# Nyancat CLI Nyancat rendered in your terminal. [![Nyancats](http://i.imgur.com/snCOQl.png)](http://i.imgur.com/snCOQ.png) ## Setup First build the C application: make && cd src You can run the C application standalone. ./nyancat To use the telnet server, you need to add a configuration that runs: nyancat -t We recommend `openbsd-inetd`, but `xinetd` will work as well, and you should be able to use any other compatible `inetd` flavor. ## Debian If you are running Debian Sid ("unstable" as of writing this), you can install the `nyancat` package and the `nyancat-server` pseudo-package, the latter of which will install `openbsd-inetd` (unless you have another `inetd` installed) and set up `/etc/initd.conf` properly (note that it probably won't work if you have `xinetd`, so you're on your own in that case). I am not the maintainer of this package, please direct any questions or bugs to [jmccrohan](https://github.com/jmccrohan). ## Licenses, References, etc. The original source of the Nyancat animation is [prguitarman](http://www.prguitarman.com/index.php?id=348). The code provided here is provided under the terms of the [NCSA license](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_Illinois/NCSA_Open_Source_License).