# A console client for the BitTorrent client [Transmission](http://www.transmissionbt.com/ "Transmission Homepage"). **Download the latest version for [Transmission 1.90-2.52](http://github.com/fagga/transmission-remote-cli/raw/master/transmission-remote-cli.py).** **Also available in Debian Wheezy / Ubuntu Quantal: `apt-get install transmission-remote-cli`** ## Modules For Python 2.5 or older, you need [simplejson](http://pypi.python.org/pypi/simplejson/) which should be packaged in any Linux distribution. The Debian/Ubuntu package is called `python-simplejson`. ### Optional Modules (you don't need them but they add features): - GeoIP: Guess which country peers come from. - adns: Resolve IPs to host names. Debian/Ubuntu package names are `python-adns` and `python-geoip`. ## Connection information Authentication and host/port can be set via command line with one of these patterns: `$ transmission-remote-cli.py -c homeserver` `$ transmission-remote-cli.py -c homeserver:1234` `$ transmission-remote-cli.py -c johndoe:secretbirthday@homeserver` `$ transmission-remote-cli.py -c johndoe:secretbirthday@homeserver:1234` You can write this (and other) stuff into a configuration file: `$ transmission-remote-cli.py -c johndoe:secretbirthday@homeserver:1234 --create-config` No configuration file is created automatically, you have to do this somehow. However, if the file exists, it is re-written when trcli exits to remember some settings. This means you shouldn't have trcli running when editing your configuration file. If you don't like the default configuration file path ~/.config/transmission-remote-cli/settings.cfg, change it: `$ transmission-remote-cli.py -f ~/.trclirc --create-config` ## Calling transmission-remote transmission-remote-cli forwards all arguments after '--' to transmission-remote. This is useful if your daemon requires authentication and/or doesn't listen on the default localhost:9091 for instructions. transmission-remote-cli reads HOST:PORT and authentication from the config file and forwards them on to transmission-remote, along with your arguments. Some examples: `$ transmission-remote-cli.py -- -l` `$ transmission-remote-cli.py -- -t 2 -i` `$ transmission-remote-cli.py -- -as` ## Add torrents If you provide only one command line argument and it doesn't start with '-', it's treated like a torrent file/URL and submitted to the daemon via transmission-remote. This is useful because you can instruct Firefox to open torrent files with transmission-remote-cli.py. `$ transmission-remote-cli.py http://link/to/file.torrent` `$ transmission-remote-cli.py path/to/some/torrent-file` ## Contact Feel free to request new features or provide bug reports. You can find my email address [here](http://github.com/fagga).