path: root/Makefile.am
diff options
authorJonathan McCrohan <jmccrohan@gmail.com>2012-04-14 12:56:48 +0100
committerJonathan McCrohan <jmccrohan@gmail.com>2012-04-14 12:56:48 +0100
commit0b624384cd52be20e61284551d832b499d7b7707 (patch)
tree6f95a4bbef47abc9720b96c0722e8f632aef228a /Makefile.am
Imported Upstream version
Diffstat (limited to 'Makefile.am')
1 files changed, 376 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..793dbd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile.am
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
+AM_CFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir) -I$(top_srcdir)/utils -I$(top_srcdir)/dict -I$(top_srcdir)/linux -I$(top_srcdir)/include -D_LINUX
+lib_LTLIBRARIES = libphidget21.la
+# Rules for unpdating the libtool version:
+# 1. Programs using the previous version may use the new version as drop-in replacement,
+# and programs using the new version can also work with the previous one. In other words,
+# no recompiling nor relinking is needed. In this case, bump revision only, don't touch current nor age.
+# 2. Programs using the previous version may use the new version as drop-in replacement,
+# but programs using the new version may use APIs not present in the previous one. In other words,
+# a program linking against the new version may fail with “unresolved symbols”
+# if linking against the old version at runtime: set revision to 0, bump current and age.
+# 3. Programs may need to be changed, recompiled, relinked in order to use the new version.
+# Bump current, set revision and age to 0.
+libphidget21_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info 0:0:0
+libphidget21_la_SOURCES = cphidget.c \
+ cphidget.h \
+ cphidgetmacros.h \
+ cphidgetattr.h \
+ cusb.h \
+ stdafx.h \
+ cphidgetconstantsinternal.h \
+ cphidgetaccelerometer.c \
+ cphidgetaccelerometer.h \
+ cphidgetadvancedservo.c \
+ cphidgetadvancedservo.h \
+ cphidgetanalog.c \
+ cphidgetanalog.h \
+ cphidgetbridge.c \
+ cphidgetbridge.h \
+ cphidgetencoder.c \
+ cphidgetencoder.h \
+ cphidgetfrequencycounter.c \
+ cphidgetfrequencycounter.h \
+ cphidgetgps.c \
+ cphidgetgps.h \
+ cphidgetinterfacekit.c \
+ cphidgetinterfacekit.h \
+ cphidgetir.c \
+ cphidgetir.h \
+ cphidgetled.c \
+ cphidgetled.h \
+ cphidgetmotorcontrol.c \
+ cphidgetmotorcontrol.h \
+ cphidgetphsensor.c \
+ cphidgetphsensor.h \
+ cphidgetrfid.c \
+ cphidgetrfid.h \
+ cphidgetservo.c \
+ cphidgetservo.h \
+ cphidgetspatial.c \
+ cphidgetspatial.h \
+ cphidgetstepper.c \
+ cphidgetstepper.h \
+ cphidgettemperaturesensor.c \
+ cphidgettemperaturesensor.h \
+ cphidgettextlcd.c \
+ cphidgettextlcd.h \
+ cphidgettextled.c \
+ cphidgettextled.h \
+ cphidgetweightsensor.c \
+ cphidgetweightsensor.h \
+ cphidgetmanager.c \
+ cphidgetmanager.h \
+ cphidgetdictionary.c \
+ cphidgetdictionary.h \
+ cphidgetgeneric.c \
+ cphidgetgeneric.h \
+ cphidgetsbc.c \
+ cphidgetsbc.h \
+ clog.c \
+ clog.h \
+ csocketevents.c \
+ csocketevents.h \
+ csocketopen.c \
+ csocket.h \
+ cphidgetconstants.c \
+ cphidgetconstants.h \
+ cphidgetlist.c \
+ cphidgetlist.h \
+ cthread.c \
+ cthread.h \
+ phidget21.c \
+ phidget21int.h \
+ linux/cusblinux.c \
+ dict/pdict.c \
+ dict/pdict.h \
+ dict/pdictclient.c \
+ dict/pdictclient.h \
+ dict/pdict-impl.h \
+ utils/md5.c \
+ utils/md5.h \
+ utils/utils.c \
+ utils/utils.h \
+ utils/ptree.c \
+ utils/ptree.h \
+ utils/plist.c \
+ utils/plist.h \
+ cppheader \
+ cppfooter
+include_HEADERS = phidget21.h
+CLEANFILES = phidget21.h phidget21matlab.h phidget21.jar Java/com/phidgets/*.class Java/com/phidgets/event/*.class
+ -rm -rf examples/.deps examples/Makefile
+EXTRA_DIST = examples/ifkit.c \
+ examples/Makefile.am \
+ examples/Makefile.in \
+ examples/manager.c \
+ examples/phidgetsbclist.c \
+ examples/README \
+ udev/99-phidgets.rules \
+ hotplug/phidgets.usermap \
+ hotplug/phidgets \
+ version.sh \
+ Java/com/phidgets/DictionaryKeyListener.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/TextLCDPhidget.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/SpatialEventData.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/StepperPhidget.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/ServoPhidget.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/PHSensorPhidget.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/AccelerometerPhidget.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/SpatialPhidget.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/AdvancedServoPhidget.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/EncoderPhidget.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/MotorControlPhidget.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/IRLearnedCode.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/IRCodeInfo.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/InterfaceKitPhidget.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/TemperatureSensorPhidget.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/WeightSensorPhidget.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/TextLEDPhidget.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/IRCode.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/Manager.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/PhidgetException.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/IRPhidget.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/RFIDPhidget.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/LEDPhidget.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/Dictionary.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/ServoPositionChangeListener.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/AccelerationChangeEvent.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/AttachListener.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/StepperVelocityChangeEvent.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/CodeEvent.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/ErrorEvent.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/TemperatureChangeEvent.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/DetachListener.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/LearnListener.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/ServoVelocityChangeEvent.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/PHChangeListener.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/RawDataListener.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/CurrentChangeListener.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/TagGainEvent.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/StepperPositionChangeEvent.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/WeightChangeListener.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/InputChangeEvent.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/TagLossListener.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/ServerDisconnectEvent.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/TemperatureChangeListener.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/SpatialDataListener.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/SensorChangeEvent.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/CodeListener.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/ServerConnectEvent.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/StepperPositionChangeListener.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/SpatialDataEvent.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/AttachEvent.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/EncoderPositionChangeListener.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/EncoderPositionChangeEvent.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/DetachEvent.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/OutputChangeListener.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/TagGainListener.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/KeyRemovalListener.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/KeyChangeEvent.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/KeyRemovalEvent.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/OutputChangeEvent.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/StepperVelocityChangeListener.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/ServerDisconnectListener.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/ErrorListener.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/SensorChangeListener.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/PHChangeEvent.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/LearnEvent.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/WeightChangeEvent.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/MotorVelocityChangeListener.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/TagLossEvent.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/KeyChangeListener.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/ServerConnectListener.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/AccelerationChangeListener.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/RawDataEvent.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/InputChangeListener.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/ServoPositionChangeEvent.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/CurrentChangeEvent.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/ServoVelocityChangeListener.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/MotorVelocityChangeEvent.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/CurrentUpdateEvent.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/CurrentUpdateListener.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/BackEMFUpdateEvent.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/BackEMFUpdateListener.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/EncoderPositionUpdateEvent.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/EncoderPositionUpdateListener.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/SensorUpdateEvent.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/SensorUpdateListener.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/AnalogPhidget.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/FrequencyCounterPhidget.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/GPSPositionFixStatusChangeEvent.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/GPSPositionFixStatusChangeListener.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/FrequencyCounterCountListener.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/GPSPositionChangeEvent.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/GPSPositionChangeListener.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/FrequencyCounterCountEvent.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/GPSPhidget.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/BridgePhidget.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/BridgeDataEvent.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/event/BridgeDataListener.java \
+ Java/com/phidgets/macros/BridgePhidget.jm \
+ Java/com/phidgets/Phidget.java
+libphidget21_la_SOURCES += zeroconf.h
+libphidget21_la_SOURCES += utils/cvtutf.c
+libphidget21_la_SOURCES += utils/cvtutf.h
+libphidget21_la_SOURCES += linux/zeroconf_avahi.c \
+ linux/avahi-client/client.h \
+ linux/avahi-client/lookup.h \
+ linux/avahi-client/publish.h \
+ linux/avahi-common/address.h \
+ linux/avahi-common/alternative.h \
+ linux/avahi-common/cdecl.h \
+ linux/avahi-common/defs.h \
+ linux/avahi-common/domain.h \
+ linux/avahi-common/error.h \
+ linux/avahi-common/gccmacro.h \
+ linux/avahi-common/llist.h \
+ linux/avahi-common/malloc.h \
+ linux/avahi-common/rlist.h \
+ linux/avahi-common/simple-watch.h \
+ linux/avahi-common/strlst.h \
+ linux/avahi-common/thread-watch.h \
+ linux/avahi-common/timeval.h \
+ linux/avahi-common/watch.h
+libphidget21_la_SOURCES += zeroconf.c \
+ include/dns_sd.h
+libphidget21_la_SOURCES += zeroconf_lookup.c
+libphidget21_la_SOURCES += labview/phidget_labview.c \
+ labview/phidget_labview.h
+LABVIEW_CINTOOLS_PATH ?= /usr/local/natinst/LabVIEW-8.5/cintools
+if JNI
+AM_CFLAGS += -I$(top_srcdir)/include/jni -I$(top_srcdir)/include/jni/linux
+libphidget21_la_SOURCES += Java/com_phidgets_Phidget.c \
+ Java/com_phidgets_Phidget.h \
+ Java/com_phidgets_AccelerometerPhidget.c \
+ Java/com_phidgets_AccelerometerPhidget.h \
+ Java/com_phidgets_AdvancedServoPhidget.c \
+ Java/com_phidgets_AdvancedServoPhidget.h \
+ Java/com_phidgets_AnalogPhidget.c \
+ Java/com_phidgets_AnalogPhidget.h \
+ Java/com_phidgets_BridgePhidget.c \
+ Java/com_phidgets_BridgePhidget.h \
+ Java/com_phidgets_EncoderPhidget.c \
+ Java/com_phidgets_EncoderPhidget.h \
+ Java/com_phidgets_FrequencyCounterPhidget.c \
+ Java/com_phidgets_FrequencyCounterPhidget.h \
+ Java/com_phidgets_GPSPhidget.c \
+ Java/com_phidgets_GPSPhidget.h \
+ Java/com_phidgets_InterfaceKitPhidget.c \
+ Java/com_phidgets_InterfaceKitPhidget.h \
+ Java/com_phidgets_IRPhidget.c \
+ Java/com_phidgets_IRPhidget.h \
+ Java/com_phidgets_LEDPhidget.c \
+ Java/com_phidgets_LEDPhidget.h \
+ Java/com_phidgets_MotorControlPhidget.c \
+ Java/com_phidgets_MotorControlPhidget.h \
+ Java/com_phidgets_PHSensorPhidget.c \
+ Java/com_phidgets_PHSensorPhidget.h \
+ Java/com_phidgets_RFIDPhidget.c \
+ Java/com_phidgets_RFIDPhidget.h \
+ Java/com_phidgets_ServoPhidget.c \
+ Java/com_phidgets_ServoPhidget.h \
+ Java/com_phidgets_SpatialPhidget.c \
+ Java/com_phidgets_SpatialPhidget.h \
+ Java/com_phidgets_StepperPhidget.c \
+ Java/com_phidgets_StepperPhidget.h \
+ Java/com_phidgets_TemperatureSensorPhidget.c \
+ Java/com_phidgets_TemperatureSensorPhidget.h \
+ Java/com_phidgets_TextLCDPhidget.c \
+ Java/com_phidgets_TextLCDPhidget.h \
+ Java/com_phidgets_TextLEDPhidget.c \
+ Java/com_phidgets_TextLEDPhidget.h \
+ Java/com_phidgets_Manager.c \
+ Java/com_phidgets_Manager.h \
+ Java/com_phidgets_Dictionary.c \
+ Java/com_phidgets_Dictionary.h \
+ Java/com_phidgets_DictionaryKeyListener.c \
+ Java/com_phidgets_DictionaryKeyListener.h \
+ Java/com_phidgets_WeightSensorPhidget.c \
+ Java/com_phidgets_WeightSensorPhidget.h \
+ Java/phidget_jni.c \
+ Java/phidget_jni.h \
+ include/jni/jawt.h \
+ include/jni/jni.h \
+ include/jni/jvmdi.h \
+ include/jni/jvmpi.h \
+ include/jni/linux/jawt_md.h \
+ include/jni/linux/jni_md.h
+ if [ -e phidget21.jar ]; then install --owner=root --mode=755 -d $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/java; install --owner=root --mode=644 phidget21.jar $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/java; fi
+ @echo "Making $@"
+ @cat cppheader > $@
+ @$(CC) -g -E -P $(PHIDGET21FLAGS) -D_LINUX -DEXTERNALPROTO -DREMOVE_DEPRECATED phidget21int.h | sed -e "s/extern \"C\" //g" >> $@
+ @cat cphidgetconstants.h >> $@
+ @cat cppfooter >> $@
+ @echo "Making $@"
+ @echo "/*" > $@
+ @echo " * Phidget21 Header for Matlab" >> $@
+ @echo " * -All pointers to structs have been changed to long, as Matlab seems" >> $@
+ @echo " * to be unhappy with either the undefined stucts or the double pointers." >> $@
+ @echo " */" >> $@
+ @$(CC) -g -E -P -D_LINUX -DEXTERNALPROTO -DREMOVE_DEPRECATED phidget21int.h | sed -e "s/extern \"C\" //g" | sed -e "s/struct [a-zA-Z_]* \*/long /" >> $@
+ @cat cphidgetconstants.h >> $@
+ @echo "Making $@"
+ @cd Java ; javac com/phidgets/*.java com/phidgets/event/*.java
+ @cd Java ; jar cf ../$@ com/phidgets/event/*.class com/phidgets/*.class
+ @echo "Making Debian Packages"
+ @cp debian/changelog.template debian/changelog
+ @sed -i s/"VERSION"/"$(PACKAGE_VERSION)"/ debian/changelog
+ @sed -i s/"DATE"/"$(shell date +"%a, %d %b %Y %T %z")"/ debian/changelog
+ @if [ -z "$(DPKG_ARCH)" ]; then dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc; else dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -a$(DPKG_ARCH); fi
+jni: all