#ifndef __DIB_DEMOD_WATCH__ #define __DIB_DEMOD_WATCH__ #define err(args...) fprintf(stderr,"error '%s': ",strerror(errno)); fprintf(stderr,args) #define verb(args...) fprintf(stderr,args) typedef enum { DIB3000MB = 0, DIB3000MC, DIB3000P, } dib_demod_t; struct dib_demod { int fd; __u8 i2c_addr; dib_demod_t rev; }; struct dib3000mb_monitoring { int agc_lock; int carrier_lock; int tps_lock; int vit_lock; int ts_sync_lock; int ts_data_lock; int invspec; int per; int unc; int fft_pos; int nfft; double carrier_offset; double ber; double snr; double mer; double rf_power; double timing_offset_ppm; }; #endif name='h' onchange='this.form.submit();'> lcd4linuxJonathan McCrohan
path: root/plugin_pop3.c (unfollow)
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2010-02-11All static memory allocations were turned into dynamical ones.mjona1-128/+200
2010-02-07timer.c: two small optimizations (removed "flag"; tv_usec can't be negative)mzuther1-7/+4
2010-02-07added grouping of widgets by update interval (new file "timer_group.c")mzuther13-168/+441
2010-02-07BUG: handle negative delays in timer_process() (timer.c)mzuther1-0/+4
2010-02-06timer.c: I had forgotten how to initialize a "struct" :)mzuther1-3/+4
2010-02-06BUG: compensate timers for processing delay ("timer.c")mzuther1-1/+3
2010-02-06timer.c: exchanged "proprietary code" with timeradd() and timersub() functionsmzuther1-14/+10
2010-02-04timer.c: removed fruitless changes to variable "flag" from timer_process()mzuther1-2/+0
2010-02-04According to its man page, timercmp() is broken on some systems -- applied th...mzuther1-1/+1
2010-02-04small warning removedmichael1-1/+1
2010-02-04clear errno after creating the FIFO by Claas Hilbrechtmichael1-0/+2