/* * Copyright 2012 Phidgets Inc. All rights reserved. */ package com.phidgets; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import com.phidgets.event.*; /** * This class represents a Phidget RFID Reader. All methods * to read tags and set outputs on the RFID reader are implemented in this class. *
* The Phidget RFID reader can read one tag at a time. Both tag and tagloss event handlers are provided, * as well as control over the antenna so that multiple readers can exist in close proximity without interference. * See your device's User Guide for more specific API details, * technical information, and revision details. The User Guide, along with other resources, can be found on * the product page for your device. * * @author Phidgets Inc. */ public final class RFIDPhidget extends Phidget { public RFIDPhidget () throws PhidgetException { super (create ()); } private static native long create () throws PhidgetException; /** * Returns the number of outputs. These are the outputs provided by the terminal block. * Older RFID readers do not have these outputs, and this method will return 0. * @return number of outputs * @throws PhidgetException If this Phidget is not opened and attached. * See {@link com.phidgets.Phidget#open(int) open} for information on determining if a device is attached. */ public native int getOutputCount () throws PhidgetException; /** * Returns the state of an output. True indicated activated, False deactivated, which is the default. * @param index index of the output * @return state of the output * @throws PhidgetException If this Phidget is not opened and attached, or the index is out of range. * See {@link com.phidgets.Phidget#open(int) open} for information on determining if a device is attached. */ public native boolean getOutputState (int index) throws PhidgetException; /** * Sets the state of a digital output. True indicated activated, False deactivated, which is the default. * @param index index of the output * @param state desired state * @throws PhidgetException If this Phidget is not opened and attached, or the index is out of range. * See {@link com.phidgets.Phidget#open(int) open} for information on determining if a device is attached. */ public native void setOutputState (int index, boolean state) throws PhidgetException; /** * Returns the state of the antenna. True indicated that the antenna is active, False indicated inactive. * @return state of the antenna * @throws PhidgetException If this Phidget is not opened and attached. * See {@link com.phidgets.Phidget#open(int) open} for information on determining if a device is attached. */ public native boolean getAntennaOn () throws PhidgetException; /** * Sets the state of the antenna. True turns the antenna on, False turns it off. The antenna if by default * turned off, and needs to be explicitely activated before tags can be read. Control over the antenna * allows multiple readers to be used in close proximity, as multiple readers will interfere with each other if * their antenna's are activated simultaneously. * @param state new state for the antenna * @throws PhidgetException If this Phidget is not opened and attached. * See {@link com.phidgets.Phidget#open(int) open} for information on determining if a device is attached. */ public native void setAntennaOn (boolean state) throws PhidgetException; /** * Returns the state of the onboard LED. This LED is by default turned off. * @return state of the LED * @throws PhidgetException If this Phidget is not opened and attached. * See {@link com.phidgets.Phidget#open(int) open} for information on determining if a device is attached. */ public native boolean getLEDOn () throws PhidgetException; /** * Sets the state of the onboard LED. True turns the LED on, False turns it off. The LED is by default turned off. * @param state new state for the LED * @throws PhidgetException If this Phidget is not opened and attached. * See {@link com.phidgets.Phidget#open(int) open} for information on determining if a device is attached. */ public native void setLEDOn (boolean state) throws PhidgetException; /** * Returns the last tag read. This method will only return a valid tag after a tag has been seen. * This method can be used even after a tag has been removed from the reader * @return tag * @throws PhidgetException If this Phidget is not opened and attached. * See {@link com.phidgets.Phidget#open(int) open} for information on determining if a device is attached. */ public native String getLastTag () throws PhidgetException; /** * Returns the state of whether or not a tag is being read by the reader. * True indicated that a tag is on (or near) the reader, false indicates that one is not. * @return tag read state * @throws PhidgetException If this Phidget is not opened and attached. * See {@link com.phidgets.Phidget#open(int) open} for information on determining if a device is attached. */ public native boolean getTagStatus () throws PhidgetException; private final void enableDeviceSpecificEvents (boolean b) { enableTagGainEvents (b && tagGainListeners.size () > 0); enableTagLossEvents (b && tagLossListeners.size () > 0); enableOutputChangeEvents (b && outputChangeListeners.size () > 0); } /** * Adds a tag gained listener. The tag gaiend handler is a method that will be called when a new tag is seen by the reader. The event is only fired one time for a new tag, so the tag has to be removed and then replaced before another tag gained event will fire. *
* There is no limit on the number of tag gained change handlers that can be registered for a particular Phidget. * * @param l An implemetation of the {@link com.phidgets.event.TagGainListener TagGainListener} interface */ public final void addTagGainListener (TagGainListener l) { synchronized (tagGainListeners) { tagGainListeners.add (l); enableTagGainEvents (true); }} private LinkedList tagGainListeners = new LinkedList (); private long nativeTagGainHandler = 0; public final void removeTagGainListener (TagGainListener l) { synchronized (tagGainListeners) { tagGainListeners.remove (l); enableTagGainEvents (tagGainListeners.size () > 0); }} private void fireTagGain (TagGainEvent e) { synchronized (tagGainListeners) { for (Iterator it = tagGainListeners.iterator (); it.hasNext ();) ((TagGainListener) it.next ()).tagGained (e); } } private native void enableTagGainEvents (boolean b); /** * Adds a tag lost listener. The tag lost handler is a method that will be called when a tag is removed from the reader. *
* There is no limit on the number of tag lost change handlers that can be registered for a particular Phidget. * * @param l An implemetation of the {@link com.phidgets.event.TagLossListener TagLossListener} interface */ public final void addTagLossListener (TagLossListener l) { synchronized (tagLossListeners) { tagLossListeners.add (l); enableTagLossEvents (true); }} private LinkedList tagLossListeners = new LinkedList (); private long nativeTagLossHandler = 0; public final void removeTagLossListener (TagLossListener l) { synchronized (tagLossListeners) { tagLossListeners.remove (l); enableTagLossEvents (tagLossListeners.size () > 0); }} private void fireTagLoss (TagLossEvent e) { synchronized (tagLossListeners) { for (Iterator it = tagLossListeners.iterator (); it.hasNext ();) ((TagLossListener) it.next ()).tagLost (e); } } private native void enableTagLossEvents (boolean b); /** * Adds an output change listener. The output change handler is a method that will be called when an output has changed. *
* There is no limit on the number of output change handlers that can be registered for a particular Phidget. * * @param l An implemetation of the {@link com.phidgets.event.OutputChangeListener OutputChangeListener} interface */ public final void addOutputChangeListener (OutputChangeListener l) { synchronized (outputChangeListeners) { outputChangeListeners.add (l); enableOutputChangeEvents (true); }} private LinkedList outputChangeListeners = new LinkedList (); private long nativeOutputChangeHandler = 0; public final void removeOutputChangeListener (OutputChangeListener l) { synchronized (outputChangeListeners) { outputChangeListeners.remove (l); enableOutputChangeEvents (outputChangeListeners.size () > 0); }} private void fireOutputChange (OutputChangeEvent e) { synchronized (outputChangeListeners) { for (Iterator it = outputChangeListeners.iterator (); it.hasNext ();) ((OutputChangeListener) it.next ()).outputChanged (e); } } private native void enableOutputChangeEvents (boolean b); }