#include "stdafx.h" #include "cphidgetgps.h" #include "cusb.h" #include "csocket.h" #include "cthread.h" #include // === Internal Functions === // static int checkcrc(char *data, int crc); static int parse_NMEA_data(char *data, CPhidgetGPSInfo *phid); static int parse_GPS_packets(CPhidgetGPSInfo *phid); //clearVars - sets all device variables to unknown state CPHIDGETCLEARVARS(GPS) TESTPTR(phid); phid->fix = PUNI_BOOL; phid->heading = PUNK_DBL; phid->velocity = PUNK_DBL; phid->altitude = PUNK_DBL; phid->latitude = PUNK_DBL; phid->longitude = PUNK_DBL; phid->haveTime = PUNK_BOOL; phid->haveDate = PUNK_BOOL; return EPHIDGET_OK; } //initAfterOpen - sets up the initial state of an object, reading in packets from the device if needed // used during attach initialization - on every attach CPHIDGETINIT(GPS) unsigned char buffer[8] = { 0 }; int readtries; TESTPTR(phid); phid->sckbuf_read=0; phid->sckbuf_write=0; ZEROMEM(phid->sckbuf, 256); phid->lastFix = PUNK_BOOL; phid->lastLatitude = PUNK_DBL; phid->lastLongitude = PUNK_DBL; phid->lastAltitude = PUNK_DBL; phid->fix = PUNK_BOOL; phid->heading = PUNK_DBL; phid->velocity = PUNK_DBL; phid->altitude = PUNK_DBL; phid->latitude = PUNK_DBL; phid->longitude = PUNK_DBL; phid->haveTime = PUNK_BOOL; phid->haveDate = PUNK_BOOL; //clean out the NMEA sentences ZEROMEM(&phid->GPSData, sizeof(NMEAData)); //Examples for sending data. buffer[0] is dataLength, other spots are data // continue in multiple packets if needed. Wait for ACK between sends //set factory defaults and reboot /*buffer[0]=0x02;buffer[1]=0x04;buffer[2]=0x01; CUSBSendPacket((CPhidgetHandle)phid, buffer);*/ //set 10Hz update rate /*buffer[0]=0x03;buffer[1]=0x0e;buffer[2]=0x0a;buffer[3]=0x00; CUSBSendPacket((CPhidgetHandle)phid, buffer);*/ //Get Ephemeris /*buffer[0]=0x02;buffer[1]=0x30;buffer[2]=0x00; CUSBSendPacket((CPhidgetHandle)phid, buffer);*/ //Enable WAAS buffer[0]=0x03;buffer[1]=0x37;buffer[2]=0x01;buffer[2]=0x01; CUSBSendPacket((CPhidgetHandle)phid, buffer); //Query WAAS /*buffer[0]=0x01;buffer[1]=0x38; CUSBSendPacket((CPhidgetHandle)phid, buffer);*/ //read some initial data - rate is 10Hz so we shouldn't have to wait long //This ensures we have recieved at least one GGA and one RMC readtries = 30; //250ms while((phid->fix==PUNK_BOOL || phid->haveTime==PUNK_BOOL || phid->haveDate==PUNK_BOOL) && readtries) { CPhidget_read((CPhidgetHandle)phid); readtries--; } if(phid->fix==PUNK_BOOL) phid->fix=PFALSE; return EPHIDGET_OK; } //dataInput - parses device packets CPHIDGETDATA(GPS) int i=0; if (length < 0) return EPHIDGET_INVALIDARG; TESTPTR(phid); TESTPTR(buffer); //LOG(PHIDGET_LOG_DEBUG, "GPS Packet size: %d", buffer[0]); /* stick it in a buffer */ for (i=0; isckbuf[phid->sckbuf_write++] = buffer[i+1]; } parse_GPS_packets(phid); return EPHIDGET_OK; } //eventsAfterOpen - sends out an event for all valid data, used during attach initialization CPHIDGETINITEVENTS(GPS) if(phid->fix != PUNK_BOOL) FIRE(PositionFixStatusChange, phid->fix); if (phid->fix == PTRUE && (phid->latitude != PUNK_DBL || phid->longitude != PUNK_DBL || phid->altitude != PUNK_DBL)) FIRE(PositionChange, phid->latitude, phid->longitude, phid->altitude); return EPHIDGET_OK; } //getPacket - not used for GPS CGETPACKET(GPS) return EPHIDGET_UNEXPECTED; } /* checks a CRC */ static int checkcrc(char *data, int crc) { unsigned int i=0; unsigned char check=0; for(i=1;i= 6) { decpart = modf(strtod(dataarray[1], NULL), &dintpart); intpart = (int)dintpart; phid->GPSData.GGA.time.tm_hour = (short)(intpart/10000); phid->GPSData.GGA.time.tm_min = (short)(intpart/100%100); phid->GPSData.GGA.time.tm_sec = (short)(intpart%100); phid->GPSData.GGA.time.tm_ms = (short)round(decpart*1000); phid->haveTime = PTRUE; } else phid->haveTime = PFALSE; /* convert lat/long to signed decimal degree format */ if(strlen(dataarray[2])) { tempD = (int)(strtol(dataarray[2], NULL, 10) / 100) + (strtod((dataarray[2]+2),NULL) / 60); if(dataarray[3][0] == 'S') phid->GPSData.GGA.latitude = -tempD; else phid->GPSData.GGA.latitude = tempD; } else phid->GPSData.GGA.latitude = 0; if(strlen(dataarray[4])) { tempD = (int)(strtol(dataarray[4], NULL, 10) / 100) + (strtod((dataarray[4]+3),NULL) / 60); if(dataarray[5][0] == 'W') phid->GPSData.GGA.longitude = -tempD; else phid->GPSData.GGA.longitude = tempD; } else phid->GPSData.GGA.longitude = 0; phid->GPSData.GGA.fixQuality = (short)strtol(dataarray[6],NULL,10); phid->GPSData.GGA.numSatellites = (short)strtol(dataarray[7],NULL,10); phid->GPSData.GGA.horizontalDilution = strtod(dataarray[8],NULL); phid->GPSData.GGA.altitude = strtod(dataarray[9],NULL); phid->GPSData.GGA.heightOfGeoid = strtod(dataarray[11],NULL); //Set local variables for getters/events phid->fix = (phid->GPSData.GGA.fixQuality == 0) ? PFALSE : PTRUE; if(phid->fix) { phid->altitude = phid->GPSData.GGA.altitude; phid->latitude = phid->GPSData.GGA.latitude; phid->longitude = phid->GPSData.GGA.longitude; } else { phid->altitude = PUNK_DBL; phid->latitude = PUNK_DBL; phid->longitude = PUNK_DBL; } //Fix status changed if(phid->fix != phid->lastFix) { FIRE(PositionFixStatusChange, phid->fix); phid->lastFix = phid->fix; } /* only sends event if the fix is valid, and position has changed a bit */ if (phid->fix == PTRUE && (phid->latitude != phid->lastLatitude || phid->longitude != phid->lastLongitude || phid->altitude != phid->lastAltitude) ) { FIRE(PositionChange, phid->latitude, phid->longitude, phid->altitude); phid->lastLatitude = phid->latitude; phid->lastLongitude = phid->longitude; phid->lastAltitude = phid->altitude; } } else if(!strncmp("GSA",dataarray[0]+3,3)) { phid->GPSData.GSA.mode = dataarray[1][0]; phid->GPSData.GSA.fixType = (short)strtol(dataarray[2],NULL,10); for(i=0;i<12;i++) phid->GPSData.GSA.satUsed[i] = (short)strtol(dataarray[i+3],NULL,10); phid->GPSData.GSA.posnDilution = strtod(dataarray[15],NULL); phid->GPSData.GSA.horizDilution = strtod(dataarray[16],NULL); phid->GPSData.GSA.vertDilution = strtod(dataarray[17],NULL); } else if(!strncmp("GSV",dataarray[0]+3,3)) { int numSentences, sentenceNumber, numSats; numSentences = strtol(dataarray[1],NULL,10); sentenceNumber = strtol(dataarray[2],NULL,10); numSats = strtol(dataarray[3],NULL,10); phid->GPSData.GSV.satsInView = (short)numSats; for(i=0;i<(numSentences==sentenceNumber?numSats-(4*(numSentences-1)):4);i++) { phid->GPSData.GSV.satInfo[i+((sentenceNumber-1)*4)].ID = (short)strtol(dataarray[4+(i*4)],NULL,10); phid->GPSData.GSV.satInfo[i+((sentenceNumber-1)*4)].elevation = (short)strtol(dataarray[5+(i*4)],NULL,10); phid->GPSData.GSV.satInfo[i+((sentenceNumber-1)*4)].azimuth = strtol(dataarray[6+(i*4)],NULL,10); phid->GPSData.GSV.satInfo[i+((sentenceNumber-1)*4)].SNR = (short)strtol(dataarray[7+(i*4)],NULL,10); } } else if(!strncmp("RMC",dataarray[0]+3,3)) { if(strlen(dataarray[1])>=6) { decpart = modf(strtod(dataarray[1], NULL), &dintpart); intpart = (int)dintpart; phid->GPSData.RMC.time.tm_hour = (short)(intpart/10000); phid->GPSData.RMC.time.tm_min = (short)(intpart/100%100); phid->GPSData.RMC.time.tm_sec = (short)(intpart%100); phid->GPSData.RMC.time.tm_ms = (short)round(decpart*1000); } phid->GPSData.RMC.status = dataarray[2][0]; /* convert lat/long to signed decimal degree format */ if(strlen(dataarray[3])) { tempD = (int)(strtol(dataarray[3], NULL, 10) / 100) + (strtod((dataarray[3]+2),NULL) / 60); if(dataarray[4][0] == 'S') phid->GPSData.RMC.latitude = -tempD; else phid->GPSData.RMC.latitude = tempD; } else phid->GPSData.RMC.latitude = 0; if(strlen(dataarray[5])) { tempD = (int)(strtol(dataarray[5], NULL, 10) / 100) + (strtod((dataarray[5]+3),NULL) / 60); if(dataarray[6][0] == 'W') phid->GPSData.RMC.longitude = -tempD; else phid->GPSData.RMC.longitude = tempD; } else phid->GPSData.RMC.longitude = 0; phid->GPSData.RMC.speedKnots = strtod(dataarray[7],NULL); phid->GPSData.RMC.heading = strtod(dataarray[8],NULL); if(strlen(dataarray[9])>=6) { intpart = strtol(dataarray[9], NULL, 10); phid->GPSData.RMC.date.tm_mday = (short)(intpart/10000); phid->GPSData.RMC.date.tm_mon = (short)(intpart/100%100); phid->GPSData.RMC.date.tm_year = (short)(intpart%100) + 2000; //2-digit year, add 2000 years phid->haveDate = PTRUE; } else phid->haveDate = PFALSE; tempD = strtod(dataarray[10],NULL); if(dataarray[11][0] == 'W') phid->GPSData.RMC.magneticVariation = -tempD; else phid->GPSData.RMC.magneticVariation = tempD; phid->GPSData.RMC.mode = dataarray[12][0]; if(phid->GPSData.RMC.status == 'A') { phid->velocity = phid->GPSData.RMC.speedKnots * 1.852; //convert to km/h phid->heading = phid->GPSData.RMC.heading; } else { phid->velocity = PUNK_DBL; phid->heading = PUNK_DBL; } } else if(!strncmp("VTG",dataarray[0]+3,3)) { phid->GPSData.VTG.trueHeading = strtod(dataarray[1],NULL); phid->GPSData.VTG.magneticHeading = strtod(dataarray[3],NULL); phid->GPSData.VTG.speedKnots = strtod(dataarray[5],NULL); phid->GPSData.VTG.speed = strtod(dataarray[7],NULL); phid->GPSData.VTG.mode = dataarray[9][0]; } else { LOG(PHIDGET_LOG_INFO,"Unrecognized sentence type: %s", dataarray[0]+3); } return 0; } /* this parses a full sentence */ static int parse_SkyTraq_response(unsigned char *data, CPhidgetGPSInfo *phid) { int msgLength = data[3]; int crc = data[msgLength + 4]; int i, crccheck=0; char buffer[256]; for(i=0;isckbuf_read != phid->sckbuf_write)) { if(phid->sckbuf[phid->sckbuf_read] == '$' || phid->sckbuf[phid->sckbuf_read] == 0xa0) break; i++; phid->sckbuf_read++; } current_queuesize = phid->sckbuf_write - phid->sckbuf_read; //response msg from skytraq - size is in posn 3 if(phid->sckbuf[phid->sckbuf_read] == 0xa0) { unsigned char tempbuffer[256]; if(current_queuesize < 4) break; msgsize = 7 + phid->sckbuf[(unsigned char)(phid->sckbuf_read + 3)]; if(current_queuesize < msgsize) break; for (i = 0; isckbuf[phid->sckbuf_read++]; /* We know that we have at least a full sentence here... look for another */ result=1; /* here we'll actually parse this sentence */ if(parse_SkyTraq_response(tempbuffer, phid)) { LOG(PHIDGET_LOG_WARNING,"Error parsing SkyTraq response."); } } else //NMEA/Other { char tempbuffer[256]; /* find the end of the sentence */ temp = phid->sckbuf_read; msgsize = 0; for (i=0; i < current_queuesize; i++,temp++) { if(phid->sckbuf[temp] == '\n') { msgsize = i; break; } } if(!msgsize) break; //couldn't find it for (i = 0; isckbuf[phid->sckbuf_read++]; tempbuffer[i] = 0; /* We know that we have at least a full sentence here... look for another */ result=1; //NMEA - always starts with '$GP' if (current_queuesize >= 6 && tempbuffer[1] == 'G' && tempbuffer[2] == 'P') { /* here we'll actually parse this sentence */ if(parse_NMEA_data(tempbuffer, phid)) { LOG(PHIDGET_LOG_WARNING,"Error parsing NMEA sentence."); } } else //Something else that starts with a '$' { LOG(PHIDGET_LOG_INFO, "GPS Message: %s", tempbuffer); } } } while(result); return 0; } // === Exported Functions === // //create and initialize a device structure CCREATE(GPS, PHIDCLASS_GPS) //event setup functions CFHANDLE(GPS, PositionChange, double, double, double) CFHANDLE(GPS, PositionFixStatusChange, int) CGET(GPS,Latitude,double) TESTPTRS(phid,pVal) TESTDEVICETYPE(PHIDCLASS_GPS) TESTATTACHED TESTMASGN(latitude, PUNK_DBL) MASGN(latitude) } CGET(GPS,Longitude,double) TESTPTRS(phid,pVal) TESTDEVICETYPE(PHIDCLASS_GPS) TESTATTACHED TESTMASGN(longitude, PUNK_DBL) MASGN(longitude) } CGET(GPS,Altitude,double) TESTPTRS(phid,pVal) TESTDEVICETYPE(PHIDCLASS_GPS) TESTATTACHED TESTMASGN(altitude, PUNK_DBL) MASGN(altitude) } CGET(GPS,Time,GPSTime) TESTPTRS(phid,pVal) TESTDEVICETYPE(PHIDCLASS_GPS) TESTATTACHED if(phid->haveTime == PUNK_BOOL) return EPHIDGET_UNKNOWNVAL; MASGN(GPSData.GGA.time) } CGET(GPS,Date,GPSDate) TESTPTRS(phid,pVal) TESTDEVICETYPE(PHIDCLASS_GPS) TESTATTACHED if(phid->haveDate == PUNK_BOOL) return EPHIDGET_UNKNOWNVAL; MASGN(GPSData.RMC.date) } CGET(GPS,NMEAData,NMEAData) TESTPTRS(phid,pVal) TESTDEVICETYPE(PHIDCLASS_GPS) TESTATTACHED //Not uspported over webservice if(CPhidget_statusFlagIsSet(phid->phid.status, PHIDGET_REMOTE_FLAG)) return EPHIDGET_UNSUPPORTED; MASGN(GPSData) } CGET(GPS,Heading,double) TESTPTRS(phid,pVal) TESTDEVICETYPE(PHIDCLASS_GPS) TESTATTACHED TESTMASGN(heading, PUNK_DBL) MASGN(heading) } CGET(GPS,Velocity,double) TESTPTRS(phid,pVal) TESTDEVICETYPE(PHIDCLASS_GPS) TESTATTACHED TESTMASGN(velocity, PUNK_DBL) MASGN(velocity) } CGET(GPS,PositionFixStatus,int) TESTPTRS(phid,pVal) TESTDEVICETYPE(PHIDCLASS_GPS) TESTATTACHED TESTMASGN(fix, PUNK_BOOL) MASGN(fix) }