#ifndef __CPHIDGET #define __CPHIDGET /** \defgroup phidcommon Phidget Common * Calls common to all Phidgets. See the programming manual for more specific API details, supported functionality, units, etc. * @{ */ /** * A phidget handle. */ typedef struct _CPhidget *CPhidgetHandle; /** * Timestamp structure - usually initialized to 0. */ typedef struct _CPhidget_Timestamp { int seconds; /**< Number of seconds since timing began */ int microseconds; /**< Number of microseconds since last second passed - range is 0 - 999999 */ } CPhidget_Timestamp, *CPhidget_TimestampHandle; #include "cphidgetattr.h" #ifndef EXTERNALPROTO #ifndef _WINDOWS /** * Platform independent 64-bit integer. */ typedef long long __int64; #endif #include "cphidgetconstantsinternal.h" #include "cphidgetconstants.h" #include "cthread.h" typedef enum {EVENTMODE_DATARATE=1, EVENTMODE_CHANGETRIGGER} CPhidget_EventMode; typedef struct _CPhidget CPhidget; //This is for a socket - one of these can be referenced by several phidgets! typedef struct __CPhidgetSocketClient { int socket; char *port; char *address; void *pdcs; int status; CThread_mutex_t lock; /* protects server status */ CThread_mutex_t pdc_lock; /* protects synchronous pdc functions */ CThread auth_thread; CThread auth_error_thread; /* Heartbeat Vars */ TIME lastHeartbeatTime; unsigned char waitingForHeartbeat; int heartbeatCount; double avgHeartbeatTime; int avgHeartbeatTimeCount; int heartbeat_listen_id; int runningEvent; } CPhidgetSocketClient, *CPhidgetSocketClientHandle; typedef struct __CPhidgetSocketClientList { struct __CPhidgetSocketClientList *next; CPhidgetSocketClientHandle client; } CPhidgetSocketClientList, *CPhidgetSocketClientListHandle; typedef struct __CPhidgetRemote { CPhidgetSocketClientHandle server; //can be NULL if not yet connected to a server char *requested_port; //only !NULL if not zeroconf char *requested_address; //only !NULL if not zeroconf char *requested_serverID; //only !NULL if zeroconf char *password; //can be NULL - will be used if needed for connecting to remote Phidgets int listen_id; int mdns; //true if mdns, false if not char *zeroconf_name; //for use before a connection is active char *zeroconf_domain; //for use before a connection is active char *zeroconf_type; //for use before a connection is active char *zeroconf_host; char *zeroconf_port; char *zeroconf_ipaddr; char *zeroconf_server_id; //for use before a connection is active int zeroconf_interface; int zeroconf_auth; //for use before a connection is active void *zeroconf_ref; //service ref for mdns host/port lookups int cancelSocket; CThread_mutex_t zeroconf_ref_lock; /* protects zeroconf_ref */ int uniqueConnectionID; } CPhidgetRemote, *CPhidgetRemoteHandle; typedef struct __CPhidgetRemoteList { struct __CPhidgetRemoteList *next; CPhidgetRemoteHandle networkInfo; } CPhidgetRemoteList, *CPhidgetRemoteListHandle; typedef struct { CPhidget_DeviceID pdd_sdid; CPhidget_DeviceClass pdd_did; int pdd_vid; int pdd_pid; int pdd_iid; CPhidgetAttr pdd_attr; const char *pdd_name; } CPhidgetDeviceDef; typedef struct { CPhidget_DeviceUID pdd_uid; CPhidget_DeviceID pdd_id; int pdd_vlow; int pdd_vhigh; } CPhidgetUniqueDeviceDef; struct _CPhidget { CPhidgetRemoteHandle networkInfo; //NULL if local, !NULL if remote int(CCONV *fptrError)(CPhidgetHandle , void *, int, const char *); void *fptrErrorptr; int(CCONV *fptrServerConnect)(CPhidgetHandle , void *); void *fptrServerConnectptr; int(CCONV *fptrServerDisconnect)(CPhidgetHandle , void *); void *fptrServerDisconnectptr; CThread_mutex_t lock; /* protects status */ int status; CThread_mutex_t openCloseLock; /* protects status */ int keyCount; //counts key during network open int initKeys; //number of initial keys during network open CThread_mutex_t writelock; /* protects write - exclusive */ CThread readThread; CThread writeThread; HANDLE deviceHandle; #ifdef _WINDOWS OVERLAPPED asyncRead; BOOL readPending; EVENT closeReadEvent; OVERLAPPED asyncWrite; unsigned char inbuf[MAX_IN_PACKET_SIZE+1]; #endif int specificDevice; CPhidget_DeviceClass deviceID; CPhidget_DeviceID deviceIDSpec; CPhidget_DeviceUID deviceUID; const CPhidgetDeviceDef *deviceDef; //int Phid_Device_Def_index; int deviceVersion; unsigned short ProductID; unsigned short VendorID; int serialNumber; const char *deviceType; unsigned short outputReportByteLength; unsigned short inputReportByteLength; char label[MAX_LABEL_STORAGE]; char *escapedLabel; //for webservice char usbProduct[64]; char firmwareUpgradeName[30]; unsigned char GPPResponse; int(CCONV *fptrInit)(CPhidgetHandle); int(CCONV *fptrClear)(CPhidgetHandle); int(CCONV *fptrEvents)(CPhidgetHandle); int(CCONV *fptrClose)(CPhidgetHandle); int(CCONV *fptrFree)(CPhidgetHandle); int(CCONV *fptrData)(CPhidgetHandle, unsigned char *buffer, int length); int(CCONV *fptrGetPacket)(CPhidgetHandle, unsigned char *buffer, unsigned int *length); unsigned char lastReadPacket[MAX_IN_PACKET_SIZE]; unsigned char awdc_enabled; void *dnsServiceRef; void *errEventList; #if defined(_MACOSX) && !defined(_IPHONE) io_object_t CPhidgetFHandle; #else void *CPhidgetFHandle; #endif #ifdef _LINUX int tryAgainCounter; #endif #if !defined(_WINDOWS) || defined(WINCE) unsigned char interruptOutEndpoint; #endif CThread_mutex_t outputLock; /* device-specific code responsible */ EVENT writeAvailableEvent; /* device-specific code sets w/o OLL held */ EVENT writtenEvent; /* device-specific code clears w/OLL held */ int writeStopFlag; /* set when closing */ int(CCONV *fptrAttach)(CPhidgetHandle , void *); void *fptrAttachptr; int(CCONV *fptrDetach)(CPhidgetHandle , void *); void *fptrDetachptr; CPhidgetAttr attr; }; struct _CPhidgetList { struct _CPhidgetList *next; CPhidgetHandle phid; } typedef CPhidgetList, *CPhidgetListHandle; extern const char LibraryVersion[]; extern const char *Phid_DeviceName[PHIDGET_DEVICE_CLASS_COUNT]; extern const char Phid_UnknownErrorDescription[]; extern const char *Phid_ErrorDescriptions[PHIDGET_ERROR_CODE_COUNT]; extern CPhidgetList *ActiveDevices; extern CPhidgetList *AttachedDevices; extern int phidgetLocksInitialized; extern CThread_mutex_t activeDevicesLock, attachedDevicesLock; extern const CPhidgetDeviceDef Phid_Device_Def[]; extern const CPhidgetUniqueDeviceDef Phid_Unique_Device_Def[]; void CPhidgetFHandle_free(void *arg); int CPhidget_read(CPhidgetHandle phid); int CPhidget_write(CPhidgetHandle phid); int CPhidget_statusFlagIsSet(int status, int flag); int CPhidget_setStatusFlag(int *status, int flag, CThread_mutex_t *lock); int CPhidget_clearStatusFlag(int *status, int flag, CThread_mutex_t *lock); char translate_bool_to_ascii(char value); const char *CPhidget_strerror(int error); void throw_error_event(CPhidgetHandle phid, const char *error, int errcode); int findActiveDevice(CPhidgetHandle attachedDevice); int findActiveDevices(); int attachActiveDevice(CPhidgetHandle activeDevice, CPhidgetHandle attachedDevice); double timestampdiff(CPhidget_Timestamp time1, CPhidget_Timestamp time2); double timeSince(TIME *start); void setTimeNow(TIME *now); int encodeLabelString(const char *buffer, char *out, int *outLen); int decodeLabelString(char *labelBuf, char *out, int serialNumber); int UTF16toUTF8(char *in, int inBytes, char *out); int labelHasWrapError(int serialNumber, char *labelBuf); void CPhidgetErrorEvent_free(void *arg); CPhidget_DeviceUID CPhidget_getUID(CPhidget_DeviceID id, int version); int deviceSupportsGeneralUSBProtocol(CPhidgetHandle phid); PHIDGET21_API int CCONV CPhidget_areEqual(void *arg1, void *arg2); PHIDGET21_API int CCONV CPhidget_areExtraEqual(void *arg1, void *arg2); PHIDGET21_API int CCONV CPhidgetHandle_areEqual(void *arg1, void *arg2); PHIDGET21_API void CCONV CPhidget_free(void *arg); PHIDGET21_API int CCONV phidget_type_to_id(const char *Type); PHIDGET21_API int CCONV CPhidget_create(CPhidgetHandle *phid); PHIDGET21_API int CCONV CPhidget_calibrate_gainoffset(CPhidgetHandle phid, int index, unsigned short offset, unsigned long gain); //Some constants and function for new M3 Phidgets (General Packet Protocol) PHIDGET21_API int CCONV CPhidgetGPP_reboot_firmwareUpgrade(CPhidgetHandle phid); PHIDGET21_API int CCONV CPhidgetGPP_reboot_ISP(CPhidgetHandle phid); PHIDGET21_API int CCONV CPhidgetGPP_setLabel(CPhidgetHandle phid, const char *buffer); int CCONV CPhidgetGPP_setDeviceSpecificConfigTable(CPhidgetHandle phid, unsigned char *data, int length, int index); int CCONV CPhidgetGPP_setDeviceWideConfigTable(CPhidgetHandle phid, unsigned char *data, int length, int index); PHIDGET21_API int CCONV CPhidgetGPP_upgradeFirmware(CPhidgetHandle phid, unsigned char *data, int length); PHIDGET21_API int CCONV CPhidgetGPP_eraseFirmware(CPhidgetHandle phid); //Bit 7 (MSB) #define PHID_USB_GENERAL_PACKET_FLAG 0x80 //Bit 6 (used for return value on IN stream) #define PHID_USB_GENERAL_PACKET_SUCCESS 0x00 #define PHID_USB_GENERAL_PACKET_FAIL 0x40 //Bits 0-5 (up to 31 types) #define PHID_USB_GENERAL_PACKET_IGNORE 0x00 #define PHID_USB_GENERAL_PACKET_REBOOT_FIRMWARE_UPGRADE 0x01 #define PHID_USB_GENERAL_PACKET_REBOOT_ISP 0x02 //This is more data for when we need to send more then will fit in a single packet. #define PHID_USB_GENERAL_PACKET_CONTINUATION 0x03 #define PHID_USB_GENERAL_PACKET_ZERO_CONFIG 0x04 #define PHID_USB_GENERAL_PACKET_WRITE_FLASH 0x05 #define PHID_USB_GENERAL_PACKET_FIRMWARE_UPGRADE_WRITE_SECTOR 0x06 #define PHID_USB_GENERAL_PACKET_SET_DS_TABLE 0x07 #define PHID_USB_GENERAL_PACKET_SET_DW_TABLE 0x08 #define PHID_USB_GENERAL_PACKET_FIRMWARE_UPGRADE_ERASE 0x09 #endif #include "cphidgetmacros.h" /** * Opens a Phidget. * @param phid A phidget handle. * @param serialNumber Serial number. Specify -1 to open any. */ PHIDGET21_API int CCONV CPhidget_open(CPhidgetHandle phid, int serialNumber); /** * Opens a Phidget by label. * @param phid A phidget handle. * @param label Label string. Labels can be up to 10 characters (UTF-8 encoding). Specify NULL to open any. */ PHIDGET21_API int CCONV CPhidget_openLabel(CPhidgetHandle phid, const char *label); /** * Closes a Phidget. * @param phid An opened phidget handle. */ PHIDGET21_API int CCONV CPhidget_close(CPhidgetHandle phid); /** * Frees a Phidget handle. * @param phid A closed phidget handle. */ PHIDGET21_API int CCONV CPhidget_delete(CPhidgetHandle phid); /** * Sets a detach handler callback function. This is called when this Phidget is unplugged from the system. * @param phid A phidget handle. * @param fptr Callback function pointer. * @param userPtr A pointer for use by the user - this value is passed back into the callback function. */ PHIDGET21_API int CCONV CPhidget_set_OnDetach_Handler(CPhidgetHandle phid, int(CCONV *fptr)(CPhidgetHandle phid, void *userPtr), void *userPtr); /** * Sets an attach handler callback function. This is called when this Phidget is plugged into the system, and is ready for use. * @param phid A phidget handle. * @param fptr Callback function pointer. * @param userPtr A pointer for use by the user - this value is passed back into the callback function. */ PHIDGET21_API int CCONV CPhidget_set_OnAttach_Handler(CPhidgetHandle phid, int(CCONV *fptr)(CPhidgetHandle phid, void *userPtr), void *userPtr); /** * Sets a server connect handler callback function. This is used for opening Phidgets remotely, and is called when a connection to the sever has been made. * @param phid A phidget handle. * @param fptr Callback function pointer. * @param userPtr A pointer for use by the user - this value is passed back into the callback function. */ PHIDGET21_API int CCONV CPhidget_set_OnServerConnect_Handler(CPhidgetHandle phid, int (CCONV *fptr)(CPhidgetHandle phid, void *userPtr), void *userPtr); /** * Sets a server disconnect handler callback function. This is used for opening Phidgets remotely, and is called when a connection to the server has been lost. * @param phid A phidget handle. * @param fptr Callback function pointer. * @param userPtr A pointer for use by the user - this value is passed back into the callback function. */ PHIDGET21_API int CCONV CPhidget_set_OnServerDisconnect_Handler(CPhidgetHandle phid, int (CCONV *fptr)(CPhidgetHandle phid, void *userPtr), void *userPtr); /** * Sets the error handler callback function. This is called when an asynchronous error occurs. * @param phid A phidget handle. * @param fptr Callback function pointer. * @param userPtr A pointer for use by the user - this value is passed back into the callback function. */ PHIDGET21_API int CCONV CPhidget_set_OnError_Handler(CPhidgetHandle phid, int(CCONV *fptr)(CPhidgetHandle phid, void *userPtr, int errorCode, const char *errorString), void *userPtr); /** * Gets the specific name of a Phidget. * @param phid An attached phidget handle. * @param deviceName A pointer which will be set to point to a char array containing the device name. */ PHIDGET21_API int CCONV CPhidget_getDeviceName(CPhidgetHandle phid, const char **deviceName); /** * Gets the serial number of a Phidget. * @param phid An attached phidget handle. * @param serialNumber An int pointer for returning the serial number. */ PHIDGET21_API int CCONV CPhidget_getSerialNumber(CPhidgetHandle phid, int *serialNumber); /** * Gets the firmware version of a Phidget. * @param phid An attached phidget handle. * @param deviceVersion An int pointer for returning the device version. */ PHIDGET21_API int CCONV CPhidget_getDeviceVersion(CPhidgetHandle phid, int *deviceVersion); /** * Gets the attached status of a Phidget. * @param phid A phidget handle. * @param deviceStatus An int pointer for returning the device status. Possible codes are \ref PHIDGET_ATTACHED and \ref PHIDGET_NOTATTACHED. */ PHIDGET21_API int CCONV CPhidget_getDeviceStatus(CPhidgetHandle phid, int *deviceStatus); /** * Gets the library version. This contains a version number and a build date. * @param libraryVersion A pointer which will be set to point to a char array containing the library version string. */ PHIDGET21_API int CCONV CPhidget_getLibraryVersion(const char **libraryVersion); /** * Gets the type (class) of a Phidget. * @param phid An attached phidget handle. * @param deviceType A pointer which will be set to a char array containing the device type string. */ PHIDGET21_API int CCONV CPhidget_getDeviceType(CPhidgetHandle phid, const char **deviceType); /** * Gets the label of a Phidget. * @param phid An attached phidget handle. * @param deviceLabel A pointer which will be set to a char array containing the device label string. */ PHIDGET21_API int CCONV CPhidget_getDeviceLabel(CPhidgetHandle phid, const char **deviceLabel); /** * Sets the label of a Phidget. Note that this is nut supported on very old Phidgets, and not yet supported in Windows. * @param phid An attached phidget handle. * @param deviceLabel A string containing the label to be set. */ PHIDGET21_API int CCONV CPhidget_setDeviceLabel(CPhidgetHandle phid, const char *deviceLabel); /** * Gets the description for an error code. * @param errorCode The error code to get the description of. * @param errorString A pointer which will be set to a char array containing the error description string. */ PHIDGET21_API int CCONV CPhidget_getErrorDescription(int errorCode, const char **errorString); /** * Waits for attachment to happen. This can be called wirght after calling \ref CPhidget_open, as an alternative to using the attach handler. * @param phid An opened phidget handle. * @param milliseconds Time to wait for the attachment. Specify 0 to wait forever. */ PHIDGET21_API int CCONV CPhidget_waitForAttachment(CPhidgetHandle phid, int milliseconds); /** * Gets the server ID of a remotely opened Phidget. This will fail if the Phidget was opened locally. * @param phid A connected phidget handle. * @param serverID A pointer which will be set to a char array containing the server ID string. */ PHIDGET21_API int CCONV CPhidget_getServerID(CPhidgetHandle phid, const char **serverID); /** * Gets the address and port of a remotely opened Phidget. This will fail if the Phidget was opened locally. * @param phid A connected phidget handle. * @param address A pointer which will be set to a char array containing the address string. * @param port An int pointer for returning the port number. */ PHIDGET21_API int CCONV CPhidget_getServerAddress(CPhidgetHandle phid, const char **address, int *port); /** * Gets the connected to server status of a remotely opened Phidget. This will fail if the Phidget was opened locally. * @param phid An opened phidget handle. * @param serverStatus An int pointer for returning the server status. Possible codes are \ref PHIDGET_ATTACHED and \ref PHIDGET_NOTATTACHED. */ PHIDGET21_API int CCONV CPhidget_getServerStatus(CPhidgetHandle phid, int *serverStatus); /** * Gets the device ID of a Phidget. * @param phid An attached phidget handle. * @param deviceID The device ID constant. */ PHIDGET21_API int CCONV CPhidget_getDeviceID(CPhidgetHandle phid, CPhidget_DeviceID *deviceID); /** * Gets the class of a Phidget. * @param phid An attached phidget handle. * @param deviceClass The device class constant. */ PHIDGET21_API int CCONV CPhidget_getDeviceClass(CPhidgetHandle phid, CPhidget_DeviceClass *deviceClass); #ifdef _MACOSX /** * Sets the phidgets sleep handler callback function. This is called when the system is going to sleep, right before * all Phidgets become inaccessible. * @param phid A phidget handle. * @param fptr Callback function pointer. * @param userPtr A pointer for use by the user - this value is passed back into the callback function. */ PHIDGET21_API int CCONV CPhidget_set_OnWillSleep_Handler(int(CCONV *fptr)(void *userPtr), void *userPtr); /** * Sets the phidgets wakeup handler callback function. This is called when the system wakes up from sleep, after the Phidgets are * accessible once again. * @param phid A phidget handle. * @param fptr Callback function pointer. * @param userPtr A pointer for use by the user - this value is passed back into the callback function. */ PHIDGET21_API int CCONV CPhidget_set_OnWakeup_Handler(int(CCONV *fptr)(void *userPtr), void *userPtr); #endif /** @} */ #endif t even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * * * $Log: udelay.c,v $ * Revision 1.14 2003/10/12 04:46:19 reinelt * * * first try to integrate the Evaluator into a display driver (MatrixOrbital here) * small warning in processor.c fixed (thanks to Zachary Giles) * workaround for udelay() on alpha (no msr.h avaliable) (thanks to Zachary Giles) * * Revision 1.13 2003/10/05 17:58:50 reinelt * libtool junk; copyright messages cleaned up * * Revision 1.12 2003/07/18 04:43:14 reinelt * udelay: unnecessary sanity check removed * * Revision 1.11 2003/04/04 06:02:04 reinelt * new parallel port abstraction scheme * * Revision 1.10 2003/02/27 07:43:11 reinelt * * asm/msr.h: included hard-coded definition of rdtscl() if msr.h cannot be found. * * autoconf/automake/autoanything: switched back to 1.4. Hope it works again. * * Revision 1.9 2002/08/21 06:09:53 reinelt * some T6963 fixes, ndelay wrap * * Revision 1.8 2002/08/17 14:14:21 reinelt * * USBLCD fixes * * Revision 1.7 2002/04/29 11:00:28 reinelt * * added Toshiba T6963 driver * added ndelay() with nanosecond resolution * * Revision 1.6 2001/08/08 05:40:24 reinelt * * renamed CLK_TCK to CLOCKS_PER_SEC * * Revision 1.5 2001/03/12 13:44:58 reinelt * * new udelay() using Time Stamp Counters * * Revision 1.4 2001/03/12 12:39:36 reinelt * * reworked autoconf a lot: drivers may be excluded, #define's went to config.h * * Revision 1.3 2001/03/01 22:33:50 reinelt * * renamed Raster_flush() to PPM_flush() * * Revision 1.2 2000/07/31 10:43:44 reinelt * * some changes to support kernel-2.4 (different layout of various files in /proc) * * Revision 1.1 2000/04/15 16:56:52 reinelt * * moved delay loops to udelay.c * renamed -d (debugging) switch to -v (verbose) * new switch -d to calibrate delay loop * 'Delay' entry for HD44780 back again * delay loops will not calibrate automatically, because this will fail with hich CPU load * */ /* * * exported fuctions: * * void udelay (unsigned long usec) * delays program execution for usec microseconds * uses global variable 'loops_per_usec', which has to be set before. * This function does busy-waiting! so use only for delays smaller * than 10 msec * * void udelay_calibrate (void) (if USE_OLD_UDELAY is defined) * does a binary approximation for 'loops_per_usec' * should be called several times on an otherwise idle machine * the maximum value should be used * * void udelay_init (void) * selects delay method (gettimeofday() ord rdtsc() according * to processor features * */ #include "config.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #ifdef USE_OLD_UDELAY #include <time.h> #else #include <math.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <errno.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/time.h> #ifdef HAVE_ASM_MSR_H #include <asm/msr.h> #endif #endif #include "debug.h" #include "udelay.h" #ifdef USE_OLD_UDELAY unsigned long loops_per_usec; void ndelay (unsigned long nsec) { unsigned long loop=(nsec*loops_per_usec+999)/1000; __asm__ (".align 16\n" "1:\tdecl %0\n" "\tjne 1b" : /* no result */ :"a" (loop)); } /* adopted from /usr/src/linux/init/main.c */ void udelay_calibrate (void) { clock_t tick; unsigned long bit; loops_per_usec=1; while (loops_per_usec<<=1) { tick=clock(); while (clock()==tick); tick=clock(); ndelay(1000000000/CLOCKS_PER_SEC); if (clock()>tick) break; } loops_per_usec>>=1; bit=loops_per_usec; while (bit>>=1) { loops_per_usec|=bit; tick=clock(); while (clock()==tick); tick=clock(); ndelay(1000000000/CLOCKS_PER_SEC); if (clock()>tick) loops_per_usec&=~bit; } } #else static unsigned int ticks_per_usec=0; static void getCPUinfo (int *hasTSC, double *MHz) { int fd; char buffer[4096], *p; *hasTSC=0; *MHz=-1; fd=open("/proc/cpuinfo", O_RDONLY); if (fd==-1) { error ("open(/proc/cpuinfo) failed: %s", strerror(errno)); return; } if (read (fd, &buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1)==-1) { error ("read(/proc/cpuinfo) failed: %s", strerror(errno)); close (fd); return; } close (fd); p=strstr(buffer, "flags"); if (p==NULL) { debug ("/proc/cpuinfo has no 'flags' line"); } else { p=strstr(p, "tsc"); if (p==NULL) { debug ("CPU does not support Time Stamp Counter"); } else { debug ("CPU supports Time Stamp Counter"); *hasTSC=1; } } p=strstr(buffer, "cpu MHz"); if (p==NULL) { debug ("/proc/cpuinfo has no 'cpu MHz' line"); } else { if (sscanf(p+7, " : %lf", MHz)!=1) { error ("parse(/proc/cpuinfo) failed: unknown 'cpu MHz' format"); *MHz=-1; } else { debug ("CPU runs at %f MHz", *MHz); } } } void udelay_init (void) { #ifdef HAVE_ASM_MSR_H int tsc; double mhz; getCPUinfo (&tsc, &mhz); if (tsc && mhz>0.0) { ticks_per_usec=ceil(mhz); debug ("using TSC delay loop, %u ticks per microsecond", ticks_per_usec); } else #endif { ticks_per_usec=0; debug ("using gettimeofday() delay loop"); } } void ndelay (unsigned long nsec) { #ifdef HAVE_ASM_MSR_H if (ticks_per_usec) { unsigned int t1, t2; nsec=(nsec*ticks_per_usec+999)/1000; rdtscl(t1); do { rep_nop(); rdtscl(t2); } while ((t2-t1)<nsec); } else #endif { struct timeval now, end; gettimeofday (&end, NULL); end.tv_usec+=(nsec+999)/1000; while (end.tv_usec>1000000) { end.tv_usec-=1000000; end.tv_sec++; } do { rep_nop(); gettimeofday(&now, NULL); } while (now.tv_sec==end.tv_sec?now.tv_usec<end.tv_usec:now.tv_sec<end.tv_sec); } } #endif