#define MAJORVERSION 0 #define MINORVERSION 6 #define REVISION 7 #include #include #include #include #include #include "menu.h" #include "configfile.h" #include "machine_type.h" #include "input.h" #include "output.h" #include "buffers.h" #include "ui.h" #include "hexcalc.h" #include "search.h" #include "gpl.h" #include "markers.h" #include "correlation.h" void welcomescreen(char* argv0) { fprintf(stderr,"*** DHEX %i.%i%i\n",MAJORVERSION,MINORVERSION,REVISION); fprintf(stderr,"*** (C)opyleft 2012 by Thomas Dettbarn\n"); fprintf(stderr,"*** dettus@dettus.net (include DHEX somewhere in the subject)\n\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); fprintf(stderr,"(start it with %s -gpl to see the license)\n",argv0); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); fprintf(stderr,"This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n"); fprintf(stderr,"it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n"); fprintf(stderr,"the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or\n"); fprintf(stderr,"(at your option) any later version.\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); fprintf(stderr,"This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n"); fprintf(stderr,"but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n"); fprintf(stderr,"MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\n"); fprintf(stderr,"GNU General Public License for more details.\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); fprintf(stderr,"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n"); fprintf(stderr,"along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software\n"); fprintf(stderr,"Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA\n"); fprintf(stderr," \n\n"); } void helpscreen(char* argv0,int exitval) { welcomescreen(argv0); fprintf(stderr,"%s [Parameters]: General parameters\n",argv0); fprintf(stderr," -h, -H, -? show this help\n"); fprintf(stderr," -v, -V show the version number %i.%i%i\n",MAJORVERSION,MINORVERSION,REVISION); fprintf(stderr," -k, -K start the keyboard setup manually\n"); //fprintf(stderr," -x, -X start the hexcalc program (TODO)\n"); fprintf(stderr," -g, -G show the license\n"); fprintf(stderr," -f, -F [configfile] read the config from [configfile]\n"); fprintf(stderr," -m, -M [markerfile] read the bookmarks from [markerfile]\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); fprintf(stderr,"%s [Parameters] [Filename]: Edit a single file\n",argv0); fprintf(stderr," -ab, -AB [x] set the base address to [x] (binary)\n"); fprintf(stderr," -ad, -AD [x] set the base address to [x] (decimal)\n"); fprintf(stderr," -ah, -AH [x] set the base address to [x] (hexadecimal)\n"); fprintf(stderr," -ao, -AO [x] set the base address to [x] (octal)\n"); fprintf(stderr," -ob, -OB [x] set the cursor to [x] (binary)\n"); fprintf(stderr," -od, -OD [x] set the cursor to [x] (decimal)\n"); fprintf(stderr," -oh, -OH [x] set the cursor to [x] (hexadecimal)\n"); fprintf(stderr," -oo, -OO [x] set the cursor to [x] (octal)\n"); fprintf(stderr," -sa, -SA, -sab, -SAB [x] find the ascii string x in file (b=backwards)\n"); fprintf(stderr," -sh, -SH, -shb, -SHB [x] find the hex string x in file (b=backwards)\n"); fprintf(stderr," -r, -R [read searchlog] read the search positions from this searchlog\n"); fprintf(stderr," -w, -W [write searchlog] write the location of the occurances to this log\n"); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); fprintf(stderr,"%s [Parameters] [Filename1] [Filename2]: Diff mode\n",argv0); fprintf(stderr," -cd, -CD [x] correlate with the minimum difference\n"); fprintf(stderr," -cb, -CB, -cl, -CL correlate with the best/longest match\n"); fprintf(stderr," -a1b, -A1B [x] -a2b, -A2B [y] base addresses to [x] and [y] (binary)\n"); fprintf(stderr," -a1d, -A1D [x] -a2d, -A2D [y] base addresses to [x] and [y] (decimal)\n"); fprintf(stderr," -a1h, -A1H [x] -a2h, -A2H [y] base addresses to [x] and [y] (hexadecimal)\n"); fprintf(stderr," -a1o, -A1O [x] -a2o, -A2O [y] base addresses to [x] and [y] (octal)\n"); fprintf(stderr," -o1b, -O1B [x] -o2b, -O2B [y] set the cursors to [x] and [y] (binary)\n"); fprintf(stderr," -o1d, -O1D [x] -o2d, -O2D [y] set the cursors to [x] and [y] (decimal)\n"); fprintf(stderr," -o1h, -O1H [x] -o2h, -O2H [y] set the cursors to [x] and [y] (hexadecimal)\n"); fprintf(stderr," -o1o, -O1O [x] -o2o, -O2O [y] set the cursors to [x] and [y] (octal)\n"); fprintf(stderr," -s1a, -s1ab [x] -s2a, -s2ab [y] find the ascii strings [x] and [y]\n"); fprintf(stderr," -s1h, -s1hb [x] -s2h, -s2hb [y] find the hex strings [x] and [y]\n"); fprintf(stderr," -r1 [searchlog1] -r2 [searchlog2] read the search positions from searchlogs\n"); fprintf(stderr," -w1 [searchlog1] -w2 [searchlog2] write the search positions to searchlogs\n"); //fprintf(stderr," -c, -C [corrlen] find the best correlation between the files (TODO)\n"); exit(exitval); } int parsecursorpos(tInt64* cursorpos1,tInt64* cursorpos2,char* lastopt,char* argv) { int i; int g; int d; char c; tInt64 x=0; g=16; // default: hex if (lastopt[1]=='D' || lastopt[2]=='D') g=10; // -od: decimal if (lastopt[1]=='d' || lastopt[2]=='d') g=10; // -od: decimal if (lastopt[1]=='H' || lastopt[2]=='H') g=16; // -oh: hexadecimal if (lastopt[1]=='h' || lastopt[2]=='h') g=16; // -oh: hexadecimal if (lastopt[1]=='B' || lastopt[2]=='B') g=2; // -ob: binary if (lastopt[1]=='b' || lastopt[2]=='b') g=2; // -ob: binary if (lastopt[1]=='O' || lastopt[2]=='O') g=8; // -oo: octal if (lastopt[1]=='o' || lastopt[2]=='o') g=8; // -oo: octal for (i=0;i32) { x=x*g; d=g; if (c>='0' && c<='9') d=c-'0'; if (c>='a' && c<='f') d=c-'a'+10; if (c>='A' && c<='F') d=c-'A'+10; if (d>=g) return RETNOK; x=x+d; } } if (lastopt[1]=='1' || lastopt[2]=='1') *cursorpos1=x; // -o1: cursorpos1 else if (lastopt[1]=='2' || lastopt[2]=='2') *cursorpos2=x; // -o2: cursorpos2 else { *cursorpos1=x; // -o: both *cursorpos2=x; // -o: both } return RETOK; } int parsecommandlineoptions(int argc,char** argv,tInt64* baseaddr1,tInt64* baseaddr2,tInt64* cursorpos1,tInt64* cursorpos2,tBool* diffmode,int* filename1,int* filename2,tBool* keyboardsetupreq,char* markerfilename,char* configfile,tSearch* search1,tBool* gosearch1,tSearch* search2,tBool* gosearch2,tCorrelation* correlation,tBool* gocorr) { int filenamecnt=0; int i; int retval=RETOK; char lastopt[8]; tBool moreopts=1; *gosearch1=0; *gosearch2=0; *gocorr=0; memset(lastopt,0,8); for (i=1;ialgorithm=CORR_MIN_DIFF; // min diff, this is two parted else if (lastopt[1]=='b' || lastopt[1]=='B') {correlation->algorithm=CORR_BEST_MATCH;lastopt[0]=0;} // best match else if (lastopt[1]=='l' || lastopt[1]=='L') {correlation->algorithm=CORR_LONGEST_MATCH;lastopt[0]=0;} // longest match else { fprintf(stderr,"unknown correlation algorithm. please provide -cb, -cd or -cl\n"); exit(1); } break; case '?': case 'H': case 'h': helpscreen(argv[0],0); // print the helpscreen and be done with it lastopt[0]=0; break; case 'g': case 'G': print_gpl(); // print the gpl and be done with it exit(0); lastopt[0]=0; break; case 'X': case 'x': printf("TODO:hexcalc\n"); break; case 'K': case 'k': *keyboardsetupreq=1; lastopt[0]=0; break; case 'v': case 'V': printf("%i.%i%i\n",MAJORVERSION,MINORVERSION,REVISION); exit(0); break; default: break; } } else if (lastopt[0]) // two-parted parameters { switch (lastopt[0]) { case 'A': case 'a': retval=parsecursorpos(baseaddr1,baseaddr2,lastopt,argv[i]); break; case 'C': case 'c': correlation->start_mindiff=atoi(argv[i]); break; case 'F': case 'f': snprintf(configfile,512,"%s",argv[i]); break; case 'S': case 's': { tInt8 stringtype=0; // 0=unknown, 1=ascii, 2=hex tBool forward=1; tSearch* search; tBool* gosearch; int j; search=search1; gosearch=gosearch1; for (j=1;j<8 && lastopt[j];j++) { if (lastopt[j]=='a' || lastopt[j]=='A') stringtype=1; if (lastopt[j]=='h' || lastopt[j]=='H') stringtype=2; if (lastopt[j]=='b' || lastopt[j]=='B') forward=0; if (lastopt[j]=='1') { search=search1; gosearch=gosearch1; } if (lastopt[j]=='2') { search=search2; gosearch=gosearch2; } } *gosearch=1; search->forwardnotbackward=!(lastopt[2]=='b' || lastopt[2]=='B'); if (stringtype==1) { if (argv[i][0]=='"' || argv[i][0]=='\'') { char quotechar=argv[i][0]; int j,k=0; int start=1; int found=0; while (!found && isearchstring[k++]=argv[i][j]; search->searchstring[k]=0; } if (argv[i][j]=='\\' && !escape) escape=1; else escape=0; } start=0; if (!found) { i++; if (k<19) { search->searchstring[k++]=' '; search->searchstring[k]=0; } } } search->searchlen=k; } else { memcpy(search->searchstring,argv[i],19); search->searchlen=strlen(argv[i]); } if (search->searchlen>19) search->searchlen=19; } else if (stringtype==2) { int k=0; int x=0; search->searchlen=0; for (j=0;jsearchlen<19;j++) { int y; y=-1; x<<=4; y=(argv[i][j]>='0' && argv[i][j]<='9')?argv[i][j]-'0':y; y=(argv[i][j]>='a' && argv[i][j]<='f')?argv[i][j]-'a'+10:y; y=(argv[i][j]>='A' && argv[i][j]<='F')?argv[i][j]-'A'+10:y; if (y>=0) { x|=y; if (k&1) { search->searchstring[search->searchlen++]=(x&0xff); } k++; } else if (argv[i][j]!=' ') { fprintf(stderr,"illegal character in hex searchstring.\n"); retval=RETNOK; } } } else { fprintf(stderr,"please select one of -sa or -sh\n"); retval=RETNOK; } } break; case 'r': case 'R': { tSearch* search; if (lastopt[1]=='2') search=search2; else search=search1; memcpy(search->readlogfilename,argv[i],64); search->readsearchlog=1; } break; case 'w': case 'W': { tSearch* search; if (lastopt[1]=='2') search=search2; else search=search1; memcpy(search->writelogfilename,argv[i],64); search->writesearchlog=1; } break; case 'O': case 'o': retval=parsecursorpos(cursorpos1,cursorpos2,lastopt,argv[i]); break; case 'm': case 'M': if (markerfilename) memcpy(markerfilename,argv[i],64); break; default: retval=RETNOK; break; } lastopt[0]=0; } else // no parameters, must be a filename { if (filenamecnt==0) { *filename1=i; } if (filenamecnt==1) { *filename2=i; *diffmode=1; } filenamecnt++; if (filenamecnt>2) retval=RETNOK; } } return retval; } int main(int argc,char** argv) { // tBuffer buf1; // tBuffer buf2; thHexCalc* hHexCalc=NULL; tBuffer* buf1=NULL; tBuffer* buf2=NULL; tOutput* output=NULL; tInt64 baseaddr1=0; tInt64 cursorpos1; tInt64 firstpos1; tInt64 baseaddr2=0; tInt64 cursorpos2; tInt64 firstpos2; tInt64 oldcursorpos1; tInt64 oldfirstpos1; tInt64 oldcursorpos2; tInt64 oldfirstpos2; tSearch search1; tSearch search2; tMarkers* markers; tBool gosearch1=0; tBool gosearch2=0; tCorrelation correlation; char markerfilename[64]; tUInt8 windowfield=0; // 0=hex field buffer 1, 1=ascii field buffer 1, 2=hex field buffer 2, 3=ascii field buffer 2 tBool diffmode=0; tBool keyboardsetupreq; tBool gocorr=0; int retval; int ch; int filename1=-1; int filename2=-1; char* homedir; char configfile[512]; memset(configfile,0,512); memset(markerfilename,0,64); markers=initmarkers(); output=malloc(sizeof(tOutput)); memset(output,0,sizeof(tOutput)); initcolors(output); initkeytab(output); keyboardsetupreq=0; cursorpos1=0; cursorpos2=0; clearsearch(&search1); clearsearch(&search2); clear_correlation(&correlation); if (parsecommandlineoptions(argc,argv,&baseaddr1,&baseaddr2,&cursorpos1,&cursorpos2,&diffmode,&filename1,&filename2,&keyboardsetupreq,markerfilename,configfile,&search1,&gosearch1,&search2,&gosearch2,&correlation,&gocorr)!=RETOK) { if (output) { if (output->pKeyTab) free(output->pKeyTab); free(output); } if (markers) free(markers); helpscreen(argv[0],0); } if (cursorpos1 && baseaddr1 && cursorpos1>=baseaddr1) cursorpos1-=baseaddr1; if (cursorpos2 && baseaddr2 && cursorpos2>=baseaddr2) cursorpos2-=baseaddr2; if (configfile[0]==0) { homedir=getenv("HOME"); if (homedir==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"$HOME-variable not set. \n\n"); fprintf(stderr,"I'm sorry, but you'll have to provide a config-file by using\n"); fprintf(stderr,"%s -f /PATHTOCONFIGFILE/.dhexrc\n",argv[0]); exit(1); } else { snprintf(configfile,512,"%s/.dhexrc",homedir); } } if (markerfilename[0]) if (parsemarkerfile(markers,markerfilename)!=RETOK) { if (output) { if (output->pKeyTab) free(output->pKeyTab); free(output); } if (markers) free(markers); helpscreen(argv[0],0); } if (filename1==-1 || (filename2==-1 && diffmode)) helpscreen(argv[0],0); retval=readconfigfile(output,configfile); if (retval==1) // config file did not exists. creating one { tFptr f=fopen(configfile,"w"); if (!f) { welcomescreen(argv[0]); fprintf(stderr,"config file %s did not exists, and i couldn't create it\n",configfile); exit(1); } fprintf(f,"#DHEXCOLORSCHEME\n"); fprintf(f,"#VERSION 0\n"); fprintf(f,"#possible colors are: BLACK,RED,GREEN,YELLOW,BLUE,MAGENTA,CYAN,WHITE\n"); fprintf(f,"#possible extra flags are: UNDERLINE,REVERSE,BLINK,DIM,BOLD\n"); fprintf(f,"\n"); fprintf(f,"BRACKETS: FG=BLACK,BG=BLACK,BOLD\n"); fprintf(f,"HEXFIELD: FG=WHITE,BG=BLACK\n"); fprintf(f,"INPUT: FG=BLACK,BG=WHITE\n"); fprintf(f,"CURSOR: FG=WHITE,BG=BLACK\n"); fprintf(f,"TEXT: FG=LIGHTCYAN,BG=BLACK,BOLD\n"); fprintf(f,"MENU_NORMAL: FG=LIGHTBLUE,BG=BLACK\n"); fprintf(f,"MENU_HIGHLIGHT: FG=LIGHTBLUE,BG=BLUE\n"); fprintf(f,"MENU_HOTKEY: FG=CYAN,BG=BLACK\n"); fprintf(f,"MENU_HOTKEY_HI: FG=CYAN,BG=BLUE\n"); fprintf(f,"FRAME: FG=BLUE,BG=BLACK\n"); fprintf(f,"NORMAL_DIFF: FG=YELLOW,BG=BLACK,BOLD\n"); fprintf(f,"CURSOR_DIFF: FG=YELLOW,BG=WHITE,BOLD\n"); fprintf(f,"HEADLINE: FG=BLUE,BG=BLACK\n"); fprintf(f,"HEADER: FG=BLACK,BG=CYAN\n"); fprintf(f," \n"); fclose(f); retval=2; } if (retval==2) keyboardsetupreq=1; hHexCalc=malloc(sizeof(thHexCalc)); memset(hHexCalc,0,sizeof(thHexCalc)); buf1=malloc(sizeof(tBuffer)); memset(buf1,0,sizeof(tBuffer)); buf1->baseaddr=baseaddr1; if (diffmode) { buf2=malloc(sizeof(tBuffer)); memset(buf2,0,sizeof(tBuffer)); buf2->baseaddr=baseaddr2; } if (openbuf(buf1,1,argv[filename1])!=RETOK) { fprintf(stderr,"error opening inputfile %s\n",argv[filename1]); exit(1); } if (diffmode) if (openbuf(buf2,2,argv[filename2])!=RETOK) { fprintf(stderr,"error opening second inputfile %s\n",argv[filename2]); exit(1); } if (gosearch1) searchfor(&search1,buf1,&cursorpos1,1); if (gosearch2 && diffmode) searchfor(&search2,buf2,&cursorpos2,1); if (gocorr && diffmode) { fprintf(stderr,"correlating...\n"); find_correlation(NULL,&correlation,buf1,buf2,&cursorpos1,&cursorpos2); } if (!(gosearch1 && search1.writesearchlog) || (diffmode && !(gosearch2 && search2.writesearchlog))) { output->win=initscr(); pairsinit(output); noecho(); nodelay(output->win,1); if (keyboardsetupreq) keyboardsetup(output,configfile); readbuf(buf1,0); firstpos1=cursorpos1; firstpos2=cursorpos2; ch=0; while (ch!=KEYF10) { printmainmenu(output,diffmode); if (diffmode) printbufferdiff(output,buf1,buf2,cursorpos1,cursorpos2); else printbuffersingle(output,buf1,cursorpos1,firstpos1,windowfield); ch=getkey((tKeyTab*)output->pKeyTab,1); #define MOVEMENTDEFINE(KEY,VIKEY,mvchar,mvline,mvpage) \ if (ch==KEY || (VIKEY && ch==VIKEY && windowfield==0)) \ { \ tInt32 err; \ oldfirstpos1=firstpos1; \ oldcursorpos1=cursorpos1; \ oldfirstpos2=firstpos2; \ oldcursorpos2=cursorpos2; \ \ err=movepositions(&cursorpos1,&firstpos1,buf1->bufsize,mvchar,mvline,mvpage,diffmode); \ \ if (diffmode) \ { \ movepositions(&cursorpos2,&firstpos2,buf2->bufsize,mvchar,mvline,mvpage,diffmode); \ err=((cursorpos1<0 && cursorpos2<0) || (cursorpos1>buf1->bufsize && cursorpos2>buf2->bufsize)); \ } \ if (err) \ { \ firstpos1=oldfirstpos1; \ cursorpos1=oldcursorpos1; \ firstpos2=oldfirstpos2; \ cursorpos2=oldcursorpos2; \ } \ } MOVEMENTDEFINE(KEYRIGHT,'l' , 1, 0, 0); MOVEMENTDEFINE(KEYLEFT,'h' ,-1, 0, 0); MOVEMENTDEFINE(KEYDOWN,'j' , 0, 1, 0); MOVEMENTDEFINE(KEYUP,'k' , 0,-1, 0); MOVEMENTDEFINE(KEYPGDOWN,' ' , 0, 0, 1); MOVEMENTDEFINE(KEYPGUP,0 , 0, 0,-1); #undef MOVEMENTDEFINE if (ch==KEYHOME || (ch=='^' && windowfield==0)) { if (diffmode) { tInt64 dmin,dmax; dmin=MIN(cursorpos1,cursorpos2); dmax=MAX(cursorpos1,cursorpos2); if (dmin==0) { cursorpos1-=dmax; cursorpos2-=dmax; } else { cursorpos1-=dmin; cursorpos2-=dmin; } firstpos1=cursorpos1; firstpos2=cursorpos2; } else { firstpos1=cursorpos1=0; } } if (ch==KEYEND || (ch=='$' && windowfield==0)) { if (diffmode) { tInt64 dmin,dmax; dmin=MIN(buf1->bufsize-cursorpos1,buf2->bufsize-cursorpos2); dmax=MAX(buf1->bufsize-cursorpos1,buf2->bufsize-cursorpos2); if (dmin==0) { cursorpos2+=dmax; cursorpos1+=dmax; } else { cursorpos1+=dmin; cursorpos2+=dmin; } } else { firstpos1=cursorpos1=buf1->bufsize; } } if (ch==KEYTAB) {windowfield=(windowfield+1)&1;} if ((ch==KEYF1 || (ch==':' && windowfield==0))&& !diffmode) { if (gotomask(output,markers,&cursorpos1,buf1->baseaddr)==RETOK) { firstpos1=cursorpos1; } } if ((ch==KEYF2 || ((ch=='/' || ch=='?') && (windowfield==0))) && !diffmode) { if (ch=='/') search1.forwardnotbackward=1; // / means forward if (ch=='?') search1.forwardnotbackward=0; // ? means backward searchmask(output,&search1,buf1,&cursorpos1); firstpos1=cursorpos1; } if (ch==KEYF3 || ch==KEYF4 || (windowfield==0 && (ch=='n' || ch=='N'))) { if (ch=='n') ch=KEYF3; // n=next if (ch=='N') ch=KEYF4; // N=previous if (diffmode) { tInt64 actcursorpos1=cursorpos1; tInt64 actcursorpos2=cursorpos2; tInt32 idx1,idx2; tBool found; tBool diffnotdiff; tUInt64 minbufsize=(buf1->bufsizebufsize)?buf1->bufsize:buf2->bufsize; // get the minimum of the filesizes tUInt64 searchcnt=minbufsize; oldcursorpos1=cursorpos1; oldcursorpos2=cursorpos2; actcursorpos1=actcursorpos1+((ch==KEYF3)?1:-1); // F3: next, F4:prev actcursorpos2=actcursorpos2+((ch==KEYF3)?1:-1); // F3: next, F4:prev found=(!minbufsize); idx1=getbufferidx(buf1,actcursorpos1); idx2=getbufferidx(buf2,actcursorpos2); diffnotdiff=(buf1->data[idx1]!=buf2->data[idx2]); // if the cursor is on something which is a diff, look for the next time the values are the same while (actcursorpos1!=oldcursorpos1 && actcursorpos2!=oldcursorpos2 && searchcnt && !found) { idx1=getbufferidx(buf1,actcursorpos1); idx2=getbufferidx(buf2,actcursorpos2); if ((buf1->data[idx1]!=buf2->data[idx2]) != diffnotdiff) found=1; else { actcursorpos1=actcursorpos1+((ch==KEYF3)?1:-1); // F3: next, F4:prev actcursorpos2=actcursorpos2+((ch==KEYF3)?1:-1); // F3: next, F4:prev } if (actcursorpos1<0 || actcursorpos2<0) { actcursorpos1+=minbufsize; // start at the end of the smallest file actcursorpos2+=minbufsize; // start at the end of the smallest file } if (actcursorpos1>=minbufsize && actcursorpos2>=minbufsize) { actcursorpos1-=minbufsize; // if you are at the end of the smallest file, start at the beginning actcursorpos2-=minbufsize; // if you are at the end of the smallest file, start at the beginning } searchcnt--; } if (found) { cursorpos1=actcursorpos1; cursorpos2=actcursorpos2; } } else if (search1.occurancesfound) { searchfor(&search1,buf1,&cursorpos1,(ch==KEYF3)); // f3: next firstpos1=cursorpos1; } } if (ch==KEYF5) hexcalc(output,hHexCalc); if (ch==KEYF6 && diffmode) { correlation.start_mindiff=MIN(buf1->bufsize,buf2->bufsize); if (correlationmask(output,&correlation)==RETOK) { find_correlation(output,&correlation,buf1,buf2,&cursorpos1,&cursorpos2); } } if ((ch==KEYF9 || (ch=='u' && windowfield==0)) && !diffmode) { if (buf1->changesnum) { if ((buf1->changes[buf1->changesnum].pos==(buf1->bufsize-1) && (buf1->filesize<=buf1->changes[buf1->changesnum].pos))) buf1->bufsize--; // if this was the last byte in the buffer, decrease its size cursorpos1=buf1->changes[--buf1->changesnum].pos; if (cursorpos1cursorpos1) firstpos1=cursorpos1; // TODO: 100 depends on the size of the window } } if (buf1->changesnum='0' && ch<='9') || (ch>='a' && ch<='f') || (ch>='A' && ch<='F')) && windowfield==0) { buf1->nexthex<<=4; if (ch>='a') ch-=32; buf1->nexthex|=((ch>='A')?(ch-'A'+10):(ch-'0')); if (buf1->nibble) { if (cursorpos1==buf1->bufsize) buf1->bufsize++; // append the byte at the end buf1->changes[buf1->changesnum].pos=cursorpos1; buf1->changes[buf1->changesnum].after=buf1->nexthex; buf1->changesnum++; movepositions(&cursorpos1,&firstpos1,buf1->bufsize,1,0,0,diffmode); } buf1->nibble=!buf1->nibble; buf1->changepos=cursorpos1; } else buf1->nibble=0; if (ch>=32 && ch<127 && windowfield==1) { if (cursorpos1==buf1->bufsize) buf1->bufsize++; // append the byte at the end buf1->changes[buf1->changesnum].pos=cursorpos1; buf1->changes[buf1->changesnum].after=ch; buf1->changesnum++; movepositions(&cursorpos1,&firstpos1,buf1->bufsize,1,0,0,diffmode); } } if (ch==KEYF10) { if (buf1->changesnum) if (savedialog(output,buf1)!=RETOK) { ch=0; } } } if (output) { if (output->pKeyTab) free(output->pKeyTab); free(output); } if (buf1) free(buf1); if (buf2) free(buf2); if (hHexCalc) free(hHexCalc); if (markers) free(markers); if (output->win) endwin(); welcomescreen(argv[0]); } else { if (gosearch1) fprintf(stderr,"%lli occurances found in %s\n",search1.occurancesfound,buf1->filename); if (gosearch2) fprintf(stderr,"%lli occurances found in %s\n",search2.occurancesfound,buf2->filename); } return 0; }