = scrape_msg_size = 0 selected = t == self.torrent_details['trackerStats'][self.scrollpos_detaillist] if current_tier != t['tier']: current_tier = t['tier'] tiercolor = curses.A_BOLD + curses.A_REVERSE \ if selected else curses.A_REVERSE addstr(ypos, 0, ("Tier %d" % (current_tier+1)).ljust(self.width), tiercolor) ypos += 1 if selected: for i in range(4): addstr(ypos+i, 0, ' ', curses.A_BOLD + curses.A_REVERSE) addstr(ypos+1, 4, "Last announce: %s" % timestamp(t['lastAnnounceTime'])) addstr(ypos+1, 54, "Last scrape: %s" % timestamp(t['lastScrapeTime'])) if t['lastAnnounceSucceeded']: peers = "%s peer%s" % (num2str(t['lastAnnouncePeerCount']), ('s', '')[t['lastAnnouncePeerCount']==1]) addstr(ypos, 2, t['announce'], curses.A_BOLD + curses.A_UNDERLINE) addstr(ypos+2, 11, "Result: ") addstr(ypos+2, 19, "%s received" % peers, curses.A_BOLD) else: addstr(ypos, 2, t['announce'], curses.A_UNDERLINE) addstr(ypos+2, 9, "Response:") announce_msg_size = self.wrap_and_draw_result(top, ypos+2, 19, self.enc(t['lastAnnounceResult'])) if t['lastScrapeSucceeded']: seeds = "%s seed%s" % (num2str(t['seederCount']), ('s', '')[t['seederCount']==1]) leeches = "%s leech%s" % (num2str(t['leecherCount']), ('es', '')[t['leecherCount']==1]) addstr(ypos+2, 52, "Tracker knows:") addstr(ypos+2, 67, "%s and %s" % (seeds, leeches), curses.A_BOLD) else: addstr(ypos+2, 57, "Response:") scrape_msg_size += self.wrap_and_draw_result(top, ypos+2, 67, t['lastScrapeResult']) ypos += max(announce_msg_size, scrape_msg_size) addstr(ypos+3, 4, "Next announce: %s" % timestamp(t['nextAnnounceTime'])) addstr(ypos+3, 52, " Next scrape: %s" % timestamp(t['nextScrapeTime'])) ypos += 5 def wrap_and_draw_result(self, top, ypos, xpos, result): result = wrap(result, 30) i = 0 for i, line in enumerate(result): if ypos+i > top and ypos+i < self.height - 2: self.pad.addstr(ypos+i, xpos, line, curses.A_UNDERLINE) return i def draw_pieces_map(self, ypos): pieces = self.torrent_details['pieces'] piece_count = self.torrent_details['pieceCount'] margin = len(str(piece_count)) + 2 map_width = int(str(self.width-margin-1)[0:-1] + '0') for x in range(10, map_width, 10): self.pad.addstr(ypos, x+margin-1, str(x), curses.A_BOLD) start = self.scrollpos_detaillist * map_width end = min(start + (self.height - ypos - 3) * map_width, piece_count) if end <= start: return block = ord(pieces[start >> 3]) << (start & 7) format = "%%%dd" % (margin - 2) for counter in xrange(start, end): if counter % map_width == 0: ypos += 1 ; xpos = margin self.pad.addstr(ypos, 1, format % counter, curses.A_BOLD) else: xpos += 1 if counter & 7 == 0: block = ord(pieces[counter >> 3]) piece = block & 0x80 if piece: self.pad.addch(ypos, xpos, ' ', curses.A_REVERSE) else: self.pad.addch(ypos, xpos, '_') block <<= 1 missing_pieces = piece_count - counter - 1 if missing_pieces: line = "%d further piece%s" % (missing_pieces, ('','s')[missing_pieces>1]) xpos = (self.width - len(line)) / 2 self.pad.addstr(self.height-3, xpos, line, curses.A_REVERSE) def draw_details_list(self, ypos, info): key_width = max(map(lambda x: len(x[0]), info)) for i in info: self.pad.addstr(ypos, 1, self.enc(i[0].rjust(key_width))) # key # value part may be wrapped if it gets too long for v in i[1:]: y, x = self.pad.getyx() if x + len(v) >= self.width: ypos += 1 self.pad.move(ypos, key_width+1) self.pad.addstr(self.enc(v)) ypos += 1 return ypos def next_details(self): if self.details_category_focus >= 4: self.details_category_focus = 0 else: self.details_category_focus += 1 self.focus_detaillist = -1 self.scrollpos_detaillist = 0 self.pad.erase() def prev_details(self): if self.details_category_focus <= 0: self.details_category_focus = 4 else: self.details_category_focus -= 1 self.pad.erase() def move_up(self, focus, scrollpos, step_size): if focus < 0: focus = -1 else: focus -= 1 if scrollpos/step_size - focus > 0: scrollpos -= step_size scrollpos = max(0, scrollpos) while scrollpos % step_size: scrollpos -= 1 return focus, scrollpos def move_down(self, focus, scrollpos, step_size, elements_per_page, list_height): if focus < list_height - 1: focus += 1 if focus+1 - scrollpos/step_size > elements_per_page: scrollpos += step_size return focus, scrollpos def move_page_up(self, focus, scrollpos, step_size, elements_per_page): for x in range(elements_per_page - 1): focus, scrollpos = self.move_up(focus, scrollpos, step_size) if focus < 0: focus = 0 return focus, scrollpos def move_page_down(self, focus, scrollpos, step_size, elements_per_page, list_height): if focus < 0: focus = 0 for x in range(elements_per_page - 1): focus, scrollpos = self.move_down(focus, scrollpos, step_size, elements_per_page, list_height) return focus, scrollpos def move_to_top(self): return 0, 0 def move_to_end(self, step_size, elements_per_page, list_height): focus = list_height - 1 scrollpos = max(0, (list_height - elements_per_page) * step_size) return focus, scrollpos def draw_stats(self): self.screen.insstr(self.height-1, 0, ' '.center(self.width), curses.A_REVERSE) self.draw_torrents_stats() self.draw_global_rates() def draw_torrents_stats(self): if self.selected_torrent > -1 and self.details_category_focus == 2: self.screen.insstr((self.height-1), 0, "%d peer%s connected (" % (self.torrent_details['peersConnected'], ('s','')[self.torrent_details['peersConnected'] == 1]) + \ "Trackers:%d " % self.torrent_details['peersFrom']['fromTracker'] + \ "DHT:%d " % self.torrent_details['peersFrom']['fromDht'] + \ "LTEP:%d " % self.torrent_details['peersFrom']['fromLtep'] + \ "PEX:%d " % self.torrent_details['peersFrom']['fromPex'] + \ "Incoming:%d " % self.torrent_details['peersFrom']['fromIncoming'] + \ "Cache:%d)" % self.torrent_details['peersFrom']['fromCache'], curses.A_REVERSE) else: self.screen.addstr((self.height-1), 0, "Torrent%s:" % ('s','')[len(self.torrents) == 1], curses.A_REVERSE) self.screen.addstr("%d (" % len(self.torrents), curses.A_REVERSE) downloading = len(filter(lambda x: x['status']==Transmission.STATUS_DOWNLOAD, self.torrents)) seeding = len(filter(lambda x: x['status']==Transmission.STATUS_SEED, self.torrents)) paused = self.stats['pausedTorrentCount'] self.screen.addstr("Downloading:", curses.A_REVERSE) self.screen.addstr("%d " % downloading, curses.A_REVERSE) self.screen.addstr("Seeding:", curses.A_REVERSE) self.screen.addstr("%d " % seeding, curses.A_REVERSE) self.screen.addstr("Paused:", curses.A_REVERSE) self.screen.addstr("%d) " % paused, curses.A_REVERSE) if self.filter_list: self.screen.addstr("Filter:", curses.A_REVERSE) self.screen.addstr("%s%s" % (('','not ')[self.filter_inverse], self.filter_list), curses.color_pair(self.colors.id('filter_status')) + curses.A_REVERSE) # show last sort order (if terminal size permits it) curpos_y, curpos_x = self.screen.getyx() if self.sort_orders and self.width - curpos_x > 20: self.screen.addstr(" Sort by:", curses.A_REVERSE) name = [name[1] for name in self.sort_options if name[0] == self.sort_orders[-1]['name']][0] name = name.replace('_', '').lower() curses_tags = curses.color_pair(self.colors.id('filter_status')) + curses.A_REVERSE if self.sort_orders[-1]['reverse']: self.screen.addch(curses.ACS_DARROW, curses_tags) else: self.screen.addch(curses.ACS_UARROW, curses_tags) try: # 'name' may be too long self.screen.addstr(name, curses_tags) except curses.error: pass def draw_global_rates(self): rates_width = self.rateDownload_width + self.rateUpload_width + 3 if self.stats['alt-speed-enabled']: upload_limit = "/%dK" % self.stats['alt-speed-up'] download_limit = "/%dK" % self.stats['alt-speed-down'] else: upload_limit = ('', "/%dK" % self.stats['speed-limit-up'])[self.stats['speed-limit-up-enabled']] download_limit = ('', "/%dK" % self.stats['speed-limit-down'])[self.stats['speed-limit-down-enabled']] limits = {'dn_limit' : download_limit, 'up_limit' : upload_limit} limits_width = len(limits['dn_limit']) + len(limits['up_limit']) if self.stats['alt-speed-enabled']: self.screen.move(self.height-1, self.width-rates_width - limits_width - len('Turtle mode ')) self.screen.addstr('Turtle mode', curses.A_REVERSE + curses.A_BOLD) self.screen.addch(' ', curses.A_REVERSE) self.screen.move(self.height - 1, self.width - rates_width - limits_width) self.screen.addch(curses.ACS_DARROW, curses.A_REVERSE) self.screen.addstr(scale_bytes(self.stats['downloadSpeed']).rjust(self.rateDownload_width), curses.color_pair(self.colors.id('download_rate')) + curses.A_REVERSE + curses.A_BOLD) self.screen.addstr(limits['dn_limit'], curses.A_REVERSE) self.screen.addch(' ', curses.A_REVERSE) self.screen.addch(curses.ACS_UARROW, curses.A_REVERSE) self.screen.insstr(limits['up_limit'], curses.A_REVERSE) self.screen.insstr(scale_bytes(self.stats['uploadSpeed']).rjust(self.rateUpload_width), curses.color_pair(self.colors.id('upload_rate')) + curses.A_REVERSE + curses.A_BOLD) def draw_title_bar(self): self.screen.insstr(0, 0, ' '.center(self.width), curses.A_REVERSE) self.draw_connection_status() self.draw_quick_help() def draw_connection_status(self): status = "Transmission @ %s:%s" % (server.host, server.port) if cmd_args.DEBUG: status = "%d x %d " % (self.width, self.height) + status self.screen.addstr(0, 0, self.enc(status), curses.A_REVERSE) def draw_quick_help(self): help = [('?','Show Keybindings')] if self.selected_torrent == -1: if self.focus >= 0: help = [('enter','View Details'), ('p','Pause/Unpause'), ('r','Remove'), ('v','Verify')] else: help = [('/','Search'), ('f','Filter'), ('s','Sort')] + help + [('o','Options'), ('q','Quit')] else: help = [('Move with','cursor keys'), ('q','Back to List')] if self.details_category_focus == 1 and self.focus_detaillist > -1: help = [('enter', 'Open File'), ('space','(De)Select File'), ('left/right','De-/Increase Priority'), ('escape','Unfocus/-select')] + help elif self.details_category_focus == 2: help = [('F1/?','Explain flags')] + help elif self.details_category_focus == 3: help = [('a','Add Tracker'),('r','Remove Tracker')] + help line = ' | '.join(map(lambda x: "%s %s" % (x[0], x[1]), help)) line = line[0:self.width] self.screen.insstr(0, self.width-len(line), line, curses.A_REVERSE) def list_key_bindings(self): title = 'Help Menu' message = " F1/? Show this help\n" + \ " u/d Adjust maximum global up-/download rate\n" + \ " U/D Adjust maximum up-/download rate for focused torrent\n" + \ " L Set seed ratio limit for focused torrent\n" + \ " +/- Adjust bandwidth priority for focused torrent\n" + \ " p Pause/Unpause torrent\n" + \ " P Pause/Unpause all torrents\n" + \ " v/y Verify torrent\n" + \ " m Move torrent\n" + \ " n Reannounce torrent\n" + \ " a Add torrent\n" + \ " Del/r Remove torrent and keep content\n" + \ " Shift+Del/R Remove torrent and delete content\n" # Queue was implemented in Transmission v2.4 if server.get_rpc_version() >= 14 and self.details_category_focus != 1: message += " J/K Move focused torrent in queue up/down\n" + \ " Shift+Lft/Rght Move focused torrent in queue up/down by 10\n" + \ " Shift+Home/End Move focused torrent to top/bottom of queue\n" else: message += " J/K Jump to next/previous directory\n" # Torrent list if self.selected_torrent == -1: message += " / Search in torrent list\n" + \ " f Filter torrent list\n" + \ " s Sort torrent list\n" \ " Enter/Right View torrent's details\n" + \ " o Configuration options\n" + \ " t Toggle turtle mode\n" + \ " C Toggle compact list mode\n" + \ " Esc Unfocus\n" + \ " q Quit" else: # Peer list if self.details_category_focus == 2: title = 'Peer status flags' message = " O Optimistic unchoke\n" + \ " D Downloading from this peer\n" + \ " d We would download from this peer if they'd let us\n" + \ " U Uploading to peer\n" + \ " u We would upload to this peer if they'd ask\n" + \ " K Peer has unchoked us, but we're not interested\n" + \ " ? We unchoked this peer, but they're not interested\n" + \ " E Encrypted Connection\n" + \ " H Peer was discovered through DHT\n" + \ " X Peer was discovered through Peer Exchange (PEX)\n" + \ " I Peer is an incoming connection\n" + \ " T Peer is connected via uTP" else: # Viewing torrent details message += " o Jump to overview\n" + \ " f Jump to file list\n" + \ " e Jump to peer list\n" + \ " t Jump to tracker information\n" + \ " Tab/Right Jump to next view\n" + \ " Shift+Tab/Left Jump to previous view\n" if self.details_category_focus == 1: # files if self.focus_detaillist > -1: message += " Left/Right Decrease/Increase file priority\n" message += " Up/Down Select file\n" + \ " Space Select/Deselect focused file\n" + \ " a Select/Deselect all files\n" + \ " A Select/Deselect directory\n" + \ " Esc Unfocus+Unselect or Back to torrent list\n" + \ " q/Backspace Back to torrent list" else: message += "q/Backspace/Esc Back to torrent list" width = max(map(lambda x: len(x), message.split("\n"))) + 4 width = min(self.width, width) height = min(self.height, message.count("\n")+3) win = self.window(height, width, message=message, title=title) while True: if win.getch() >= 0: return def window(self, height, width, message='', title=''): height = min(self.height, height) width = min(self.width, width) ypos = int( (self.height - height) / 2 ) xpos = int( (self.width - width) / 2 ) win = curses.newwin(height, width, ypos, xpos) win.box() win.bkgd(' ', curses.A_REVERSE + curses.A_BOLD) if width >= 20: win.addch(height-1, width-19, curses.ACS_RTEE) win.addstr(height-1, width-18, " Close with Esc ") win.addch(height-1, width-2, curses.ACS_LTEE) if width >= (len(title) + 6) and title != '': win.addch(0, 1, curses.ACS_RTEE) win.addstr(0, 2, " " + title + " ") win.addch(0, len(title) + 4 , curses.ACS_LTEE) ypos = 1 for line in message.split("\n"): if len_columns(line) > width: line = ljust_columns(line, width-7) + '...' if ypos < height - 1: # ypos == height-1 is frame border win.addstr(ypos, 2, self.enc(line)) ypos += 1 else: # Do not write outside of frame border win.addstr(ypos, 2, " More... ") break return win def dialog_ok(self, message): height = 3 + message.count("\n") width = max(max(map(lambda x: len_columns(x), message.split("\n"))), 40) + 4 win = self.window(height, width, message=message) while True: if win.getch() >= 0: return def dialog_yesno(self, message, important=False): height = 5 + message.count("\n") width = max(len_columns(message), 8) + 4 win = self.window(height, width, message=message) win.keypad(True) if important: win.bkgd(' ', curses.color_pair(self.colors.id('dialog_important')) + curses.A_REVERSE) focus_tags = curses.color_pair(self.colors.id('button_focused')) unfocus_tags = 0 input = False while True: win.move(height-2, (width/2)-4) if input: win.addstr('Y', focus_tags + curses.A_UNDERLINE) win.addstr('es', focus_tags) win.addstr(' ') win.addstr('N', curses.A_UNDERLINE) win.addstr('o') else: win.addstr('Y', curses.A_UNDERLINE) win.addstr('es') win.addstr(' ') win.addstr('N', focus_tags + curses.A_UNDERLINE) win.addstr('o', focus_tags) c = win.getch() if c == ord('y'): return True elif c == ord('n'): return False elif c == ord("\t"): input = not input elif c == curses.KEY_LEFT or c == ord('h'): input = True elif c == curses.KEY_RIGHT or c == ord('l'): input = False elif c == ord("\n") or c == ord(' '): return input elif c == 27 or c == curses.KEY_BREAK: return -1 # tab_complete values: # 'all': complete with any files/directories # 'dirs': complete only with directories # any false value: do not complete def dialog_input_text(self, message, input='', on_change=None, on_enter=None, tab_complete=None): width = self.width - 4 textwidth = self.width - 8 height = message.count("\n") + 4 win = self.window(height, width, message=message) win.keypad(True) show_cursor() if not isinstance(input, unicode): input = unicode(input, ENCODING) index = len(input) while True: # Cut the text into pages, each as long as the text field # The current page is determined by index position page = index // textwidth displaytext = input[textwidth*page:textwidth*(page + 1)] displayindex = index - textwidth*page color = (curses.color_pair(self.colors.id('dialog_important')) if self.highlight_dialog else curses.color_pair(self.colors.id('dialog'))) win.addstr(height - 2, 2, self.enc(displaytext.ljust(textwidth)), color) win.move(height - 2, displayindex + 2) c = win.getch() if c == 27 or c == curses.KEY_BREAK: hide_cursor() return '' elif index < len(input) and ( c == curses.KEY_RIGHT or c == curses.ascii.ctrl(ord('f')) ): index += 1 elif index > 0 and ( c == curses.KEY_LEFT or c == curses.ascii.ctrl(ord('b')) ): index -= 1 elif (c == curses.KEY_BACKSPACE or c == 127) and index > 0: input = input[:index - 1] + (index < len(input) and input[index:] or '') index -= 1 if on_change: on_change(input) elif index < len(input) and ( c == curses.KEY_DC or c == curses.ascii.ctrl(ord('d')) ): input = input[:index] + input[index + 1:] if on_change: on_change(input) elif index < len(input) and c == curses.ascii.ctrl(ord('k')): input = input[:index] if on_change: on_change(input) elif c == curses.ascii.ctrl(ord('u')): # Delete from cursor until beginning of line input = input[index:] index = 0 if on_change: on_change(input) elif c == curses.KEY_HOME or c == curses.ascii.ctrl(ord('a')): index = 0 elif c == curses.KEY_END or c == curses.ascii.ctrl(ord('e')): index = len(input) elif c == ord('\n'): if on_enter: on_enter(input) else: hide_cursor() return input elif c >= 32 and c < 127: input = input[:index] + unicode(chr(c), ENCODING) + (index < len(input) and input[index:] or '') index += 1 if on_change: on_change(input) elif c == ord('\t') and tab_complete: (dirname, filename) = os.path.split(tilde2homedir(input)) if not dirname: dirname = unicode(os.getcwd()) try: possible_choices = [ choice for choice in os.listdir(dirname) if choice.startswith(filename) ] except OSError: continue; if tab_complete == 'dirs': possible_choices = [ d for d in possible_choices if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dirname, d)) ] if(possible_choices): input = os.path.join(dirname, os.path.commonprefix(possible_choices)) if len(possible_choices) == 1 and os.path.isdir(input) and input.endswith(os.sep) == False: input += os.sep input = homedir2tilde(input) index = len(input) if on_change: win.redrawwin() def dialog_search_torrentlist(self, c): self.dialog_input_text('Search torrent by title:', on_change=self.draw_torrent_list, on_enter=self.increment_search) def increment_search(self, input): self.search_focus += 1 self.draw_torrent_list(input) def dialog_input_number(self, message, current_value, cursorkeys=True, floating_point=False, allow_empty=False, allow_zero=True, allow_negative_one=True): if not allow_zero: allow_negative_one = False width = max(max(map(lambda x: len(x), message.split("\n"))), 40) + 4 width = min(self.width, width) height = message.count("\n") + (4,6)[cursorkeys] show_cursor() win = self.window(height, width, message=message) win.keypad(True) input = str(current_value) if cursorkeys: if floating_point: bigstep = 1 smallstep = 0.1 else: bigstep = 100 smallstep = 10 win.addstr(height-4, 2, (" up/down +/- %-3s" % bigstep).rjust(width-4)) win.addstr(height-3, 2, ("left/right +/- %3s" % smallstep).rjust(width-4)) if allow_negative_one: win.addstr(height-3, 2, "-1 means unlimited") if allow_empty: win.addstr(height-4, 2, "leave empty for default") while True: win.addstr(height-2, 2, input.ljust(width-4), curses.color_pair(self.colors.id('dialog'))) win.move(height - 2, len(input) + 2) c = win.getch() if c == 27 or c == ord('q') or c == curses.KEY_BREAK: hide_cursor() return -128 elif c == ord("\n"): try: if allow_empty and len(input) <= 0: hide_cursor() return -2 elif floating_point: hide_cursor() return float(input) else: hide_cursor() return int(input) except ValueError: hide_cursor() return -1 elif c == curses.KEY_BACKSPACE or c == curses.KEY_DC or c == 127 or c == 8: input = input[:-1] elif len(input) >= width-5: curses.beep() elif c >= ord('1') and c <= ord('9'): input += chr(c) elif allow_zero and c == ord('0') and input != '-' and not input.startswith('0'): input += chr(c) elif allow_negative_one and c == ord('-') and len(input) == 0: input += chr(c) elif floating_point and c == ord('.') and not '.' in input: input += chr(c) elif cursorkeys and c != -1: try: if input == '': input = 0 if floating_point: number = float(input) else: number = int(input) if c == curses.KEY_LEFT or c == ord('h'): number -= smallstep elif c == curses.KEY_RIGHT or c == ord('l'): number += smallstep elif c == curses.KEY_DOWN or c == ord('j'): number -= bigstep elif c == curses.KEY_UP or c == ord('k'): number += bigstep if not allow_zero and number <= 0: number = 1 elif not allow_negative_one and number < 0: number = 0 elif number < 0: # input like -0.6 isn't useful number = -1 input = str(number) except ValueError: pass def dialog_menu(self, title, options, focus=1): height = len(options) + 2 width = max(max(map(lambda x: len(x[1])+3, options)), len(title)+3) win = self.window(height, width) win.addstr(0,1, title) win.keypad(True) old_focus = focus while True: keymap = self.dialog_list_menu_options(win, width, options, focus) c = win.getch() if c > 96 and c < 123 and chr(c) in keymap: return options[keymap[chr(c)]][0] elif c == 27 or c == ord('q'): return -128 elif c == ord("\n"): return options[focus-1][0] elif c == curses.KEY_DOWN or c == ord('j') or c == curses.ascii.ctrl(ord('n')): focus += 1 if focus > len(options): focus = 1 elif c == curses.KEY_UP or c == ord('k') or c == curses.ascii.ctrl(ord('p')): focus -= 1 if focus < 1: focus = len(options) elif c == curses.KEY_HOME or c == ord('g'): focus = 1 elif c == curses.KEY_END or c == ord('G'): focus = len(options) def dialog_list_menu_options(self, win, width, options, focus): keys = dict() i = 1 for option in options: title = option[1].split('_') if i == focus: tag = curses.color_pair(self.colors.id('dialog')) else: tag = 0 win.addstr(i,2, title[0], tag) win.addstr(title[1][0], tag + curses.A_UNDERLINE) win.addstr(title[1][1:], tag) win.addstr(''.ljust(width - len(option[1]) - 3), tag) keys[title[1][0].lower()] = i-1 i+=1 return keys def draw_options_dialog(self): enc_options = [('required','_required'), ('preferred','_preferred'), ('tolerated','_tolerated')] seed_ratio = self.stats['seedRatioLimit'] while True: options = [] options.append(('Peer _Port', "%d" % self.stats['peer-port'])) options.append(('UP_nP/NAT-PMP', ('disabled','enabled ')[self.stats['port-forwarding-enabled']])) options.append(('Peer E_xchange', ('disabled','enabled ')[self.stats['pex-enabled']])) options.append(('_Distributed Hash Table', ('disabled','enabled ')[self.stats['dht-enabled']])) options.append(('_Local Peer Discovery', ('disabled','enabled ')[self.stats['lpd-enabled']])) options.append(('Protocol En_cryption', "%s" % self.stats['encryption'])) # uTP support was added in Transmission v2.3 if server.get_rpc_version() >= 13: options.append(('_Micro Transport Protocol', ('disabled','enabled')[self.stats['utp-enabled']])) options.append(('_Global Peer Limit', "%d" % self.stats['peer-limit-global'])) options.append(('Peer Limit per _Torrent', "%d" % self.stats['peer-limit-per-torrent'])) options.append(('T_urtle Mode UL Limit', "%dK" % self.stats['alt-speed-up'])) options.append(('Tu_rtle Mode DL Limit', "%dK" % self.stats['alt-speed-down'])) options.append(('_Seed Ratio Limit', "%s" % ('unlimited',self.stats['seedRatioLimit'])[self.stats['seedRatioLimited']])) # queue was implemented in Transmission v2.4 if server.get_rpc_version() >= 14: options.append(('Do_wnload Queue Size', "%s" % ('disabled',self.stats['download-queue-size'])[self.stats['download-queue-enabled']])) options.append(('S_eed Queue Size', "%s" % ('disabled',self.stats['seed-queue-size'])[self.stats['seed-queue-enabled']])) options.append(('Title is Progress _Bar', ('no','yes')[self.torrentname_is_progressbar])) options.append(('Blan_k lines in non-compact', ('no','yes')[self.blank_lines])) options.append(('File _Viewer', "%s" % self.file_viewer)) max_len = max([sum([len(re.sub('_', '', x)) for x in y[0]]) for y in options]) win_width = min(max(len(self.file_viewer)+5, 15), self.width+max_len) win = self.window(len(options)+2, max_len+win_width, '', "Global Options") line_num = 1 for option in options: parts = re.split('_', option[0]) parts_len = sum([len(x) for x in parts]) win.addstr(line_num, max_len-parts_len+2, parts.pop(0)) for part in parts: win.addstr(part[0], curses.A_UNDERLINE) win.addstr(part[1:] + ': ' + option[1]) line_num += 1 c = win.getch() if c == 27 or c == ord('q') or c == ord("\n"): return elif c == ord('p'): port = self.dialog_input_number("Port for incoming connections", self.stats['peer-port'], cursorkeys=False) if port >= 0 and port <= 65535: server.set_option('peer-port', port) elif port != -128: # user hit ESC self.dialog_ok('Port must be in the range of 0 - 65535') elif c == ord('n'): server.set_option('port-forwarding-enabled', (1,0)[self.stats['port-forwarding-enabled']]) elif c == ord('x'): server.set_option('pex-enabled', (1,0)[self.stats['pex-enabled']]) elif c == ord('d'): server.set_option('dht-enabled', (1,0)[self.stats['dht-enabled']]) elif c == ord('l'): server.set_option('lpd-enabled', (1,0)[self.stats['lpd-enabled']]) # uTP support was added in Transmission v2.3 elif c == ord('m') and server.get_rpc_version() >= 13: server.set_option('utp-enabled', (1,0)[self.stats['utp-enabled']]) elif c == ord('g'): limit = self.dialog_input_number("Maximum number of connected peers", self.stats['peer-limit-global'], allow_negative_one=False) if limit >= 0: server.set_option('peer-limit-global', limit) elif c == ord('t'): limit = self.dialog_input_number("Maximum number of connected peers per torrent", self.stats['peer-limit-per-torrent'], allow_negative_one=False) if limit >= 0: server.set_option('peer-limit-per-torrent', limit) elif c == ord('s'): limit = self.dialog_input_number('Stop seeding with upload/download ratio', (-1,self.stats['seedRatioLimit'])[self.stats['seedRatioLimited']], floating_point=True) if limit >= 0: server.set_option('seedRatioLimit', limit) server.set_option('seedRatioLimited', True) elif limit < 0 and limit != -128: server.set_option('seedRatioLimited', False) elif c == ord('c'): choice = self.dialog_menu('Encryption', enc_options, map(lambda x: x[0]==self.stats['encryption'], enc_options).index(True)+1) if choice != -128: server.set_option('encryption', choice) elif c == ord('u'): limit = self.dialog_input_number('Upload limit for Turtle Mode in kilobytes per second', self.stats['alt-speed-up'], allow_negative_one=False) if limit != -128: server.set_option('alt-speed-up', limit) elif c == ord('r'): limit = self.dialog_input_number('Download limit for Turtle Mode in kilobytes per second', self.stats['alt-speed-down'], allow_negative_one=False) if limit != -128: server.set_option('alt-speed-down', limit) elif c == ord('b'): self.torrentname_is_progressbar = not self.torrentname_is_progressbar # Queue was implemmented in Transmission v2.4 elif c == ord('w') and server.get_rpc_version() >= 14: queue_size = self.dialog_input_number('Download Queue size', (0, self.stats['download-queue-size'])[self.stats['download-queue-enabled']], allow_negative_one = False) if queue_size != -128: if queue_size == 0: server.set_option('download-queue-enabled', False) elif queue_size > 0: if not self.stats['download-queue-enabled']: server.set_option('download-queue-enabled', True) server.set_option('download-queue-size', queue_size) # Queue was implemmented in Transmission v2.4 elif c == ord('e') and server.get_rpc_version() >= 14: queue_size = self.dialog_input_number('Seed Queue size', (0, self.stats['seed-queue-size'])[self.stats['seed-queue-enabled']], allow_negative_one = False) if queue_size != -128: if queue_size == 0: server.set_option('seed-queue-enabled', False) elif queue_size > 0: if not self.stats['seed-queue-enabled']: server.set_option('seed-queue-enabled', True) server.set_option('seed-queue-size', queue_size) elif c == ord('k'): self.blank_lines = not self.blank_lines elif c == ord('v'): viewer = self.dialog_input_text('File Viewer\nExample: xdg-viewer %s', self.file_viewer) if viewer: config.set('Misc', 'file_viewer', viewer.replace('%s','%%s')) self.file_viewer=viewer self.draw_torrent_list() # End of class Interface def percent(full, part): try: percent = 100/(float(full) / float(part)) except ZeroDivisionError: percent = 0.0 return percent def scale_time(seconds, type='short'): minute_in_sec = float(60) hour_in_sec = float(3600) day_in_sec = float(86400) month_in_sec = 27.321661 * day_in_sec # from wikipedia year_in_sec = 365.25 * day_in_sec # from wikipedia if seconds < 0: return ('?', 'some time')[type=='long'] elif seconds < minute_in_sec: if type == 'long': if seconds < 5: return 'now' else: return "%d second%s" % (seconds, ('', 's')[seconds>1]) else: return "%ds" % seconds elif seconds < hour_in_sec: minutes = round(seconds / minute_in_sec, 0) if type == 'long': return "%d minute%s" % (minutes, ('', 's')[minutes>1]) else: return "%dm" % minutes elif seconds < day_in_sec: hours = round(seconds / hour_in_sec, 0) if type == 'long': return "%d hour%s" % (hours, ('', 's')[hours>1]) else: return "%dh" % hours elif seconds < month_in_sec: days = round(seconds / day_in_sec, 0) if type == 'long': return "%d day%s" % (days, ('', 's')[days>1]) else: return "%dd" % days elif seconds < year_in_sec: months = round(seconds / month_in_sec, 0) if type == 'long': return "%d month%s" % (months, ('', 's')[months>1]) else: return "%dM" % months else: years = round(seconds / year_in_sec, 0) if type == 'long': return "%d year%s" % (years, ('', 's')[years>1]) else: return "%dy" % years def timestamp(timestamp, format="%x %X"): if timestamp < 1: return 'never' if timestamp > 2147483647: # Max value of 32bit signed integer (2^31-1) # Timedelta objects do not fail on timestamps # resulting in a date later than 2038 date = (datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(0) + datetime.timedelta(seconds=timestamp)) timeobj = date.timetuple() else: timeobj = time.localtime(timestamp) absolute = time.strftime(format, timeobj) if timestamp > time.time(): relative = 'in ' + scale_time(int(timestamp - time.time()), 'long') else: relative = scale_time(int(time.time() - timestamp), 'long') + ' ago' if relative.startswith('now') or relative.endswith('now'): relative = 'now' return "%s (%s)" % (absolute, relative) def scale_bytes(bytes, type='short'): if bytes >= 1073741824: scaled_bytes = round((bytes / 1073741824.0), 2) unit = 'G' elif bytes >= 1048576: scaled_bytes = round((bytes / 1048576.0), 1) if scaled_bytes >= 100: scaled_bytes = int(scaled_bytes) unit = 'M' elif bytes >= 1024: scaled_bytes = int(bytes / 1024) unit = 'K' else: scaled_bytes = round((bytes / 1024.0), 1) unit = 'K' # handle 0 bytes special if bytes == 0 and type == 'long': return 'nothing' # convert to integer if .0 if int(scaled_bytes) == float(scaled_bytes): scaled_bytes = str(int(scaled_bytes)) else: scaled_bytes = str(scaled_bytes).rstrip('0') if type == 'long': return num2str(bytes) + ' [' + scaled_bytes + unit + ']' else: return scaled_bytes + unit def homedir2tilde(path): return re.sub(r'^'+os.environ['HOME'], '~', path) def tilde2homedir(path): return re.sub(r'^~', os.environ['HOME'], path) def html2text(str): str = re.sub(r'', "\n", str) str = re.sub(r'

', ' ', str) str = re.sub(r'<[^>]*?>', '', str) return str def hide_cursor(): try: curses.curs_set(0) # hide cursor if possible except curses.error: pass # some terminals seem to have problems with that def show_cursor(): try: curses.curs_set(1) except curses.error: pass def wrap_multiline(text, width, initial_indent='', subsequent_indent=None): if subsequent_indent is None: subsequent_indent = ' ' * len(initial_indent) for line in text.splitlines(): # this is required because wrap() strips empty lines if not line.strip(): yield line continue for line in wrap(line, width, replace_whitespace=False, initial_indent=initial_indent, subsequent_indent=subsequent_indent): yield line initial_indent = subsequent_indent def ljust_columns(text, max_width, padchar=' '): """ Returns a string that is exactly display columns wide, padded with if necessary. Accounts for characters that are displayed two columns wide, i.e. kanji. """ chars = [] columns = 0 max_width = max(0, max_width) for character in text: width = len_columns(character) if columns + width <= max_width: chars.append(character) columns += width else: break # Fill up any remaining space while columns < max_width: assert len(padchar) == 1 chars.append(padchar) columns += 1 return ''.join(chars) def len_columns(text): """ Returns the amount of columns that would occupy. """ if type(text) == type(str()): text = unicode(text, ENCODING) columns = 0 for character in text: columns += 2 if unicodedata.east_asian_width(character) in ('W', 'F') else 1 return columns def num2str(num, format='%s'): if int(num) == -1: return '?' elif int(num) == -2: return 'oo' else: if num > 999: return (re.sub(r'(\d{3})', '\g<1>,', str(num)[::-1])[::-1]).lstrip(',') else: return format % num def debug(data): if cmd_args.DEBUG: file = open("debug.log", 'a') if type(data) == type(str()): file.write(data) else: import pprint pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) file.write("\n====================\n" + pp.pformat(data) + "\n====================\n\n") file.close def quit(msg='', exitcode=0): try: curses.endwin() except curses.error: pass # if this is a graceful exit and config file is present if not msg and not exitcode: save_config(cmd_args.configfile) else: print >> sys.stderr, msg, os._exit(exitcode) def explode_connection_string(connection): host, port, path = \ config.get('Connection', 'host'), \ config.getint('Connection', 'port'), \ config.get('Connection', 'path') username, password = \ config.get('Connection', 'username'), \ config.get('Connection', 'password') try: if connection.count('@') == 1: auth, connection = connection.split('@') if auth.count(':') == 1: username, password = auth.split(':') if connection.count(':') == 1: host, port = connection.split(':') if port.count('/') >= 1: port, path = port.split('/', 1) port = int(port) else: host = connection except ValueError: quit("Wrong connection pattern: %s\n" % connection) return host, port, path, username, password def create_url(host, port, path): url = '%s:%d/%s' % (host, port, path) url = url.replace('//', '/') # double-/ doesn't work for some reason if config.getboolean('Connection', 'ssl'): return 'https://%s' % url else: return 'http://%s' % url def read_netrc(file=os.environ['HOME'] + '/.netrc', hostname=None): try: login = password = '' try: login, account, password = netrc.netrc(file).authenticators(hostname) except TypeError: pass try: netrc.netrc(file).hosts[hostname] except KeyError: if hostname != 'localhost': print "Unknown machine in %s: %s" % (file, hostname) if login and password: print "Using default login: %s" % login else: exit(CONFIGFILE_ERROR) except netrc.NetrcParseError, e: quit("Error in %s at line %s: %s\n" % (e.filename, e.lineno, e.msg)) except IOError, msg: quit("Cannot read %s: %s\n" % (file, msg)) return login, password # create initial config file def create_config(option, opt_str, value, parser): configfile = parser.values.configfile config.read(configfile) if parser.values.connection: host, port, path, username, password = explode_connection_string(parser.values.connection) config.set('Connection', 'host', host) config.set('Connection', 'port', str(port)) config.set('Connection', 'path', path) config.set('Connection', 'username', username) config.set('Connection', 'password', password) # create directory if necessary dir = os.path.dirname(configfile) if dir != '' and not os.path.isdir(dir): try: os.makedirs(dir) except OSError, msg: print msg exit(CONFIGFILE_ERROR) # write file if not save_config(configfile, force=True): exit(CONFIGFILE_ERROR) print "Wrote config file: %s" % configfile exit(0) def save_config(filepath, force=False): if force or os.path.isfile(filepath): try: config.write(open(filepath, 'w')) os.chmod(filepath, 0600) # config may contain password return 1 except IOError, msg: print >> sys.stderr, "Cannot write config file %s:\n%s" % (filepath, msg) return 0 return -1 def parse_sort_str(sort_str): sort_orders = [] for i in sort_str.split(','): x = i.split(':') if len(x) > 1: sort_orders.append( { 'name':x[1], 'reverse':True } ) else: sort_orders.append( { 'name':x[0], 'reverse':False } ) return sort_orders def show_version(option, opt_str, value, parser): quit("transmission-remote-cli %s (supports Transmission %s-%s)\n" % \ (VERSION, TRNSM_VERSION_MIN, TRNSM_VERSION_MAX)) if __name__ == '__main__': # command line parameters default_config_path = os.environ['HOME'] + '/.config/transmission-remote-cli/settings.cfg' parser = OptionParser(usage="%prog [options] [-- transmission-remote options]", description="%%prog %s" % VERSION) parser.add_option("-v", "--version", action="callback", callback=show_version, help="Show version number and supported Transmission versions.") parser.add_option("-c", "--connect", action="store", dest="connection", default="", help="Point to the server using pattern [username:password@]host[:port]/[path]") parser.add_option("-s", "--ssl", action="store_true", dest="ssl", default=False, help="Connect to Transmission using SSL.") parser.add_option("-f", "--config", action="store", dest="configfile", default=default_config_path, help="Path to configuration file.") parser.add_option("--create-config", action="callback", callback=create_config, help="Create configuration file CONFIGFILE with default values.") parser.add_option("-n", "--netrc", action="store_true", dest="use_netrc", default=False, help="Get authentication info from your ~/.netrc file.") parser.add_option("--debug", action="store_true", dest="DEBUG", default=False, help="Everything passed to the debug() function will be added to the file debug.log.") (cmd_args, transmissionremote_args) = parser.parse_args() # read config from config file config.read(cmd_args.configfile) # command line connection data can override config file if cmd_args.connection: host, port, path, username, password = explode_connection_string(cmd_args.connection) config.set('Connection', 'host', host) config.set('Connection', 'port', str(port)) config.set('Connection', 'path', path) config.set('Connection', 'username', username) config.set('Connection', 'password', password) if cmd_args.use_netrc: username, password = read_netrc(hostname=config.get('Connection','host')) config.set('Connection', 'username', username) config.set('Connection', 'password', password) if cmd_args.ssl: config.set('Connection', 'ssl', 'True') # forward arguments after '--' to transmission-remote if transmissionremote_args: cmd = ['transmission-remote', '%s:%s' % (config.get('Connection', 'host'), config.get('Connection', 'port'))] # one argument and it doesn't start with '-' --> treat it like it's a torrent link/url if len(transmissionremote_args) == 1 and not transmissionremote_args[0].startswith('-'): cmd.extend(['-a', transmissionremote_args[0]]) else: cmd.extend(transmissionremote_args) if config.get('Connection', 'username') and config.get('Connection', 'password'): cmd_print = cmd cmd_print.extend(['--auth', '%s:PASSWORD' % config.get('Connection', 'username')]) print "EXECUTING:\n%s\nRESPONSE:" % ' '.join(cmd_print) cmd.extend(['--auth', '%s:%s' % (config.get('Connection', 'username'), config.get('Connection', 'password'))]) else: print "EXECUTING:\n%s\nRESPONSE:" % ' '.join(cmd) try: retcode = call(cmd) except OSError, msg: quit("Could not execute the above command: %s\n" % msg, 128) quit('', retcode) norm = Normalizer() server = Transmission(config.get('Connection', 'host'), config.getint('Connection', 'port'), config.get('Connection', 'path'), config.get('Connection', 'username'), config.get('Connection', 'password')) Interface()