path: root/figlet.c
diff options
authorJonathan McCrohan <jmccrohan@gmail.com>2012-05-08 14:48:01 +0100
committerJonathan McCrohan <jmccrohan@gmail.com>2012-05-08 14:48:01 +0100
commite8ed9bd2e7597f7aefdfc7004a308f0e291c3ca7 (patch)
treedaaa342bcc828ba94f826c82a133da10f4a09567 /figlet.c
Imported Upstream version 2.2.2upstream/2.2.2
Diffstat (limited to 'figlet.c')
1 files changed, 2033 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/figlet.c b/figlet.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3bfbbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/figlet.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2033 @@
+ FIGlet Copyright 1991, 1993, 1994 Glenn Chappell and Ian Chai
+ FIGlet Copyright 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 John Cowan
+ FIGlet Copyright 2002 Christiaan Keet
+ Portions written by Paul Burton and Christiaan Keet
+ Internet: <info@figlet.org>
+ FIGlet, along with the various FIGlet fonts and documentation, is
+ copyrighted under the provisions of the Academic Free License
+ (as listed in the file "LICENSE" which is included in this package)
+#define DATE "05 July 2005"
+#define VERSION "2.2.2"
+#define VERSION_INT 20202
+/* FIGlet (Frank, Ian & Glenn's Letters) */
+/* by Glenn Chappell */
+/* Apr 1991 */
+/* Automatic file addition by Ian Chai May 1991 */
+/* Punctuation and numbers addition by Ian Chai Jan 1993 */
+/* Full ASCII by Glenn Chappell Feb 1993 */
+/* Line-breaking, general rewrite by Glenn Chappell Mar 1993 */
+/* Hard blanks by Glenn Chappell Apr 1993 */
+/* Release 2.0 5 Aug 1993 */
+/* Right-to-left printing, extended char set by Glenn Chappell Dec 1993 */
+/* Control files by Glenn Chappell Feb 1994 */
+/* Release 2.1 12 Aug 1994 */
+/* Release 2.1.1 25 Aug 1994 */
+/* Release 2.1.2 by Gilbert (Mad Programmer) Healton: Add -A command line
+ option. Sept 8, 1996 */
+/* Release 2.2 by John Cowan: multibyte inputs, compressed fonts,
+ mapping tables, kerning/smushing options. */
+/* Release 2.2.1 by Christiaan Keet: minor updates including readmes
+ FAQs and comments. 13 July 2002. The new official FIGlet website is
+ http://www.figlet.org/ */
+/* Release 2.2.2 by Christiaan Keet: License changed from "Artistic License"
+ to "Academic Free License" as agreed by FIGlet authors. 05 July 2005 */
+ DEFAULTFONTDIR and DEFAULTFONTFILE should be defined in the Makefile.
+ DEFAULTFONTDIR is the full path name of the directory in which FIGlet
+ will search first for fonts (the ".flf" files).
+ DEFAULTFONTFILE is the filename of the font to be used if no other
+ is specified (standard.flf is recommended, but any other can be
+ used). This file should reside in the directory specified by
+#define DEFAULTFONTDIR "fonts"
+#define DEFAULTFONTFILE "standard.flf"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#ifdef __STDC__
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <fcntl.h> /* Needed for get_columns */
+#ifdef unix
+#include <sys/ioctl.h> /* Needed for get_columns */
+#include "zipio.h" /* Package for reading compressed files */
+#define MYSTRLEN(x) ((int)strlen(x)) /* Eliminate ANSI problem */
+#define DIRSEP '/'
+#define DIRSEP2 '\\'
+/* Leave alone for Unix and MS-DOS/Windows!
+Note: '/' also used in filename in get_columns(). */
+#define FONTFILESUFFIX ".flf"
+#define CONTROLFILEMAGICNUMBER "flc2" /* no longer used in 2.2 */
+ Globals dealing with chars that are read
+typedef long inchr; /* "char" read from stdin */
+inchr *inchrline; /* Alloc'd inchr inchrline[inchrlinelenlimit+1]; */
+ /* Note: not null-terminated. */
+int inchrlinelen,inchrlinelenlimit;
+inchr deutsch[7] = {196, 214, 220, 228, 246, 252, 223};
+ /* Latin-1 codes for German letters, respectively:
+ */
+int hzmode; /* true if reading double-bytes in HZ mode */
+int gndbl[4]; /* gndbl[n] is true if Gn is double-byte */
+inchr gn[4]; /* Gn character sets: ASCII, Latin-1, none, none */
+int gl; /* 0-3 specifies left-half Gn character set */
+int gr; /* 0-3 specifies right-half Gn character set */
+int Myargc; /* to avoid passing around argc and argv */
+char **Myargv;
+ Globals dealing with chars that are written
+typedef struct fc {
+ inchr ord;
+ char **thechar; /* Alloc'd char thechar[charheight][]; */
+ struct fc *next;
+ } fcharnode;
+fcharnode *fcharlist;
+char **currchar;
+int currcharwidth;
+int previouscharwidth;
+char **outputline; /* Alloc'd char outputline[charheight][outlinelenlimit+1]; */
+int outlinelen;
+ Globals dealing with command file storage
+typedef struct cfn {
+ char *thename;
+ struct cfn *next;
+ } cfnamenode;
+cfnamenode *cfilelist,**cfilelistend;
+typedef struct cm {
+ int thecommand;
+ inchr rangelo;
+ inchr rangehi;
+ inchr offset;
+ struct cm *next;
+ } comnode;
+comnode *commandlist,**commandlistend;
+ Globals affected by command line options
+int deutschflag,justification,paragraphflag,right2left,multibyte;
+int cmdinput;
+#define SM_SMUSH 128
+#define SM_KERN 64
+#define SM_EQUAL 1
+#define SM_LOWLINE 2
+#define SM_HIERARCHY 4
+#define SM_PAIR 8
+#define SM_BIGX 16
+#define SM_HARDBLANK 32
+int smushmode;
+#define SMO_NO 0 /* no command-line smushmode */
+#define SMO_YES 1 /* use command-line smushmode, ignore font smushmode */
+#define SMO_FORCE 2 /* logically OR command-line and font smushmodes */
+int smushoverride;
+int outputwidth;
+int outlinelenlimit;
+char *fontdirname,*fontname;
+ Globals read from font file
+char hardblank;
+int charheight;
+ Name of program, used in error messages
+char *myname;
+ get_columns
+ Determines the number of columns of /dev/tty. Returns the number of
+ columns, or -1 if error. May return 0 if columns unknown.
+ Requires include files <fcntl.h> and <sys/ioctl.h>.
+ by Glenn Chappell & Ian Chai 14 Apr 1993
+int get_columns()
+ struct winsize ws;
+ int fd,result;
+ if ((fd = open("/dev/tty",O_WRONLY))<0) return -1;
+ result = ioctl(fd,TIOCGWINSZ,&ws);
+ close(fd);
+ return result?-1:ws.ws_col;
+#endif /* ifdef TIOCGWINSZ */
+ myalloc
+ Calls malloc. If malloc returns error, prints error message and
+ quits.
+#ifdef __STDC__
+char *myalloc(size_t size)
+char *myalloc(size)
+int size;
+ char *ptr;
+#ifndef __STDC__
+ extern void *malloc();
+ if ((ptr = (char*)malloc(size))==NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"%s: Out of memory\n",myname);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ else {
+ return ptr;
+ }
+ hasdirsep
+ Returns true if s1 contains a DIRSEP or DIRSEP2 character.
+int hasdirsep(s1)
+char *s1;
+ if (strchr(s1, DIRSEP)) return 1;
+ else if (strchr(s1, DIRSEP2)) return 1;
+ else return 0;
+ suffixcmp
+ Returns true if s2 is a suffix of s1; uses case-blind comparison.
+int suffixcmp(s1, s2)
+char *s1;
+char *s2;
+ int len1, len2;
+ len1 = MYSTRLEN(s1);
+ len2 = MYSTRLEN(s2);
+ if (len2 > len1) return 0;
+ s1 += len1 - len2;
+ while (*s1) {
+ if (tolower(*s1) != tolower(*s2)) return 0;
+ s1++;
+ s2++;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ skiptoeol
+ Skips to the end of a line, given a stream. Handles \r, \n, or \r\n.
+void skiptoeol(fp)
+ZFILE *fp;
+ int dummy;
+ while (dummy=Zgetc(fp),dummy!=EOF) {
+ if (dummy == '\n') return;
+ if (dummy == '\r') {
+ dummy = Zgetc(fp);
+ if (dummy != EOF && dummy != '\n') Zungetc(dummy,fp);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ myfgets
+ Local version of fgets. Handles \r, \n, and \r\n terminators.
+char *myfgets(line,maxlen,fp)
+char *line;
+int maxlen;
+ZFILE *fp;
+ int c = 0;
+ char *p;
+ p = line;
+ while((c=Zgetc(fp))!=EOF&&maxlen) {
+ *p++ = c;
+ maxlen--;
+ if (c=='\n') break;
+ if (c=='\r') {
+ c = Zgetc(fp);
+ if (c != EOF && c != '\n') Zungetc(c,fp);
+ *(p-1) = '\n';
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ *p = 0;
+ return (c==EOF) ? NULL : line;
+ usageerr
+ Prints "Usage: ...." line to the given stream.
+void printusage(out)
+FILE *out;
+ fprintf(out,
+ "Usage: %s [ -cklnoprstvxDELNRSWX ] [ -d fontdirectory ]\n",
+ myname);
+ fprintf(out,
+ " [ -f fontfile ] [ -m smushmode ] [ -w outputwidth ]\n");
+ fprintf(out,
+ " [ -C controlfile ] [ -I infocode ] [ message ]\n");
+ printinfo
+ Prints version and copyright message, or utility information.
+void printinfo(infonum)
+int infonum;
+ switch (infonum) {
+ case 0: /* Copyright message */
+ printf("FIGlet Copyright 1991-2002 Glenn Chappell, Ian Chai, ");
+ printf("John Cowan, Christiaan Keet\n");
+ printf("Internet: <info@figlet.org> ");
+ printf("Version: %s, date: %s\n\n",VERSION,DATE);
+ printf("FIGlet, along with the various FIGlet fonts");
+ printf(" and documentation, may be\n");
+ printf("freely copied and distributed.\n\n");
+ printf("If you use FIGlet, please send an");
+ printf(" e-mail message to <info@figlet.org>.\n\n");
+ printf("The latest version of FIGlet is available from the");
+ printf(" web site,\n\thttp://www.figlet.org/\n\n");
+ printusage(stdout);
+ break;
+ case 1: /* Version (integer) */
+ printf("%d\n",VERSION_INT);
+ break;
+ case 2: /* Font directory */
+ printf("%s\n",fontdirname);
+ break;
+ case 3: /* Font */
+ printf("%s\n",fontname);
+ break;
+ case 4: /* Outputwidth */
+ printf("%d\n",outputwidth);
+ }
+ readmagic
+ Reads a four-character magic string from a stream.
+void readmagic(fp,magic)
+ZFILE *fp;
+char *magic;
+ int i;
+ for (i=0;i<4;i++) {
+ magic[i] = Zgetc(fp);
+ }
+ magic[4] = 0;
+ }
+ skipws
+ Skips whitespace characters from a stream.
+void skipws(fp)
+ZFILE *fp;
+ int c;
+ while (c=Zgetc(fp),isascii(c)&&isspace(c)) ;
+ Zungetc(c,fp);
+ }
+ readnum
+ Reads a number from a stream. Accepts "0" prefix for octal and
+ "0x" or "0X" for hexadecimal. Ignores leading whitespace.
+void readnum(fp,nump)
+ZFILE *fp;
+inchr *nump;
+ int acc = 0;
+ char *p;
+ int c;
+ int base;
+ int sign = 1;
+ char digits[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
+ skipws(fp);
+ c = Zgetc(fp);
+ if (c=='-') {
+ sign = -1;
+ }
+ else {
+ Zungetc(c,fp);
+ }
+ c = Zgetc(fp);
+ if (c=='0') {
+ c = Zgetc(fp);
+ if (c=='x'||c=='X') {
+ base = 16;
+ }
+ else {
+ base = 8;
+ Zungetc(c,fp);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ base = 10;
+ Zungetc(c,fp);
+ }
+ while((c=Zgetc(fp))!=EOF) {
+ c=toupper(c);
+ p=strchr(digits,c);
+ if (!p) {
+ Zungetc(c,fp);
+ *nump = acc * sign;
+ return;
+ }
+ acc = acc*base+(p-digits);
+ }
+ *nump = acc * sign;
+ }
+ readTchar
+ Reads a control file "T" command character specification.
+ Character is a single byte, an escape sequence, or
+ an escaped numeric.
+inchr readTchar(fp)
+ZFILE *fp;
+ inchr thechar;
+ char next;
+ thechar=Zgetc(fp);
+ if (thechar=='\n' || thechar=='\r') { /* Handle badly-formatted file */
+ Zungetc(thechar,fp);
+ return '\0';
+ }
+ if (thechar!='\\') return thechar;
+ next=Zgetc(fp);
+ switch(next) {
+ case 'a':
+ return 7;
+ case 'b':
+ return 8;
+ case 'e':
+ return 27;
+ case 'f':
+ return 12;
+ case 'n':
+ return 10;
+ case 'r':
+ return 13;
+ case 't':
+ return 9;
+ case 'v':
+ return 11;
+ default:
+ if (next=='-' || next=='x' || (next>='0' && next<='9')) {
+ Zungetc(next,fp);
+ readnum(fp,&thechar);
+ return thechar;
+ }
+ return next;
+ }
+ charsetname
+ Get a Tchar representing a charset name, or 0 if none available.
+ Called in getcharset().
+inchr charsetname(fp)
+ZFILE *fp;
+ inchr result;
+ result = readTchar(fp);
+ if (result == '\n' || result == '\r') {
+ result = 0;
+ Zungetc(result,fp);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ charset
+ Processes "g[0123]" character set specifier
+ Called in readcontrol().
+void charset(n, controlfile)
+int n;
+ZFILE *controlfile;
+ int ch;
+ skipws(controlfile);
+ if (Zgetc(controlfile) != '9') {
+ skiptoeol(controlfile);
+ return;
+ }
+ ch = Zgetc(controlfile);
+ if (ch == '6') {
+ gn[n] = 65536L * charsetname(controlfile) + 0x80;
+ gndbl[n] = 0;
+ skiptoeol(controlfile);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ch != '4') {
+ skiptoeol(controlfile);
+ return;
+ }
+ ch = Zgetc(controlfile);
+ if (ch == 'x') {
+ if (Zgetc(controlfile) != '9') {
+ skiptoeol(controlfile);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (Zgetc(controlfile) != '4') {
+ skiptoeol(controlfile);
+ return;
+ }
+ skipws(controlfile);
+ gn[n] = 65536L * charsetname(controlfile);
+ gndbl[n] = 1;
+ skiptoeol(controlfile);
+ return;
+ }
+ Zungetc(ch, controlfile);
+ skipws(controlfile);
+ gn[n] = 65536L * charsetname(controlfile);
+ gndbl[n] = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ readcontrol
+ Allocates memory and reads in the given control file.
+ Called in readcontrolfiles().
+void readcontrol(controlname)
+char *controlname;
+ inchr firstch,lastch;
+ char dashcheck;
+ inchr offset;
+ char *controlpath,magicnum[5];
+ int command;
+ ZFILE *controlfile;
+ int namelen;
+ namelen = MYSTRLEN(fontdirname);
+ controlpath = (char*)myalloc(sizeof(char)
+ *(namelen+MYSTRLEN(controlname)+CSUFFIXLEN+2));
+ controlfile = NULL;
+ if (!hasdirsep(controlname)) {
+ strcpy(controlpath,fontdirname);
+ controlpath[namelen] = DIRSEP;
+ controlpath[namelen+1] = '\0';
+ strcat(controlpath,controlname);
+ strcat(controlpath,CONTROLFILESUFFIX);
+ controlfile = Zopen(controlpath,"rb");
+ }
+ if (controlfile==NULL) {
+ strcpy(controlpath,controlname);
+ strcat(controlpath,CONTROLFILESUFFIX);
+ controlfile = Zopen(controlpath,"rb");
+ if (controlfile==NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"%s: %s: Unable to open control file\n",myname,
+ controlpath);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ free(controlpath);
+ (*commandlistend) = (comnode*)myalloc(sizeof(comnode));
+ (*commandlistend)->thecommand = 0; /* Begin with a freeze command */
+ commandlistend = &(*commandlistend)->next;
+ (*commandlistend) = NULL;
+ while(command=Zgetc(controlfile),command!=EOF) {
+ switch (command) {
+ case 't': /* Translate */
+ skipws(controlfile);
+ firstch=readTchar(controlfile);
+ if ((dashcheck=Zgetc(controlfile))=='-') {
+ lastch=readTchar(controlfile);
+ }
+ else {
+ Zungetc(dashcheck,controlfile);
+ lastch=firstch;
+ }
+ skipws(controlfile);
+ offset=readTchar(controlfile)-firstch;
+ skiptoeol(controlfile);
+ (*commandlistend) = (comnode*)myalloc(sizeof(comnode));
+ (*commandlistend)->thecommand = 1;
+ (*commandlistend)->rangelo = firstch;
+ (*commandlistend)->rangehi = lastch;
+ (*commandlistend)->offset = offset;
+ commandlistend = &(*commandlistend)->next;
+ (*commandlistend) = NULL;
+ break;
+ case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
+ case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
+ case '-':
+ /* Mapping table entry */
+ Zungetc(command,controlfile);
+ readnum(controlfile,&firstch);
+ skipws(controlfile);
+ readnum(controlfile,&lastch);
+ offset=lastch-firstch;
+ lastch=firstch;
+ skiptoeol(controlfile);
+ (*commandlistend) = (comnode*)myalloc(sizeof(comnode));
+ (*commandlistend)->thecommand = 1;
+ (*commandlistend)->rangelo = firstch;
+ (*commandlistend)->rangehi = lastch;
+ (*commandlistend)->offset = offset;
+ commandlistend = &(*commandlistend)->next;
+ (*commandlistend) = NULL;
+ break;
+ case 'f': /* freeze */
+ skiptoeol(controlfile);
+ (*commandlistend) = (comnode*)myalloc(sizeof(comnode));
+ (*commandlistend)->thecommand = 0;
+ commandlistend = &(*commandlistend)->next;
+ (*commandlistend) = NULL;
+ break;
+ case 'b': /* DBCS input mode */
+ multibyte = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'u': /* UTF-8 input mode */
+ multibyte = 2;
+ break;
+ case 'h': /* HZ input mode */
+ multibyte = 3;
+ break;
+ case 'j': /* Shift-JIS input mode */
+ multibyte = 4;
+ break;
+ case 'g': /* ISO 2022 character set choices */
+ multibyte = 0;
+ skipws(controlfile);
+ command=Zgetc(controlfile);
+ switch (command) {
+ case '0': /* define G0 charset */
+ charset(0, controlfile);
+ break;
+ case '1': /* set G1 charset */
+ charset(1, controlfile);
+ break;
+ case '2': /* set G2 charset */
+ charset(2, controlfile);
+ break;
+ case '3': /* set G3 charset */
+ charset(3, controlfile);
+ break;
+ case 'l': case 'L': /* define left half */
+ skipws(controlfile);
+ gl = Zgetc(controlfile) - '0';
+ skiptoeol(controlfile);
+ break;
+ case 'r': case 'R': /* define right half */
+ skipws(controlfile);
+ gr = Zgetc(controlfile) - '0';
+ skiptoeol(controlfile);
+ break;
+ default: /* meaningless "g" command */
+ skiptoeol(controlfile);
+ }
+ case '\r': case '\n': /* blank line */
+ break;
+ default: /* Includes '#' */
+ skiptoeol(controlfile);
+ }
+ }
+ Zclose(controlfile);
+ readcontrolfiles
+ Reads in the controlfiles names in cfilelist. Uses readcontrol.
+ Called in main().
+void readcontrolfiles()
+ cfnamenode *cfnptr;
+ for (cfnptr=cfilelist;cfnptr!=NULL;cfnptr=cfnptr->next) {
+ readcontrol(cfnptr->thename);
+ }
+ clearcfilelist
+ Clears the control file list. Assumes thename does not need freeing.
+void clearcfilelist()
+ cfnamenode *cfnptr1,*cfnptr2;
+ cfnptr1 = cfilelist;
+ while (cfnptr1 != NULL) {
+ cfnptr2 = cfnptr1->next;
+ free(cfnptr1);
+ cfnptr1 = cfnptr2;
+ }
+ cfilelist = NULL;
+ cfilelistend = &cfilelist;
+ getparams
+ Handles all command-line parameters. Puts all parameters within
+ bounds.
+void getparams()
+ extern char *optarg;
+ extern int optind;
+ int c; /* "Should" be a char -- need int for "!= -1" test*/
+ int columns,firstfont,infoprint;
+ char *controlname;
+ if ((myname = strrchr(Myargv[0],DIRSEP))!=NULL) {
+ myname++;
+ }
+ else {
+ myname = Myargv[0];
+ }
+ fontdirname = DEFAULTFONTDIR;
+ firstfont = 1;
+ fontname = (char*)myalloc(sizeof(char)*(MYSTRLEN(DEFAULTFONTFILE)+1));
+ strcpy(fontname,DEFAULTFONTFILE); /* Some systems don't have strdup() */
+ if (suffixcmp(fontname,FONTFILESUFFIX)) {
+ fontname[MYSTRLEN(fontname)-FSUFFIXLEN]='\0';
+ }
+ cfilelist = NULL;
+ cfilelistend = &cfilelist;
+ commandlist = NULL;
+ commandlistend = &commandlist;
+ smushoverride = SMO_NO;
+ deutschflag = 0;
+ justification = -1;
+ right2left = -1;
+ paragraphflag = 0;
+ infoprint = -1;
+ cmdinput = 0;
+ outputwidth = DEFAULTCOLUMNS;
+ gn[1] = 0x80;
+ gr = 1;
+ while ((c = getopt(Myargc,Myargv,"ADEXLRI:xlcrpntvm:w:d:f:C:NFskSWo"))!= -1) {
+ /* Note: -F is not a legal option -- prints a special err message. */
+ switch (c) {
+ case 'A':
+ cmdinput = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'D':
+ deutschflag = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'E':
+ deutschflag = 0;
+ break;
+ case 'X':
+ right2left = -1;
+ break;
+ case 'L':
+ right2left = 0;
+ break;
+ case 'R':
+ right2left = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'x':
+ justification = -1;
+ break;
+ case 'l':
+ justification = 0;
+ break;
+ case 'c':
+ justification = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ justification = 2;
+ break;
+ case 'p':
+ paragraphflag = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ paragraphflag = 0;
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ smushoverride = SMO_NO;
+ break;
+ case 'k':
+ smushmode = SM_KERN;
+ smushoverride = SMO_YES;
+ break;
+ case 'S':
+ smushmode = SM_SMUSH;
+ smushoverride = SMO_FORCE;
+ break;
+ case 'o':
+ smushmode = SM_SMUSH;
+ smushoverride = SMO_YES;
+ break;
+ case 'W':
+ smushmode = 0;
+ smushoverride = SMO_YES;
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ columns = get_columns();
+ if (columns>0) {
+ outputwidth = columns;
+ }
+#else /* ifdef TIOCGWINSZ */
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "%s: \"-t\" is disabled, since ioctl is not fully implemented.\n",
+ myname);
+#endif /* ifdef TIOCGWINSZ */
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ infoprint = 0;
+ break;
+ case 'I':
+ infoprint = atoi(optarg);
+ break;
+ case 'm':
+ smushmode = atoi(optarg);
+ if (smushmode < -1) {
+ smushoverride = SMO_NO;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (smushmode == 0) smushmode = SM_KERN;
+ else if (smushmode == -1) smushmode = 0;
+ else smushmode = (smushmode & 63) | SM_SMUSH;
+ smushoverride = SMO_YES;
+ break;
+ case 'w':
+ columns = atoi(optarg);
+ if (columns>0) {
+ outputwidth = columns;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ fontdirname = optarg;
+ break;
+ case 'f':
+ if (firstfont) {
+ free(fontname);
+ firstfont = 0;
+ }
+ fontname = optarg;
+ if (suffixcmp(fontname,FONTFILESUFFIX)) {
+ fontname[MYSTRLEN(fontname)-FSUFFIXLEN] = '\0';
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'C':
+ controlname = optarg;
+ if (suffixcmp(controlname, CONTROLFILESUFFIX)) {
+ controlname[MYSTRLEN(controlname)-CSUFFIXLEN] = '\0';
+ }
+ (*cfilelistend) = (cfnamenode*)myalloc(sizeof(cfnamenode));
+ (*cfilelistend)->thename = controlname;
+ cfilelistend = &(*cfilelistend)->next;
+ (*cfilelistend) = NULL;
+ break;
+ case 'N':
+ clearcfilelist();
+ multibyte = 0;
+ gn[0] = 0;
+ gn[1] = 0x80;
+ gn[2] = gn[3] = 0;
+ gndbl[0] = gndbl[1] = gndbl[2] = gndbl[3] = 0;
+ gl = 0;
+ gr = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'F': /* Not a legal option */
+ fprintf(stderr,"%s: illegal option -- F\n",myname);
+ printusage(stderr);
+ fprintf(stderr,"\nBecause of numerous incompatibilities, the");
+ fprintf(stderr," \"-F\" option has been\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,"removed. It has been replaced by the \"figlist\"");
+ fprintf(stderr," program, which is now\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,"included in the basic FIGlet package. \"figlist\"");
+ fprintf(stderr," is also available\n");
+ fprintf(stderr,"from http://www.figlet.org/");
+ fprintf(stderr,"under UNIX utilities.\n");
+ exit(1);
+ break;
+ default:
+ printusage(stderr);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (optind!=Myargc) cmdinput = 1; /* force cmdinput if more arguments */
+ outlinelenlimit = outputwidth-1;
+ if (infoprint>=0) {
+ printinfo(infoprint);
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ clearline
+ Clears both the input (inchrline) and output (outputline) storage.
+void clearline()
+ int i;
+ for (i=0;i<charheight;i++) {
+ outputline[i][0] = '\0';
+ }
+ outlinelen = 0;
+ inchrlinelen = 0;
+ readfontchar
+ Reads a font character from the font file, and places it in a
+ newly-allocated entry in the list.
+void readfontchar(file,theord,line,maxlen)
+ZFILE *file;
+inchr theord;
+char *line;
+int maxlen;
+ int row,k;
+ char endchar;
+ fcharnode *fclsave;
+ fclsave = fcharlist;
+ fcharlist = (fcharnode*)myalloc(sizeof(fcharnode));
+ fcharlist->ord = theord;
+ fcharlist->thechar = (char**)myalloc(sizeof(char*)*charheight);
+ fcharlist->next = fclsave;
+ for (row=0;row<charheight;row++) {
+ if (myfgets(line,maxlen+1,file)==NULL) {
+ line[0] = '\0';
+ }
+ k = MYSTRLEN(line)-1;
+ while (k>=0 && isspace(line[k])) {
+ k--;
+ }
+ if (k>=0) {
+ endchar = line[k];
+ while (k>=0 ? line[k]==endchar : 0) {
+ k--;
+ }
+ }
+ line[k+1] = '\0';
+ fcharlist->thechar[row] = (char*)myalloc(sizeof(char)*(k+2));
+ strcpy(fcharlist->thechar[row],line);
+ }
+ readfont
+ Allocates memory, initializes variables, and reads in the font.
+ Called near beginning of main().
+void readfont()
+ int i,row,numsread;
+ inchr theord;
+ int maxlen,cmtlines,ffright2left;
+ int smush,smush2;
+ char *fontpath,*fileline,magicnum[5];
+ ZFILE *fontfile;
+ int namelen;
+ namelen = MYSTRLEN(fontdirname);
+ fontpath = (char*)myalloc(sizeof(char)
+ *(namelen+MYSTRLEN(fontname)+FSUFFIXLEN+2));
+ fontfile = NULL;
+ if (!hasdirsep(fontname)) {
+ strcpy(fontpath,fontdirname);
+ fontpath[namelen] = DIRSEP;
+ fontpath[namelen+1] = '\0';
+ strcat(fontpath,fontname);
+ strcat(fontpath,FONTFILESUFFIX);
+ fontfile = Zopen(fontpath,"rb");
+ }
+ if (fontfile==NULL) {
+ strcpy(fontpath,fontname);
+ strcat(fontpath,FONTFILESUFFIX);
+ fontfile = Zopen(fontpath,"rb");
+ if (fontfile==NULL) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"%s: %s: Unable to open font file\n",myname,fontpath);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ readmagic(fontfile,magicnum);
+ fileline = (char*)myalloc(sizeof(char)*(MAXFIRSTLINELEN+1));
+ if (myfgets(fileline,MAXFIRSTLINELEN+1,fontfile)==NULL) {
+ fileline[0] = '\0';
+ }
+ if (MYSTRLEN(fileline)>0 ? fileline[MYSTRLEN(fileline)-1]!='\n' : 0) {
+ skiptoeol(fontfile);
+ }
+ numsread = sscanf(fileline,"%*c%c %d %*d %d %d %d %d %d",
+ &hardblank,&charheight,&maxlen,&smush,&cmtlines,
+ &ffright2left,&smush2);
+ free(fileline);
+ if (strcmp(magicnum,FONTFILEMAGICNUMBER) || numsread<5) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"%s: %s: Not a FIGlet 2 font file\n",myname,fontpath);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ for (i=1;i<=cmtlines;i++) {
+ skiptoeol(fontfile);
+ }
+ free(fontpath);
+ if (numsread<6) {
+ ffright2left = 0;
+ }
+ if (numsread<7) { /* if no smush2, decode smush into smush2 */
+ if (smush == 0) smush2 = SM_KERN;
+ else if (smush < 0) smush2 = 0;
+ else smush2 = (smush & 31) | SM_SMUSH;
+ }
+ if (charheight<1) {
+ charheight = 1;
+ }
+ if (maxlen<1) {
+ maxlen = 1;
+ }
+ maxlen += 100; /* Give ourselves some extra room */
+ if (smushoverride == SMO_NO)
+ smushmode = smush2;
+ else if (smushoverride == SMO_FORCE)
+ smushmode |= smush2;
+ if (right2left<0) {
+ right2left = ffright2left;
+ }
+ if (justification<0) {
+ justification = 2*right2left;
+ }
+ fileline = (char*)myalloc(sizeof(char)*(maxlen+1));
+ /* Allocate "missing" character */
+ fcharlist = (fcharnode*)myalloc(sizeof(fcharnode));
+ fcharlist->ord = 0;
+ fcharlist->thechar = (char**)myalloc(sizeof(char*)*charheight);
+ fcharlist->next = NULL;
+ for (row=0;row<charheight;row++) {
+ fcharlist->thechar[row] = (char*)myalloc(sizeof(char));
+ fcharlist->thechar[row][0] = '\0';
+ }
+ for (theord=' ';theord<='~';theord++) {
+ readfontchar(fontfile,theord,fileline,maxlen);
+ }
+ for (theord=0;theord<=6;theord++) {
+ readfontchar(fontfile,deutsch[theord],fileline,maxlen);
+ }
+ while (myfgets(fileline,maxlen+1,fontfile)==NULL?0:
+ sscanf(fileline,"%li",&theord)==1) {
+ readfontchar(fontfile,theord,fileline,maxlen);
+ }
+ Zclose(fontfile);
+ free(fileline);
+ linealloc
+ Allocates & clears outputline, inchrline. Sets inchrlinelenlimit.
+ Called near beginning of main().
+void linealloc()
+ int row;
+ outputline = (char**)myalloc(sizeof(char*)*charheight);
+ for (row=0;row<charheight;row++) {
+ outputline[row] = (char*)myalloc(sizeof(char)*(outlinelenlimit+1));
+ }
+ inchrlinelenlimit = outputwidth*4+100;
+ inchrline = (inchr*)myalloc(sizeof(inchr)*(inchrlinelenlimit+1));
+ clearline();
+ getletter
+ Sets currchar to point to the font entry for the given character.
+ Sets currcharwidth to the width of this character.
+void getletter(c)
+inchr c;
+ fcharnode *charptr;
+ for (charptr=fcharlist;charptr==NULL?0:charptr->ord!=c;
+ charptr=charptr->next) ;
+ if (charptr!=NULL) {
+ currchar = charptr->thechar;
+ }
+ else {
+ for (charptr=fcharlist;charptr==NULL?0:charptr->ord!=0;
+ charptr=charptr->next) ;
+ currchar = charptr->thechar;
+ }
+ previouscharwidth = currcharwidth;
+ currcharwidth = MYSTRLEN(currchar[0]);
+ smushem
+ Given 2 characters, attempts to smush them into 1, according to
+ smushmode. Returns smushed character or '\0' if no smushing can be
+ done.
+ smushmode values are sum of following (all values smush blanks):
+ 1: Smush equal chars (not hardblanks)
+ 2: Smush '_' with any char in hierarchy below
+ 4: hierarchy: "|", "/\", "[]", "{}", "()", "<>"
+ Each class in hier. can be replaced by later class.
+ 8: [ + ] -> |, { + } -> |, ( + ) -> |
+ 16: / + \ -> X, > + < -> X (only in that order)
+ 32: hardblank + hardblank -> hardblank
+char smushem(lch,rch)
+char lch,rch;
+ if (lch==' ') return rch;
+ if (rch==' ') return lch;
+ if (previouscharwidth<2 || currcharwidth<2) return '\0';
+ /* Disallows overlapping if the previous character */
+ /* or the current character has a width of 1 or zero. */
+ if ((smushmode & SM_SMUSH) == 0) return '\0'; /* kerning */
+ if ((smushmode & 63) == 0) {
+ /* This is smushing by universal overlapping. */
+ if (lch==' ') return rch;
+ if (rch==' ') return lch;
+ if (lch==hardblank) return rch;
+ if (rch==hardblank) return lch;
+ /* Above four lines ensure overlapping preference to */
+ /* visible characters. */
+ if (right2left==1) return lch;
+ /* Above line ensures that the dominant (foreground) */
+ /* fig-character for overlapping is the latter in the */
+ /* user's text, not necessarily the rightmost character. */
+ return rch;
+ /* Occurs in the absence of above exceptions. */
+ }
+ if (smushmode & SM_HARDBLANK) {
+ if (lch==hardblank && rch==hardblank) return lch;
+ }
+ if (lch==hardblank || rch==hardblank) return '\0';
+ if (smushmode & SM_EQUAL) {
+ if (lch==rch) return lch;
+ }
+ if (smushmode & SM_LOWLINE) {
+ if (lch=='_' && strchr("|/\\[]{}()<>",rch)) return rch;
+ if (rch=='_' && strchr("|/\\[]{}()<>",lch)) return lch;
+ }
+ if (smushmode & SM_HIERARCHY) {
+ if (lch=='|' && strchr("/\\[]{}()<>",rch)) return rch;
+ if (rch=='|' && strchr("/\\[]{}()<>",lch)) return lch;
+ if (strchr("/\\",lch) && strchr("[]{}()<>",rch)) return rch;
+ if (strchr("/\\",rch) && strchr("[]{}()<>",lch)) return lch;
+ if (strchr("[]",lch) && strchr("{}()<>",rch)) return rch;
+ if (strchr("[]",rch) && strchr("{}()<>",lch)) return lch;
+ if (strchr("{}",lch) && strchr("()<>",rch)) return rch;
+ if (strchr("{}",rch) && strchr("()<>",lch)) return lch;
+ if (strchr("()",lch) && strchr("<>",rch)) return rch;
+ if (strchr("()",rch) && strchr("<>",lch)) return lch;
+ }
+ if (smushmode & SM_PAIR) {
+ if (lch=='[' && rch==']') return '|';
+ if (rch=='[' && lch==']') return '|';
+ if (lch=='{' && rch=='}') return '|';
+ if (rch=='{' && lch=='}') return '|';
+ if (lch=='(' && rch==')') return '|';
+ if (rch=='(' && lch==')') return '|';
+ }
+ if (smushmode & SM_BIGX) {
+ if (lch=='/' && rch=='\\') return '|';
+ if (rch=='/' && lch=='\\') return 'Y';
+ if (lch=='>' && rch=='<') return 'X';
+ /* Don't want the reverse of above to give 'X'. */
+ }
+ return '\0';
+ smushamt
+ Returns the maximum amount that the current character can be smushed
+ into the current line.
+int smushamt()
+ int maxsmush,amt;
+ int row,linebd,charbd;
+ char ch1,ch2;
+ if ((smushmode & (SM_SMUSH | SM_KERN)) == 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ maxsmush = currcharwidth;
+ for (row=0;row<charheight;row++) {
+ if (right2left) {
+ for (charbd=MYSTRLEN(currchar[row]);
+ ch1=currchar[row][charbd],(charbd>0&&(!ch1||ch1==' '));charbd--) ;
+ for (linebd=0;ch2=outputline[row][linebd],ch2==' ';linebd++) ;
+ amt = linebd+currcharwidth-1-charbd;
+ }
+ else {
+ for (linebd=MYSTRLEN(outputline[row]);
+ ch1 = outputline[row][linebd],(linebd>0&&(!ch1||ch1==' '));linebd--) ;
+ for (charbd=0;ch2=currchar[row][charbd],ch2==' ';charbd++) ;
+ amt = charbd+outlinelen-1-linebd;
+ }
+ if (!ch1||ch1==' ') {
+ amt++;
+ }
+ else if (ch2) {
+ if (smushem(ch1,ch2)!='\0') {
+ amt++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (amt<maxsmush) {
+ maxsmush = amt;
+ }
+ }
+ return maxsmush;
+ addchar
+ Attempts to add the given character onto the end of the current line.
+ Returns 1 if this can be done, 0 otherwise.
+int addchar(c)
+inchr c;
+ int smushamount,row,k;
+ char *templine;
+ getletter(c);
+ smushamount = smushamt();
+ if (outlinelen+currcharwidth-smushamount>outlinelenlimit
+ ||inchrlinelen+1>inchrlinelenlimit) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ templine = (char*)myalloc(sizeof(char)*(outlinelenlimit+1));
+ for (row=0;row<charheight;row++) {
+ if (right2left) {
+ strcpy(templine,currchar[row]);
+ for (k=0;k<smushamount;k++) {
+ templine[currcharwidth-smushamount+k] =
+ smushem(templine[currcharwidth-smushamount+k],outputline[row][k]);
+ }
+ strcat(templine,outputline[row]+smushamount);
+ strcpy(outputline[row],templine);
+ }
+ else {
+ for (k=0;k<smushamount;k++) {
+ outputline[row][outlinelen-smushamount+k] =
+ smushem(outputline[row][outlinelen-smushamount+k],currchar[row][k]);
+ }
+ strcat(outputline[row],currchar[row]+smushamount);
+ }
+ }
+ free(templine);
+ outlinelen = MYSTRLEN(outputline[0]);
+ inchrline[inchrlinelen++] = c;
+ return 1;
+ putstring
+ Prints out the given null-terminated string, substituting blanks
+ for hardblanks. If outputwidth is 1, prints the entire string;
+ otherwise prints at most outputwidth-1 characters. Prints a newline
+ at the end of the string. The string is left-justified, centered or
+ right-justified (taking outputwidth as the screen width) if
+ justification is 0, 1 or 2, respectively.
+void putstring(string)
+char *string;
+ int i,len;
+ len = MYSTRLEN(string);
+ if (outputwidth>1) {
+ if (len>outputwidth-1) {
+ len = outputwidth-1;
+ }
+ if (justification>0) {
+ for (i=1;(3-justification)*i+len+justification-2<outputwidth;i++) {
+ putchar(' ');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (i=0;i<len;i++) {
+ putchar(string[i]==hardblank?' ':string[i]);
+ }
+ putchar('\n');
+ printline
+ Prints outputline using putstring, then clears the current line.
+void printline()
+ int i;
+ for (i=0;i<charheight;i++) {
+ putstring(outputline[i]);
+ }
+ clearline();
+ splitline
+ Splits inchrline at the last word break (bunch of consecutive blanks).
+ Makes a new line out of the first part and prints it using
+ printline. Makes a new line out of the second part and returns.
+void splitline()
+ int i,gotspace,lastspace,len1,len2;
+ inchr *part1,*part2;
+ part1 = (inchr*)myalloc(sizeof(inchr)*(inchrlinelen+1));
+ part2 = (inchr*)myalloc(sizeof(inchr)*(inchrlinelen+1));
+ gotspace = 0;
+ for (i=inchrlinelen-1;i>=0;i--) {
+ if (!gotspace && inchrline[i]==' ') {
+ gotspace = 1;
+ lastspace = i;
+ }
+ if (gotspace && inchrline[i]!=' ') {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ len1 = i+1;
+ len2 = inchrlinelen-lastspace-1;
+ for (i=0;i<len1;i++) {
+ part1[i] = inchrline[i];
+ }
+ for (i=0;i<len2;i++) {
+ part2[i] = inchrline[lastspace+1+i];
+ }
+ clearline();
+ for (i=0;i<len1;i++) {
+ addchar(part1[i]);
+ }
+ printline();
+ for (i=0;i<len2;i++) {
+ addchar(part2[i]);
+ }
+ free(part1);
+ free(part2);
+ handlemapping
+ Given an input character (type inchr), executes re-mapping commands
+ read from control files. Returns re-mapped character (inchr).
+inchr handlemapping(c)
+inchr c;
+ comnode *cmptr;
+ cmptr=commandlist;
+ while (cmptr!=NULL) {
+ if (cmptr->thecommand ?
+ (c >= cmptr->rangelo && c <= cmptr->rangehi) : 0) {
+ c += cmptr->offset;
+ while(cmptr!=NULL ? cmptr->thecommand : 0) {
+ cmptr=cmptr->next;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ cmptr=cmptr->next;
+ }
+ }
+ return c;
+ Agetchar
+ Replacement to getchar().
+ Acts exactly like getchar if -A is NOT specified,
+ else obtains input from All remaining command line words.
+int Agetchar()
+ extern int optind; /* current argv[] element under study */
+ static AgetMode = 0; /* >= 0 for displacement into argv[n], <0 EOF */
+ char *arg; /* pointer to active character */
+ int c; /* current character */
+ if ( ! cmdinput ) /* is -A active? */
+ return( getchar() ); /* no: return stdin character */
+ if ( AgetMode < 0 || optind >= Myargc ) /* EOF is sticky: */
+ return( EOF ); /* **ensure it now and forever more */
+ /* find next character */
+ arg = Myargv[optind]; /* pointer to active arg */
+ c = arg[AgetMode++]&0xFF; /* get appropriate char of arg */
+ if ( ! c ) /* at '\0' that terminates word? */
+ { /* at end of word: return ' ' if normal word, '\n' if empty */
+ c = ' '; /* suppose normal word and return blank */
+ if ( AgetMode == 1 ) /* if ran out in very 1st char, force \n */
+ c = '\n'; /* (allows "hello '' world" to do \n at '') */
+ AgetMode = 0; /* return to char 0 in NEXT word */
+ if ( ++optind >= Myargc ) /* run up word count and check if at "EOF" */
+ { /* just ran out of arguments */
+ c = EOF; /* return EOF */
+ AgetMode = -1; /* ensure all future returns return EOF */
+ }
+ }
+ return( c ); /* return appropriate character */
+} /* end: Agetchar() */
+ iso2022
+ Called by getinchr. Interprets ISO 2022 sequences
+inchr iso2022()
+ inchr ch;
+ inchr ch2;
+ int save_gl;
+ int save_gr;
+ ch = Agetchar();
+ if (ch == EOF) return ch;
+ if (ch == 27) ch = Agetchar() + 0x100; /* ESC x */
+ if (ch == 0x100 + '$') ch = Agetchar() + 0x200; /* ESC $ x */
+ switch (ch) {
+ case 14: /* invoke G0 into GL */
+ gl = 0;
+ return iso2022();
+ case 15: /* invoke G1 into GL */
+ gl = 1;
+ return iso2022();
+ case 142: case 'N' + 0x100: /* invoke G2 into GL for next char */
+ save_gl = gl; save_gr = gr;
+ gl = gr = 2;
+ ch = iso2022();
+ gl = save_gl; gr = save_gr;
+ return ch;
+ case 143: case 'O' + 0x100: /* invoke G3 into GL for next char */
+ save_gl = gl; save_gr = gr;
+ gl = gr = 3;
+ ch = iso2022();
+ gl = save_gl; gr = save_gr;
+ return ch;
+ case 'n' + 0x100: /* invoke G2 into GL */
+ gl = 2;
+ return iso2022();
+ case 'o' + 0x100: /* invoke G3 into GL */
+ gl = 3;
+ return iso2022();
+ case '~' + 0x100: /* invoke G1 into GR */
+ gr = 1;
+ return iso2022();
+ case '}' + 0x100: /* invoke G2 into GR */
+ gr = 2;
+ return iso2022();
+ case '|' + 0x100: /* invoke G3 into GR */
+ gr = 3;
+ return iso2022();
+ case '(' + 0x100: /* set G0 to 94-char set */
+ ch = Agetchar();
+ if (ch == 'B') ch = 0; /* ASCII */
+ gn[0] = ch << 16;
+ gndbl[0] = 0;
+ return iso2022();
+ case ')' + 0x100: /* set G1 to 94-char set */
+ ch = Agetchar();
+ if (ch == 'B') ch = 0;
+ gn[1] = ch << 16;
+ gndbl[1] = 0;
+ return iso2022();
+ case '*' + 0x100: /* set G2 to 94-char set */
+ ch = Agetchar();
+ if (ch == 'B') ch = 0;
+ gn[2] = ch << 16;
+ gndbl[2] = 0;
+ return iso2022();
+ case '+' + 0x100: /* set G3 to 94-char set */
+ ch = Agetchar();
+ if (ch == 'B') ch = 0;
+ gn[3] = ch << 16;
+ gndbl[3] = 0;
+ return iso2022();
+ case '-' + 0x100: /* set G1 to 96-char set */
+ ch = Agetchar();
+ if (ch == 'A') ch = 0; /* Latin-1 top half */
+ gn[1] = (ch << 16) | 0x80;
+ gndbl[1] = 0;
+ return iso2022();
+ case '.' + 0x100: /* set G2 to 96-char set */
+ ch = Agetchar();
+ if (ch == 'A') ch = 0;
+ gn[2] = (ch << 16) | 0x80;
+ gndbl[2] = 0;
+ return iso2022();
+ case '/' + 0x100: /* set G3 to 96-char set */
+ ch = Agetchar();
+ if (ch == 'A') ch = 0;
+ gn[3] = (ch << 16) | 0x80;
+ gndbl[3] = 0;
+ return iso2022();
+ case '(' + 0x200: /* set G0 to 94 x 94 char set */
+ ch = Agetchar();
+ gn[0] = ch << 16;
+ gndbl[0] = 1;
+ return iso2022();
+ case ')' + 0x200: /* set G1 to 94 x 94 char set */
+ ch = Agetchar();
+ gn[1] = ch << 16;
+ gndbl[1] = 1;
+ return iso2022();
+ case '*' + 0x200: /* set G2 to 94 x 94 char set */
+ ch = Agetchar();
+ gn[2] = ch << 16;
+ gndbl[2] = 1;
+ return iso2022();
+ case '+' + 0x200: /* set G3 to 94 x 94 char set */
+ ch = Agetchar();
+ gn[3] = ch << 16;
+ gndbl[3] = 1;
+ return iso2022();
+ default:
+ if (ch & 0x200) { /* set G0 to 94 x 94 char set (deprecated) */
+ gn[0] = (ch & ~0x200) << 16;
+ gndbl[0] = 1;
+ return iso2022();
+ }
+ }
+ if (ch >= 0x21 && ch <= 0x7E) { /* process GL */
+ if (gndbl[gl]) {
+ ch2 = Agetchar();
+ return gn[gl] | (ch << 8) | ch2;
+ }
+ else return gn[gl] | ch;
+ }
+ else if (ch >= 0xA0 && ch <= 0xFF) { /* process GR */
+ if (gndbl[gr]) {
+ ch2 = Agetchar();
+ return gn[gr] | (ch << 8) | ch2;
+ }
+ else return gn[gr] | (ch & ~0x80);
+ }
+ else return ch;
+ }
+ ungetinchr
+ Called by main. Pushes back an "inchr" to be read by getinchr
+ on the next call.
+inchr getinchr_buffer;
+int getinchr_flag;
+inchr ungetinchr(c)
+inchr c;
+ getinchr_buffer = c;
+ getinchr_flag = 1;
+ return c;
+ getinchr
+ Called by main. Processes multibyte characters. Invokes Agetchar.
+ If multibyte = 0, ISO 2022 mode (see iso2022 routine).
+ If multibyte = 1, double-byte mode (0x00-0x7f bytes are characters,
+ 0x80-0xFF bytes are first byte of a double-byte character).
+ If multibyte = 2, Unicode UTF-8 mode (0x00-0x7F bytes are characters,
+ 0x80-0xBF bytes are nonfirst byte of a multibyte character,
+ 0xC0-0xFD bytes are first byte of a multibyte character,
+ 0xFE-0xFF bytes are errors (all errors return code 0x0080)).
+ If multibyte = 3, HZ mode ("~{" starts double-byte mode, "}~" ends it,
+ "~~" is a tilde, "~x" for all other x is ignored).
+ If multibyte = 4, Shift-JIS mode (0x80-0x9F and 0xE0-0xEF are first byte
+ of a double-byte character, all other bytes are characters).
+inchr getinchr()
+ int ch, ch2, ch3, ch4, ch5, ch6;
+ if (getinchr_flag) {
+ getinchr_flag = 0;
+ return getinchr_buffer;
+ }
+ switch(multibyte) {
+ case 0: /* single-byte */
+ return iso2022();
+ case 1: /* DBCS */
+ ch = Agetchar();
+ if ((ch >= 0x80 && ch <= 0x9F) ||
+ (ch >= 0xE0 && ch <= 0xEF)) {
+ ch = (ch << 8) + Agetchar();
+ }
+ return ch;
+ case 2: /* UTF-8 */
+ ch = Agetchar();
+ if (ch < 0x80) return ch; /* handles EOF, too */
+ if (ch < 0xC0 || ch > 0xFD)
+ return 0x0080; /* illegal first character */
+ ch2 = Agetchar() & 0x3F;
+ if (ch < 0xE0) return ((ch & 0x1F) << 6) + ch2;
+ ch3 = Agetchar() & 0x3F;
+ if (ch < 0xF0)
+ return ((ch & 0x0F) << 12) + (ch2 << 6) + ch3;
+ ch4 = Agetchar() & 0x3F;
+ if (ch < 0xF8)
+ return ((ch & 0x07) << 18) + (ch2 << 12) + (ch3 << 6) + ch4;
+ ch5 = Agetchar() & 0x3F;
+ if (ch < 0xFC)
+ return ((ch & 0x03) << 24) + (ch2 << 18) + (ch3 << 12) +
+ (ch4 << 6) + ch5;
+ ch6 = Agetchar() & 0x3F;
+ return ((ch & 0x01) << 30) + (ch2 << 24) + (ch3 << 18) +
+ (ch4 << 12) + (ch5 << 6) + ch6;
+ case 3: /* HZ */
+ ch = Agetchar();
+ if (ch == EOF) return ch;
+ if (hzmode) {
+ ch = (ch << 8) + Agetchar();
+ if (ch == ('}' << 8) + '~') {
+ hzmode = 0;
+ return getinchr();
+ }
+ return ch;
+ }
+ else if (ch == '~') {
+ ch = Agetchar();
+ if (ch == '{') {
+ hzmode = 1;
+ return getinchr();
+ }
+ else if (ch == '~') {
+ return ch;
+ }
+ else {
+ return getinchr();
+ }
+ }
+ else return ch;
+ case 4: /* Shift-JIS */
+ ch = Agetchar();
+ if ((ch >= 0x80 && ch <= 0x9F) ||
+ (ch >= 0xE0 && ch <= 0xEF)) {
+ ch = (ch << 8) + Agetchar();
+ }
+ return ch;
+ default:
+ return 0x80;
+ }
+ }
+ main
+ The main program, of course.
+ Reads characters 1 by 1 from stdin, and makes lines out of them using
+ addchar. Handles line breaking, (which accounts for most of the
+ complexity in this function).
+int main(argc,argv)
+int argc;
+char *argv[];
+ inchr c,c2;
+ int i;
+ int last_was_eol_flag;
+ wordbreakmode:
+ -1: /^$/ and blanks are to be absorbed (when line break was forced
+ by a blank or character larger than outlinelenlimit)
+ 0: /^ *$/ and blanks are not to be absorbed
+ 1: /[^ ]$/ no word break yet
+ 2: /[^ ] *$/
+ 3: /[^ ]$/ had a word break
+ int wordbreakmode;
+ int char_not_added;
+ Myargc = argc;
+ Myargv = argv;
+ getparams();
+ readcontrolfiles();
+ readfont();
+ linealloc();
+ wordbreakmode = 0;
+ last_was_eol_flag = 0;
+ while ((c = getinchr())!=EOF) {
+ if (c=='\n'&&paragraphflag&&!last_was_eol_flag) {
+ ungetinchr(c2 = getinchr());
+ c = ((isascii(c2)&&isspace(c2))?'\n':' ');
+ }
+ last_was_eol_flag = (isascii(c)&&isspace(c)&&c!='\t'&&c!=' ');
+ if (deutschflag) {
+ if (c>='[' && c<=']') {
+ c = deutsch[c-'['];
+ }
+ else if (c >='{' && c <= '~') {
+ c = deutsch[c-'{'+3];
+ }
+ }
+ c = handlemapping(c);
+ if (isascii(c)&&isspace(c)) {
+ c = (c=='\t'||c==' ') ? ' ' : '\n';
+ }
+ if ((c>'\0' && c<' ' && c!='\n') || c==127) continue;
+ Note: The following code is complex and thoroughly tested.
+ Be careful when modifying!
+ do {
+ char_not_added = 0;
+ if (wordbreakmode== -1) {
+ if (c==' ') {
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (c=='\n') {
+ wordbreakmode = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ wordbreakmode = 0;
+ }
+ if (c=='\n') {
+ printline();
+ wordbreakmode = 0;
+ }
+ else if (addchar(c)) {
+ if (c!=' ') {
+ wordbreakmode = (wordbreakmode>=2)?3:1;
+ }
+ else {
+ wordbreakmode = (wordbreakmode>0)?2:0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (outlinelen==0) {
+ for (i=0;i<charheight;i++) {
+ if (right2left && outputwidth>1) {
+ putstring(currchar[i]+MYSTRLEN(currchar[i])-outlinelenlimit);
+ }
+ else {
+ putstring(currchar[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ wordbreakmode = -1;
+ }
+ else if (c==' ') {
+ if (wordbreakmode==2) {
+ splitline();
+ }
+ else {
+ printline();
+ }
+ wordbreakmode = -1;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (wordbreakmode>=2) {
+ splitline();
+ }
+ else {
+ printline();
+ }
+ wordbreakmode = (wordbreakmode==3)?1:0;
+ char_not_added = 1;
+ }
+ } while (char_not_added);
+ }
+ if (outlinelen!=0) {
+ printline();
+ }
+ exit(0);