/* $Id: MilfordInstruments.c,v 1.3 2003/10/08 13:39:53 andy-b Exp $ * * driver for Milford Instruments 'BPK' piggy-back serial interface board * for standard Hitachi 44780 compatible lcd modules. * * Written 2003 by Andy Baxter * * based on the MatrixOrbital driver by M. Reinelt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * * * $Log: MilfordInstruments.c,v $ * Revision 1.3 2003/10/08 13:39:53 andy-b * Cleaned up code in MilfordInstruments.c, and added descriptions for other display sizes (untested) * * Revision 1.1 2003/09/29 06:58:36 reinelt * new driver for Milford Instruments MI420 by Andy Baxter * */ /* * * exported fuctions: * * struct LCD MilfordInstruments[] * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "debug.h" #include "cfg.h" #include "lock.h" #include "display.h" #include "bar.h" #include "icon.h" #define XRES 5 #define YRES 8 #define CHARS 8 static LCD Lcd; static char *Port=NULL; static speed_t Speed; static int Device=-1; static int Icons; static char *FrameBuffer1=NULL; static char *FrameBuffer2=NULL; static int MI_open (void) { int fd; pid_t pid; struct termios portset; if ((pid=lock_port(Port))!=0) { if (pid==-1) error ("MilfordInstruments: port %s could not be locked", Port); else error ("MilfordInstruments: port %s is locked by process %d", Port, pid); return -1; } fd = open(Port, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY); if (fd==-1) { error ("MilfordInstruments: open(%s) failed: %s", Port, strerror(errno)); unlock_port(Port); return -1; } if (tcgetattr(fd, &portset)==-1) { error ("MilfordInstruments: tcgetattr(%s) failed: %s", Port, strerror(errno)); unlock_port(Port); return -1; } cfmakeraw(&portset); cfsetospeed(&portset, Speed); if (tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &portset)==-1) { error ("MilfordInstruments: tcsetattr(%s) failed: %s", Port, strerror(errno)); unlock_port(Port); return -1; } return fd; } static void MI_write (char *string, int len) { if (Device==-1) return; if (write (Device, string, len)==-1) { if (errno==EAGAIN) { usleep(1000); if (write (Device, string, len)>=0) return; } error ("MilfordInstruments: write(%s) failed: %s", Port, strerror(errno)); } } static void MI_define_char (int ascii, char *buffer) { char cmd[2]="\376x"; if (ascii<8) { cmd[1]=(char)(64+ascii*8); MI_write (cmd, 2); MI_write (buffer, 8); } } static int MI_clear (int full) { memset (FrameBuffer1, ' ', Lcd.rows*Lcd.cols*sizeof(char)); icon_clear(); bar_clear(); if (full) { memset (FrameBuffer2, ' ', Lcd.rows*Lcd.cols*sizeof(char)); MI_write ("\376\001", 2); // clear screen } return 0; } static int MI_init (LCD *Self) { char *port; int speed; Lcd=*Self; // Init the framebuffers FrameBuffer1 = (char*)malloc(Lcd.cols*Lcd.rows*sizeof(char)); FrameBuffer2 = (char*)malloc(Lcd.cols*Lcd.rows*sizeof(char)); if (FrameBuffer1==NULL || FrameBuffer2==NULL) { error ("MilfordInstruments: framebuffer could not be allocated: malloc() failed"); return -1; } if (Port) { free (Port); Port=NULL; } port=cfg_get ("Port",NULL); if (port==NULL || *port=='\0') { error ("MilfordInstruments: no 'Port' entry in %s", cfg_source()); return -1; } Port=strdup(port); if (cfg_number("Speed", 19200, 1200,19200, &speed)<0) return -1; switch (speed) { case 2400: Speed=B2400; break; case 9600: Speed=B9600; break; default: error ("MilfordInstruments: unsupported speed '%d' in %s", speed, cfg_source()); return -1; } debug ("using port %s at %d baud", Port, speed); Device=MI_open(); if (Device==-1) return -1; if (cfg_number("Icons", 0, 0, CHARS, &Icons)<0) return -1; if (Icons>0) { debug ("reserving %d of %d user-defined characters for icons", Icons, CHARS); icon_init(Lcd.rows, Lcd.cols, XRES, YRES, CHARS, Icons, MI_define_char); Self->icons=Icons; Lcd.icons=Icons; } bar_init(Lcd.rows, Lcd.cols, XRES, YRES, CHARS-Icons); bar_add_segment( 0, 0,255, 32); // ASCII 32 = blank bar_add_segment(255,255,255,255); // ASCII 255 = block MI_clear(1); MI_write ("\376\014", 2); // cursor off return 0; } void MI_goto (int row, int col) { char cmd[2]="\376x"; char ddbase=128; if (row & 1) { // i.e. if row is 1 or 3 ddbase += 64; }; if (row & 2) { // i.e. if row is 0 or 2. ddbase += 20; }; cmd[1]=(char)(ddbase+col); MI_write(cmd,2); } int MI_put (int row, int col, char *text) { char *p=FrameBuffer1+row*Lcd.cols+col; char *t=text; while (*t && col++<=Lcd.cols) { *p++=*t++; } return 0; } int MI_bar (int type, int row, int col, int max, int len1, int len2) { return bar_draw (type, row, col, max, len1, len2); } int MI_icon (int num, int seq, int row, int col) { return icon_draw (num, seq, row, col); } static int MI_flush (void) { int row, col, pos1, pos2; int c, equal; bar_process(MI_define_char); for (row=0; row5) break; } else { pos2=col; equal=0; } } MI_write (FrameBuffer1+row*Lcd.cols+pos1, pos2-pos1+1); } } memcpy (FrameBuffer2, FrameBuffer1, Lcd.rows*Lcd.cols*sizeof(char)); return 0; } int MI_quit (void) { info("MilfordInstruments: shutting down."); debug ("closing port %s", Port); close (Device); unlock_port(Port); if (FrameBuffer1) { free(FrameBuffer1); FrameBuffer1=NULL; } if (FrameBuffer2) { free(FrameBuffer2); FrameBuffer2=NULL; } return (0); } LCD MilfordInstruments[] = { { name: "MI216", rows: 2, cols: 16, xres: XRES, yres: YRES, bars: BAR_L | BAR_R | BAR_U | BAR_D | BAR_H2, icons: 0, gpos: 0, init: MI_init, clear: MI_clear, put: MI_put, bar: MI_bar, icon: MI_icon, gpo: NULL, flush: MI_flush, quit: MI_quit }, { name: "MI220", rows: 2, cols: 20, xres: XRES, yres: YRES, bars: BAR_L | BAR_R | BAR_U | BAR_D | BAR_H2, icons: 0, gpos: 0, init: MI_init, clear: MI_clear, put: MI_put, bar: MI_bar, icon: MI_icon, gpo: NULL, flush: MI_flush, quit: MI_quit }, { name: "MI240", rows: 2, cols: 40, xres: XRES, yres: YRES, bars: BAR_L | BAR_R | BAR_U | BAR_D | BAR_H2, icons: 0, gpos: 0, init: MI_init, clear: MI_clear, put: MI_put, bar: MI_bar, icon: MI_icon, gpo: NULL, flush: MI_flush, quit: MI_quit }, { name: "MI420", rows: 4, cols: 20, xres: XRES, yres: YRES, bars: BAR_L | BAR_R | BAR_U | BAR_D | BAR_H2, icons: 0, gpos: 0, init: MI_init, clear: MI_clear, put: MI_put, bar: MI_bar, icon: MI_icon, gpo: NULL, flush: MI_flush, quit: MI_quit }, { NULL } };