path: root/dvb-s/AMC6-72w (follow)
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2013-04-02Imported Upstream version 0+git20130227.3c5fe84upstream/0+git20130227.3c5fe84Jonathan McCrohan1-0/+44
a id='n65' href='#n65'>65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266
# $Id: README,v 1.20 2001/03/16 16:40:17 ltoetsch Exp $

This is the README file for lcd4linux


lcd4linux is a small program that reads various information from the kernel
(and from other subsystems, especially ISDN) and displays them on a LCD or
other display device.

It supports displaying text values and different types of bars: Horizontal and
vertical bars, logarithmic bars, split bars (two independent bars in one row).


lcd4linux -h  
  print version number and a small help text, then exit

lcd4linux -l 
  list available drivers

lcd4linux -d
  calibrate delay loop (necessary for some drivers)

lcd4linux [-c key=val] [-F] [-f config-file] [-o output] [-q] [-v]
  run lcd4linux 
  overwrite entries from the config-file with '-c'
  do not fork and detach with '-F'
  use configuration from 'config-file' instead of /etc/lcd4linux.conf
  write picture to 'output' (raster driver only)
  suppress startup splash screen with '-q'
  generate info messages with '-v'
  generate debugging messages with '-vv'
  debug socket traffic too, with '-vvv'

  lcd4linux on foreground writes (depending on level) to stdout or stderr.
  The Text-Driver has ist's own diagnostics window.
  Started in the background (the default), lcd4linux uses your syslog daemon
  for logging. Facility is USER, levels are ERR, INFO and DEBUG.


* Matrox Orbital: <>
  "LCD0821": 2 lines by  8 characters
  "LCD1621": 2 lines by 16 characters
  "LCD2021": 2 lines by 20 characters
  "LCD2041": 4 lines by 20 characters (tested)
  "LCD4021": 2 lines by 40 characters

* CrystalFontz <>

  any of 626, 632, 634 and 636.

* HD44780-based displays

  This driver supports display modules based on the Hitachi HD44780 chip,
  connected to a parallel port. These displays are made by different 
  manufactures, and come in various sizes.

* PalmOrb

  I was told that lcd4linux works fine with PalmOrb, a small program that 
  emulates a Matrox Orbital display on the Palm Pilot.

* X11
  thanks to Herbert Rosmanith <> a driver
  for the X Window System is available. It supports any size at any
  resolution. A very small XLCD4Linux-Window can even swallow on the KDE

* Raster formats:
  a generic raster driver (which is used by the X11-driver, too) is availiable,
  it supports:
     PPM (portable pixmap)
     PNG (with libgd)

* Text:
  This is a ncurses based text driver, mainly intended for debugging.

* other displays: lcd4linux and especially the display driver code is very
  modular, so it should be quite easy to write a driver for any display. See
  README.driver for details. Contributors are welcome!!!


The configuration file (default: /etc/lcd4linux.conf) has a very simple
format: Every line consists of a key and a value, seperated by whitespace
(blanks or tabs). Values can contain whitespace, and can be enclosed in
single or double quotes. A key must not contain whitespace. Keys are NOT
case-sensitive. Order doesn't matter. Empty lines and all text on a line
after a '#' will be ignored. If you want to use '#' in a value (think of
X11-colors), you have to quote it with a backslash.


Because of security reasons the config file is assured to be:
   * - file is a normal file (or /dev/null)
   * - file owner is owner of program
   * - file is not accessible by group
   * - file is not accessible by other
So if you run lcd4linux as root, /etc/lcd4linux has to be:
  chmod 600
  chown root.root

The configuration file contains information for different modules of

Global options:

  tick: time in milliseconds between bar updates
  tack: time in milliseconds between text updates (text can be updated less 
        often than bars, so you get a smooth bar display and readable text)
  tau:  time constant (in milliseconds) for damping function (not used by now)

Data-specific options:

  overload: load average threshold and bar scaling. The '%L' token (see below)
            displays a '!' instead of a blank if the current load average 
	    exceeds this value. 
            load bars are scaled by this value (load=overload gives 100%)
  fifo: path to fifo for communication with isdnlog (not yet implemented)
  sensor1: path to the 1st temperature file 
           (e.g. /proc/sys/dev/sensors/w83781d-isa-0290/temp1)
           it is important that you use the isa sensors, because the i2c 
	   sensors are very slow!
  sensor1_min: temperature where the corresponding bar starts
  sensor1_max: temperature where bar ends
  sensor[2..9], -_min, -_max: entries for the 2nd to 9th temperature sensor
     x1 ... x9: command to execute, PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin
                $X1 ... $X8 is result of command 1..8 in environment
     Tick_x1 .. 9 delay in ticks (overrides delay_x)
     Delay_x1 ..9 delay in seconds (default 1)
     Max_x1 ..9 max value for bars (default 100)
     Min_x1 ..9 min value for bars (default 0)
  battery: Battwarning 10 (default 10)
     The option string may be a plain mbox file or a pop3/imap4/nntp server
     string with the following format:
     Port defaults to 110 and 143 respectively.
     If /dir is not given, INBOX is assumed.
     If dir is given for nntp: it should be a valid group name
       with '.' separating items
     If dir is not given for nntp: all/unread news of subscribed groups
     from Newsrc are calcualted.
     Delay_e1..e9 delay in seconds for querying the MailboxN (default 5)  
     Newsrc ... path/name of your .newsrc file containing subscribed news
     Note: authorization on newsservers is untested.
     Note: user and pass may not contain a '/' with above syntax, I hope
           that's ok.
Driver-specific options:
  Display: the name of a display model (see "supported displays" above)
  every driver has its own configuration options (e.g. 'Port', 'Speed', ...)
  see README.<Drivername> for details!
Display options:
  row1: Text to display in row 1
  row[2-max]: Text to display in other rows

  The text to be displayed can contain specific directives, which will be
  replaced by the appropriate values, or will create bars:

  '\nnn` will write the ASCII-character nnn (octal)
  '%<token>' will be replaced by the value of <token>
  '%%' will write a '%'
  '%$' will write a '$'

  '$<direction><length><token>[+<token>] will create a bar with the
  specified direction and length (in characters) with the value of <token>.
  If the driver supports dual bars, you can specify the second value with
  '+<token>'. <direction> can be 'l' (left), 'r' (right), 'u' (up) or 'd'
  (down). If you specify the direction in upper case, a logarithmic bar will
  be created. note that the space occupied by a bar always grows from left
  to right or from top to bottom, regardless of the direction!
  '$t<height><token>,<width> will create a time series bar. The data are 
  displayed like '$u', but are shifted every second 1 pixel to the 
  left. Currently only displays based on the pixel-driver support this 
  bar type.


  'o',  operating system name ('Linux')
  'v',  operating system release ('2.0.38')
  'p',  processor ('i686')
  'r',  total amount of memory installed (MB)
  'mt', total memory from /proc/meminfo (kB)
  'mu', used memory (kB)  
  'mf', free memory (kB)
  'ms', shared memory (kB)
  'mb', buffers (kB)
  'mc', page cache (kB)  
  'ma', application memory (kB) = used - buffer - cache
  'l1', load average for the past 1 minute
  'l2', load average for the past 5 minutes
  'l3', load average for the past 15 minutes
  'L',  '!' if load > overload (from config)   
  'cu', percentage of CPU in user mode
  'cn', percentage of CPU in niced tasks
  'cs', percentage of CPU in system mode
  'cb', percentage of CPU busy (=100-idle)
  'ci', percentage of CPU idle
  'dr', disk blocks read
  'dw', disk blocks written
  'dt', disk blocks total (read+write)
  'dm', disk blocks max (read, write)
  'nr', network bytes received
  'nw', network bytes transmitted
  'nt', network bytes total (receive+transmit)
  'nm', network bytes max (receive, transmit)
  'ii', ISDN bytes received
  'io', ISDN bytes sent
  'it', ISDN bytes total (received+send)
  'im', ISDN bytes max (received, send)
  'ic', ISDN connected (0=offline, 1=online)
  'ti', PPP bytes received
  'to', PPP bytes sent
  'tt', PPP bytes total (received+send)
  'tm', PPP bytes max (received, send)
  's1', temperature of sensor 1
  's2', temperature of sensor 2 (up to s9)
  'bp', battery percentage (APM by now)
  'bs', battery status ('=' = online, '+' = charging, '-' discharging)
  'bd', battery duration in s{econds}, m{ins}, h{ours} or d{ays}
  'e*', mails in mailbox 1-9, total mail
  'u*', mails in mailbox 1-9, unseen mail
  'x*', output of command 1-9
Please have a look at lcd4linux.conf.sample, where you can find examples
of all options and there usage.