path: root/cphidgetattr.h
diff options
authorJonathan McCrohan <jmccrohan@gmail.com>2012-04-14 12:56:48 +0100
committerJonathan McCrohan <jmccrohan@gmail.com>2012-04-14 12:56:48 +0100
commit0b624384cd52be20e61284551d832b499d7b7707 (patch)
tree6f95a4bbef47abc9720b96c0722e8f632aef228a /cphidgetattr.h
Imported Upstream version
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 261 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cphidgetattr.h b/cphidgetattr.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1b33f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cphidgetattr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+typedef struct {
+ int numAxis;
+} CPhidgetAccelerometerAttr;
+typedef struct {
+ int numMotors;
+} CPhidgetAdvancedServoAttr;
+typedef struct {
+ int numEncoders;
+ int numInputs;
+} CPhidgetEncoderAttr;
+typedef struct {
+ int dummy;
+} CPhidgetGPSAttr;
+typedef struct {
+ int numSensors;
+ int numInputs;
+ int numOutputs;
+} CPhidgetInterfaceKitAttr;
+typedef struct {
+ int numLEDs;
+} CPhidgetLEDAttr;
+typedef struct {
+ int numMotors;
+ int numInputs;
+ int numEncoders;
+ int numSensors;
+} CPhidgetMotorControlAttr;
+typedef struct {
+ int dummy;
+} CPhidgetPHSensorAttr;
+typedef struct {
+ int numOutputs;
+} CPhidgetRFIDAttr;
+typedef struct {
+ int numMotors;
+} CPhidgetServoAttr;
+typedef struct {
+ int numMotors;
+ int numInputs;
+} CPhidgetStepperAttr;
+typedef struct {
+ int numTempInputs;
+} CPhidgetTemperatureSensorAttr;
+typedef struct {
+ int numRows;
+ int numColumns;
+ int numScreens;
+} CPhidgetTextLCDAttr;
+typedef struct {
+ int numRows;
+ int numColumns;
+} CPhidgetTextLEDAttr;
+typedef struct {
+ int dummy;
+} CPhidgetWeightSensorAttr;
+typedef struct {
+ int dummy;
+} CPhidgetIRAttr;
+typedef struct {
+ int numAccelAxes;
+ int numGyroAxes;
+ int numCompassAxes;
+} CPhidgetSpatialAttr;
+typedef struct {
+ int numFreqInputs;
+} CPhidgetFrequencyCounterAttr;
+typedef struct {
+ int numAnalogOutputs;
+} CPhidgetAnalogAttr;
+typedef struct {
+ int numBridgeInputs;
+} CPhidgetBridgeAttr;
+typedef struct {
+ int dummy1;
+ int dummy2;
+ int dummy3;
+ int dummy4;
+} CPhidgetDummyAttr;
+typedef union {
+ CPhidgetDummyAttr dummy; /* field for unnamed initializers */
+ CPhidgetAccelerometerAttr accelerometer;
+ CPhidgetAdvancedServoAttr advancedservo;
+ CPhidgetAnalogAttr analog;
+ CPhidgetBridgeAttr bridge;
+ CPhidgetEncoderAttr encoder;
+ CPhidgetFrequencyCounterAttr frequencycounter;
+ CPhidgetGPSAttr gps;
+ CPhidgetInterfaceKitAttr ifkit;
+ CPhidgetIRAttr ir;
+ CPhidgetLEDAttr led;
+ CPhidgetMotorControlAttr motorcontrol;
+ CPhidgetPHSensorAttr phsensor;
+ CPhidgetRFIDAttr rfid;
+ CPhidgetServoAttr servo;
+ CPhidgetSpatialAttr spatial;
+ CPhidgetStepperAttr stepper;
+ CPhidgetTemperatureSensorAttr temperaturesensor;
+ CPhidgetTextLCDAttr textlcd;
+ CPhidgetTextLEDAttr textled;
+ CPhidgetWeightSensorAttr weightsensor;
+} CPhidgetAttr;
+/** \addtogroup phidconst
+ * @{
+ */
+/* Device Class - valid class numbers start at 2, 1 is used for a 'NOTHING' device */
+/* If we change the order of this list, or add to it:
+ * -increment webservice protocol version (don't bother for prototypes)
+ * -change name list in cphidgetconstants.c
+ * -update .NET, Flash, COM, Java, Python, etc.
+ * -update function pointer lists in csocketevents.c (phidget21) and eventhandlers.c (webservice)
+ * -should not change the values of the enums
+ */
+ * Phidget device class uniquely identifies a class of Phidgets.
+ */
+typedef enum {
+ PHIDCLASS_ACCELEROMETER = 2, /**< Phidget Accelerometer */
+ PHIDCLASS_ADVANCEDSERVO = 3, /**< Phidget Advanced Servo */
+ PHIDCLASS_ANALOG = 22, /**< Phidget Analog */
+ PHIDCLASS_BRIDGE = 23, /**< Phidget Bridge */
+ PHIDCLASS_ENCODER = 4, /**< Phidget Encoder */
+ PHIDCLASS_FREQUENCYCOUNTER = 21, /**< Phidget Frequency Counter */
+ PHIDCLASS_GPS = 5, /**< Phidget GPS */
+ PHIDCLASS_INTERFACEKIT = 7, /**< Phidget Interface Kit */
+ PHIDCLASS_IR = 19, /**< Phidget IR */
+ PHIDCLASS_LED = 8, /**< Phidget LED */
+ PHIDCLASS_MOTORCONTROL = 9, /**< Phidget Motor Control */
+ PHIDCLASS_PHSENSOR = 10, /**< Phidget PH Sensor */
+ PHIDCLASS_RFID = 11, /**< Phidget RFID */
+ PHIDCLASS_SERVO = 12, /**< Phidget Servo */
+ PHIDCLASS_SPATIAL = 20, /**< Phidget Spatial */
+ PHIDCLASS_STEPPER = 13, /**< Phidget Stepper */
+ PHIDCLASS_TEMPERATURESENSOR = 14, /**< Phidget Temperature Sensor */
+ PHIDCLASS_TEXTLCD = 15, /**< Phidget TextLCD */
+ PHIDCLASS_TEXTLED = 16, /**< Phidget TextLED */
+ PHIDCLASS_WEIGHTSENSOR = 17, /**< Phidget Weight Sensor */
+#if defined(DEBUG) || !defined(EXTERNALPROTO)
+ PHIDCLASS_NOTHING = 1, /**< Nothing */
+ PHIDCLASS_GENERIC = 18 /**< Phidget Generic */
+} CPhidget_DeviceClass;
+/* Device ID - valid id numbers start at 2, 1 is used for a 'NOTHING' device
+ * This list can be re-ordered, as long as the values are not changed - we order the list alphabetically
+ * Device IDs are the 1-digit interface number following by 2-digit USB PID, in hex.
+ * except for some special cases (very old phidgets)
+ */
+/* If we add or remove from this list:
+ * -increment webservice protocol version (don't bother for prototypes)
+ * -update Phid_Device_Def list
+ * -update Flash, .NET, Java, Python?
+ */
+ * Phidget device id uniquely identifies a specific type of Phidget.
+ */
+typedef enum {
+ /* These are all current devices */
+ PHIDID_ACCELEROMETER_3AXIS = 0x07E, /**< Phidget 3-axis Accelerometer (1059) */
+ PHIDID_ADVANCEDSERVO_1MOTOR = 0x082, /**< Phidget 1 Motor Advanced Servo (1066) */
+ PHIDID_ADVANCEDSERVO_8MOTOR = 0x03A, /**< Phidget 8 Motor Advanced Servo (1061) */
+ PHIDID_ANALOG_4OUTPUT = 0x037, /**< Phidget Analog 4-output (1002) */
+ PHIDID_BIPOLAR_STEPPER_1MOTOR = 0x07B, /**< Phidget 1 Motor Bipolar Stepper Controller with 4 Digital Inputs (1063) */
+ PHIDID_BRIDGE_4INPUT = 0x03B, /**< Phidget Bridge 4-input (1046) */
+ PHIDID_ENCODER_1ENCODER_1INPUT = 0x04B, /**< Phidget Encoder - Mechanical (1052) */
+ PHIDID_ENCODER_HS_1ENCODER = 0x080, /**< Phidget High Speed Encoder (1057) */
+ PHIDID_ENCODER_HS_4ENCODER_4INPUT = 0x04F, /**< Phidget High Speed Encoder - 4 Encoder (1047) */
+ PHIDID_FREQUENCYCOUNTER_2INPUT = 0x035, /**< Phidget Frequency Counter 2-input (1054) */
+ PHIDID_GPS = 0x079, /**< Phidget GPS (1040) */
+ PHIDID_INTERFACEKIT_0_0_4 = 0x040, /**< Phidget Interface Kit 0/0/4 (1014) */
+ PHIDID_INTERFACEKIT_0_0_8 = 0x081, /**< Phidget Interface Kit 0/0/8 (1017) */
+ PHIDID_INTERFACEKIT_0_16_16 = 0x044, /**< Phidget Interface Kit 0/16/16 (1012) */
+ PHIDID_INTERFACEKIT_2_2_2 = 0x036, /**< Phidget Interface Kit 2/2/2 (1011) */
+ PHIDID_INTERFACEKIT_8_8_8 = 0x045, /**< Phidget Interface Kit 8/8/8 (1013, 1018, 1019) */
+ PHIDID_INTERFACEKIT_8_8_8_w_LCD = 0x07D, /**< Phidget Interface Kit 8/8/8 with TextLCD (1201, 1202, 1203) */
+ PHIDID_IR = 0x04D, /**< Phidget IR Receiver Transmitter (1055) */
+ PHIDID_LED_64_ADV = 0x04C, /**< Phidget LED 64 Advanced (1031) */
+ PHIDID_LINEAR_TOUCH = 0x076, /**< Phidget Linear Touch (1015) */
+ PHIDID_MOTORCONTROL_1MOTOR = 0x03E, /**< Phidget 1 Motor Motor Controller (1065) */
+ PHIDID_MOTORCONTROL_HC_2MOTOR = 0x059, /**< Phidget 2 Motor High Current Motor Controller (1064) */
+ PHIDID_RFID_2OUTPUT = 0x031, /**< Phidget RFID with Digital Outputs and Onboard LED (1023) */
+ PHIDID_ROTARY_TOUCH = 0x077, /**< Phidget Rotary Touch (1016) */
+ PHIDID_SPATIAL_ACCEL_3AXIS = 0x07F, /**< Phidget Spatial 3-axis accel (1049, 1041, 1043) */
+ PHIDID_SPATIAL_ACCEL_GYRO_COMPASS = 0x033, /**< Phidget Spatial 3/3/3 (1056, 1042, 1044) */
+ PHIDID_TEMPERATURESENSOR = 0x070, /**< Phidget Temperature Sensor (1051) */
+ PHIDID_TEMPERATURESENSOR_4 = 0x032, /**< Phidget Temperature Sensor 4-input (1048) */
+ PHIDID_TEMPERATURESENSOR_IR = 0x03C, /**< Phidget Temperature Sensor IR (1045) */
+ PHIDID_TEXTLCD_2x20_w_8_8_8 = 0x17D, /**< Phidget TextLCD with Interface Kit 8/8/8 (1201, 1202, 1203) */
+ PHIDID_TEXTLCD_ADAPTER = 0x03D, /**< Phidget TextLCD Adapter (1204) */
+ PHIDID_UNIPOLAR_STEPPER_4MOTOR = 0x07A, /**< Phidget 4 Motor Unipolar Stepper Controller (1062) */
+ /* These are all past devices (no longer sold) */
+ PHIDID_ACCELEROMETER_2AXIS = 0x071, /**< Phidget 2-axis Accelerometer (1053, 1054) */
+ PHIDID_INTERFACEKIT_0_8_8_w_LCD = 0x053, /**< Phidget Interface Kit 0/8/8 with TextLCD (1219, 1220, 1221) */
+ PHIDID_INTERFACEKIT_4_8_8 = 4, /**< Phidget Interface Kit 4/8/8 */
+ PHIDID_LED_64 = 0x04A, /**< Phidget LED 64 (1030) */
+ PHIDID_MOTORCONTROL_LV_2MOTOR_4INPUT = 0x058, /**< Phidget 2 Motor Low Voltage Motor Controller with 4 Digital Inputs (1060) */
+ PHIDID_PHSENSOR = 0x074, /**< Phidget PH Sensor (1058) */
+ PHIDID_RFID = 0x030, /**< Phidget RFID without Digital Outputs */
+ PHIDID_SERVO_1MOTOR = 0x039, /**< Phidget 1 Motor Servo Controller (1000) */
+ PHIDID_SERVO_1MOTOR_OLD = 2, /**< Phidget 1 Motor Servo Controller - Old Version */
+ PHIDID_SERVO_4MOTOR = 0x038, /**< Phidget 4 Motor Servo Controller (1001) */
+ PHIDID_SERVO_4MOTOR_OLD = 3, /**< Phidget 4 Motor Servo Controller - Old Version */
+ PHIDID_TEXTLCD_2x20 = 0x052, /**< Phidget TextLCD without Interface Kit (1210) */
+ PHIDID_TEXTLCD_2x20_w_0_8_8 = 0x153, /**< Phidget TextLCD with Interface Kit 0/8/8 (1219, 1220, 1221) */
+ PHIDID_TEXTLED_1x8 = 0x049, /**< Phidget TextLED 1x8 */
+ PHIDID_TEXTLED_4x8 = 0x048, /**< Phidget TextLED 4x8 (1040) */
+ PHIDID_WEIGHTSENSOR = 0x072, /**< Phidget Weight Sensor (1050) */
+#if defined(DEBUG) || !defined(EXTERNALPROTO)
+ /* Nothing device */
+ /* never released to general public */
+ PHIDID_INTERFACEKIT_0_5_7 = 0x051,
+ PHIDID_INTERFACEKIT_2_8_8 = 5, /**< Phidget Interface Kit 2/8/8 */
+ /* These are unreleased or prototype devices */
+ PHIDID_RFID_2OUTPUT_ADVANCED = 0x034, /**< Phidget RFID with R/W support (1024) */
+ /* This is for internal prototyping */
+} CPhidget_DeviceID;
+/** @} */