path: root/dvb-t/se-Vemdalsskalet
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0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
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/* $Id: drv_M50530.c,v 1.7 2004/06/01 06:45:29 reinelt Exp $
 * new style driver for M50530-based displays
 * Copyright 1999-2004 Michael Reinelt <>
 * Copyright 2004 The LCD4Linux Team <>
 * This file is part of LCD4Linux.
 * LCD4Linux is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
 * any later version.
 * LCD4Linux is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
 * $Log: drv_M50530.c,v $
 * Revision 1.7  2004/06/01 06:45:29  reinelt
 * some Fixme's processed
 * documented some code
 * Revision 1.6  2004/05/31 05:38:02  reinelt
 * fixed possible bugs with user-defined chars (clear high bits)
 * thanks to Andy Baxter for debugging the MilfordInstruments driver!
 * Revision 1.5  2004/05/29 15:53:28  reinelt
 * M50530: reset parport signals on exit
 * plugin_ppp: ppp() has two parameters, not three
 * lcd4linux.conf.sample: diskstats() corrected
 * Revision 1.4  2004/05/26 11:37:36  reinelt
 * Curses driver ported.
 * Revision 1.3  2004/03/19 09:17:46  reinelt
 * removed the extra 'goto' function, row and col are additional parameters
 * of the write() function now.
 * Revision 1.2  2004/02/15 21:43:43  reinelt
 * T6963 driver nearly finished
 * framework for graphic displays done
 * i2c_sensors patch from Xavier
 * some more old generation files removed
 * Revision 1.1  2004/02/15 08:22:47  reinelt
 * ported USBLCD driver to NextGeneration
 * added drv_M50530.c (I forgot yesterday, sorry)
 * removed old drivers M50530.c and USBLCD.c

 * exported fuctions:
 * struct DRIVER drv_M50530

#include "config.h"

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/time.h>

#include "debug.h"
#include "cfg.h"
#include "udelay.h"
#include "plugin.h"
#include "widget.h"
#include "widget_text.h"
#include "widget_icon.h"
#include "widget_bar.h"
#include "drv.h"
#include "drv_generic_text.h"
#include "drv_generic_parport.h"

static char Name[]="M50530";

static int Model;

static unsigned char SIGNAL_EX;
static unsigned char SIGNAL_IOC1;
static unsigned char SIGNAL_IOC2;
static unsigned char SIGNAL_GPO;

// Fixme: GPO's not yet implemented
static int GPOS;
// static int GPO=0;

typedef struct {
  int type;
  char *name;

static MODEL Models[] = {
  { 0x01, "generic" },
  { 0xff, "Unknown" }

// ****************************************
// ***  hardware dependant functions    ***
// ****************************************

static void drv_M5_command (unsigned int cmd, int delay)
  // put data on DB1..DB8
  drv_generic_parport_data (cmd&0xff);
  // set I/OC1
  // set I/OC2
  drv_generic_parport_control (SIGNAL_IOC1|SIGNAL_IOC2, 
			       (cmd&0x200?SIGNAL_IOC1:0) | 
  // Control data setup time
  // send command
  // EX signal pulse width = 500ns
  // Fixme: why 500 ns? Datasheet says 200ns
  drv_generic_parport_toggle (SIGNAL_EX, 1, 500);

  // wait


static void drv_M5_write (int row, int col, unsigned char *data, int len)
  unsigned int cmd;
  unsigned int pos;
  if (row>3) pos-=168;
  drv_M5_command (0x300|pos, 20);
  while (len--) {
    drv_M5_command (0x100|cmd, 20);

static void drv_M5_defchar (int ascii, unsigned char *matrix)
  int i;
  drv_M5_command (0x300+192+8*(ascii-CHAR0), 20);

  // Fixme: looks like the M50530 cannot control the bottom line
  // therefore we have only 7 bytes here
  for (i=0; i<7; i++) {
    drv_M5_command (0x100|(matrix[i] & 0x3f), 20);

// Fixme: GPO's
#if 0
static void drv_M5_setGPO (int bits)
  if (Lcd.gpos>0) {

    // put data on DB1..DB8
    drv_generic_parport_data (bits);

    // 74HCT573 set-up time
    // send data
    // 74HCT573 enable pulse width = 24ns
    drv_generic_parport_toggle (SIGNAL_GPO, 1, 24);

static int drv_M5_start (char *section)
  char *model, *s;
  int rows=-1, cols=-1, gpos=-1;
  model=cfg_get(section, "Model", "generic");
  if (model!=NULL && *model!='\0') {
    int i;
    for (i=0; Models[i].type!=0xff; i++) {
      if (strcasecmp(Models[i].name, model)==0) break;
    if (Models[i].type==0xff) {
      error ("%s: %s.Model '%s' is unknown from %s", Name, section, model, cfg_source());
      return -1;
    info ("%s: using model '%s'", Name, Models[Model].name);
  } else {
    error ("%s: empty '%s.Model' entry from %s", Name, section, cfg_source());
    return -1;
  s=cfg_get(section, "Size", NULL);
  if (s==NULL || *s=='\0') {
    error ("%s: no '%s.Size' entry from %s", Name, section, cfg_source());
    return -1;
  if (sscanf(s,"%dx%d",&cols,&rows)!=2 || rows<1 || cols<1) {
    error ("%s: bad size '%s'", Name, s);
    return -1;
  if (cfg_number(section, "GPOs", 0, 0, 8, &gpos)<0) return -1;
  info ("%s: controlling %d GPO's", Name, gpos);

  DROWS = rows;
  DCOLS = cols;
  GPOS  = gpos;
  if (drv_generic_parport_open(section, Name) != 0) {
    error ("%s: could not initialize parallel port!", Name);
    return -1;

  if ((SIGNAL_EX   = drv_generic_parport_wire_ctrl ("EX",   "STROBE"))==0xff) return -1;
  if ((SIGNAL_IOC1 = drv_generic_parport_wire_ctrl ("IOC1", "SELECT"))==0xff) return -1;
  if ((SIGNAL_IOC2 = drv_generic_parport_wire_ctrl ("IOC2", "AUTOFD"))==0xff) return -1;
  if ((SIGNAL_GPO  = drv_generic_parport_wire_ctrl ("GPO",  "INIT"  ))==0xff) return -1;

  // clear all signals
  drv_generic_parport_control (SIGNAL_EX|SIGNAL_IOC1|SIGNAL_IOC2|SIGNAL_GPO, 0);

  // set direction: write
  drv_generic_parport_direction (0);
  drv_M5_command (0x00FA, 20);   // set function mode
  drv_M5_command (0x0020, 20);   // set display mode
  drv_M5_command (0x0050, 20);   // set entry mode
  drv_M5_command (0x0030, 20);   // set display mode
  drv_M5_command (0x0001, 1250); // clear display
  return 0;

// ****************************************
// ***            plugins               ***
// ****************************************

// none at the moment

// ****************************************
// ***        widget callbacks          ***
// ****************************************

// using drv_generic_text_draw(W)
// using drv_generic_text_icon_draw(W)
// using drv_generic_text_bar_draw(W)

// ****************************************
// ***        exported functions        ***
// ****************************************

// list models
int drv_M5_list (void)
  int i;
  for (i=0; Models[i].type!=0xff; i++) {
    printf ("%s ", Models[i].name);
  return 0;

// initialize driver & display
int drv_M5_init (char *section)
  int ret;  
  // display preferences
  XRES  = 5;      // pixel width of one char 
  YRES  = 8;      // pixel height of one char 
  CHARS = 8;      // number of user-defineable characters
  CHAR0 = 248;    // ASCII of first user-defineable char
  GOTO_COST = 1;  // number of bytes a goto command requires
  // real worker functions
  drv_generic_text_real_write   = drv_M5_write;
  drv_generic_text_real_defchar = drv_M5_defchar;

  // start display
  if ((ret=drv_M5_start (section))!=0)
    return ret;
  // initialize generic text driver
  if ((ret=drv_generic_text_init(section, Name))!=0)
    return ret;

  // initialize generic icon driver
  if ((ret=drv_generic_text_icon_init())!=0)
    return ret;
  // initialize generic bar driver
  if ((ret=drv_generic_text_bar_init(0))!=0)
    return ret;
  // add fixed chars to the bar driver
  drv_generic_text_bar_add_segment (0,0,255,32); // ASCII  32 = blank

  // register text widget
  // register icon widget
  // register bar widget
  // register plugins
  // none at the moment

  return 0;

// close driver & display
int drv_M5_quit (void) {

  info("%s: shutting down.", Name);

  // clear all signals
  drv_generic_parport_control (SIGNAL_EX|SIGNAL_IOC1|SIGNAL_IOC2|SIGNAL_GPO, 0);
  return (0);

DRIVER drv_M50530 = {
  name: Name,
  list: drv_M5_list,
  init: drv_M5_init,
  quit: drv_M5_quit, 