# # $Id: README,v 1.2 2000/03/26 19:03:52 reinelt Exp $ # This is the README file for lcd4linux INTRODUCTION lcd4linux is a small program that reads various information from the kernel (and probably from other subsystems, especially ISDN) and displays them on a LCD. It supports displaying text values and different types of bars: Horizontal and vertical bars, logarithmic bars, split bars (two independent bars in one row). SUPPORTED DISPLAYS * Matrox Orbital "LCD0821": 2 lines by 8 characters "LCD1621": 2 lines by 16 characters "LCD2021": 2 lines by 20 characters "LCD2041": 4 lines by 20 characters (tested) "LCD4021": 2 lines by 40 characters * X11: not available now, but on top of my ToDo-List! * other displays: lcd4linux and especially the display driver code is very modular, so it should be quite easy to write a driver for any display. See README.driver for details. Contributors are welcome!!! CONFIGURATION The configuration file (default: /etc/lcd4linux.conf) has a very simple format: Every line consists of a key and a value, seperated by whitespace (blanks or tabs). Values can contain whitespace, and can be enclosed in single or double quotes. A key must not contain whitespace. Keys are NOT case-sensitive. Order doesn't matter. Empty lines and all text on a line after a '#' will be ignored. If you want to use '#' in a value (think of X11-colors), you have to quote it with a backslash. The configuration file contains information for different modules of lcd4linux: Global options: tick: time in milliseconds between bar updates tack: time in milliseconds between text updates (text can be updated less often than bars, so you get a smooth bar display and readable text) tau: time constant (in milliseconds) for damping function (not used by now) Data-specific options: overload: load average threshold and bar scaling. The '%L' token (see below) displays a '!' instead of a blank if the current load average exceeds this value. load bars are scaled by this value (load=overload gives 100%) fifo: path to fifo for communication with isdnlog (not implemented) sensor1: path to the 1st temperature file (e.g. /proc/sys/dev/sensors/w83781d-isa-0290/temp1) it is important that you use the isa sensors, because the i2c sensors are very slow! sensor1_min: temperature where the corresponding bar starts sensor1_max: temperature where bar ends sensor[2..9], -_min, -_max: entries for the 2nd to 9th temperature sensor Driver-specific options: Display: the name of a display model (see "supported displays" above) every driver has its own configuration options (e.g. 'Port', 'Speed', ...) see README. for details! Display options: row1: Text to display in row 1 row[2-max]: Text to display in other rows The text to be displayed can contain specific directives, which will be replaced by the appropriate values, or will create bars: '\nnn` will write the ASCII-character nnn (octal) '%' will be replaced by the value of '%%' will write a '%' '%$' will write a '$' '$[+] will create a bar with the specified direction and length (in characters) with the value of . If the driver supports dual bars, you can specify the second value with '+'. can be 'l' (left), 'r' (right), 'u' (up) or 'd' (down). If you specify the direction in upper case, a logarithmic bar will be created. note that the space occupied by a bar always grows from left to right or from top to bottom, regardless of the direction! Tokens: 'o', operating system name ('Linux') 'v', operating system release ('2.0.38') 'p', processor ('i686') 'r', total amount of memory installed (MB) 'mt', total memory from /proc/meminfo (kB) 'mu', used memory (kB) 'mf', free memory (kB) 'ms', shared memory (kB) 'mb', buffers (kB) 'mc', page cache (kB) 'ma', application memory (kB) = used - buffer - cache 'l1', load average for the past 1 minute 'l2', load average for the past 5 minutes 'l3', load average for the past 15 minutes 'L', '!' if load > overload (from config) 'cu', percentage of CPU in user mode 'cn', percentage of CPU in niced tasks 'cs', percentage of CPU in system mode 'cb', percentage of CPU busy (=100-idle) 'ci', percentage of CPU idle 'dr', disk blocks read 'dw', disk blocks written 'dt', disk blocks total (read+write) 'dm', disk blocks max (read, write) 'nr', network packets received 'nw', network packets transmitted 'nt', network packets total (receive+transmit) 'nm', network packets max (receive, transmit) 'ii', ISDN bytes received 'io', ISDN bytes sent 'it', ISDN bytes total (received+send) 'im', ISDN bytes max (received, send) 's1', T_SENSOR_1, 's2', T_SENSOR_2, 's3', T_SENSOR_3, 's4', T_SENSOR_4, 's5', T_SENSOR_5, 's6', T_SENSOR_6, 's7', T_SENSOR_7, 's8', T_SENSOR_8, 's9', T_SENSOR_9,