#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "vt.h" #include "misc.h" #include "xio.h" #include "vbi.h" #include "fdset.h" #include "search.h" #include "export.h" #include "ui.h" static void vtwin_event(struct vtwin *w, struct vt_event *ev); static void msg(struct vtwin *w, u8 *str, ...); static void err(struct vtwin *w, u8 *str, ...); #define hist(w,o) ((w)->hist + (((w)->hist_top + (o)) & (N_HISTORY-1))) static int inc_hex(int i, int bcd_mode) { i++; if (bcd_mode) { if ((i & 0x000f) > 0x0009) i = (i + 0x0010) & 0x0ff0; if ((i & 0x00f0) > 0x090) i = (i + 0x0100) & 0x0f00; if ((i & 0x0f00) > 0x0900) i = (i + 0x1000) & 0xf000; } return i; } static int dec_hex(int i, int bcd_mode) { i--; if (bcd_mode) { if ((i & 0x000f) > 0x0009) i = (i & 0xfff0) + 0x0009; if ((i & 0x00f0) > 0x0090) i = (i & 0xff00) + 0x0099; if ((i & 0x0f00) > 0x0900) i = (i & 0xf000) + 0x0999; } return i; } static void set_title(struct vtwin *w) { char buf[32], buf2[32]; if (w->subno == ANY_SUB) sprintf(buf, "%x", w->pgno); else sprintf(buf, "%x/%x", w->pgno, w->subno); if (w->searching) sprintf(buf2, "(%s)", buf); else sprintf(buf2, "%s", buf); xio_title(w->xw, buf2); } static void query_page(struct vtwin *w, int pgno, int subno) { w->pgno = pgno; w->subno = subno; w->searching = 1; w->hold = 0; //subno != ANY_SUB; xio_set_concealed(w->xw, w->revealed = 0); if (hist(w, 0)->pgno != pgno || (hist(w,0)->subno == ANY_SUB && subno != ANY_SUB)) w->hist_top++; hist(w, 0)->pgno = pgno; hist(w, 0)->subno = subno; hist(w, 1)->pgno = 0; // end marker xio_cancel_selection(w->xw); if (vbi_query_page(w->vbi, pgno, subno) == 0) { w->vtp = 0; } set_title(w); } static void new_or_query(struct vtwin *w, int pgno, int subno, int new_win) { if (new_win) { if (w->child) query_page(w->child, pgno, subno); else vtwin_new(w->xw->xio, w->vbi, 0, w, pgno, subno); } else query_page(w, pgno, subno); } static int _next_pgno(int *arg, struct vt_page *vtp) { int pgno = vtp->pgno; if (arg[0] == pgno) // want different page return 0; if (arg[1]) // and not a hex page for (; pgno; pgno >>=4) if ((pgno & 15) > 9) return 0; return 1; } static int _next_subno(int *arg, struct vt_page *vtp) { return vtp->pgno == arg[0]; // only subpages of this page } static void do_next_pgno(struct vtwin *w, int dir, int bcd_mode, int subs, int new_win) { struct vt_page *vtp; struct vtwin *cw = (new_win && w->child) ? w->child : w; int pgno = cw->pgno; int subno = cw->subno; if (w->vbi->cache) { int arg[2]; arg[0] = pgno; arg[1] = bcd_mode; if (vtp = w->vbi->cache->op->foreach_pg(w->vbi->cache, pgno, subno, dir, subs ? _next_subno:_next_pgno, &arg)) { new_or_query(w, vtp->pgno, subs ? vtp->subno : ANY_SUB, new_win); return; } } err(w, "No page."); } #define notdigit(x) (not isdigit((x))) static int chk_screen_fromto(u8 *p, int x, int *n1, int *n2) { p += x; if (x >= 0 && x+5 < 42) if (notdigit(p[1]) || notdigit(p[0])) if (isdigit(p[2])) if (p[3] == '/' || p[3] == ':') if (isdigit(p[4])) if (notdigit(p[5]) || notdigit(p[6])) /* p[6] is save here */ { *n1 = p[2] % 16; if (isdigit(p[1])) *n1 += p[1] % 16 * 16; *n2 = p[4] % 16; if (isdigit(p[5])) *n2 = *n2 * 16 + p[5] % 16; return 1; } return 0; } static int chk_screen_pgno(u8 *p, int x, int *pgno, int *subno) { p += x; if (x >= 0 && x+4 < 42) if (notdigit(p[0]) && notdigit(p[4])) if (isdigit(p[1]) && isdigit(p[2]) && isdigit(p[3])) { *pgno = p[1] % 16 * 256 + p[2] % 16 * 16 + p[3] % 16; if (*pgno >= 0x100 && *pgno <= 0x999) { *subno = ANY_SUB; if (x+6 < 42) if (p[4] == '.' || p[4] == '/') if (isdigit(p[5])) if (notdigit(p[6]) || notdigit(p[7])) /* p[7] is save here */ { *subno = p[5] % 16; if (isdigit(p[6])) *subno = *subno * 16 + p[6] % 16; } // hackhackhack: // pgno followed by start box gets subno 1 if (x+4 < 42 && p[4] == 11) *subno = 1; return 1; } } return 0; } static void do_screen_pgno(struct vtwin *w, int x, int y, int new_win) { u8 buf[42]; int n1, n2, i; if (x >= 0 && x < 40) { if (xio_get_line(w->xw, y, buf+1) == 0) {
# 2014-04-18 Antti Palosaari <crope@iki.fi>
# generated from http://www.digita.fi/kuluttajat/tv/nakyvyysalueet/kanavanumerot_ja_taajuudet

	FREQUENCY = 522000000
	BANDWIDTH_HZ = 8000000

	FREQUENCY = 482000000
	BANDWIDTH_HZ = 8000000

	FREQUENCY = 634000000
	BANDWIDTH_HZ = 8000000

	FREQUENCY = 658000000
	BANDWIDTH_HZ = 8000000

	FREQUENCY = 546000000
	BANDWIDTH_HZ = 8000000
; if (w->pgno >= 0x100) query_page(w, w->pgno, ANY_SUB); } break; case 'q': case '\e': vtwin_close(w); break; case 'h': query_page(w, 0x900, ANY_SUB); break; case 'e': if (w->vbi->cache) { i = w->vbi->cache->op->mode(w->vbi->cache, CACHE_MODE_ERC, 0); w->vbi->cache->op->mode(w->vbi->cache, CACHE_MODE_ERC, !i); msg(w, "Error reduction %sabled.", i ? "dis" : "en"); } break; case 'o': if (vtwin_new(xw->xio, w->vbi, 0, 0, w->pgno, w->subno) == 0) err(w, "Unable to open new window."); break; case KEY_RIGHT: do_next_pgno(w, 1, not ev->i2, 0, 0); break; case KEY_LEFT: do_next_pgno(w, -1, not ev->i2, 0, 0); break; case KEY_UP: do_next_pgno(w, -1, not ev->i2, 1, 0); break; case KEY_DOWN: do_next_pgno(w, 1, not ev->i2, 1, 0); break; case '\b': do_hist_pgno(w); break; case ' ': w->hold = !w->hold; break; case 'c': vbi_reset(w->vbi); break; case 'i': if (w->vtp && w->vtp->flof && (w->vtp->link[5].pgno & 0xff) != 0xff) query_page(w, w->vtp->link[5].pgno, w->vtp->link[5].subno); else query_page(w, 0x100, ANY_SUB); break; case 'r': xio_set_concealed(xw, w->revealed = !w->revealed); break; case KEY_F(1) ... KEY_F(5): do_flof_pgno(w, ev->i1, 0, ev->i2); break; case 'n': next_search(w, 0); break; case 'N': next_search(w, 1); break; default: err(w, "Unused key."); break; } break; } case EV_RESET: { if (w->search) search_end(w->search); w->search = 0; query_page(w, w->pgno, w->subno); msg(w, "Cache cleared!"); break; } case EV_MOUSE: { if (ev->i1 == 3) do_hist_pgno(w); else if (ev->i1 == 5) // wheel mouse do_next_pgno(w, 1, not ev->i2, 0, 0); else if (ev->i1 == 4) // wheel mouse do_next_pgno(w, -1, not ev->i2, 0, 0); else if (ev->i1 == 7) // dual wheel mouse do_next_pgno(w, 1, not ev->i2, 1, 0); else if (ev->i1 == 6) // dual wheel mouse do_next_pgno(w, -1, not ev->i2, 1, 0); else if (ev->i4 == 24) do_flof_pgno(w, ev->i1, ev->i3, ev->i1 == 2); else if (ev->i4 == 0 && ev->i3 < 5) { if (ev->i1 == 1) w->hold = !w->hold; else vtwin_new(xw->xio, w->vbi, 0, 0, w->pgno, w->subno); } else if (ev->i4 == 0 && ev->i3 < 8) { if (ev->i1 == 2 && w->child) w = w->child; xio_set_concealed(w->xw, w->revealed = !w->revealed); } else do_screen_pgno(w, ev->i3, ev->i4, ev->i1 == 2); break; } case EV_PAGE: { struct vt_page *vtp = ev->p1; if (0) if (vtp->errors) printf("errors=%4d\n",vtp->errors); if (w->searching || not(w->hold || ev->i1)) if (vtp->pgno == w->pgno) if (w->subno == ANY_SUB || vtp->subno == w->subno) { w->searching = 0; w->vtp = vtp; put_head_line(w, vtp->data[0]); for (i = 1; i < 24; ++i) xio_put_line(w->xw, i, vtp->data[i]); put_menu_line(w); set_title(w); } break; } case EV_HEADER: { u8 *p = ev->p1; int hdr_mag = ev->i1 / 256; int flags = ev->i3; int mag = w->pgno; if (mag >= 0x10) mag = mag >> 4; if (mag >= 0x10) mag = mag >> 4; if (flags & PG_OUTOFSEQ) p = 0; else if (~flags & PG_MAGSERIAL) if (mag != hdr_mag) p = 0; put_head_line(w, p); break; } case EV_XPACKET: { #if 0 /* VPS data (seems to be unused in .de */ u8 *p = ev->p1; if (ev->i1 == 8 && ev->i2 == 30 && p[0]/2 == 1) { int i; int pil, cni, pty, misc; for (i = 7; i < 20; ++i) p[i] = hamm8(p+i, &ev->i3); if (ev->i3 & 0xf000) /* uncorrectable errors */ break; cni = p[9] + p[15]/4*16 + p[16]%4*64 + p[10]%4*256 + p[16]/4*1024 + p[17]*4096; pty = p[18] + p[19]*16; pil = p[10]/4 + p[11]*4 + p[12]*64 + p[13]*1024 + p[14]*16384 + p[15]%4*262144; misc = p[7] + p[8]*16; err(w, "%02x %04x %05x %02x: %.20s", misc, cni, pil, pty, p+20); } #endif break; } case EV_ERR: { char *errmsg = ev->p1; if (errmsg != NULL && *errmsg != '\0') { err(w, errmsg); w->status = 30; ev->p1 = NULL; free(errmsg); } break; } } }