- How to write documentation for &l4l; ?
- [write_doc]
-The &l4l; documentation is composed of XML files which are processed with XSL stylesheets to produce XHTML files.
-There these XML files are writen in a syntax similar to the HTML syntax, plus some helpers.
-The whole documentation is generated through a make system, which uses xmllint to check the validy of the xml files and xsltproc to process them and generate the XHTML pages. These two programs are mandatory
-The syntax
-A doc page looks like this :
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
-<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="../xsl/doc.xsl"?>
-<!DOCTYPE doc SYSTEM "../dtd/doc.dtd">
- <title>How to write documentation for &l4l; ?</title>
- <ref>write_doc</ref>
- <links>
- <link ref="http://lcd4linux.sf.net"/>
- </links>
-The three first lines are the preambule of the file, don't touch them.
-The root of the document is <doc>, it's the equivalent of <html>.
-Then, there's a <head> node, containing the information about the page. See later for the childs.
-The core of the doc is the <body> node, like in HTML, containing the content.
-The <head>
-The head contains some information about the document :
-<title> is the title of the document, which will be displayed as a <h1>
-<ref> is a unique reference for the document, which is assumed to be the same as in references.xml (we'll discuss later about this file)
-<links> is the section responsible of the "See Alo" box, containing links to other help pages, or to urls. It can contain several <link> elements, whose syntax is explained in the next part.
-There may be other elements, but we'll only use these ones for now.
-The helpers
-You can use a lot of helpers in the body :
-<link> is a helper to create links. It is used with one of these two arguments :
-- <link ref="xxx"/> will create a link to the documentation page associated with this reference (defined in references.xml)
-- <link url="http://..."/> will create a link to the url
-Note that if you don't provide a text, the text of the link will be the label of the reference or the url. You can specify a text writing <link url="http://...">TEXT</link>
-As this is XML, you must close all the tags you open, or use self-closing tags for empty ones :
For example, you have to write <br/> but not <br>.
-<cmd> Opens a box with write text on black background, used to indicate something's happening in a console (compilation, logs, ...). The text is in "pre" mode, so spaces and newlines are kept, no need of or <br/>, But beware of < and > (you must replace them with < and >)
-xav:~$ echo "An example of <cmd> box"
-An example of <cmd> box
-<conf> works like <cmd> but with black text on grey background, to print lcd4linux.conf examples.
-Widget Lightning {
- class 'icon'
- speed 100
- visible cpu('busy', 500)-50
- bitmap {
- row1 '...***'
- row2 '..***.'
- row3 '.***..'
- row4 '.****.'
- row5 '..**..'
- row6 '.**...'
- row7 '**....'
- row8 '*.....'
- }
-<note> is to display a box with a small icon, to point out a detail, or an advice
-To dry a wet cat, don't put it in a microwave ;)
-<warn> works like <note> but with a red exclamation mark and a red border, to display warnings. In general, use a note for a detail or an advice and warn to point configuration problems, hardware hazards, or other happy things ;)
-We're not responsible for damages caused to your microwave if you don't read the above note !
-<index> is a cool thing. It displays the list of pages of a specified class. It's used to display indexes. For example <index class="drivers"/> will display a list of all pages about drivers. If there's no class specified, it'll parse the list of pages of the "lcd4linux" class.
-<new> is in the DTD, but is not yet implemented :/
-You can use any other XHTML-valid tag. The most used should be : <br/> <h2> <h3> <li> <b> <i> <tt> ...
-There's a file in data/ called references.xml. It isn't processed directly, but is used to parse links and indexes. It's syntax is quite straightforward, so I won't explain it.
-You must add a new entry in it for each page you write so that other pages can have links to it and index it.
-A null <class/> attribute corresponds to the lcd4linux class. It's not a bug, it's a feature, used to make links (the lcd4linux class is in the root of the documentation)
-The compilation system
-The documentation is compiled with a Makefile build system. There's a toplevel Makefile which calls the apropriate targets in each subdirs which contains xml files (for the moment, lcd4linux, drivers and plugins). In these subdirs, the Makefile is a link to Makefile.generic.
-To compile the documentation, just type make at the toplevel, and look in the HTML folder. Type make help for help ;)
-Two programs are mandatory to build the documentation :
-- xmllint from libxml2 is used to validate the xml pages to be processed. It's in the debian package libxml2
-- xsltproc from libxslt processes the xml files to generate the html pages. It's in the libxslt tarballs or in the xsltproc debian package
diff --git a/documentation/plugins/Makefile b/documentation/plugins/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 2519f22..0000000
--- a/documentation/plugins/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-# Path
-DIR = $(notdir $(PWD))
-ifeq "$(DIR)" "lcd4linux"
- DIR =
-ifeq "$(DIR)" ""
- XSLTPROC = xsltproc
- XSLTPROC = xsltproc --stringparam class $(DIR) --stringparam root "../"
-XMLVALID = xmllint --noout --valid
-NAMES=$(shell find . -name "*.xml" -exec basename {} .xml \;)
-html: $(patsubst %.xml,%.html,$(wildcard *.xml))
-html-forced: $(patsubst %.xml,%.html-forced,$(wildcard *.xml))
-%.html: %.xml %.xml-check output
- $(XSLTPROC) $< > $(OUTPUT)/$(DIR)/$@
-%.html-forced: %.xml output
- $(XSLTPROC) $< > $(OUTPUT)/$(DIR)/$(patsubst %.xml,%.html,$<)
-check: $(patsubst %.xml, %.xml-check, $(wildcard *.xml))
-%.xml-check: %.xml
- @echo "*** Validation of $<"
- $(XMLVALID) $<
- test -d $(OUTPUT) || `mkdir $(OUTPUT); cp ../data/doc.css $(OUTPUT); cp -R ../data/images $(OUTPUT)`
- test -d $(OUTPUT)/$(DIR) || mkdir $(OUTPUT)/$(DIR)
- rm -f $(OUTPUT)/$(DIR)/*.html
- rm -f *~ *.bak
- @echo -e ""
- @echo -e "Usage :"
- @echo -e "-------"
- @echo -e "make or make html : builds all possible html pages from xml files"
- @echo -e "make %.html : builds the %.html page from %.xml"
- @echo -e ""
- @echo -e "make html-forced : builds all possible html pages from xml files (no validity check)"
- @echo -e "make %.html-forced : builds the %.html page from %.xml (no validity check)"
- @echo -e ""
- @echo -e "make check : checks the validity of all possible xml files"
- @echo -e "make %.xml-check : checks the validity of %.xml"
- @echo -e ""
- @echo -e "make clean : deletes all generated html pages"
- @echo -e "make clean-bak : deletes *~ and *.bak files"
- @echo -e ""
diff --git a/documentation/plugins/index.xml b/documentation/plugins/index.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e803ae..0000000
--- a/documentation/plugins/index.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@