#ifndef _PDICT_IMPL_H_ #define _PDICT_IMPL_H_ #include "pdict.h" struct pdict_listener; /* * Represents a dictionary entry. * key and value strings, with a plist of listeners */ struct pdict_ent { const char *pde_key; const char *pde_val; plist_node_t *pde_listeners; }; typedef struct pdict_listener { pdl_notify_func_t pdl_notify; void *pdl_arg; } pdict_listener_t; typedef struct pdict_persistent_listener { pdict_listener_t pdpl_l; regex_t pdpl_regex; int pdpl_new; } pdict_persistent_listener_t; /* * A Phidget Dictionary * contains a ptree of entries and a plist of persistent listeners */ struct pdict { ptree_node_t *pd_ents; plist_node_t *pd_persistent_listeners; }; #endif