#include "stdafx.h" #include "cphidgetstepper.h" #include "cusb.h" #include "csocket.h" #include "cthread.h" // === Internal Functions === // //clearVars - sets all device variables to unknown state CPHIDGETCLEARVARS(Stepper) int i = 0; phid->motorSpeedMax = PUNI_DBL; phid->motorSpeedMin = PUNI_DBL; phid->accelerationMax = PUNI_DBL; phid->accelerationMin = PUNI_DBL; phid->motorPositionMax = PUNI_INT64; phid->motorPositionMin = PUNI_INT64; phid->currentMax = PUNI_DBL; phid->currentMin = PUNI_DBL; for (i = 0; iinputState[i] = PUNI_BOOL; } for (i = 0; imotorSpeedEcho[i] = PUNI_DBL; phid->motorPositionEcho[i] = PUNI_INT64; phid->motorSensedCurrent[i] = PUNI_DBL; phid->motorEngagedStateEcho[i] = PUNI_BOOL; phid->motorStoppedState[i] = PUNI_BOOL; phid->packetCounterEcho[i] = PUNK_INT; phid->motorPosition[i] = PUNI_INT64; phid->motorPositionReset[i] = PUNK_INT64; phid->motorEngagedState[i] = PUNK_BOOL; phid->motorAcceleration[i] = PUNK_DBL; phid->motorSpeed[i] = PUNK_DBL; phid->motorCurrentLimit[i] = PUNK_DBL; phid->packetCounter[i] = PUNK_INT; } return EPHIDGET_OK; } //initAfterOpen - sets up the initial state of an object, reading in packets from the device if needed // used during attach initialization - on every attach CPHIDGETINIT(Stepper) int i = 0; TESTPTR(phid); //Make sure no old writes are still pending phid->outputPacketLen = 0; //Setup max/min values switch(phid->phid.deviceUID) { case PHIDUID_STEPPER_UNIPOLAR_4MOTOR: phid->microSteps = 2; phid->motorSpeedMax = ((phid->microSteps * 0x100) - 1) * 0.75; phid->motorSpeedMin = 0; phid->accelerationMax = (250 * (0.75 * 0.75)) * 0x3f; phid->accelerationMin = (250 * (0.75 * 0.75)); phid->motorPositionMax = 0x7FFFFFFFFFLL; phid->motorPositionMin = -0x7FFFFFFFFFLL; phid->currentMax = PUNK_DBL; phid->currentMin = PUNK_DBL; break; case PHIDUID_STEPPER_BIPOLAR_1MOTOR: phid->microSteps = 16; phid->motorSpeedMax = 8 * phid->microSteps * 0x100; //0x8000 phid->motorSpeedMin = 0; phid->accelerationMax = 4000 * 0xff; phid->accelerationMin = 4000; phid->motorPositionMax = 0x7FFFFFFFFFLL; phid->motorPositionMin = -0x7FFFFFFFFFLL; phid->currentMax = 2.492; phid->currentMin = 0.0542; break; case PHIDUID_STEPPER_BIPOLAR_1MOTOR_M3: phid->microSteps = 16; //phid->motorSpeedMax = 262144; //8x 1062_1 phid->motorSpeedMax = 250000; //nice round number phid->motorSpeedMin = 0; phid->accelerationMax = 10000000; phid->accelerationMin = 2; phid->motorPositionMax = 1000000000000000LL; // +-1 Quadrillion - enough for 211 years at max speed phid->motorPositionMin = -1000000000000000LL; phid->currentMax = 4; phid->currentMin = 0; break; default: return EPHIDGET_UNEXPECTED; } //set data arrays to unknown for (i = 0; iphid.attr.stepper.numInputs; i++) { phid->inputState[i] = PUNK_BOOL; } for (i = 0; iphid.attr.stepper.numMotors; i++) { phid->motorSpeedEcho[i] = PUNK_DBL; phid->motorPositionEcho[i] = PUNK_INT64; phid->motorSensedCurrent[i] = PUNK_DBL; phid->motorEngagedStateEcho[i] = PUNK_BOOL; phid->motorStoppedState[i] = PUNK_BOOL; phid->packetCounterEcho[i] = PUNK_INT; phid->packetCounter[i] = PUNK_INT; } //read in initial state - only one packet needed CPhidget_read((CPhidgetHandle)phid); //At this point, we can only recover (maybe) the position, engaged state, set others to unknown for (i = 0; iphid.attr.stepper.numMotors; i++) { phid->motorPosition[i] = phid->motorPositionEcho[i]; phid->motorEngagedState[i] = phid->motorEngagedStateEcho[i]; phid->motorAcceleration[i] = PUNK_DBL; phid->motorSpeed[i] = PUNK_DBL; phid->motorCurrentLimit[i] = PUNK_DBL; phid->packetCounter[i] = phid->packetCounterEcho[i]; if(phid->motorStoppedState[i] == PUNK_BOOL) { if(phid->motorSpeedEcho[i] == 0 || phid->motorEngagedStateEcho[i] == PFALSE) phid->motorStoppedState[i] = PTRUE; else phid->motorStoppedState[i] = PFALSE; } } return EPHIDGET_OK; } //dataInput - parses device packets CPHIDGETDATA(Stepper) int i = 0, j = 0; double speed[STEPPER_MAXSTEPPERS], current[STEPPER_MAXSTEPPERS]; double lastSpeed[STEPPER_MAXSTEPPERS], lastCurrent[STEPPER_MAXSTEPPERS]; __int64 position[STEPPER_MAXSTEPPERS], lastPosition[STEPPER_MAXSTEPPERS]; unsigned char input[STEPPER_MAXINPUTS], lastInput[STEPPER_MAXINPUTS]; unsigned char motorEngaged[STEPPER_MAXSTEPPERS], motorDone[STEPPER_MAXSTEPPERS], justStopped[STEPPER_MAXSTEPPERS]; if (length < 0) return EPHIDGET_INVALIDARG; TESTPTR(phid); TESTPTR(buffer); ZEROMEM(input, sizeof(input)); ZEROMEM(lastInput, sizeof(lastInput)); //Parse device packets - store data locally switch(phid->phid.deviceUID) { case PHIDUID_STEPPER_UNIPOLAR_4MOTOR: for (i = 0; i < phid->phid.attr.stepper.numMotors; i++) { phid->packetCounterEcho[i] = buffer[0+(i*9)] & 0x0F; motorEngaged[i] = (buffer[0+(i*9)] & MOTOR_DISABLED_STEPPER) ? PFALSE : PTRUE; motorDone[i] = (buffer[0+(i*9)] & MOTOR_DONE_STEPPER) ? PTRUE : PFALSE; speed[i] = (double)((signed short)((buffer[1+(i*9)] << 8) | buffer[2+(i*9)])); speed[i] = (double)((speed[i] / 511.0) * phid->motorSpeedMax); position[i] = ((((__int64)(signed char)buffer[3+(i*9)]) << 40) + (((__uint64)buffer[4+(i*9)]) << 32) + (((__uint64)buffer[5+(i*9)]) << 24) + (((__uint64)buffer[6+(i*9)]) << 16) + (((__uint64)buffer[7+(i*9)]) << 8) + ((__uint64)buffer[8+(i*9)])); position[i] -= 0x20; //round position[i] >>= 6; //current is not returned current[i] = PUNK_DBL; } break; case PHIDUID_STEPPER_BIPOLAR_1MOTOR: { double Vad; phid->packetCounterEcho[0] = buffer[0] & 0x0F; motorEngaged[0] = (buffer[0] & MOTOR_DISABLED_STEPPER) ? PFALSE : PTRUE; motorDone[0] = (buffer[0] & MOTOR_DONE_STEPPER) ? PTRUE : PFALSE; speed[0] = (double)((signed short)((buffer[1] << 8) | buffer[2])); speed[0] = (double)((speed[i] / 4096.0) * phid->motorSpeedMax); position[0] = ((((__int64)(signed char)buffer[3]) << 40) + (((__uint64)buffer[4]) << 32) + (((__uint64)buffer[5]) << 24) + (((__uint64)buffer[6]) << 16) + (((__uint64)buffer[7]) << 8) + ((__uint64)buffer[8])); position[0] -= 0x04; //round position[0] >>= 3; for (i = 0, j=0x01; iphid.attr.stepper.numInputs; i++, j<<=1) { if ((buffer[9] & j)) input[i] = PFALSE; else input[i] = PTRUE; } //value is 0-4.16 v in 8 bits //(4.16 = (Vbandgap + 1.6) * 2, min 4.096v, max 4.224v according to bandgap voltage min, max) //ie +-1.5% error Vad = (((unsigned char)buffer[10] * 4.16 ) / 255.0); // The voltage sensed, to a max of 4.16v current[0] = round_double((Vad / (BIPOLAR_STEPPER_CURRENT_SENSE_GAIN * BIPOLAR_STEPPER_CURRENT_LIMIT_Rs)), 3); } break; case PHIDUID_STEPPER_BIPOLAR_1MOTOR_M3: { phid->packetCounterEcho[0] = buffer[0] & 0x0F; motorEngaged[0] = (buffer[0] & MOTOR_DISABLED_STEPPER) ? PFALSE : PTRUE; motorDone[0] = (buffer[0] & MOTOR_DONE_STEPPER) ? PTRUE : PFALSE; //24.8 floating point format speed[0] = (double)( ((signed int)((((signed char)buffer[1]) << 24) | (buffer[2] << 16) | (buffer[3] << 8) | buffer[4])) / 256.0); position[0] = ((((__int64)(signed char)buffer[5]) << 56) + (((__uint64)buffer[6]) << 48) + (((__uint64)buffer[7]) << 40) + (((__uint64)buffer[8]) << 32) + (((__uint64)buffer[9]) << 24) + (((__uint64)buffer[10]) << 16) + (((__uint64)buffer[11]) << 8) + ((__uint64)buffer[12])); } break; default: return EPHIDGET_UNEXPECTED; } //Make sure values are within defined range, and store to structure for (i = 0; i < phid->phid.attr.stepper.numMotors; i++) { lastPosition[i] = phid->motorPositionEcho[i]; lastSpeed[i] = phid->motorSpeedEcho[i]; lastCurrent[i] = phid->motorSensedCurrent[i]; if(position[i] > phid->motorPositionMax || position[i] < phid->motorPositionMin) phid->motorPositionEcho[i] = PUNK_INT64; else phid->motorPositionEcho[i] = position[i]; if(speed[i] > phid->motorSpeedMax || speed[i] < -phid->motorSpeedMax) LOG(PHIDGET_LOG_WARNING, "Phidget stepper received out of range speed data: %lE", speed[i]); else phid->motorSpeedEcho[i] = speed[i]; phid->motorSensedCurrent[i] = current[i]; phid->motorEngagedStateEcho[i] = motorEngaged[i]; } for (i = 0; i < phid->phid.attr.stepper.numInputs; i++) { lastInput[i] = phid->inputState[i]; phid->inputState[i] = input[i]; } //make sure phid->motorStoppedState isn't updated until the other data is filled in CThread_mutex_lock(&phid->phid.writelock); for (i = 0; i < phid->phid.attr.stepper.numMotors; i++) { //if we are up to date, and the motor is done, set stopped to true - this is the only place that this gets set true; justStopped[i] = PFALSE; if(phid->packetCounter[i] == phid->packetCounterEcho[i] && motorDone[i] == PTRUE && ((phid->motorPositionEcho[i] == phid->motorPosition[i] && phid->motorSpeedEcho[i] == 0) || phid->motorEngagedStateEcho[i] == PFALSE)) { if(phid->motorStoppedState[i] == PFALSE) justStopped[i] = PTRUE; phid->motorStoppedState[i] = PTRUE; } else if(motorDone[i] == PFALSE) phid->motorStoppedState[i] = PFALSE; } //LOG(PHIDGET_LOG_VERBOSE, " ECHO: %d %d %d %d",phid->packetCounterEcho[0],phid->packetCounterEcho[1],phid->packetCounterEcho[2],phid->packetCounterEcho[3]); CThread_mutex_unlock(&phid->phid.writelock); //send out any events for changed data for (i = 0; i < phid->phid.attr.stepper.numInputs; i++) { if(phid->inputState[i] != PUNK_BOOL && phid->inputState[i] != lastInput[i]) FIRE(InputChange, i, phid->inputState[i]); } for (i = 0; i < phid->phid.attr.stepper.numMotors; i++) { if(phid->motorPositionEcho[i] != PUNK_INT64 && phid->motorEngagedStateEcho[i] == PTRUE && (phid->motorPositionEcho[i] != lastPosition[i] || justStopped[i] == PTRUE) ) { FIRE(PositionChange, i, phid->motorPositionEcho[i]); FIRE(PositionChange32, i, (int)phid->motorPositionEcho[i]); } if(phid->motorSpeedEcho[i] != PUNK_DBL && phid->motorSpeedEcho[i] != lastSpeed[i]) FIRE(VelocityChange, i, phid->motorSpeedEcho[i]); if(phid->motorSensedCurrent[i] != PUNK_DBL && phid->motorSensedCurrent[i] != lastCurrent[i]) FIRE(CurrentChange, i, phid->motorSensedCurrent[i]); } return EPHIDGET_OK; } //eventsAfterOpen - sends out an event for all valid data, used during attach initialization CPHIDGETINITEVENTS(Stepper) for (i = 0; iphid.attr.stepper.numInputs; i++) { if(phid->inputState[i] != PUNK_BOOL) FIRE(InputChange, i, phid->inputState[i]); } for (i = 0; iphid.attr.stepper.numMotors; i++) { if(phid->motorSensedCurrent[i] != PUNK_DBL) FIRE(CurrentChange, i, phid->motorSensedCurrent[i]); if(phid->motorSpeedEcho[i] != PUNK_DBL) FIRE(VelocityChange, i, phid->motorSpeedEcho[i]); if(phid->motorPositionEcho[i] != PUNK_INT64 && phid->motorEngagedStateEcho[i] == PTRUE) { FIRE(PositionChange, i, phid->motorPositionEcho[i]); FIRE(PositionChange32, i, (int)phid->motorPositionEcho[i]); } } return EPHIDGET_OK; } //getPacket - used by write thread to get the next packet to send to device CGETPACKET_BUF(Stepper) //sendpacket - sends a packet to the device asynchronously, blocking if the 1-packet queue is full CSENDPACKET_BUF(Stepper) //makePacket - constructs a packet using current device state CMAKEPACKETINDEXED(Stepper) unsigned char accel = 0, flags = 0; unsigned short speed = 0; __int64 position = 0; int packet_type = Index & 0x30; Index = Index & 0x0F; TESTPTRS(phid, buffer); if(phid->packetCounter[Index] == PUNK_INT) phid->packetCounter[Index] = 0; phid->packetCounter[Index]++; phid->packetCounter[Index] &= 0x0F; phid->motorStoppedState[Index] = PFALSE; //LOG(PHIDGET_LOG_VERBOSE, " OUT %d: %d",Index, phid->packetCounter[Index]); //have to make sure that everything to be sent has some sort of default value if the user hasn't set a value if(phid->motorEngagedState[Index] == PUNK_BOOL) phid->motorEngagedState[Index] = PFALSE; //note motors are not engaged by default if(phid->motorEngagedState[Index] == PFALSE) flags |= MOTOR_DISABLED_STEPPER; switch(packet_type) { case STEPPER_POSITION_PACKET: break; case STEPPER_VEL_ACCEL_PACKET: if(phid->motorSpeed[Index] == PUNK_DBL) phid->motorSpeed[Index] = phid->motorSpeedMax / 2; if(phid->motorAcceleration[Index] == PUNK_DBL) phid->motorAcceleration[Index] = phid->accelerationMax / 2; //mid-level acceleration break; case STEPPER_RESET_PACKET: phid->motorPosition[Index] = phid->motorPositionReset[Index]; break; default: return EPHIDGET_UNEXPECTED; } switch(phid->phid.deviceUID) { case PHIDUID_STEPPER_UNIPOLAR_4MOTOR: //2-bit index, 2-bit packet type, 4-bit counter buffer[0] = (Index << 6) | packet_type | phid->packetCounter[Index]; //flags buffer[1] = flags; switch(packet_type) { case STEPPER_POSITION_PACKET: position = phid->motorPosition[Index] << 6; position += 0x20; //48-bit position buffer[2] = (unsigned char)(position >> 40); buffer[3] = (unsigned char)(position >> 32); buffer[4] = (unsigned char)(position >> 24); buffer[5] = (unsigned char)(position >> 16); buffer[6] = (unsigned char)(position >> 8); buffer[7] = (unsigned char)(position); break; case STEPPER_VEL_ACCEL_PACKET: accel = (unsigned char)round((phid->motorAcceleration[Index]/phid->accelerationMax) * 63.0); speed = (unsigned short)round((phid->motorSpeed[Index]/phid->motorSpeedMax) * 511.0); //6-bit acceleration buffer[2] = accel; //9-bit speed buffer[3] = speed >> 8; buffer[4] = speed & 0xFF; //not used buffer[5] = 0; buffer[6] = 0; buffer[7] = 0; break; case STEPPER_RESET_PACKET: position = phid->motorPositionReset[Index] << 6; position += 0x20; //48-bit position buffer[2] = (unsigned char)(position >> 40); buffer[3] = (unsigned char)(position >> 32); buffer[4] = (unsigned char)(position >> 24); buffer[5] = (unsigned char)(position >> 16); buffer[6] = (unsigned char)(position >> 8); buffer[7] = (unsigned char)(position); break; default: return EPHIDGET_UNEXPECTED; } break; case PHIDUID_STEPPER_BIPOLAR_1MOTOR: { unsigned char currentLimit = 0; double Vref; //2-bit index, 2-bit packet type, 4-bit counter buffer[0] = (Index << 6) | packet_type | phid->packetCounter[Index]; //flags buffer[1] = flags; switch(packet_type) { case STEPPER_POSITION_PACKET: position = phid->motorPosition[Index] << 3; position += 0x04; //48-bit position buffer[2] = (unsigned char)(position >> 40); buffer[3] = (unsigned char)(position >> 32); buffer[4] = (unsigned char)(position >> 24); buffer[5] = (unsigned char)(position >> 16); buffer[6] = (unsigned char)(position >> 8); buffer[7] = (unsigned char)(position); break; case STEPPER_VEL_ACCEL_PACKET: if(phid->motorCurrentLimit[Index] == PUNK_DBL) phid->motorCurrentLimit[Index] = 0.50; //choose 500mA - should at least work for the most part accel = (unsigned char)round((phid->motorAcceleration[Index]/phid->accelerationMax) * 255.0); speed = (unsigned short)round((phid->motorSpeed[Index]/phid->motorSpeedMax) * 4095.0); // highest Vref is 3v (2.5A limit as defined by stepping chip) // The 8 is defined by the stepping chip - (ItripMAX = Vref/8Rs) Vref = phid->motorCurrentLimit[Index] * 8 * BIPOLAR_STEPPER_CURRENT_LIMIT_Rs; // DAC output is 0-63 = 0-4.16v, highest value is 45 (3v) // 2.08 = Vbandgap * 1.6 currentLimit = (unsigned char)round( (((Vref - 2.08)/2.08) * 32) + 31 ); //8-bit acceleration buffer[2] = accel; //12-bit speed buffer[3] = speed >> 8; buffer[4] = speed & 0xFF; //6-bit current limit buffer[5] = currentLimit; //not used buffer[6] = 0; buffer[7] = 0; break; case STEPPER_RESET_PACKET: position = phid->motorPositionReset[Index] << 3; position += 0x04; //48-bit position buffer[2] = (unsigned char)(position >> 40); buffer[3] = (unsigned char)(position >> 32); buffer[4] = (unsigned char)(position >> 24); buffer[5] = (unsigned char)(position >> 16); buffer[6] = (unsigned char)(position >> 8); buffer[7] = (unsigned char)(position); break; default: return EPHIDGET_UNEXPECTED; } } break; case PHIDUID_STEPPER_BIPOLAR_1MOTOR_M3: { unsigned char currentLimit = 0; int accelInt, velInt; //2-bit index, 2-bit packet type, 4-bit counter buffer[0] = (Index << 6) | packet_type | phid->packetCounter[Index]; //flags buffer[1] = flags; switch(packet_type) { case STEPPER_POSITION_PACKET: //64-bit position buffer[2] = (unsigned char)(phid->motorPosition[Index] >> 56); buffer[3] = (unsigned char)(phid->motorPosition[Index] >> 48); buffer[4] = (unsigned char)(phid->motorPosition[Index] >> 40); buffer[5] = (unsigned char)(phid->motorPosition[Index] >> 32); buffer[6] = (unsigned char)(phid->motorPosition[Index] >> 24); buffer[7] = (unsigned char)(phid->motorPosition[Index] >> 16); buffer[8] = (unsigned char)(phid->motorPosition[Index] >> 8); buffer[9] = (unsigned char)(phid->motorPosition[Index]); break; case STEPPER_VEL_ACCEL_PACKET: if(phid->motorCurrentLimit[Index] == PUNK_DBL) phid->motorCurrentLimit[Index] = 0.50; //choose 500mA - should at least work for the most part accelInt = (int)phid->motorAcceleration[Index]; velInt = (int)phid->motorSpeed[Index]; currentLimit = (unsigned char)round((phid->motorCurrentLimit[Index]/phid->currentMax) * 255.0); //3-byte acceleration buffer[2] = accelInt >> 16; buffer[3] = accelInt >> 8; buffer[4] = accelInt; //3-byte velocity buffer[5] = velInt >> 16; buffer[6] = velInt >> 8; buffer[7] = velInt; //8-bit current limit buffer[8] = currentLimit; //not used buffer[9] = 0; break; case STEPPER_RESET_PACKET: //64-bit position buffer[2] = (unsigned char)(phid->motorPositionReset[Index] >> 56); buffer[3] = (unsigned char)(phid->motorPositionReset[Index] >> 48); buffer[4] = (unsigned char)(phid->motorPositionReset[Index] >> 40); buffer[5] = (unsigned char)(phid->motorPositionReset[Index] >> 32); buffer[6] = (unsigned char)(phid->motorPositionReset[Index] >> 24); buffer[7] = (unsigned char)(phid->motorPositionReset[Index] >> 16); buffer[8] = (unsigned char)(phid->motorPositionReset[Index] >> 8); buffer[9] = (unsigned char)(phid->motorPositionReset[Index]); break; default: return EPHIDGET_UNEXPECTED; } } break; default: return EPHIDGET_UNEXPECTED; } return EPHIDGET_OK; } // === Exported Functions === // //create and initialize a device structure CCREATE(Stepper, PHIDCLASS_STEPPER) //event setup functions CFHANDLE(Stepper, InputChange, int, int) CFHANDLE(Stepper, PositionChange, int, __int64) CFHANDLE(Stepper, PositionChange32, int, int) CFHANDLE(Stepper, VelocityChange, int, double) CFHANDLE(Stepper, CurrentChange, int, double) CGET(Stepper,InputCount,int) TESTPTRS(phid,pVal) TESTDEVICETYPE(PHIDCLASS_STEPPER) TESTATTACHED MASGN(phid.attr.stepper.numInputs) } CGETINDEX(Stepper,InputState,int) TESTPTRS(phid,pVal) TESTDEVICETYPE(PHIDCLASS_STEPPER) TESTATTACHED TESTINDEX(phid.attr.stepper.numInputs) TESTMASGN(inputState[Index], PUNK_BOOL) MASGN(inputState[Index]) } CGET(Stepper,MotorCount,int) TESTPTRS(phid,pVal) TESTDEVICETYPE(PHIDCLASS_STEPPER) TESTATTACHED MASGN(phid.attr.stepper.numMotors) } CGETINDEX(Stepper,Acceleration,double) TESTPTRS(phid,pVal) TESTDEVICETYPE(PHIDCLASS_STEPPER) TESTATTACHED TESTINDEX(phid.attr.stepper.numMotors) TESTMASGN(motorAcceleration[Index], PUNK_DBL) MASGN(motorAcceleration[Index]) } CSETINDEX(Stepper,Acceleration,double) TESTPTR(phid) TESTINDEX(phid.attr.stepper.numMotors) TESTDEVICETYPE(PHIDCLASS_STEPPER) TESTATTACHED TESTRANGE(phid->accelerationMin, phid->accelerationMax) if(CPhidget_statusFlagIsSet(phid->phid.status, PHIDGET_REMOTE_FLAG)) ADDNETWORKKEYINDEXED(Acceleration, "%lE", motorAcceleration); else SENDPACKETINDEXED(Stepper, motorAcceleration[Index], Index + STEPPER_VEL_ACCEL_PACKET); return EPHIDGET_OK; } CGETINDEX(Stepper,AccelerationMax,double) TESTPTRS(phid,pVal) TESTDEVICETYPE(PHIDCLASS_STEPPER) TESTATTACHED TESTINDEX(phid.attr.stepper.numMotors) TESTMASGN(accelerationMax, PUNK_DBL) MASGN(accelerationMax) } CGETINDEX(Stepper,AccelerationMin,double) TESTPTRS(phid,pVal) TESTDEVICETYPE(PHIDCLASS_STEPPER) TESTATTACHED TESTINDEX(phid.attr.stepper.numMotors) TESTMASGN(accelerationMin, PUNK_DBL) MASGN(accelerationMin) } CGETINDEX(Stepper,Velocity,double) TESTPTRS(phid,pVal) TESTDEVICETYPE(PHIDCLASS_STEPPER) TESTATTACHED TESTINDEX(phid.attr.stepper.numMotors) TESTMASGN(motorSpeedEcho[Index], PUNK_DBL) MASGN(motorSpeedEcho[Index]) } CGETINDEX(Stepper,VelocityLimit,double) TESTPTRS(phid,pVal) TESTDEVICETYPE(PHIDCLASS_STEPPER) TESTATTACHED TESTINDEX(phid.attr.stepper.numMotors) TESTMASGN(motorSpeed[Index], PUNK_DBL) MASGN(motorSpeed[Index]) } CSETINDEX(Stepper,VelocityLimit,double) TESTPTR(phid) TESTDEVICETYPE(PHIDCLASS_STEPPER) TESTATTACHED TESTINDEX(phid.attr.stepper.numMotors) TESTRANGE(phid->motorSpeedMin, phid->motorSpeedMax) if(CPhidget_statusFlagIsSet(phid->phid.status, PHIDGET_REMOTE_FLAG)) ADDNETWORKKEYINDEXED(VelocityLimit, "%lE", motorSpeed); else SENDPACKETINDEXED(Stepper, motorSpeed[Index], Index + STEPPER_VEL_ACCEL_PACKET); return EPHIDGET_OK; } CGETINDEX(Stepper,VelocityMax,double) TESTPTRS(phid,pVal) TESTDEVICETYPE(PHIDCLASS_STEPPER) TESTATTACHED TESTINDEX(phid.attr.stepper.numMotors) TESTMASGN(motorSpeedMax, PUNK_DBL) MASGN(motorSpeedMax) } CGETINDEX(Stepper,VelocityMin,double) TESTPTRS(phid,pVal) TESTDEVICETYPE(PHIDCLASS_STEPPER) TESTATTACHED TESTINDEX(phid.attr.stepper.numMotors) TESTMASGN(motorSpeedMin, PUNK_DBL) MASGN(motorSpeedMin) } CGETINDEX(Stepper,TargetPosition,__int64) TESTPTRS(phid,pVal) TESTDEVICETYPE(PHIDCLASS_STEPPER) TESTATTACHED TESTINDEX(phid.attr.stepper.numMotors) TESTMASGN(motorPosition[Index], PUNK_INT64) MASGN(motorPosition[Index]) } CSETINDEX(Stepper,TargetPosition,__int64) TESTPTR(phid) TESTDEVICETYPE(PHIDCLASS_STEPPER) TESTATTACHED TESTINDEX(phid.attr.stepper.numMotors) TESTRANGE(phid->motorPositionMin, phid->motorPositionMax) if(CPhidget_statusFlagIsSet(phid->phid.status, PHIDGET_REMOTE_FLAG)) ADDNETWORKKEYINDEXED(TargetPosition, "%lld", motorPosition); else SENDPACKETINDEXED(Stepper, motorPosition[Index], Index + STEPPER_POSITION_PACKET); return EPHIDGET_OK; } CGETINDEX(Stepper,CurrentPosition,__int64) TESTPTRS(phid,pVal) TESTDEVICETYPE(PHIDCLASS_STEPPER) TESTATTACHED TESTINDEX(phid.attr.stepper.numMotors) TESTMASGN(motorPositionEcho[Index], PUNK_INT64) MASGN(motorPositionEcho[Index]) } CSETINDEX(Stepper,CurrentPosition,__int64) TESTPTR(phid) TESTDEVICETYPE(PHIDCLASS_STEPPER) TESTATTACHED TESTINDEX(phid.attr.stepper.numMotors) TESTRANGE(phid->motorPositionMin, phid->motorPositionMax) if(CPhidget_statusFlagIsSet(phid->phid.status, PHIDGET_REMOTE_FLAG)) ADDNETWORKKEYINDEXED(CurrentPosition, "%lld", motorPositionReset); else SENDPACKETINDEXED(Stepper, motorPositionReset[Index], Index + STEPPER_RESET_PACKET); return EPHIDGET_OK; } CGETINDEX(Stepper,PositionMax,__int64) TESTPTRS(phid,pVal) TESTDEVICETYPE(PHIDCLASS_STEPPER) TESTATTACHED TESTINDEX(phid.attr.stepper.numMotors) TESTMASGN(motorPositionMax, PUNK_INT64) MASGN(motorPositionMax) } CGETINDEX(Stepper,PositionMin,__int64) TESTPTRS(phid,pVal) TESTDEVICETYPE(PHIDCLASS_STEPPER) TESTATTACHED TESTINDEX(phid.attr.stepper.numMotors) TESTMASGN(motorPositionMin, PUNK_INT64) MASGN(motorPositionMin) } CGETINDEX(Stepper,TargetPosition32,int) TESTPTRS(phid,pVal) TESTDEVICETYPE(PHIDCLASS_STEPPER) TESTATTACHED TESTINDEX(phid.attr.stepper.numMotors) TESTMASGN(motorPosition[Index], PUNK_INT) *pVal = (int)phid->motorPosition[Index]; return EPHIDGET_OK; } CSETINDEX(Stepper,TargetPosition32,int) TESTPTR(phid) TESTDEVICETYPE(PHIDCLASS_STEPPER) TESTATTACHED TESTINDEX(phid.attr.stepper.numMotors) TESTRANGE(phid->motorPositionMin, phid->motorPositionMax) if(CPhidget_statusFlagIsSet(phid->phid.status, PHIDGET_REMOTE_FLAG)) ADDNETWORKKEYINDEXED(TargetPosition, "%d", motorPosition); else SENDPACKETINDEXED(Stepper, motorPosition[Index], Index + STEPPER_POSITION_PACKET); return EPHIDGET_OK; } CGETINDEX(Stepper,CurrentPosition32,int) TESTPTRS(phid,pVal) TESTDEVICETYPE(PHIDCLASS_STEPPER) TESTATTACHED TESTINDEX(phid.attr.stepper.numMotors) TESTMASGN(motorPositionEcho[Index], PUNK_INT) *pVal = (int)phid->motorPositionEcho[Index]; return EPHIDGET_OK; } CSETINDEX(Stepper,CurrentPosition32,int) TESTPTR(phid) TESTDEVICETYPE(PHIDCLASS_STEPPER) TESTATTACHED TESTINDEX(phid.attr.stepper.numMotors) TESTRANGE(phid->motorPositionMin, phid->motorPositionMax) if(CPhidget_statusFlagIsSet(phid->phid.status, PHIDGET_REMOTE_FLAG)) ADDNETWORKKEYINDEXED(CurrentPosition, "%d", motorPositionReset); else SENDPACKETINDEXED(Stepper, motorPositionReset[Index], Index + STEPPER_RESET_PACKET); return EPHIDGET_OK; } CGETINDEX(Stepper,PositionMax32,int) TESTPTRS(phid,pVal) TESTDEVICETYPE(PHIDCLASS_STEPPER) TESTATTACHED TESTINDEX(phid.attr.stepper.numMotors) *pVal = -(PUNK_INT-1); return EPHIDGET_OK; } CGETINDEX(Stepper,PositionMin32,int) TESTPTRS(phid,pVal) TESTDEVICETYPE(PHIDCLASS_STEPPER) TESTATTACHED TESTINDEX(phid.attr.stepper.numMotors) *pVal = (PUNK_INT-1); return EPHIDGET_OK; } CGETINDEX(Stepper,Current,double) TESTPTRS(phid,pVal) TESTDEVICETYPE(PHIDCLASS_STEPPER) TESTATTACHED //only the original bipolar has current sense switch(phid->phid.deviceUID) { case PHIDUID_STEPPER_BIPOLAR_1MOTOR: TESTINDEX(phid.attr.stepper.numMotors) TESTMASGN(motorSensedCurrent[Index], PUNK_DBL) MASGN(motorSensedCurrent[Index]) break; case PHIDUID_STEPPER_BIPOLAR_1MOTOR_M3: case PHIDUID_STEPPER_UNIPOLAR_4MOTOR: default: return EPHIDGET_UNSUPPORTED; } } CGETINDEX(Stepper,CurrentLimit,double) TESTPTRS(phid,pVal) TESTDEVICETYPE(PHIDCLASS_STEPPER) TESTATTACHED //only the bipolar has currentLimit switch(phid->phid.deviceUID) { case PHIDUID_STEPPER_BIPOLAR_1MOTOR: case PHIDUID_STEPPER_BIPOLAR_1MOTOR_M3: TESTINDEX(phid.attr.stepper.numMotors) TESTMASGN(motorCurrentLimit[Index], PUNK_DBL) MASGN(motorCurrentLimit[Index]) break; case PHIDUID_STEPPER_UNIPOLAR_4MOTOR: default: return EPHIDGET_UNSUPPORTED; } } CSETINDEX(Stepper,CurrentLimit,double) TESTPTR(phid) TESTDEVICETYPE(PHIDCLASS_STEPPER) TESTATTACHED //only the bipolar has currentLimit switch(phid->phid.deviceUID) { case PHIDUID_STEPPER_BIPOLAR_1MOTOR: case PHIDUID_STEPPER_BIPOLAR_1MOTOR_M3: TESTINDEX(phid.attr.stepper.numMotors) TESTRANGE(phid->currentMin, phid->currentMax) if(CPhidget_statusFlagIsSet(phid->phid.status, PHIDGET_REMOTE_FLAG)) ADDNETWORKKEYINDEXED(CurrentLimit, "%lE", motorCurrentLimit); else SENDPACKETINDEXED(Stepper, motorCurrentLimit[Index], Index + STEPPER_VEL_ACCEL_PACKET); break; case PHIDUID_STEPPER_UNIPOLAR_4MOTOR: default: return EPHIDGET_UNSUPPORTED; } return EPHIDGET_OK; } CGETINDEX(Stepper,CurrentMax,double) TESTPTRS(phid,pVal) TESTDEVICETYPE(PHIDCLASS_STEPPER) TESTATTACHED //only the bipolar has current switch(phid->phid.deviceUID) { case PHIDUID_STEPPER_BIPOLAR_1MOTOR: case PHIDUID_STEPPER_BIPOLAR_1MOTOR_M3: TESTINDEX(phid.attr.stepper.numMotors) TESTMASGN(currentMax, PUNK_DBL) MASGN(currentMax) break; case PHIDUID_STEPPER_UNIPOLAR_4MOTOR: default: return EPHIDGET_UNSUPPORTED; } } CGETINDEX(Stepper,CurrentMin,double) TESTPTRS(phid,pVal) TESTDEVICETYPE(PHIDCLASS_STEPPER) TESTATTACHED //only the bipolar has current switch(phid->phid.deviceUID) { case PHIDUID_STEPPER_BIPOLAR_1MOTOR: case PHIDUID_STEPPER_BIPOLAR_1MOTOR_M3: TESTINDEX(phid.attr.stepper.numMotors) TESTMASGN(currentMin, PUNK_DBL) MASGN(currentMin) break; case PHIDUID_STEPPER_UNIPOLAR_4MOTOR: default: return EPHIDGET_UNSUPPORTED; } } CGETINDEX(Stepper,Engaged,int) TESTPTRS(phid,pVal) TESTDEVICETYPE(PHIDCLASS_STEPPER) TESTATTACHED TESTINDEX(phid.attr.stepper.numMotors) TESTMASGN(motorEngagedStateEcho[Index], PUNK_BOOL) MASGN(motorEngagedStateEcho[Index]) } CSETINDEX(Stepper,Engaged,int) TESTPTR(phid) TESTDEVICETYPE(PHIDCLASS_STEPPER) TESTATTACHED TESTINDEX(phid.attr.stepper.numMotors) TESTRANGE(PFALSE, PTRUE) if(CPhidget_statusFlagIsSet(phid->phid.status, PHIDGET_REMOTE_FLAG)) ADDNETWORKKEYINDEXED(Engaged, "%d", motorEngagedState); else //hang off the STEPPER_VEL_ACCEL_PACKET because this will have the side effect of also setting these two states SENDPACKETINDEXED(Stepper, motorEngagedState[Index], Index + STEPPER_VEL_ACCEL_PACKET); return EPHIDGET_OK; } CGETINDEX(Stepper,Stopped,int) TESTPTRS(phid,pVal) TESTDEVICETYPE(PHIDCLASS_STEPPER) TESTATTACHED TESTINDEX(phid.attr.stepper.numMotors) TESTMASGN(motorStoppedState[Index], PUNK_BOOL) MASGN(motorStoppedState[Index]) } an>model == '\0') { error("%s: no '%s.Model' entry from %s", Name, section, cfg_source()); return -1; } for (i = 0; Models[i].type != 0xff; i++) { if (strcasecmp(Models[i].name, model) == 0) break; } if (Models[i].type == 0xff) { error("%s: %s.Model '%s' is unknown from %s", Name, section, model, cfg_source()); return -1; } Model = i; info("%s: using model '%s'", Name, Models[Model].name); if (drv_generic_serial_open(section, Name, 0) < 0) return -1; /* initialize global variables */ DROWS = Models[Model].rows; DCOLS = Models[Model].cols; drv_MI_clear(); drv_generic_serial_write("\376\014", 2); /* cursor off */ if (!quiet) { if (drv_generic_text_greet(Models[Model].name, "Milford Instruments")) { sleep(3); drv_MI_clear(); } } return 0; } /****************************************/ /*** plugins ***/ /****************************************/ /* none at the moment... */ /****************************************/ /*** widget callbacks ***/ /****************************************/ /* using drv_generic_text_draw(W) */ /* using drv_generic_text_icon_draw(W) */ /* using drv_generic_text_bar_draw(W) */ /****************************************/ /*** exported functions ***/ /****************************************/ /* list models */ int drv_MI_list(void) { int i; for (i = 0; Models[i].type > 0; i++) { printf("%s ", Models[i].name); } return 0; } /* initialize driver & display */ int drv_MI_init(const char *section, const int quiet) { WIDGET_CLASS wc; int ret; info("%s: %s", Name, "$Rev$"); /* display preferences */ XRES = 5; /* pixel width of one char */ YRES = 8; /* pixel height of one char */ CHARS = 8; /* number of user-defineable characters */ CHAR0 = 0; /* ASCII of first user-defineable char */ GOTO_COST = 4; /* number of bytes a goto command requires */ /* real worker functions */ drv_generic_text_real_write = drv_MI_write; drv_generic_text_real_defchar = drv_MI_defchar; /* start display */ if ((ret = drv_MI_start(section, quiet)) != 0) return ret; /* initialize generic text driver */ if ((ret = drv_generic_text_init(section, Name)) != 0) return ret; /* initialize generic icon driver */ if ((ret = drv_generic_text_icon_init()) != 0) return ret; /* initialize generic bar driver */ if ((ret = drv_generic_text_bar_init(0)) != 0) return ret; /* add fixed chars to the bar driver */ drv_generic_text_bar_add_segment(0, 0, 255, 32); /* ASCII 32 = blank */ drv_generic_text_bar_add_segment(255, 255, 255, 255); /* ASCII 255 = block */ /* register text widget */ wc = Widget_Text; wc.draw = drv_generic_text_draw; widget_register(&wc); /* register icon widget */ wc = Widget_Icon; wc.draw = drv_generic_text_icon_draw; widget_register(&wc); /* register bar widget */ wc = Widget_Bar; wc.draw = drv_generic_text_bar_draw; widget_register(&wc); /* register plugins */ /* none at the moment... */ return 0; } /* close driver & display */ int drv_MI_quit(const int quiet) { info("%s: shutting down.", Name); drv_generic_text_quit(); /* clear display */ drv_MI_clear(); /* say goodbye... */ if (!quiet) { drv_generic_text_greet("goodbye!", NULL); } drv_generic_serial_close(); return (0); } DRIVER drv_MilfordInstruments = { .name = Name, .list = drv_MI_list, .init = drv_MI_init, .quit = drv_MI_quit, };