#include #include #include #include #include "configfile.h" #include "machine_type.h" #include "ncurses.h" #include "output.h" #include "input.h" typedef struct _tColorName { char name[16]; short len; short val; int attrs; } tColorName; typedef struct _tColorGroup { char configname[16]; short len; uicolors uicol; } tColorGroup; const tColorGroup colorGroups[13]={ {"BRACKETS:", 9,COLOR_BRACKETS}, {"HEXFIELD:", 9,COLOR_HEXFIELD}, {"INPUT:", 6,COLOR_INPUT}, {"CURSOR:", 7,COLOR_CURSOR}, {"TEXT:", 5,COLOR_TEXT}, {"MENU_NORMAL:", 12,COLOR_MENUNORMAL}, {"MENU_HIGHLIGHT:", 15,COLOR_MENUACTIVE}, {"MENU_HOTKEY:", 12,COLOR_MENUHOTKEY}, {"MENU_HOTKEY_HI:", 15,COLOR_MENUHOTKEYACTIVE}, {"NORMAL_DIFF:", 12,COLOR_DIFF}, {"CURSOR_DIFF:", 12,COLOR_CURSORDIFF}, {"HEADLINE:", 9,COLOR_HEADLINE}, {"FRAME:", 6,COLOR_FRAME}}; const tColorName colorNames[20]={ {"BLACK", 5,COLOR_BLACK,0}, {"RED", 3,COLOR_RED,0}, {"GREEN", 5,COLOR_GREEN,0}, {"BLUE", 4,COLOR_BLUE,0}, {"PURPLE", 6,COLOR_MAGENTA,0}, {"MAGENTA", 7,COLOR_MAGENTA,0}, {"CYAN", 4,COLOR_CYAN,0}, {"WHITE", 5,COLOR_WHITE,0}, {"YELLOW", 6,COLOR_YELLOW,A_BOLD}, {"BROWN", 5,COLOR_YELLOW,0}, {"LIGHTBLACK", 10,COLOR_BLACK,A_BOLD}, {"LIGHTRED", 8,COLOR_RED,A_BOLD}, {"LIGHTGREEN", 10,COLOR_GREEN,A_BOLD}, {"LIGHTBLUE", 9,COLOR_BLUE,A_BOLD}, {"LIGHTPURPLE", 11,COLOR_MAGENTA,A_BOLD}, {"LIGHTMAGENTA",12,COLOR_MAGENTA,A_BOLD}, {"LIGHTCYAN", 9,COLOR_CYAN,A_BOLD}, {"LIGHTWHITE", 10,COLOR_WHITE,A_BOLD}, {"LIGHTYELLOW", 11,COLOR_YELLOW,A_BOLD}, {"LIGHTBROWN", 10,COLOR_YELLOW,A_BOLD}}; const tColorName attrNames[5]={ {"UNDERLINE", 9,0,A_UNDERLINE}, {"REVERSE", 7,0,A_REVERSE}, {"BLINK", 5,0,A_BLINK}, {"DIM", 3,0,A_DIM}, {"BOLD", 4,0,A_BOLD}}; int getcolors(tOutput* output,char* line) { int i; int l; int state=0; // 0: find :, 1=find FG=, 2=find, , 3=find BG=, 4=find , ,5=find END, 6=nothing char token[6][64]; int tokenidx=0; char c; short col1; short col2; int attrs1; int attrs2; int attrsret; short fg=7,bg=0; l=strlen(line); memset(token,0,sizeof(token)); for (i=0;i='a' && c<='z') c-=32; // make the letters lower case if (state==0 && c==':') { token[state][tokenidx++]=c; //apend the last char token[state][tokenidx]=0; state=1; tokenidx=0; } else if (state==1 && c=='=') {state=2;tokenidx=0;} else if (state==2 && c==',') {state=3;tokenidx=0;} else if (state==3 && c=='=') {state=4;tokenidx=0;} else if (state==4 && c==',') {state=5;tokenidx=0;} else if (state==5 && c<32) {state=6;tokenidx=0;} else if (state!=6 && tokenidx<63) { token[state][tokenidx++]=c; token[state][tokenidx]=0; } } } //printf("%s;%s;%s;%s;%s;%s\n",token[0],token[1],token[2],token[3],token[4],token[5]); // token0: contains the color group // token1: contains fg or bg // token2: contains the color // token3: contains fg or bg // token4: contains the color black, red, green, blue, purple, cyan, brown, yellow, white, lightblack, lightred, lightgreen, lightblue, lightpurple,lightcyan, lightbrown, lightyellow // token5: contains something light BOLD, reverse, blink, underline, dim col1=0;col2=0; attrs1=0;attrs2=0; attrsret=0; for (i=0;i<20;i++) { if (strncmp(token[2],colorNames[i].name,colorNames[i].len)==0) {col1=colorNames[i].val;attrs1=colorNames[i].attrs;} if (strncmp(token[4],colorNames[i].name,colorNames[i].len)==0) {col2=colorNames[i].val;attrs2=colorNames[i].attrs;} } if (strncmp(token[1],"FG",2)==0) { fg=col1; attrsret|=attrs1; } if (strncmp(token[1],"BG",2)==0) { bg=col1; attrsret|=(attrs1==A_BOLD)?A_BLINK:attrs1; } if (strncmp(token[3],"FG",2)==0) { fg=col2; attrsret|=attrs2; } if (strncmp(token[3],"BG",2)==0) { bg=col2; attrsret|=(attrs2==A_BOLD)?A_BLINK:attrs2; } for (i=0;i<5;i++) { if (strncmp(attrNames[i].name,token[5],attrNames[i].len)==0) attrsret|=attrNames[i].attrs; } for (i=0;i<13;i++) { if (strncmp(colorGroups[i].configname,token[0],colorGroups[i].len)==0) { colorpair(output,colorGroups[i].uicol,fg,bg,attrsret); } } return RETOK; } int readconfigfile(tOutput* output,char* filename) { tFptr f=fopen(filename,"rb"); unsigned char line[512]; unsigned char c; int lineidx=0; int keyboardcnt; if (!f) return 1; keyboardcnt=0; while (!feof(f)) { fread(&c,sizeof(char),1,f); if (!feof(f)) { if (c>='a' && c<='z') c-=32; // make everything uppercase if (c==9) c=32; // and whitespaces are all the same if (lineidx<511 && c!=32) { line[lineidx++]=c; line[lineidx]=0; if (c<32) { getcolors(output,line); keyboardcnt+=(configkeytab((tKeyTab*)output->pKeyTab,line)==0); lineidx=0; line[0]=0; } } } } fclose(f); if (keyboardcnt!=NUM_SPECIALKEYS) return 2; // not every spcial key was configured in the config file return 0; }