/* $Id: drv_G15.c,v 1.7 2006/07/12 20:45:30 reinelt Exp $ * * Driver for Logitech G-15 keyboard LCD screen * * Copyright (C) 2006 Dave Ingram * Copyright (C) 2005 Michael Reinelt * Copyright (C) 2005 The LCD4Linux Team * * This file is part of LCD4Linux. * * LCD4Linux is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * LCD4Linux is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * * * $Log: drv_G15.c,v $ * Revision 1.7 2006/07/12 20:45:30 reinelt * G15 and thread patch by Anton * * Revision 1.6 2006/02/27 06:14:46 reinelt * graphic bug resulting in all black pixels solved * * Revision 1.5 2006/02/08 04:55:03 reinelt * moved widget registration to drv_generic_graphic * * Revision 1.4 2006/01/30 06:25:49 reinelt * added CVS Revision * * Revision 1.3 2006/01/30 05:47:38 reinelt * graphic subsystem changed to full-color RGBA * * Revision 1.2 2006/01/21 17:43:25 reinelt * minor cosmetic fixes * * Revision 1.1 2006/01/21 13:26:44 reinelt * Logitech G-15 keyboard LCD driver from Dave Ingram * */ /* * * exported fuctions: * * struct DRIVER drv_G15 * */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "debug.h" #include "cfg.h" #include "qprintf.h" #include "udelay.h" #include "plugin.h" #include "drv.h" #include "drv_generic_graphic.h" #include "thread.h" #define G15_VENDOR 0x046d #define G15_DEVICE 0xc222 #if 0 #define DEBUG(x) debug("%s(): %s", __FUNCTION__, x); #else #define DEBUG(x) #endif #define KB_UPDOWN_PRESS static char Name[] = "G-15"; static usb_dev_handle *g15_lcd; static unsigned char *g15_image; unsigned char g_key_states[18]; unsigned char m_key_states[4]; unsigned char l_key_states[5]; static int uinput_fd; static int kb_mutex; static int kb_thread_pid; static int kb_single_keypress=0; /****************************************/ /*** hardware dependant functions ***/ /****************************************/ void drv_G15_keyDown(unsigned char scancode) { struct input_event event; memset(&event, 0, sizeof(event)); event.type = EV_KEY; event.code = scancode; event.value = 1; write (uinput_fd, &event, sizeof(event)); } void drv_G15_keyUp(unsigned char scancode) { struct input_event event; memset(&event, 0, sizeof(event)); event.type = EV_KEY; event.code = scancode; event.value = 0; write (uinput_fd, &event, sizeof(event)); } void drv_G15_keyDownUp(unsigned char scancode) { drv_G15_keyDown(scancode); drv_G15_keyUp(scancode); } inline unsigned char drv_G15_evalScanCode(int key) { // first 12 G keys produce F1 - F12, thats 0x3a + key if (key < 12) { return 0x3a + key; } // the other keys produce Key '1' (above letters) + key, thats 0x1e + key else { return 0x1e + key - 12; // sigh, half an hour to find -12 .... } } void drv_G15_processKeyEvent(unsigned char *buffer) { const int g_scancode_offset = 167; const int m_scancode_offset = 187; const int l_scancode_offset = 191; int i; int is_set; unsigned char m_key_new_states[4]; unsigned char l_key_new_states[5]; unsigned char orig_scancode; // printf("%hhx %hhx %hhx %hhx %hhx %hhx %hhx %hhx %hhx \n\n",buffer[0],buffer[1],buffer[2],buffer[3],buffer[4],buffer[5],buffer[6],buffer[7],buffer[8]); // usleep(100); if (buffer[0] == 0x01) { DEBUG("Checking keys: "); for (i=0;i<18;++i) { orig_scancode = drv_G15_evalScanCode(i); is_set = 0; if (buffer[1] == orig_scancode || buffer[2] == orig_scancode || buffer[3] == orig_scancode || buffer[4] == orig_scancode || buffer[5] == orig_scancode) is_set = 1; if (!is_set && g_key_states[i] != 0) { // key was pressed but is no more if (!kb_single_keypress) drv_G15_keyUp( g_scancode_offset + i); g_key_states[i] = 0; debug("G%d going up",(i+1)); } else if (is_set && g_key_states[i] == 0) { if (!kb_single_keypress) drv_G15_keyDown ( g_scancode_offset + i); else drv_G15_keyDownUp ( g_scancode_offset + i); g_key_states[i] = 1; debug("G%d going down",(i+1)); } } } else { if (buffer[0] == 0x02) { memset(m_key_new_states,0,sizeof(m_key_new_states)); if (buffer[6]&0x01) m_key_new_states[0] = 1; if (buffer[7]&0x02) m_key_new_states[1] = 1; if (buffer[8]&0x04) m_key_new_states[2] = 1; if (buffer[7]&0x40) m_key_new_states[3] = 1; for (i=0;i<4;++i) { if (!m_key_new_states[i] && m_key_states[i] != 0) { // key was pressed but is no more if (!kb_single_keypress) drv_G15_keyUp( m_scancode_offset + i); m_key_states[i] = 0; debug("M%d going up",(i+1)); } else if (m_key_new_states[i] && m_key_states[i] == 0) { if (!kb_single_keypress) drv_G15_keyDown ( m_scancode_offset + i); else drv_G15_keyDownUp ( m_scancode_offset + i); m_key_states[i] = 1; debug("M%d going down",(i+1)); } } memset(l_key_new_states,0,sizeof(l_key_new_states)); if (buffer[8]&0x80) l_key_new_states[0] = 1; if (buffer[2]&0x80) l_key_new_states[1] = 1; if (buffer[3]&0x80) l_key_new_states[2] = 1; if (buffer[4]&0x80) l_key_new_states[3] = 1; if (buffer[5]&0x80) l_key_new_states[4] = 1; for (i=0;i<5;++i) { if (!l_key_new_states[i] && l_key_states[i] != 0) { // key was pressed but is no more if (!kb_single_keypress) drv_G15_keyUp( l_scancode_offset + i); l_key_states[i] = 0; debug("L%d going up",(i+1)); } else if (l_key_new_states[i] && l_key_states[i] == 0) { if (!kb_single_keypress) drv_G15_keyDown ( l_scancode_offset + i); else drv_G15_keyDownUp ( l_scancode_offset + i); l_key_states[i] = 1; debug("L%d going down",(i+1)); } } } } } void drv_G15_closeUIDevice() { DEBUG("closing device"); ioctl(uinput_fd, UI_DEV_DESTROY); close(uinput_fd); } void drv_G15_initKeyHandling(char *device_filename) { struct uinput_user_dev device; int i; DEBUG("Key Handling init") uinput_fd = open(device_filename, O_RDWR); if (uinput_fd < 0) { info("Error, could not open the uinput device"); info("Compile your kernel for uinput, calling it a day now"); info("mknod uinput c 10 223"); abort(); } memset(&device,0,sizeof(device)); strncpy(device.name, "G15 Keys", UINPUT_MAX_NAME_SIZE); device.id.bustype = BUS_USB; device.id.version = 4; ioctl(uinput_fd, UI_SET_EVBIT, EV_KEY); for (i=0;i<256;++i) ioctl(uinput_fd, UI_SET_KEYBIT, i); write(uinput_fd, &device, sizeof(device)); if (ioctl(uinput_fd, UI_DEV_CREATE)) { info("Failed to create input device"); abort(); } // atexit(&closeDevice); memset(g_key_states, 0, sizeof(g_key_states)); memset(m_key_states, 0, sizeof(m_key_states)); memset(l_key_states, 0, sizeof(l_key_states)); } static void drv_G15_KBThread(void __attribute__ ((unused)) * notused) { unsigned char buffer[9]; int ret; while (1) { mutex_lock(kb_mutex); ret = usb_bulk_read(g15_lcd, 0x81, (char*)buffer, 9, 10); // ret = usb_interrupt_read(g15_lcd, 0x81, (char*)buffer, 9, 10); mutex_unlock(kb_mutex); if (ret == 9) { drv_G15_processKeyEvent(buffer); } } } static int drv_G15_open() { struct usb_bus *bus; struct usb_device *dev; char dname[32] = { 0 }; g15_lcd = NULL; info("%s: Scanning USB for G-15 keyboard...", Name); usb_init(); usb_set_debug(0); usb_find_busses(); usb_find_devices(); for (bus = usb_get_busses(); bus; bus = bus->next) { for (dev = bus->devices; dev; dev = dev->next) { if ((g15_lcd = usb_open(dev))) { if ((dev->descriptor.idVendor == G15_VENDOR) && (dev->descriptor.idProduct == G15_DEVICE)) { /* detach from the kernel if we need to */ int retval = usb_get_driver_np(g15_lcd, 0, dname, 31); if (retval == 0 && strcmp(dname, "usbhid") == 0) { usb_detach_kernel_driver_np(g15_lcd, 0); } usb_set_configuration(g15_lcd, 1); usleep(100); usb_claim_interface(g15_lcd, 0); return 0; } else { usb_close(g15_lcd); } } } } return -1; } static int drv_G15_close(void) { usb_release_interface(g15_lcd, 0); if (g15_lcd) usb_close(g15_lcd); return 0; } static void drv_G15_update_img() { int i, j, k; unsigned char *output = malloc(160 * 43 * sizeof(unsigned char)); DEBUG("entered"); if (!output) return; DEBUG("memory allocated"); memset(output, 0, 160 * 43); DEBUG("memory set"); output[0] = 0x03; DEBUG("first output set"); for (k = 0; k < 6; k++) { for (i = 0; i < 160; i++) { int maxj = (k == 5) ? 3 : 8; for (j = 0; j < maxj; j++) { if (g15_image[(k * 1280) + i + (j * 160)]) output[32 + i + (k * 160)] |= (1 << j); } } } DEBUG("output array prepared"); mutex_lock(kb_mutex); usb_interrupt_write(g15_lcd, 0x02, (char *) output, 992, 1000); mutex_unlock(kb_mutex); usleep(300); DEBUG("data written to LCD"); free(output); DEBUG("memory freed"); DEBUG("left"); } /* for graphic displays only */ static void drv_G15_blit(const int row, const int col, const int height, const int width) { int r, c; DEBUG("entered"); for (r = row; r < row + height && r < DROWS; r++) { for (c = col; c < col + width && c < DCOLS; c++) { g15_image[r * 160 + c] = drv_generic_graphic_black(r, c); } } DEBUG("updating image"); drv_G15_update_img(); DEBUG("left"); } /* start graphic display */ static int drv_G15_start(const char *section) { char *s; DEBUG("entered"); /* read display size from config */ DROWS = 43; DCOLS = 160; DEBUG("display size set"); s = cfg_get(section, "Font", "6x8"); if (s == NULL || *s == '\0') { error("%s: no '%s.Font' entry from %s", Name, section, cfg_source()); return -1; } XRES = -1; YRES = -1; if (sscanf(s, "%dx%d", &XRES, &YRES) != 2 || XRES < 1 || YRES < 1) { error("%s: bad Font '%s' from %s", Name, s, cfg_source()); return -1; } /* Fixme: provider other fonts someday... */ if (XRES != 6 && YRES != 8) { error("%s: bad Font '%s' from %s (only 6x8 at the moment)", Name, s, cfg_source()); return -1; } DEBUG("Finished config stuff"); DEBUG("allocating image buffer"); /* you surely want to allocate a framebuffer or something... */ g15_image = malloc(160 * 43 * sizeof(unsigned char)); if (!g15_image) return -1; DEBUG("allocated"); memset(g15_image, 0, 160 * 43); DEBUG("zeroed"); /* open communication with the display */ DEBUG("opening display..."); if (drv_G15_open() < 0) { DEBUG("opening failed"); return -1; } DEBUG("display open"); /* reset & initialize display */ DEBUG("clearing display"); drv_G15_update_img(); DEBUG("done"); /* if (cfg_number(section, "Contrast", 0, 0, 255, &contrast) > 0) { drv_G15_contrast(contrast); } */ s = cfg_get(section, "Uinput", ""); if (s!=NULL && *s!='\0' ){ cfg_number(section, "SingleKeyPress", 0, 0, 1, &kb_single_keypress); drv_G15_initKeyHandling(s); DEBUG("creating thread for keyboard"); kb_mutex=mutex_create(); kb_thread_pid=thread_create("G15_KBThread", drv_G15_KBThread, NULL); DEBUG("done"); } DEBUG("left"); return 0; } /****************************************/ /*** plugins ***/ /****************************************/ /* none */ /****************************************/ /*** exported functions ***/ /****************************************/ /* list models */ int drv_G15_list(void) { printf("generic"); return 0; } /* initialize driver & display */ int drv_G15_init(const char *section, const int quiet) { int ret; info("%s: %s", Name, "$Revision: 1.7 $"); DEBUG("entered"); /* real worker functions */ drv_generic_graphic_real_blit = drv_G15_blit; /* start display */ if ((ret = drv_G15_start(section)) != 0) return ret; /* initialize generic graphic driver */ if ((ret = drv_generic_graphic_init(section, Name)) != 0) return ret; if (!quiet) { char buffer[40]; qprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s %dx%d", Name, DCOLS, DROWS); if (drv_generic_graphic_greet(buffer, NULL)) { sleep(3); drv_generic_graphic_clear(); } } /* register plugins */ /* none at the moment... */ DEBUG("left"); return 0; } /* close driver & display */ int drv_G15_quit(const int quiet) { info("%s: shutting down.", Name); DEBUG("clearing display"); /* clear display */ drv_generic_graphic_clear(); DEBUG("saying goodbye"); /* say goodbye... */ if (!quiet) { drv_generic_graphic_greet("goodbye!", NULL); } DEBUG("generic_graphic_quit()"); drv_generic_graphic_quit(); mutex_destroy(kb_mutex); usleep(10*1000); kill(kb_thread_pid,SIGKILL); drv_G15_closeUIDevice(); DEBUG("closing UInputDev"); DEBUG("closing connection"); drv_G15_close(); DEBUG("freeing image alloc"); free(g15_image); return (0); } DRIVER drv_G15 = { name:Name, list:drv_G15_list, init:drv_G15_init, quit:drv_G15_quit, };