path: root/cphidgetir.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 1889 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cphidgetir.c b/cphidgetir.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc58dd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cphidgetir.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1889 @@
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "cphidgetir.h"
+#include "cusb.h"
+#include "csocket.h"
+#include "cthread.h"
+#include "utils/utils.h"
+// === Internal Functions === //
+static int analyze_data(CPhidgetIRHandle phid, int trailgap_needed);
+static int learn_data(CPhidgetIRHandle phid);
+#define ABS(x) ((x) < 0 ? -(x) : (x))
+#define pdiff(a, b) ( ABS((a) - (b)) / (double)( ((a) + (b)) / 2.0 ) )
+//clearVars - sets all device variables to unknown state
+ TESTPTR(phid);
+ //set data to unknown
+ phid->polarity = PUNK_BOOL;
+ phid->lastCodeKnown = PFALSE;
+ phid->lastRepeat = PUNK_BOOL;
+ phid->lastLearnedCodeKnown = PFALSE;
+ phid->lastGap = PUNK_BOOL;
+ ZEROMEM(&phid->lastCodeInfo, sizeof(phid->lastCodeInfo));
+ ZEROMEM(&phid->lastLearnedCodeInfo, sizeof(phid->lastLearnedCodeInfo));
+ //reset data pointers
+ phid->dataReadPtr = 0;
+ phid->dataWritePtr = 0;
+ phid->userReadPtr = 0;
+ phid->learnReadPtr = 0;
+ phid->rawDataSendWSCounter = PUNK_INT;
+ return EPHIDGET_OK;
+//initAfterOpen - sets up the initial state of an object, reading in packets from the device if needed
+// used during attach initialization - on every attach
+ TESTPTR(phid);
+ //Make sure no old writes are still pending
+ phid->outputPacketLen = 0;
+ //set data to unknown
+ phid->polarity = PUNK_BOOL;
+ phid->lastCodeKnown = PFALSE;
+ phid->lastRepeat = PUNK_BOOL;
+ phid->lastLearnedCodeKnown = PFALSE;
+ phid->lastGap = PUNK_BOOL;
+ ZEROMEM(&phid->lastCodeInfo, sizeof(phid->lastCodeInfo));
+ ZEROMEM(&phid->lastLearnedCodeInfo, sizeof(phid->lastLearnedCodeInfo));
+ //reset data pointers
+ phid->dataReadPtr = 0;
+ phid->dataWritePtr = 0;
+ phid->userReadPtr = 0;
+ phid->learnReadPtr = 0;
+ phid->delayCode = PTRUE;
+ #ifdef _WINDOWS
+ GetSystemTime(&phid->lastDataTime);
+ #else
+ gettimeofday(&phid->lastDataTime,NULL);
+ #endif
+ phid->rawDataSendWSCounter = 1;
+ ZEROMEM(&phid->rawDataSendWSKeys, sizeof(int)*100);
+ return EPHIDGET_OK;
+//dataInput - parses device packets
+ int i, dataLength, us;
+ if (length<0) return EPHIDGET_INVALIDARG;
+ TESTPTR(phid);
+ TESTPTR(buffer);
+ //Parse device packets - store data locally
+ switch(phid->phid.deviceIDSpec)
+ {
+ case PHIDID_IR:
+ if ((phid->phid.deviceVersion >= 100) && (phid->phid.deviceVersion < 200))
+ {
+ //move IR data into local storage
+ dataLength = buffer[0];
+ for(i = 1; i <= dataLength; i++)
+ {
+ us = (((buffer[i * 2 - 1] & 0x7F) << 8) + buffer[i * 2]) * 10; //us
+ //this means it's over the length we can measure
+ if(us >= IR_MAX_DATA_us)
+ us = PUNK_INT;
+ if(phid->polarity == PUNK_BOOL)
+ {
+ //first time, set it
+ phid->polarity = buffer[i * 2 - 1] & 0x80;
+ //if the us is not PUNK_INT, we have to add a PUNK_INT
+ //otherwise we can't recognize the first code
+ if(us != PUNK_INT)
+ {
+ phid->dataBuffer[phid->dataWritePtr] = PUNK_INT;
+ phid->dataWritePtr++;
+ phid->dataWritePtr &= IR_DATA_ARRAY_MASK;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //switch it each time
+ phid->polarity ^= 0x80;
+ }
+ data[i-1] = us;
+ phid->dataBuffer[phid->dataWritePtr] = us;
+ phid->dataWritePtr++;
+ phid->dataWritePtr &= IR_DATA_ARRAY_MASK;
+ //if we run into data that hasn't been read... too bad, we overwrite it and adjust the read pointer
+ if(phid->dataWritePtr == phid->dataReadPtr)
+ {
+ phid->dataReadPtr++;
+ phid->dataReadPtr &= IR_DATA_ARRAY_MASK;
+ }
+ //make sure it's right
+ if(phid->polarity != (buffer[i * 2 - 1] & 0x80))
+ {
+ LOG(PHIDGET_LOG_ERROR, "IR data has gotten out of sync!");
+ //invalidate the buffer
+ phid->dataReadPtr = phid->dataWritePtr;
+ phid->userReadPtr = phid->dataWritePtr;
+ phid->polarity ^= 0x80;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ if(dataLength > 0)
+ {
+ #ifdef _WINDOWS
+ GetSystemTime(&phid->lastDataTime);
+ #else
+ gettimeofday(&phid->lastDataTime,NULL);
+ #endif
+ phid->delayCode = PTRUE;
+ //send out raw data event
+ FIRE(RawData, data, dataLength);
+ //analyze data
+ analyze_data(phid, PTRUE);
+ learn_data(phid);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ #ifdef _WINDOWS
+ TIME now;
+ FILETIME nowft, oldft, resft;
+ ULARGE_INTEGER nowul, oldul, resul;
+ double duration;
+ GetSystemTime(&now);
+ SystemTimeToFileTime(&now, &nowft);
+ SystemTimeToFileTime(&phid->lastDataTime, &oldft);
+ nowul.HighPart = nowft.dwHighDateTime;
+ nowul.LowPart = nowft.dwLowDateTime;
+ oldul.HighPart = oldft.dwHighDateTime;
+ oldul.LowPart = oldft.dwLowDateTime;
+ resul.HighPart = nowul.HighPart - oldul.HighPart;
+ resul.LowPart = nowul.LowPart - oldul.LowPart;
+ resft.dwHighDateTime = resul.HighPart;
+ resft.dwLowDateTime = resul.LowPart;
+ duration = (double)(resft.dwLowDateTime/10000000.0);
+ #else
+ struct timeval now;
+ gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
+ double duration = (now.tv_sec - phid->lastDataTime.tv_sec) + (double)((now.tv_usec-phid->lastDataTime.tv_usec)/1000000.0);
+ #endif
+ if(duration > IR_MAX_GAP_LENGTH/1000000 && phid->delayCode)
+ {
+ //didn't get any data, so try and look at what we do have
+ //run this if we haven't had data for > MAX_GAP
+ analyze_data(phid, PFALSE);
+ phid->delayCode = PFALSE;
+ }
+ if(duration > 0.3) //300 ms for learning
+ {
+ //didn't get any data, so try and look at what we do have
+ learn_data(phid);
+ }
+ }
+ return EPHIDGET_OK;
+//eventsAfterOpen - sends out an event for all valid data, used during attach initialization
+ TESTPTR(phid);
+ return EPHIDGET_OK;
+//getPacket - used by write thread to get the next packet to send to device
+//sendpacket - sends a packet to the device asynchronously, blocking if the 1-packet queue is full
+static int sendRAWData(CPhidgetIRHandle phid, int *data, int length, int carrier, int dutyCycle, int gap)
+ unsigned char buffer[10];
+ int i, j, result;
+ if(length > 0xff)
+ CThread_mutex_lock(&phid->phid.writelock);
+ buffer[1] = (length >> 8) & 0xff;
+ buffer[2] = length & 0xff;
+ buffer[3] = (unsigned char)round(((double)(1 / (double)carrier) * 1600000.0 - 1)); //period
+ buffer[4] = (unsigned char)round((((double)(1 / (double)carrier) * 1600000.0 - 1) * ((double)dutyCycle/100.0))); //pulse width
+ buffer[5] = (unsigned char)(round(gap/10.0) >> 8) & 0xff;
+ buffer[6] = (unsigned char)round(gap/10.0) & 0xff;
+ //can leave this out to receive while we transmit - TESTING ONLY!
+ buffer[7] = IR_STOP_RX_WHILE_TX_FLAG;
+ if ((result = CPhidgetIR_sendpacket(phid, buffer)) != EPHIDGET_OK)
+ {
+ CThread_mutex_unlock(&phid->phid.writelock);
+ return result;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
+ {
+ j = i % 8;
+ buffer[j] = data[i];
+ if (j == 7 || i == (length-1))
+ {
+ if ((result = CPhidgetIR_sendpacket(phid, buffer)) != EPHIDGET_OK)
+ {
+ CThread_mutex_unlock(&phid->phid.writelock);
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ CThread_mutex_unlock(&phid->phid.writelock);
+ return EPHIDGET_OK;
+//Note that data is sent to board as 10's of us's
+#define TIME_TO_PACKET(data, length, index, us) \
+ do{ \
+ if ((index + 2) >= length) \
+ if ((us) > 327670) \
+ if((us) > 1270) /*1270 == 0x7f << 1*/ \
+ data[index++] = ((round((us)/10) >> 8) | 0x80); \
+ data[index++] = round((us)/10) & 0xff; \
+ *time += (us); \
+ } while(0)
+//returned data must start and end with pulses
+static int RawTimeDataToRawData(int *rawTimeData, int rawTimeDataLength, int *rawData, int *rawDataLength, int *time)
+ int i=0, j;
+ for(j=0;j<rawTimeDataLength;j++)
+ {
+ TIME_TO_PACKET(rawData, *rawDataLength, i, rawTimeData[j]);
+ }
+ *rawDataLength = i;
+ return EPHIDGET_OK;
+//returned data must start and end with pulses
+static int codeInfoToRawData(unsigned char *code, CPhidgetIR_CodeInfo codeInfo, int *rawData, int *rawDataLength, int *time, unsigned char repeat)
+ int i, j, k, lastbit;
+ *time = 0;
+ //special repeat code - simple!
+ if(repeat && codeInfo.repeat[0])
+ {
+ i = 0;
+ j = 0;
+ while(codeInfo.repeat[j])
+ {
+ if(i >= *rawDataLength)
+ TIME_TO_PACKET(rawData, *rawDataLength, i, codeInfo.repeat[j]);
+ j++;
+ }
+ }
+ //actually do some work
+ else
+ {
+ i = 0;
+ if(codeInfo.header[0])
+ {
+ TIME_TO_PACKET(rawData, *rawDataLength, i, codeInfo.header[0]);
+ TIME_TO_PACKET(rawData, *rawDataLength, i, codeInfo.header[1]);
+ }
+ switch(codeInfo.encoding)
+ {
+ //k needs to be ie 1 for 15 bit codes, 0 for 16 bit codes, 7 for 9 bit codes...
+ //because code[0] is MSB and may have less then 8 bit, where all other elements do have 8 bits
+ for(j = codeInfo.bitCount-1, k = (8 - (codeInfo.bitCount % 8) ) % 8; j >= 0; j--, k++)
+ {
+ if(code[k/8] & (1 << (j % 8)))
+ {
+ TIME_TO_PACKET(rawData, *rawDataLength, i, codeInfo.one[0]);
+ TIME_TO_PACKET(rawData, *rawDataLength, i, codeInfo.one[1]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TIME_TO_PACKET(rawData, *rawDataLength, i, codeInfo.zero[0]);
+ TIME_TO_PACKET(rawData, *rawDataLength, i, codeInfo.zero[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ //add trail pulse for space encoding, delete last space for pulse encoding
+ if(codeInfo.encoding == PHIDGET_IR_ENCODING_SPACE)
+ {
+ TIME_TO_PACKET(rawData, *rawDataLength, i, codeInfo.trail);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(code[0] & 0x01)
+ {
+ if(codeInfo.one[1] > 1270)
+ i--;
+ i--;
+ *time -= codeInfo.one[1];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(codeInfo.zero[1] > 1270)
+ i--;
+ i--;
+ *time -= codeInfo.zero[1];
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ //this uses space-pulse for 0 and pulse-space for 1, and has the long bit-6 (trailer bit)
+ //1st bit is a special case
+ j = codeInfo.bitCount-1;
+ k = (8 - (codeInfo.bitCount % 8) ) % 8;
+ if(code[k/8] & (1 << (j % 8)))
+ {
+ if(codeInfo.encoding == PHIDGET_IR_ENCODING_RC6)
+ TIME_TO_PACKET(rawData, *rawDataLength, i, codeInfo.one[0]);
+ lastbit = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(codeInfo.encoding != PHIDGET_IR_ENCODING_RC6)
+ TIME_TO_PACKET(rawData, *rawDataLength, i, codeInfo.zero[0]);
+ lastbit = 0;
+ }
+ //now do the rest of the bits - each time trough, we do the last hald of the last bit and the first half of this bit
+ for(j--, k++; j >= 0; j--, k++)
+ {
+ int bit = codeInfo.bitCount - j - 1;
+ //1
+ if(code[k/8] & (1 << (j % 8)))
+ {
+ if(lastbit)
+ {
+ if(codeInfo.encoding == PHIDGET_IR_ENCODING_RC6 && bit == 5)
+ TIME_TO_PACKET(rawData, *rawDataLength, i, codeInfo.one[1] * 2);
+ else
+ TIME_TO_PACKET(rawData, *rawDataLength, i, codeInfo.one[1]);
+ if(codeInfo.encoding == PHIDGET_IR_ENCODING_RC6 && bit == 4)
+ TIME_TO_PACKET(rawData, *rawDataLength, i, codeInfo.one[0] * 2);
+ else
+ TIME_TO_PACKET(rawData, *rawDataLength, i, codeInfo.one[0]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(codeInfo.encoding == PHIDGET_IR_ENCODING_RC6 && bit == 4)
+ TIME_TO_PACKET(rawData, *rawDataLength, i, codeInfo.zero[1] + codeInfo.one[0] * 2);
+ else if(codeInfo.encoding == PHIDGET_IR_ENCODING_RC6 && bit == 5)
+ TIME_TO_PACKET(rawData, *rawDataLength, i, codeInfo.zero[1] * 2 + codeInfo.one[0]);
+ else
+ TIME_TO_PACKET(rawData, *rawDataLength, i, codeInfo.zero[1] + codeInfo.one[0]);
+ }
+ lastbit = 1;
+ }
+ //0
+ else
+ {
+ if(lastbit)
+ {
+ if(codeInfo.encoding == PHIDGET_IR_ENCODING_RC6 && bit == 4)
+ TIME_TO_PACKET(rawData, *rawDataLength, i, codeInfo.one[1] + codeInfo.zero[0] * 2);
+ else if(codeInfo.encoding == PHIDGET_IR_ENCODING_RC6 && bit == 5)
+ TIME_TO_PACKET(rawData, *rawDataLength, i, codeInfo.one[1] * 2 + codeInfo.zero[0]);
+ else
+ TIME_TO_PACKET(rawData, *rawDataLength, i, codeInfo.one[1] + codeInfo.zero[0]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(codeInfo.encoding == PHIDGET_IR_ENCODING_RC6 && bit == 5)
+ TIME_TO_PACKET(rawData, *rawDataLength, i, codeInfo.zero[1] * 2);
+ else
+ TIME_TO_PACKET(rawData, *rawDataLength, i, codeInfo.zero[1]);
+ if(codeInfo.encoding == PHIDGET_IR_ENCODING_RC6 && bit == 4)
+ TIME_TO_PACKET(rawData, *rawDataLength, i, codeInfo.zero[0] * 2);
+ else
+ TIME_TO_PACKET(rawData, *rawDataLength, i, codeInfo.zero[0]);
+ }
+ lastbit = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ //finish up the data stream if we need to add a last pulse
+ if(lastbit && codeInfo.encoding != PHIDGET_IR_ENCODING_RC6)
+ TIME_TO_PACKET(rawData, *rawDataLength, i, codeInfo.one[1]);
+ if(!lastbit && codeInfo.encoding == PHIDGET_IR_ENCODING_RC6)
+ TIME_TO_PACKET(rawData, *rawDataLength, i, codeInfo.zero[1]);
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ }
+ *rawDataLength = i;
+ return EPHIDGET_OK;
+static int CCONV_CDECL compare_int(const void *arg1, const void *arg2 )
+ int *int1 = (int *)arg1;
+ int *int2 = (int *)arg2;
+ return *int1 - *int2;
+//figure out the different times and their average values
+//we'll need to use max error (30%?)
+//we're going to keep track of average diff, and when we find a diff > 5xAvg, or > 20% switch to next section
+//must have at least a 10% difference between lengths
+//also if we find too many different times, error
+static int get_times(int *timesin, int incount, int *timesout, int *timesoutcount, int *outcount)
+ int edge = 0, i = 0, j = 0, k = 0;
+ double avgDiff = 0, diffSum = 0;
+ for (i = 1; i < incount; i++)
+ {
+ double diff = pdiff(timesin[i], timesin[i-1]);
+ if (((avgDiff > 0) && (diff > (avgDiff * 10.0)) && diff > 0.1) || diff > 0.2)
+ {
+ //we've found a boundary
+ //find average of all lower values
+ double avg = 0;
+ for (j = edge; j < i; j++)
+ avg += timesin[j];
+ avg /= (double)(i - edge);
+ timesout[k] = round(avg);
+ timesoutcount[k++] = (i - edge);
+ if((k+1) > *outcount)
+ edge = i;
+ diffSum = 0;
+ avgDiff = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ diffSum += diff;
+ avgDiff = diffSum / (i - edge);
+ }
+ }
+ //get the last section...
+ avgDiff = 0;
+ for (j = edge; j < incount; j++)
+ avgDiff += timesin[j];
+ avgDiff /= (double)(incount - edge);
+ timesoutcount[k] = (incount - edge);
+ timesout[k++] = round(avgDiff);
+ *outcount = k;
+ return EPHIDGET_OK;
+#define COUNT_TIMES(highlow, index) \
+ if(highlow##s[index] == data[i] || !highlow##s[index]) \
+ { \
+ highlow##s[index] = data[i]; \
+ highlow##Counts[index]++; \
+ if(highlow##count < index+1) \
+ highlow##count=index+1; \
+ continue; \
+ }
+#define ORDER_TIMES(highlow, index) \
+ if(highlow##s[index+1] && (highlow##s[index+1] < highlow##s[index])) \
+ { \
+ int temp = highlow##Counts[index]; \
+ highlow##Counts[index] = highlow##Counts[index+1]; \
+ highlow##Counts[index+1] = temp; \
+ temp = highlow##s[index]; \
+ highlow##s[index] = highlow##s[index+1]; \
+ highlow##s[index+1] = temp; \
+ }
+//we can count on data having at most two high and two low lengths (except for RC-6)
+//the first entry in data is a pulse, and the last is a pulse
+//outlength will be in bits, but it should be specified in bytes (array size)
+static int decode_data(int *data, int inlength, unsigned char *decoded_data, int *outlength, CPhidgetIR_CodeInfoHandle codeInfo)
+ int i, highcount = 0, lowcount = 0, bitcount = 0, j = 0, n = 0;
+ //room for 4
+ int highs[5] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, highCounts[5] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, lows[5] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, lowCounts[5] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
+ unsigned char decode_temp[IR_MAX_CODE_DATA_LENGTH];
+ //get the numbers - only allow up to four each of high/low!!
+ for(i = 0; i < inlength; i++)
+ {
+ if(!(i%2))
+ {
+ COUNT_TIMES(high, 0)
+ COUNT_TIMES(high, 1)
+ COUNT_TIMES(high, 2)
+ COUNT_TIMES(high, 3)
+ goto errorexit;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ COUNT_TIMES(low, 0)
+ COUNT_TIMES(low, 1)
+ COUNT_TIMES(low, 2)
+ COUNT_TIMES(low, 3)
+ goto errorexit;
+ }
+ //LOG(PHIDGET_LOG_DEBUG, "%07d,",data[i]);
+ }
+ //this sorts them
+ for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
+ {
+ ORDER_TIMES(high, 0)
+ ORDER_TIMES(high, 1)
+ ORDER_TIMES(high, 2)
+ ORDER_TIMES(high, 3)
+ ORDER_TIMES(low, 0)
+ ORDER_TIMES(low, 1)
+ ORDER_TIMES(low, 2)
+ ORDER_TIMES(low, 3)
+ }
+ //sanity checks
+ if(lowcount == 0 || highcount == 0)
+ goto errorexit;
+ //figure out the encoding
+ //Bi-phase
+ //either one high or two highs and one is twice the other (10% error)
+ //and either one low or two lows and one is twice the other (10% error)
+ //make sure that lows and highs are same length (30% error)
+ if
+ (
+ (
+ (highcount == 1) &&
+ (lowcount == 1) &&
+ (pdiff(highs[0], lows[0]) < 0.3)
+ ) ||
+ (
+ (highcount == 1) &&
+ (lowcount >= 2) &&
+ (pdiff(highs[0], lows[0]) < 0.3) &&
+ (pdiff(lows[1] / 2.0, lows[0]) < 0.1)
+ ) ||
+ (
+ (highcount >= 2) &&
+ (lowcount == 1) &&
+ (pdiff(highs[0], lows[0]) < 0.3) &&
+ (pdiff(highs[1] / 2.0, highs[0]) < 0.1)
+ ) ||
+ (
+ (highcount >= 2) &&
+ (lowcount >= 2) &&
+ (pdiff(highs[0], lows[0]) < 0.3) &&
+ (pdiff(highs[1], lows[1]) < 0.3) &&
+ (pdiff(highs[1] / 2.0, highs[0]) < 0.1) &&
+ (pdiff(lows[1] / 2.0, lows[0]) < 0.1)
+ )
+ )
+ {
+ //could also be RC-5 or RC-6
+ codeInfo->encoding = PHIDGET_IR_ENCODING_BIPHASE;
+ goto biphase;
+ }
+ //check for some special RC-6 cases
+ //there will always be either 2 or 3 of high/low
+ //there will always be a short high pulse
+ else if (
+ (
+ //1x, 2x, 3x high, 2x low
+ (highcount == 3) &&
+ (lowcount == 1) &&
+ (pdiff(highs[1], lows[0]) < 0.3) &&
+ (pdiff(highs[2] / 3.0, highs[0]) < 0.1)
+ ) ||
+ (
+ //1x + 3x high, 1x, 2x, 3x low
+ (highcount == 2) &&
+ (lowcount == 3) &&
+ (pdiff(highs[0], lows[0]) < 0.3) &&
+ (pdiff(highs[1], lows[2]) < 0.3) &&
+ (pdiff(lows[1] / 2.0, lows[0]) < 0.1) &&
+ (pdiff(lows[2] / 3.0, lows[0]) < 0.1)
+ ) ||
+ (
+ //1x, 2x, 3x high, 2x, 3x low
+ (highcount == 3) &&
+ (lowcount == 2) &&
+ (pdiff(highs[2], lows[1]) < 0.3) &&
+ (pdiff(highs[1], lows[0]) < 0.3) &&
+ (pdiff(highs[1] / 2.0, highs[0]) < 0.1) &&
+ (pdiff(highs[2] / 2.0, highs[1]) < 0.1)
+ )
+ )
+ {
+ //RC-6 mode 0 always starts with bit0 == 1 (444us pulse - 444us space)
+ //header is 2.666us pulse - 889us space
+ //bit4 == toggle bit, and had double bit time (889us - 889us)
+ //full length is 21 bits
+ //trailing gap (signal free time) is 2.666us
+ codeInfo->encoding = PHIDGET_IR_ENCODING_RC6;
+ goto biphase;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ goto notbiphase;
+ }
+ {
+ int bit, startspace = 0, halfbit = 0, rc6temp = 0;
+ //find pulse short pulse width - do an average if possible
+ int pulse = lows[0];
+ if(pdiff(lows[0], highs[0]) < 0.3)
+ {
+ pulse = round((lows[0]+highs[0]) / 2.0);
+ }
+ else if(highs[0] < pulse)
+ pulse = highs[0];
+ codeInfo->one[0] = pulse;
+ codeInfo->one[1] = pulse;
+ codeInfo->zero[0] = pulse;
+ codeInfo->zero[1] = pulse;
+ //make sure 1st pulse is short
+ if(pdiff(data[0], pulse) > 0.3)
+ goto notbiphase;
+ //it's biphase! now decode..
+ //note that there may be an 'invisible' starting space
+ //- we can see this if the first long pulse is on an even i
+ //note this could cause trouble for RC-6 when there isn't a 2x pulse before the TR bit,
+ // or even for normal biphase/RC-5 when there isn't a 2x at all
+ //default is 1 - this should be good for all but RC-6
+ startspace = 1;
+ for(i=0; i<inlength; i++)
+ {
+ //found a double pulse
+ if(pdiff(data[i] / 2.0, pulse) < 0.3)
+ {
+ if(!(i%2))
+ startspace = 1;
+ else
+ startspace = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //actually decode, we assume that the first bit is always 1
+ //we are starting on the second pulse/space (first pulse/space is always short)
+ bitcount = 0;
+ bit = 1;
+ halfbit = 1;
+ for(i = 1-startspace; i < inlength; i++)
+ {
+ //when bit is not changing we will set decode_temp bits twice - no worries there
+ decode_temp[bitcount/8] |= bit << (bitcount % 8);
+ //found a triple pulse - this had better be RC-6
+ if(pdiff(data[i] / 3.0, pulse) < 0.2)
+ {
+ if(!halfbit || (bitcount != 3 && bitcount != 4))
+ {
+ goto notbiphase;
+ }
+ if(rc6temp == 0)
+ rc6temp = 1;
+ else
+ rc6temp = 0;
+ bit ^= 1;
+ bitcount++;
+ codeInfo->encoding = PHIDGET_IR_ENCODING_RC6;
+ }
+ //found a double pulse
+ else if(pdiff(data[i] / 2.0, pulse) < 0.2)
+ {
+ //probably this is PDM or PWM, but it could also be RC-6
+ if(!halfbit)
+ {
+ //check for RC-6
+ if(bitcount==4)
+ {
+ halfbit ^= 1;
+ rc6temp = 1;
+ codeInfo->encoding = PHIDGET_IR_ENCODING_RC6;
+ }
+ else
+ goto notbiphase;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(rc6temp == 1)
+ {
+ rc6temp = 0;
+ halfbit ^= 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bit ^= 1;
+ }
+ bitcount++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(halfbit)
+ bitcount++;
+ halfbit ^= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ decode_temp[bitcount/8] |= bit << (bitcount % 8);
+ if((halfbit && !bit) || (!startspace && bit))
+ bitcount++;
+ //success, presumably
+ //see if it's RC-5 - 889 pulse time
+ //TODO also check data length, etc.
+ if(pdiff(pulse, 889) < 0.2
+ && codeInfo->encoding != PHIDGET_IR_ENCODING_RC6
+ && startspace)
+ {
+ codeInfo->encoding = PHIDGET_IR_ENCODING_RC5;
+ }
+ //TODO: if RC-6, make sure data length, bit times, etc. match, otherwise, it's not biphase!
+ goto done;
+ }
+ //make sure it's zeroed - we may have started filling it in in the biphase section
+ //Pulse Distance Modulation (PDM) - most common (NEC, etc.)
+ //should be a trailing pulse that we just ignore for now - it just lets us get the trailing space width
+ if(highcount == 1 && lowcount == 2)
+ {
+ int dataTimeZero = lows[1], dataTimeOne = lows[0];
+ if(lows[1] > lows[0])
+ {
+ dataTimeZero = lows[0];
+ dataTimeOne = lows[1];
+ }
+ //get the data
+ bitcount = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < (inlength-1); i+=2)
+ {
+ if (data[i + 1] == dataTimeOne)
+ decode_temp[bitcount/8] |= (1 << (bitcount % 8));
+ bitcount++;
+ }
+ codeInfo->one[0] = highs[0];
+ codeInfo->one[1] = dataTimeOne;
+ codeInfo->zero[0] = highs[0];
+ codeInfo->zero[1] = dataTimeZero;
+ codeInfo->trail = data[inlength-1];
+ codeInfo->encoding = PHIDGET_IR_ENCODING_SPACE;
+ }
+ //PWM (SIRC)
+ //in PWM, we take the trailing pulse to be a bit
+ else if(highcount == 2 && lowcount == 1)
+ {
+ int dataTimeZero = highs[1], dataTimeOne = highs[0];
+ if(highs[1] > highs[0])
+ {
+ dataTimeZero = highs[0];
+ dataTimeOne = highs[1];
+ }
+ //get the data
+ bitcount = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < inlength; i+=2)
+ {
+ if (data[i] == dataTimeOne)
+ decode_temp[bitcount/8] |= (1 << (bitcount % 8));
+ bitcount++;
+ }
+ codeInfo->one[0] = dataTimeOne;
+ codeInfo->one[1] = lows[0];
+ codeInfo->zero[0] = dataTimeZero;
+ codeInfo->zero[1] = lows[0];
+ codeInfo->encoding = PHIDGET_IR_ENCODING_PULSE;
+ }
+ else
+ goto errorexit;
+ //check size of output buffer
+ if(*outlength < ((bitcount / 8) + ((bitcount % 8) ? 1 : 0)))
+ goto errorexit;
+ //limit - code have to be >= 4-bit
+ if(bitcount < 4)
+ goto errorexit;
+ codeInfo->bitCount = bitcount;
+ *outlength = (bitcount / 8) + ((bitcount % 8) ? 1 : 0);
+ //data is LSB first now, lets flip it to MSB first - we don't change the Byte order though, just the bit order in the bytes
+ n = bitcount;
+ ZEROMEM(decoded_data, *outlength);
+ for(i = 0, j = bitcount-1, n = (*outlength * 8) - 1; i < bitcount; i++, j--, n--)
+ decoded_data[n/8] |= ( ( decode_temp[j/8] & (1 << (j%8)) ) ? (0x01 << (i%8)) : 0);
+ return EPHIDGET_OK;
+ codeInfo->encoding = PHIDGET_IR_ENCODING_UNKNOWN;
+//uses the data array
+static int dataTime(int *data, int *time, int ptr, int endptr)
+ int i;
+ int length = endptr - ptr;
+ if(length < 0)
+ length += IR_DATA_ARRAY_SIZE;
+ *time = 0;
+ for(i = 0; i < length; i++)
+ {
+ *time += data[ptr];
+ ptr=(ptr+1)&IR_DATA_ARRAY_MASK;
+ }
+ return EPHIDGET_OK;
+//uses the data array
+static int compareDataArrays(int *data, int ptr1, int ptr2, int endptr1, int endptr2, double maxpdiff)
+ int i;
+ int length1 = endptr1 - ptr1;
+ int length2 = endptr2 - ptr2;
+ if(length1 < 0)
+ length1 += IR_DATA_ARRAY_SIZE;
+ if(length2 < 0)
+ length2 += IR_DATA_ARRAY_SIZE;
+ if(length1 != length2)
+ return PFALSE;
+ for(i = 0; i < length1; i++)
+ {
+ if(pdiff(data[ptr1], data[ptr2]) > maxpdiff)
+ return PFALSE;
+ ptr1=(ptr1+1)&IR_DATA_ARRAY_MASK;
+ ptr2=(ptr2+1)&IR_DATA_ARRAY_MASK;
+ }
+ return PTRUE;
+//this tries to lean a code
+//we read staring at a long gap (PUNK_INT) until the next long gap, or time > 1 second
+//need at least 1 code and 3 repeats to figure out the code completely
+static int learn_data(CPhidgetIRHandle phid)
+ int dataReader, dataWriter, highcount, lowcount, high_low, i, decodedcount = IR_MAX_CODE_DATA_LENGTH;
+ int highs[IR_DATA_ARRAY_SIZE/2], lows[IR_DATA_ARRAY_SIZE/2], code_data[IR_DATA_ARRAY_SIZE];
+ unsigned char decoded_data[IR_MAX_CODE_DATA_LENGTH];
+ int highFinalscount=20, lowFinalscount=20;
+ int highFinals[20], lowFinals[20];
+ int highFinalsCounts[20], lowFinalsCounts[20];
+ //CPhidgetIR_Encoding encoding;
+ unsigned char hasHeader = PFALSE;
+ CPhidgetIR_CodeInfo codeInfo;
+ //keeps track of packets in the data stream
+ int dataPackets[50];
+ int dataPacketsCounter = 0;
+ int timecounter = 0;
+ //int oldLearPtr = phid->learnReadPtr;
+ int readToPtr;
+ //setup codeInfo with defaults
+ ZEROMEM(&codeInfo, sizeof(codeInfo));
+ codeInfo.carrierFrequency = 38000;
+ codeInfo.encoding = PHIDGET_IR_ENCODING_UNKNOWN;
+ codeInfo.length = PHIDGET_IR_LENGTH_UNKNOWN;
+ //codeInfo.maxPdiff = 0.30;
+ codeInfo.min_repeat = 1;
+ codeInfo.dutyCycle = 50;
+ //we have to have a BIG gap to start
+ while(phid->dataBuffer[phid->learnReadPtr] < PUNK_INT)
+ {
+ //nothing to analyze yet
+ if(phid->learnReadPtr == phid->dataWritePtr)
+ return EPHIDGET_OK;
+ phid->learnReadPtr++;
+ phid->learnReadPtr &= IR_DATA_ARRAY_MASK;
+ }
+ //nothing to analyze yet
+ if(phid->learnReadPtr == phid->dataWritePtr)
+ return EPHIDGET_OK;
+ dataReader = ((phid->learnReadPtr+1) & IR_DATA_ARRAY_MASK);
+ //nothing to analyze yet
+ if(dataReader == phid->dataWritePtr)
+ return EPHIDGET_OK;
+ readToPtr = dataReader;
+ //when read pointer != write pointer, there is new data to read
+ //read pointer should point at first spot that's probably a gap
+ while(phid->dataBuffer[readToPtr] != PUNK_INT)
+ {
+ //back up to last gap if we run into write pointer, or have > 1 sec. of data
+ if(readToPtr == phid->dataWritePtr || timecounter >= 2000000)
+ {
+ while(phid->dataBuffer[readToPtr] < IR_MIN_GAP_LENGTH)
+ {
+ //nothing to analyze yet
+ if(readToPtr == dataReader)
+ return EPHIDGET_OK;
+ readToPtr--;
+ readToPtr &= IR_DATA_ARRAY_MASK;
+ }
+ goto analyze_step_one;
+ }
+ timecounter += phid->dataBuffer[readToPtr];
+ readToPtr++;
+ readToPtr &= IR_DATA_ARRAY_MASK;
+ }
+ //we should have at least enough data for one set plus its gap
+ //this grabs everything, including the gaps
+ highcount = 0;
+ lowcount = 0;
+ high_low = 1;
+ while(dataReader != readToPtr)
+ {
+ //add data to high/low arrays
+ //we start with a high pulse
+ if(high_low == 1)
+ highs[highcount++] = phid->dataBuffer[dataReader];
+ else
+ lows[lowcount++] = phid->dataBuffer[dataReader];
+ high_low ^= 1;
+ dataReader = ((dataReader + 1) & IR_DATA_ARRAY_MASK);
+ }
+ //nothing to analyze yet
+ if(highcount == 0 && lowcount == 0)
+ goto advance_exit;
+ //not enough data
+ if((highcount+lowcount) < 10)
+ goto advance_exit;
+ //sort the high/low arrays and extract their components
+ qsort(highs, highcount, sizeof(int), compare_int);
+ qsort(lows, lowcount, sizeof(int), compare_int);
+ get_times(highs, highcount, highFinals, highFinalsCounts, &highFinalscount);
+ get_times(lows, lowcount, lowFinals, lowFinalsCounts, &lowFinalscount);
+ //go back through the data buffer and fill in dataBufferNormalized, doesn't include any gap data
+ dataWriter = ((phid->learnReadPtr+1) & IR_DATA_ARRAY_MASK);
+ high_low = 1;
+ dataPackets[dataPacketsCounter++] = dataWriter;
+ while(dataWriter != dataReader)
+ {
+ //high time
+ if (high_low)
+ {
+ int newtime = highFinals[0];
+ double matchPercent = 1;
+ for(i = 0; i<highFinalscount; i++)
+ {
+ //within 30% - we should never miss any...
+ double diff = pdiff(phid->dataBuffer[dataWriter], highFinals[i]);
+ if (diff <= 0.30 && diff < matchPercent)
+ {
+ newtime = highFinals[i];
+ matchPercent = diff;
+ }
+ }
+ phid->dataBufferNormalized[dataWriter] = newtime;
+ }
+ //low time
+ else
+ {
+ int newtime = lowFinals[0];
+ double matchPercent = 1;
+ for(i = 0; i<lowFinalscount; i++)
+ {
+ //within 30% - we should never miss any...
+ double diff = pdiff(phid->dataBuffer[dataWriter], lowFinals[i]);
+ if (diff <= 0.30 && diff < matchPercent)
+ {
+ newtime = lowFinals[i];
+ matchPercent = diff;
+ }
+ }
+ phid->dataBufferNormalized[dataWriter] = newtime;
+ if(newtime >= IR_MIN_GAP_LENGTH)
+ dataPackets[dataPacketsCounter++] = ((dataWriter + 1) & IR_DATA_ARRAY_MASK);
+ }
+ high_low ^= 1;
+ dataWriter = ((dataWriter + 1) & IR_DATA_ARRAY_MASK);
+ }
+ //at this point we have the data normalized, need to break off the first packet, figure out the gap, repeat, etc.
+ //first make sure we have a data packet and at least 3 repeat packets.
+ //not enough data
+ if(dataPacketsCounter < 5)
+ goto advance_exit;
+ //strip the header - if 1st pulse and/or the 1st space is unique, we assume first pulse/space is a header
+ //won't be unique because we have the repeats included now...
+ dataReader = dataPackets[0];
+ for(i=0;i<highFinalscount;i++)
+ if(phid->dataBufferNormalized[dataReader] == highFinals[i] && (highFinalsCounts[i] == 1 || highFinalsCounts[i] == dataPacketsCounter))
+ {
+ dataReader = (dataReader + 2) & IR_DATA_ARRAY_MASK;
+ hasHeader = PTRUE;
+ codeInfo.header[0] = phid->dataBufferNormalized[dataPackets[0]];
+ codeInfo.header[1] = phid->dataBufferNormalized[(dataPackets[0] + 1) & IR_DATA_ARRAY_MASK];
+ }
+ //put the code data into the code array
+ i=0;
+ //include the trailing bit!
+ //dataWriter = ((dataWriter - 1) & IR_DATA_ARRAY_MASK);
+ while(dataPackets[1] != dataReader)
+ {
+ code_data[i++] = phid->dataBufferNormalized[dataReader];
+ dataReader = ((dataReader + 1) & IR_DATA_ARRAY_MASK);
+ }
+ //no gap for decoding
+ i--;
+ //try to decode
+ if(decode_data(code_data, i, decoded_data, &decodedcount, &codeInfo))
+ {
+ //couldn't find the encoding
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ //get gap time
+ {
+ int time1 = 0, time2 = 0;
+ dataTime(phid->dataBufferNormalized, &time1, dataPackets[0], dataPackets[1]);
+ for(i=1; i<(dataPacketsCounter-1); i++)
+ {
+ dataTime(phid->dataBufferNormalized, &time2, dataPackets[i], dataPackets[i+1]);
+ if(pdiff(time1, time2) > 0.3)
+ }
+ if(codeInfo.length == PHIDGET_IR_LENGTH_CONSTANT)
+ {
+ codeInfo.gap = time1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int constgap = PTRUE;
+ for(i=1; i<(dataPacketsCounter-1); i++)
+ {
+ if(phid->dataBufferNormalized[dataPackets[i]-1] != phid->dataBufferNormalized[dataPackets[i+1]-1])
+ constgap = PFALSE;
+ }
+ if(constgap)
+ codeInfo.gap = phid->dataBufferNormalized[dataPackets[1]-1];
+ else
+ {
+ //not constant length and no constant gap - no sense!
+ LOG(PHIDGET_LOG_DEBUG, "Couldn't figure out the gap");
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //figure out repeat/toggle
+ //first two don't match, so there may be some sort of repeat code or toggling
+ if(compareDataArrays(phid->dataBufferNormalized, dataPackets[0], dataPackets[1], dataPackets[1], dataPackets[2], 0.3) != PTRUE)
+ {
+ int j;
+ //packet 1 and 2 match - looks like a repeat code
+ if(compareDataArrays(phid->dataBufferNormalized, dataPackets[1], dataPackets[2], dataPackets[2], dataPackets[3], 0.3) == PTRUE)
+ {
+ //See if the 'repeat code' is just the same code without the header (don't compare gaps)
+ if(codeInfo.header[0] && compareDataArrays(
+ phid->dataBufferNormalized, (dataPackets[0]+2) & IR_DATA_ARRAY_MASK, dataPackets[1],
+ (dataPackets[1]-1) & IR_DATA_ARRAY_MASK, (dataPackets[2]-1) & IR_DATA_ARRAY_MASK, 0.3)
+ )
+ {
+ LOG(PHIDGET_LOG_DEBUG, "No repeat code, just repeating without the header.");
+ codeInfo.repeat[0] = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for(i = dataPackets[1], j = 0; i != dataPackets[2]; i = (i+1) & IR_DATA_ARRAY_MASK, j++)
+ {
+ //Make sure we don't go over the length of the repeat array!
+ {
+ LOG(PHIDGET_LOG_DEBUG, "Couldn't figure out the repeat code");
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ codeInfo.repeat[j] = phid->dataBufferNormalized[i];
+ }
+ //don't include the gap
+ codeInfo.repeat[j-1] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ //packets 0 and 2 match and 1 and 3 match - looks like a two packet data sequence, with some toggleing.
+ else if(compareDataArrays(phid->dataBufferNormalized, dataPackets[0], dataPackets[2], dataPackets[1], dataPackets[3], 0.3) == PTRUE
+ && compareDataArrays(phid->dataBufferNormalized, dataPackets[1], dataPackets[3], dataPackets[2], dataPackets[4], 0.3) == PTRUE)
+ {
+ int decodedcount2 = IR_MAX_CODE_DATA_LENGTH;
+ int code_data2[IR_DATA_ARRAY_SIZE];
+ unsigned char decoded_data2[IR_MAX_CODE_DATA_LENGTH];
+ CPhidgetIR_CodeInfo codeInfo2;
+ ZEROMEM(&codeInfo2, sizeof(codeInfo2));
+ dataReader = dataPackets[1];
+ //header
+ if(codeInfo.header[0])
+ dataReader = (dataReader + 2) & IR_DATA_ARRAY_MASK;
+ //put the code data into the code array
+ i=0;
+ //include the trailing bit!
+ //dataWriter = ((dataWriter - 1) & IR_DATA_ARRAY_MASK);
+ while(dataPackets[2] != dataReader)
+ {
+ code_data2[i++] = phid->dataBufferNormalized[dataReader];
+ dataReader = ((dataReader + 1) & IR_DATA_ARRAY_MASK);
+ }
+ //no gap for decoding
+ i--;
+ //try to decode
+ if(decode_data(code_data2, i, decoded_data2, &decodedcount2, &codeInfo2))
+ {
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ if(codeInfo.encoding == codeInfo2.encoding &&
+ codeInfo.bitCount == codeInfo2.bitCount &&
+ decodedcount == decodedcount2)
+ {
+ for(i=0;i<decodedcount2;i++)
+ {
+ codeInfo.toggle_mask[i] = decoded_data[i] ^ decoded_data2[i];
+ }
+ codeInfo.min_repeat = 2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG(PHIDGET_LOG_DEBUG, "Couldn't figure out the repeat code");
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG(PHIDGET_LOG_DEBUG, "Couldn't figure out the repeat code");
+ goto exit;
+ }
+ }
+ //send the event
+ FIRE(Learn, decoded_data, decodedcount, &codeInfo);
+ //store to last code
+ ZEROMEM(phid->lastLearnedCode, sizeof(phid->lastLearnedCode));
+ memcpy(phid->lastLearnedCode, decoded_data, decodedcount);
+ phid->lastLearnedCodeInfo = codeInfo;
+ phid->lastLearnedCodeKnown = PTRUE;
+ //adjust the learn read pointer
+ phid->learnReadPtr = readToPtr;
+ //Done
+ return EPHIDGET_OK;
+ //not enough data, and readToPtr == PUNK_INT, so we can't expect any more data, and increment learnPtr
+ if(phid->dataBuffer[readToPtr] == PUNK_INT)
+ phid->learnReadPtr = readToPtr;
+ return EPHIDGET_OK;
+//for now this just tries to get a data code
+static int analyze_data(CPhidgetIRHandle phid, int trailgap_needed)
+ int dataReader, dataWriter, highcount, lowcount, high_low, i, decodedcount = IR_MAX_CODE_DATA_LENGTH;
+ int highs[IR_DATA_ARRAY_SIZE/2], lows[IR_DATA_ARRAY_SIZE/2], code_data[IR_DATA_ARRAY_SIZE];
+ unsigned char decoded_data[IR_MAX_CODE_DATA_LENGTH];
+ int highFinalscount=20, lowFinalscount=20;
+ int highFinals[20], lowFinals[20];
+ int highFinalsCounts[20], lowFinalsCounts[20];
+ CPhidgetIR_CodeInfo codeInfo;
+ ZEROMEM(&codeInfo, sizeof(codeInfo));
+ //when read pointer != write pointer, there is new data to read
+ //read pointer should point at first spot that's probably a gap
+ while(phid->dataBuffer[phid->dataReadPtr] < IR_MIN_GAP_LENGTH)
+ {
+ //nothing to analyze yet
+ if(phid->dataReadPtr == phid->dataWritePtr)
+ return EPHIDGET_OK;
+ phid->dataReadPtr++;
+ phid->dataReadPtr &= IR_DATA_ARRAY_MASK;
+ }
+ //nothing to analyze yet
+ if(phid->dataReadPtr == phid->dataWritePtr)
+ return EPHIDGET_OK;
+ dataReader = ((phid->dataReadPtr+1) & IR_DATA_ARRAY_MASK);
+ //nothing to analyze yet
+ if(dataReader == phid->dataWritePtr)
+ return EPHIDGET_OK;
+ //gets the data up to the first probable gap
+ highcount = 0;
+ lowcount = 0;
+ high_low = 1;
+ while(dataReader != phid->dataWritePtr)
+ {
+ //go till we find the next likely gap (long low pulse)
+ if((phid->dataBuffer[dataReader] >= IR_MIN_GAP_LENGTH) && (high_low == 0))
+ goto analyze_step_two;
+ //add data to high/low arrays
+ //we start with a high pulse
+ if(high_low == 1)
+ highs[highcount++] = phid->dataBuffer[dataReader];
+ else
+ lows[lowcount++] = phid->dataBuffer[dataReader];
+ high_low ^= 1;
+ dataReader = ((dataReader + 1) & IR_DATA_ARRAY_MASK);
+ }
+ //hit the write pointer before finding a gap
+ if(trailgap_needed)
+ return EPHIDGET_OK;
+ //nothing to analyze yet
+ if(highcount == 0 && lowcount == 0)
+ return EPHIDGET_OK;
+ phid->lastGap = phid->dataBuffer[phid->dataReadPtr];
+ //should be one more high then low
+ if((highcount - 1) != lowcount)
+ {
+ LOG(PHIDGET_LOG_INFO, "Unexpected number of high/low pulses between gaps");
+ }
+ //sort the high/low arrays and extract their components
+ qsort(highs, highcount, sizeof(int), compare_int);
+ qsort(lows, lowcount, sizeof(int), compare_int);
+ get_times(highs, highcount, highFinals, highFinalsCounts, &highFinalscount);
+ get_times(lows, lowcount, lowFinals, lowFinalsCounts, &lowFinalscount);
+ //go back through the data buffer and fills in dataBufferNormalized, doesn't include any gap data
+ dataWriter = ((phid->dataReadPtr+1) & IR_DATA_ARRAY_MASK);
+ high_low = 1;
+ while(dataWriter != dataReader)
+ {
+ //high time
+ if (high_low)
+ {
+ int newtime = highFinals[0];
+ double matchPercent = 1;
+ for(i = 0; i<highFinalscount; i++)
+ {
+ //within 30% - we should never miss any...
+ double diff = pdiff(phid->dataBuffer[dataWriter], highFinals[i]);
+ if (diff <= 0.30 && diff < matchPercent)
+ {
+ newtime = highFinals[i];
+ matchPercent = diff;
+ }
+ }
+ phid->dataBufferNormalized[dataWriter] = newtime;
+ }
+ //low time
+ else
+ {
+ int newtime = lowFinals[0];
+ double matchPercent = 1;
+ for(i = 0; i<lowFinalscount; i++)
+ {
+ //within 30% - we should never miss any...
+ double diff = pdiff(phid->dataBuffer[dataWriter], lowFinals[i]);
+ if (diff <= 0.30 && diff < matchPercent)
+ {
+ newtime = lowFinals[i];
+ matchPercent = diff;
+ }
+ }
+ phid->dataBufferNormalized[dataWriter] = newtime;
+ }
+ high_low ^= 1;
+ dataWriter = ((dataWriter + 1) & IR_DATA_ARRAY_MASK);
+ }
+ //strip the header - if 1st pulse and/or the 1st space is unique, we assume first pulse/space is a header
+ dataReader = (phid->dataReadPtr + 1) & IR_DATA_ARRAY_MASK;
+ for(i=0;i<highFinalscount;i++)
+ if(phid->dataBufferNormalized[dataReader] == highFinals[i] && highFinalsCounts[i] == 1)
+ {
+ dataReader = (phid->dataReadPtr + 3) & IR_DATA_ARRAY_MASK;
+ }
+ //put the code data into the code array
+ i=0;
+ //include the trailing bit!
+ //dataWriter = ((dataWriter - 1) & IR_DATA_ARRAY_MASK);
+ while(dataWriter != dataReader)
+ {
+ code_data[i++] = phid->dataBufferNormalized[dataReader];
+ dataReader = ((dataReader + 1) & IR_DATA_ARRAY_MASK);
+ }
+ //adjust the read pointer
+ phid->dataReadPtr = dataReader;
+ //try to decode
+ if(!decode_data(code_data, i, decoded_data, &decodedcount, &codeInfo))
+ {
+ //repeat logic
+ int repeat = PFALSE;
+ if(!memcmp(phid->lastCode, decoded_data, decodedcount)
+ && phid->lastGap <= IR_MAX_GAP_LENGTH && phid->lastGap >= IR_MIN_GAP_LENGTH
+ && phid->lastCodeInfo.bitCount == codeInfo.bitCount
+ && phid->lastCodeInfo.encoding == codeInfo.encoding)
+ repeat = PTRUE;
+ //send out the code event!
+ FIRE(Code, decoded_data, decodedcount, codeInfo.bitCount, repeat);
+ //LOG(PHIDGET_LOG_DEBUG, "Encoding: %d",encoding);
+ //store to last code
+ ZEROMEM(phid->lastCode, sizeof(phid->lastCode));
+ memcpy(phid->lastCode, decoded_data, decodedcount);
+ phid->lastCodeInfo.bitCount = codeInfo.bitCount;
+ phid->lastCodeInfo.encoding = codeInfo.encoding;
+ phid->lastRepeat = repeat;
+ phid->lastCodeKnown = PTRUE;
+ //TODO: add header
+ }
+ //probably a repeat code (ie NEC code)
+ else if((i == 1 || i == 3) && phid->lastCodeKnown && phid->lastGap <= IR_MAX_GAP_LENGTH && phid->lastGap >= IR_MIN_GAP_LENGTH)
+ {
+ int dataSize = (phid->lastCodeInfo.bitCount / 8) + ((phid->lastCodeInfo.bitCount % 8) ? 1 : 0);
+ //send out the code event!
+ FIRE(Code, phid->lastCode, dataSize, phid->lastCodeInfo.bitCount, PTRUE);
+ }
+ //Done
+ return EPHIDGET_OK;
+PHIDGET21_API int CCONV codeInfoToString(CPhidgetIR_CodeInfoHandle codeInfo, char *string)
+ int i;
+ unsigned char *codeInfoBytes = (unsigned char *)codeInfo;
+ for(i=0;i<sizeof(CPhidgetIR_CodeInfo);i++)
+ {
+ sprintf(string+(i*2), "%02x", codeInfoBytes[i]);
+ }
+ return EPHIDGET_OK;
+PHIDGET21_API int CCONV stringToCodeInfo(char *string, CPhidgetIR_CodeInfoHandle codeInfo)
+ int i;
+ unsigned char *codeInfoBytes = (unsigned char *)codeInfo;
+ if(strlen(string) < 2*sizeof(CPhidgetIR_CodeInfo))
+ for(i=0;i<sizeof(CPhidgetIR_CodeInfo);i++)
+ {
+ codeInfoBytes[i] = (hexval(string[i*2])<<4)+hexval(string[i*2+1]);
+ }
+ return EPHIDGET_OK;
+// === Exported Functions === //
+//create and initialize a device structure
+//event setup functions
+CFHANDLE(IR, Code, unsigned char *data, int dataLength, int bitCount, int repeat)
+CFHANDLE(IR, RawData, int *data, int dataLength)
+CFHANDLE(IR, Learn, unsigned char *data, int dataLength, CPhidgetIR_CodeInfoHandle codeInfo)
+PHIDGET21_API int CCONV CPhidgetIR_Transmit(CPhidgetIRHandle phid, unsigned char *data, CPhidgetIR_CodeInfoHandle codeInfo)
+ int retval;
+ int dataSize;
+ TESTPTRS(phid, codeInfo)
+ TESTPTR(data)
+ if(!codeInfo->bitCount || codeInfo->bitCount > IR_MAX_CODE_BIT_COUNT)
+ //TODO: we're choosing arbitrary 10kHz - 1MHz range here
+ if((codeInfo->carrierFrequency && codeInfo->carrierFrequency < 10000) || codeInfo->carrierFrequency > 1000000)
+ //duty cycle between 10% and 50% - never allow higher then 50%
+ if((codeInfo->dutyCycle && codeInfo->dutyCycle < 10) || codeInfo->dutyCycle > 50)
+ //default encoding
+ if(!codeInfo->encoding)
+ codeInfo->encoding = PHIDGET_IR_ENCODING_SPACE;
+ if(!codeInfo->length)
+ codeInfo->length = PHIDGET_IR_LENGTH_CONSTANT;
+ //fill in other defaults based on encoding
+ switch(codeInfo->encoding)
+ {
+ //we'll default to NEC coding
+ if(!codeInfo->zero[0] && !codeInfo->one[0])
+ {
+ codeInfo->zero[0] = 560;
+ codeInfo->zero[1] = 560;
+ codeInfo->one[0] = 560;
+ codeInfo->one[1] = 1680;
+ if(!codeInfo->header[0])
+ {
+ codeInfo->header[0] = 9000;
+ codeInfo->header[1] = 4500;
+ }
+ if(!codeInfo->repeat)
+ {
+ codeInfo->repeat[0] = 9000;
+ codeInfo->repeat[1] = 2250;
+ codeInfo->repeat[2] = 560;
+ }
+ if(!codeInfo->trail)
+ codeInfo->trail = 560;
+ if(!codeInfo->gap)
+ codeInfo->gap = 110000;
+ if(!codeInfo->carrierFrequency)
+ codeInfo->carrierFrequency = 38000;
+ }
+ if(!codeInfo->trail)
+ break;
+ //default to SONY coding
+ if(!codeInfo->zero[0] && !codeInfo->one[0])
+ {
+ codeInfo->zero[0] = 600;
+ codeInfo->zero[1] = 600;
+ codeInfo->one[0] = 1200;
+ codeInfo->one[1] = 600;
+ if(!codeInfo->header[0])
+ {
+ codeInfo->header[0] = 2400;
+ codeInfo->header[1] = 600;
+ }
+ if(!codeInfo->gap)
+ codeInfo->gap = 45000;
+ if(!codeInfo->carrierFrequency)
+ codeInfo->carrierFrequency = 40000;
+ }
+ break;
+ //no default here..
+ break;
+ if(!codeInfo->zero[0] && !codeInfo->one[0])
+ {
+ codeInfo->zero[0] = 889;
+ codeInfo->zero[1] = 889;
+ codeInfo->one[0] = 889;
+ codeInfo->one[1] = 889;
+ if(!codeInfo->gap)
+ codeInfo->gap = 114000;
+ if(!codeInfo->carrierFrequency)
+ codeInfo->carrierFrequency = 36000;
+ }
+ break;
+ if(!codeInfo->zero[0] && !codeInfo->one[0])
+ {
+ codeInfo->zero[0] = 444;
+ codeInfo->zero[1] = 444;
+ codeInfo->one[0] = 444;
+ codeInfo->one[1] = 444;
+ if(!codeInfo->header[0])
+ {
+ codeInfo->header[0] = 2666;
+ codeInfo->header[1] = 889;
+ }
+ if(!codeInfo->gap)
+ codeInfo->gap = 105000;
+ if(!codeInfo->carrierFrequency)
+ codeInfo->carrierFrequency = 36000;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ //fill in defaults for things that the user didn't specify
+ if(!codeInfo->carrierFrequency)
+ codeInfo->carrierFrequency = 38000;
+ if(!codeInfo->dutyCycle)
+ codeInfo->dutyCycle = 33;
+ if(!codeInfo->min_repeat)
+ codeInfo->min_repeat = 1;
+ //make sure that other things are filled in
+ if(!codeInfo->zero[0])
+ if(!codeInfo->one[0])
+ if(!codeInfo->gap)
+ dataSize = (codeInfo->bitCount / 8) + ((codeInfo->bitCount % 8) ? 1 : 0);
+ if(CPhidget_statusFlagIsSet(phid->phid.status, PHIDGET_REMOTE_FLAG))
+ {
+ char *newVal = (char *)malloc(1024);
+ ZEROMEM(newVal, 1024);
+ //add codeInfo data
+ codeInfoToString(codeInfo, newVal);
+ //now add transmit data
+ byteArrayToString(data, dataSize, newVal+sizeof(CPhidgetIR_CodeInfo)*2);
+ ADDNETWORKKEY(Transmit, "%s", tempString);
+ free(newVal);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int time, i;
+ int dataSize = (codeInfo->bitCount / 8) + ((codeInfo->bitCount % 8) ? 1 : 0);
+ int dataBuffer[IR_DATA_ARRAY_SIZE];
+ int dataBufferLength = IR_DATA_ARRAY_SIZE * sizeof(int);
+ int repcount = codeInfo->min_repeat;
+ unsigned char datatemp[IR_MAX_CODE_DATA_LENGTH];
+ memcpy(datatemp, data, dataSize);
+ //send out the number of times required
+ while(repcount--)
+ {
+ //convert code into raw data array and send
+ dataBufferLength = IR_DATA_ARRAY_SIZE * sizeof(int);
+ if((retval = codeInfoToRawData(datatemp, *codeInfo, dataBuffer, &dataBufferLength, &time, PFALSE)) != EPHIDGET_OK)
+ return retval;
+ if(codeInfo->length == PHIDGET_IR_LENGTH_CONSTANT)
+ time = codeInfo->gap - time;
+ else
+ time = codeInfo->gap;
+ if((retval = sendRAWData(phid, dataBuffer, dataBufferLength, codeInfo->carrierFrequency, codeInfo->dutyCycle, time)) != EPHIDGET_OK)
+ return retval;
+ memcpy(phid->lastSentCode, datatemp, dataSize);
+ //toggle data
+ for(i=0;i<dataSize;i++)
+ datatemp[i] = datatemp[i] ^ codeInfo->toggle_mask[i];
+ }
+ //got here? success in sending
+ phid->lastSentCodeInfo = *codeInfo;
+ }
+ return EPHIDGET_OK;
+PHIDGET21_API int CCONV CPhidgetIR_TransmitRaw(CPhidgetIRHandle phid, int *data, int dataLength, int carrierFrequency, int dutyCycle, int gap)
+ int retval, time=0;
+ int rawData[IR_DATA_ARRAY_SIZE];
+ int rawDataLength = IR_DATA_ARRAY_SIZE;
+ TESTPTR(phid)
+ //needs to be uneven - start and end in a pulse
+ if((dataLength % 2) != 1)
+ //TODO: we're choosing arbitrary 10kHz - 1MHz range here
+ if((carrierFrequency && carrierFrequency < 10000) || carrierFrequency > 1000000)
+ //duty cycle between 10% and 50% - never allow higher then 50%
+ if((dutyCycle && dutyCycle < 10) || dutyCycle > 50)
+ //defaults
+ if(!carrierFrequency)
+ carrierFrequency = 38000;
+ if(!dutyCycle)
+ dutyCycle = 33;
+ if(dataLength>(1000/5))
+ if(CPhidget_statusFlagIsSet(phid->phid.status, PHIDGET_REMOTE_FLAG))
+ {
+ char *newVal = (char *)malloc(1024);
+ ZEROMEM(newVal, 1024);
+ wordArrayToString(data, dataLength, newVal);
+ sprintf(newVal+dataLength*5, ",%d,%d,%d", carrierFrequency, dutyCycle, gap);
+ ADDNETWORKKEY(TransmitRaw, "%s", tempString);
+ free(newVal);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if((retval = RawTimeDataToRawData(data, dataLength, rawData, &rawDataLength, &time)) != EPHIDGET_OK)
+ return retval;
+ if((retval = sendRAWData(phid, rawData, rawDataLength, carrierFrequency ? carrierFrequency : 38000, dutyCycle ? dutyCycle : 33, gap)) != EPHIDGET_OK)
+ return retval;
+ }
+ return EPHIDGET_OK;
+PHIDGET21_API int CCONV CPhidgetIR_TransmitRepeat(CPhidgetIRHandle phid)
+ int retval;
+ int dataSize;
+ TESTPTR(phid)
+ if(CPhidget_statusFlagIsSet(phid->phid.status, PHIDGET_REMOTE_FLAG))
+ {
+ int newVal = phid->flip^1;
+ ADDNETWORKKEY(Repeat, "%d", flip);
+ SLEEP(25);//make sure we limit the repeat rate
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dataSize = (phid->lastSentCodeInfo.bitCount / 8) + ((phid->lastSentCodeInfo.bitCount % 8) ? 1 : 0);
+ //assume that last code is valid
+ if(dataSize > 0)
+ {
+ int dataBuffer[IR_DATA_ARRAY_SIZE];
+ int dataBufferLength = IR_DATA_ARRAY_SIZE * sizeof(int);
+ int time, i;
+ unsigned char datatemp[IR_MAX_CODE_DATA_LENGTH];
+ //get last data sent
+ memcpy(datatemp, phid->lastSentCode, dataSize);
+ //toggle data
+ for(i=0;i<dataSize;i++)
+ datatemp[i] = datatemp[i] ^ phid->lastSentCodeInfo.toggle_mask[i];
+ //construct the last code into a repeat code
+ dataBufferLength = IR_DATA_ARRAY_SIZE * sizeof(int);
+ if((retval = codeInfoToRawData(datatemp, phid->lastSentCodeInfo, dataBuffer, &dataBufferLength, &time, PTRUE)) != EPHIDGET_OK)
+ return retval;
+ if(phid->lastSentCodeInfo.length == PHIDGET_IR_LENGTH_CONSTANT)
+ time = phid->lastSentCodeInfo.gap - time;
+ else
+ time = phid->lastSentCodeInfo.gap;
+ //send the data
+ if((retval = sendRAWData(phid, dataBuffer, dataBufferLength, phid->lastSentCodeInfo.carrierFrequency, phid->lastSentCodeInfo.dutyCycle, time)) != EPHIDGET_OK)
+ return retval;
+ //store last sent code
+ memcpy(phid->lastSentCode, datatemp, dataSize);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG(PHIDGET_LOG_WARNING, "Can't send a repeat until a code has been transmitted");
+ }
+ }
+ return EPHIDGET_OK;
+//make sure that our raw data starts with a high and ends with a low
+PHIDGET21_API int CCONV CPhidgetIR_getRawData(CPhidgetIRHandle phid, int *data, int *dataLength)
+ int i;
+ TESTPTR(phid)
+ //make sure length is even so we only send out data with starting space and ending pulse
+ if((*dataLength % 2) == 1)
+ (*dataLength)--;
+ for(i=0;i<*dataLength;i++)
+ {
+ if(phid->userReadPtr == phid->dataWritePtr)
+ break;
+ data[i] = phid->dataBuffer[phid->userReadPtr];
+ phid->userReadPtr = (phid->userReadPtr + 1) & IR_DATA_ARRAY_MASK;
+ }
+ //make sure i is even so that we don't end with a pulse
+ if((i % 2) == 1)
+ {
+ //negate the pulse if we added it
+ i--;
+ phid->userReadPtr = (phid->userReadPtr - 1) & IR_DATA_ARRAY_MASK;
+ }
+ *dataLength = i;
+ return EPHIDGET_OK;
+PHIDGET21_API int CCONV CPhidgetIR_getLastCode(CPhidgetIRHandle phid, unsigned char *data, int *dataLength, int *bitCount)
+ TESTPTR(phid)
+ if(!phid->lastCodeKnown)
+ {
+ int dataSize = (phid->lastCodeInfo.bitCount / 8) + ((phid->lastCodeInfo.bitCount % 8) ? 1 : 0);
+ *bitCount = phid->lastCodeInfo.bitCount;
+ if(*dataLength < dataSize)
+ {
+ *dataLength = dataSize;
+ }
+ *dataLength = dataSize;
+ memcpy(data, phid->lastCode, dataSize);
+ }
+ return EPHIDGET_OK;
+PHIDGET21_API int CCONV CPhidgetIR_getLastLearnedCode(CPhidgetIRHandle phid, unsigned char *data, int *dataLength, CPhidgetIR_CodeInfo *codeInfo)
+ TESTPTR(phid)
+ if(!phid->lastLearnedCodeKnown)
+ {
+ int dataSize = (phid->lastLearnedCodeInfo.bitCount / 8) + ((phid->lastLearnedCodeInfo.bitCount % 8) ? 1 : 0);
+ if(*dataLength < dataSize)
+ {
+ *dataLength = dataSize;
+ }
+ *dataLength = dataSize;
+ memcpy(data, phid->lastLearnedCode, dataSize);
+ *codeInfo = phid->lastLearnedCodeInfo;
+ }
+ return EPHIDGET_OK;