path: root/util/alevt/alevt-cap.c
diff options
authorMark Purcell <>2010-02-25 21:13:46 +1100
committeretobi <>2013-09-03 09:48:46 +0200
commit665818f1969f893f05edf5b70eb1804c89b2829e (patch)
tree34ba68cee03c52d769a5a51b456b7e9d63cd091a /util/alevt/alevt-cap.c
parent109c7947d6a11a2a54eff1b19615ed80ea2f0602 (diff)
parent9fe4d4ea9c054e539ab679ed2e9c076c35beb69d (diff)
Imported Debian patch 1.1.1+rev1355-1debian/1.1.1+rev1355-1
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 280 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/util/alevt/alevt-cap.c b/util/alevt/alevt-cap.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e0c3bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/alevt/alevt-cap.c
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <locale.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "vt.h"
+#include "misc.h"
+#include "fdset.h"
+#include "vbi.h"
+#include "lang.h"
+#include "dllist.h"
+#include "export.h"
+static volatile int timed_out = 0;
+static char *channel;
+char *outfile = "";
+u_int16_t sid;
+struct req
+ struct dl_node node[1];
+ char *name; // file name
+ char *pgno_str; // the pgno as given on the cmdline
+ int pgno, subno; // decoded pgno
+ struct export *export; // export data
+ struct vt_page vtp[1]; // the capture page data
+static void usage(FILE *fp, int exitval)
+ fprintf(fp, "\nUsage: %s [options]\n", prgname);
+ fprintf(fp,
+ "\n"
+ " Valid options:\t\tDefault:\n"
+ " -cs -charset\t\tlatin-1\n"
+ " <latin-1/2/koi8-r/iso8859-7>\n"
+ " -f -format <fmt,options>\tascii\n"
+ " -f help -format help\n"
+ " -h -help\n"
+ " -n -name <filename>\t\tttext-%%s.%%e\n"
+ " -s -sid <sid>\t\t(none;dvb only)\n"
+ " -to -timeout <secs>\t\t(none)\n"
+ " -t -ttpid <ttpid>\t\t(none;dvb only)\n"
+ " -v -vbi <vbidev>\t\t/dev/vbi\n"
+ " \t\t/dev/vbi0\n"
+ " \t\t/dev/video0\n"
+ " \t\t/dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0\n"
+ "\n"
+ " stands for a page number and an\n"
+ " optional subpage number (ie 123.4).\n"
+ );
+ exit(exitval);
+static void exp_help(FILE *fp)
+ struct export_module **ep;
+ char **cp, c;
+ fprintf(fp,
+ "\nSyntax: -format Name[,Options]\n"
+ "\n"
+ " Name\tExt.\tOptions\n"
+ " --------------------------------\n"
+ );
+ for (ep = modules; *ep; ep++)
+ {
+ fprintf(fp, " %-7s\t.%-4s", (*ep)->fmt_name, (*ep)->extension);
+ for (c = '\t', cp = (*ep)->options; cp && *cp; cp++, c = ',')
+ fprintf(fp, "%c%s", c, *cp);
+ fprintf(fp, "\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(fp,
+ "\n"
+ "Common options: reveal,hide\n"
+ "Example: -format ansi,reveal,bg=none\n"
+ "\n"
+ );
+ exit(0);
+static int arg_pgno(char *p, int *subno)
+ char *end;
+ int pgno;
+ *subno = ANY_SUB;
+ if (*p)
+ {
+ pgno = strtol(p, &end, 16);
+ if ((*end == ':' || *end == '/' || *end == '.') && end[1])
+ *subno = strtol(end + 1, &end, 16);
+ if (*end == 0)
+ if (pgno >= 0x100 && pgno <= 0x899)
+ if (*subno == ANY_SUB || (*subno >= 0x00 && *subno <= 0x3f7f))
+ return pgno;
+ }
+ fatal("%s: invalid page number", p);
+static int option(int argc, char **argv, int *ind, char **arg)
+ static struct { char *nam, *altnam; int arg; } opts[] = {
+ { "-charset", "-cs", 1 },
+ { "-format", "-f", 1 },
+ { "-help", "-h", 0 },
+ { "-name", "-n", 1 },
+ { "-sid", "-s", 1 },
+ { "-timeout", "-to", 1 },
+ { "-ttpid", "-t", 1 },
+ { "-vbi", "-v", 1 },
+ };
+ int i;
+ if (*ind >= argc)
+ return 0;
+ *arg = argv[(*ind)++];
+ for (i = 0; i < NELEM(opts); ++i)
+ if (streq(*arg, opts[i].nam) || streq(*arg, opts[i].altnam))
+ {
+ if (opts[i].arg)
+ if (*ind < argc)
+ *arg = argv[(*ind)++];
+ else
+ fatal("option %s requires an argument", *arg);
+ return i+1;
+ }
+ if (**arg == '-')
+ {
+ fatal("%s: invalid option", *arg);
+ usage(stderr, 2);
+ }
+ return -1;
+static void event(struct dl_head *reqs, struct vt_event *ev)
+ struct req *req, *nxt;
+ switch (ev->type)
+ {
+ case EV_PAGE: // new page
+ {
+ struct vt_page *vtp = ev->p1;
+ for (req = PTR reqs->first; nxt = PTR req->node->next; req = nxt)
+ if (req->pgno == vtp->pgno)
+ if (req->subno == ANY_SUB || req->subno == vtp->subno)
+ {
+ *req->vtp = *vtp;
+ dl_insert_last(reqs + 1, dl_remove(req->node));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ char *vbi_name = NULL;
+ int timeout = 0;
+ char *fname = "ttext-%s.%e";
+ char *out_fmt = "ascii";
+ struct export *fmt = 0;
+ int opt, ind;
+ char *arg;
+ struct vbi *vbi;
+ struct req *req;
+ struct dl_head reqs[2]; // simple linear lists of requests & captures
+ int ttpid = -1;
+ setlocale (LC_CTYPE, "");
+ setprgname(argv[0]);
+ fdset_init(fds);
+ dl_init(reqs); // the requests
+ dl_init(reqs+1); // the captured pages
+ ind = 1;
+ while (opt = option(argc, argv, &ind, &arg))
+ switch (opt)
+ {
+ case 1: // charset
+ if (streq(arg, "latin-1") || streq(arg, "1"))
+ latin1 = 1;
+ else if (streq(arg, "latin-2") || streq(arg, "2"))
+ latin1 = 0;
+ else if (streq(arg, "koi8-r") || streq(arg, "koi"))
+ latin1 = KOI8;
+ else if (streq(arg, "iso8859-7") || streq(arg, "el"))
+ latin1 = GREEK;
+ else
+ fatal("bad charset (not latin-1/2/koi8-r/iso8859-7)");
+ break;
+ case 2: // format
+ if (streq(arg, "help") || streq(arg, "?") || streq(arg, "list"))
+ exp_help(stdout);
+ out_fmt = arg;
+ fmt = 0;
+ break;
+ case 3: // help
+ usage(stdout, 0);
+ break;
+ case 4: // name
+ fname = arg;
+ break;
+ case 5: // timeout
+ timeout = strtol(arg, 0, 10);
+ if (timeout < 1 || timeout > 999999)
+ fatal("bad timeout value", timeout);
+ break;
+ case 6: // service id
+ sid = strtoul(arg, NULL, 0);
+ break;
+ case 7: // teletext pid
+ ttpid = strtoul(arg, NULL, 0);
+ break;
+ case 8: // vbi
+ vbi_name = arg;
+ break;
+ case -1: // non-option arg
+ if (not fmt)
+ fmt = export_open(out_fmt);
+ if (not fmt)
+ fatal("%s", export_errstr());
+ if (not(req = malloc(sizeof(*req))))
+ out_of_mem(sizeof(*req));
+ req->name = fname;
+ req->pgno_str = arg;
+ req->pgno = arg_pgno(arg, &req->subno);
+ req->export = fmt;
+ dl_insert_last(reqs, req->node);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (dl_empty(reqs))
+ fatal("no pages requested");
+ // setup device
+ if (not(vbi = vbi_open(vbi_name, 0, channel, outfile, sid, ttpid)))
+ fatal("cannot open %s", vbi_name);
+ vbi_add_handler(vbi, event, reqs); // register event handler
+ if (timeout)
+ alarm(timeout);
+ // capture pages (moves requests from reqs[0] to reqs[1])
+ while (not dl_empty(reqs) && not timed_out)
+ if (fdset_select(fds, 30000) == 0) // 30sec select time out
+ {
+ error("no signal.");
+ break;
+ }
+ alarm(0);
+ vbi_del_handler(vbi, event, reqs);
+ vbi_close(vbi);
+ if (not dl_empty(reqs))
+ error("capture aborted. Some pages are missing.");
+ for (req = PTR reqs[1].first; req->node->next; req = PTR req->node->next)
+ {
+ fname = export_mkname(req->export, req->name, req->vtp, req->pgno_str);
+ if (not fname || export(req->export, req->vtp, fname))
+ error("error saving page %s: %s", req->pgno_str, export_errstr());
+ if (fname)
+ free(fname);
+ }
+ exit(dl_empty(reqs) ? 0 : 1);