/* * test_front.c - Test program for new API * * Copyright (C) 2000 Ralph Metzler * & Marcus Metzler for convergence integrated media GmbH * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include int OSTSelftest(int fd) { int ans; if ( (ans = ioctl(fd,OST_SELFTEST,0) < 0)){ perror("OST SELF TEST: "); return -1; } return 0; } int OSTSetPowerState(int fd, uint32_t state) { int ans; if ( (ans = ioctl(fd,OST_SET_POWER_STATE,state) < 0)){ perror("OST SET POWER STATE: "); return -1; } return 0; } int OSTGetPowerState(int fd, uint32_t *state) { int ans; if ( (ans = ioctl(fd,OST_GET_POWER_STATE,state) < 0)){ perror("OST GET POWER STATE: "); return -1; } switch(*state){ case OST_POWER_ON: printf("POWER ON (%d)\n",*state); break; case OST_POWER_STANDBY: printf("POWER STANDBY (%d)\n",*state); break; case OST_POWER_SUSPEND: printf("POWER SUSPEND (%d)\n",*state); break; case OST_POWER_OFF: printf("POWER OFF (%d)\n",*state); break; default: printf("unknown (%d)\n",*state); break; } return 0; } int FEReadStatus(int fd) { int ans; feStatus stat; if ( (ans = ioctl(fd,FE_READ_STATUS,&stat) < 0)){ perror("FE READ STATUS: "); return -1; } if (stat & FE_HAS_POWER) printf("FE HAS POWER\n"); if (stat & FE_HAS_SIGNAL) printf("FE HAS SIGNAL\n"); if (stat & QPSK_SPECTRUM_INV) printf("QPSK SPEKTRUM INV\n"); return 0; } int FEReadBER(int fd, uint32_t *ber) { int ans; if ( (ans = ioctl(fd,FE_READ_BER, ber) < 0)){ perror("FE READ_BER: "); return -1; } printf("BER: %d\n",*ber); return 0; } int FEReadSignalStrength(int fd, int32_t *strength) { int ans; if ( (ans = ioctl(fd,FE_READ_SIGNAL_STRENGTH, strength) < 0)){ perror("FE READ SIGNAL STRENGTH: "); return -1; } printf("SIGNAL STRENGTH: %d\n",*strength); return 0; } int FEReadSNR(int fd, int32_t *snr) { int ans; if ( (ans = ioctl(fd,FE_READ_SNR, snr) < 0)){ perror("FE READ_SNR: "); return -1; } printf("SNR: %d\n",*snr); return 0; } int FEReadUncorrectedBlocks(int fd, uint32_t *ucb) { int ans; if ( (ans = ioctl(fd,FE_READ_UNCORRECTED_BLOCKS, ucb) < 0)){ perror("FE READ UNCORRECTED BLOCKS: "); return -1; } printf("UBLOCKS: %d\n",*ucb); return 0; } int FEGetNextFrequency(int fd, uint32_t *nfr) { int ans; if ( (ans = ioctl(fd,FE_GET_NEXT_FREQUENCY, nfr) < 0)){ perror("FE GET NEXT FREQUENCY: "); return -1; } printf("Next Frequency: %d\n",*nfr); return 0; } int FEGetNextSymbolRate(int fd, uint32_t *nsr) { int ans; if ( (ans = ioctl(fd,FE_GET_NEXT_SYMBOL_RATE, nsr) < 0)){ perror("FE GET NEXT SYMBOL RATE: "); return -1; } printf("Next Symbol Rate: %d\n",*nsr); return 0; } int QPSKTune(int fd, struct qpskParameters *param) { int ans; if ( (ans = ioctl(fd,QPSK_TUNE, param) < 0)){ perror("QPSK TUNE: "); return -1; } return 0; } int QPSKGetEvent (int fd, struct qpskEvent *event) { int ans; if ( (ans = ioctl(fd,QPSK_GET_EVENT, event) < 0)){ perror("QPSK GET EVENT: "); return -1; } return 0; } int QPSKFEInfo (int fd, struct qpskFrontendInfo *info) { int ans; if ( (ans = ioctl(fd,QPSK_FE_INFO, info) < 0)){ perror("QPSK FE INFO: "); return -1; } printf("min Frequency : %d\n", info->minFrequency); printf("max Frequency : %d\n", info->maxFrequency); printf("min Symbol Rate : %d\n", info->minSymbolRate); printf("max Symbol Rate : %d\n", info->maxSymbolRate); printf("Hardware Type : %d\n", info->hwType); printf("Hardware Version: %d\n", info->hwVersion); return 0; } int SecGetStatus (int fd, struct secStatus *state) { int ans; if ( (ans = ioctl(fd,SEC_GET_STATUS, state) < 0)){ perror("QPSK GET EVENT: "); return -1; } switch (state->busMode){ case SEC_BUS_IDLE: printf("SEC BUS MODE: IDLE (%d)\n",state->busMode); break; case SEC_BUS_BUSY: printf("SEC BUS MODE: BUSY (%d)\n",state->busMode); break; case SEC_BUS_OFF: printf("SEC BUS MODE: OFF (%d)\n",state->busMode); break; case SEC_BUS_OVERLOAD: printf("SEC BUS MODE: OVERLOAD (%d)\n",state->busMode); break; default: printf("SEC BUS MODE: unknown (%d)\n",state->busMode); break; } switch (state->selVolt){ case SEC_VOLTAGE_OFF: printf("SEC VOLTAGE: OFF (%d)\n",state->selVolt); break; case SEC_VOLTAGE_LT: printf("SEC VOLTAGE: LT (%d)\n",state->selVolt); break; case SEC_VOLTAGE_13: printf("SEC VOLTAGE: 13 (%d)\n",state->selVolt); break; case SEC_VOLTAGE_13_5: printf("SEC VOLTAGE: 13.5 (%d)\n",state->selVolt); break; case SEC_VOLTAGE_18: printf("SEC VOLTAGE: 18 (%d)\n",state->selVolt); break; case SEC_VOLTAGE_18_5: printf("SEC VOLTAGE: 18.5 (%d)\n",state->selVolt); break; default: printf("SEC VOLTAGE: unknown (%d)\n",state->selVolt); break; } printf("SEC CONT TONE: %s\n", (state->contTone ? "ON" : "OFF")); return 0; } main(int argc, char **argv) { int fd,fd_sec; uint32_t state; int32_t strength; struct qpskFrontendInfo info; struct secStatus sec_state; if((fd = open("/dev/ost/qpskfe",O_RDWR)) < 0){ perror("FRONTEND DEVICE: "); return -1; } if((fd_sec = open("/dev/ost/sec",O_RDWR)) < 0){ perror("SEC DEVICE: "); return -1; } OSTSelftest(fd); OSTSetPowerState(fd, OST_POWER_ON); OSTGetPowerState(fd, &state); FEReadStatus(fd); FEReadBER(fd, &state); FEReadSignalStrength(fd, &strength); FEReadSNR(fd, &state); FEReadUncorrectedBlocks(fd, &state); state = 12567000; FEGetNextFrequency(fd, &state); FEGetNextSymbolRate(fd, &state); QPSKFEInfo (fd, &info); SecGetStatus (fd_sec, &sec_state); close(fd); close(fd_sec); }