diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
-rw-r--r-- | src/chrome/content/proxy.js | 1080 |
1 files changed, 1080 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/chrome/content/proxy.js b/src/chrome/content/proxy.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8c94d0f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/chrome/content/proxy.js @@ -0,0 +1,1080 @@ +/*
+* 2008
+* Copyright Steve McFred and Jeremy Gillick (author of SwitchProxy)
+* 100 - 149: mproxy_setProxy()
+* 150 - 199: mproxy_removeProxy()
+* 200 - 249: mproxy_clearCookies()
+* 250 - 299: mproxy_editProxyDialog()
+* 300 - 349: mproxy_manualUpgradCheck()
+var gSwitchP_List;
+var gSwitchP_ListPopup;
+var gSwitchP_ContextList;
+var gSwitchP_StatusBar;
+var gSwitchP_MenuList;
+var gSwitchP_ManageList;
+var gSwitchP_ElementList;
+var gSwitchP_ElementButton;
+var gSwitchP_LastItem;
+var gSwitchP_ProxyCount = 0;
+var gSwitchP_InManager = false;
+var gSwitchP_Loaded = false;
+var gSwitchP_Cycle = null;
+var gSwitchP_CommandEnd = true;
+var gSwitchP_Prefs = null;
+var gSwitchP_NoneLabel = "None";
+var gSwitchPTabMgr = null;
+function mproxy_initProxy(event){
+ window.removeEventListener("load", mproxy_initProxy, true);
+ if(!gSwitchP_Loaded){
+ gSwitchP_List = document.getElementById('proxy-list')
+ gSwitchP_ListPopup = document.getElementById('proxy-list-popup');
+ gSwitchP_ManageList = document.getElementById('manage-proxy-list');
+ gSwitchP_ContextList = document.getElementById('context-proxy-list');
+ gSwitchP_StatusBar = document.getElementById('mproxy-status');
+ gSwitchP_MenuList = document.getElementById('mproxy-menu-list');
+ gSwitchP_ElementList = document.getElementById('mproxy-element-list');
+ gSwitchP_ElementButton = document.getElementById('mproxy-element-button');
+ gSwitchP_Prefs = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch);
+ gSwitchP_NoneLabel = mproxy_getString("common.proxy.none");
+ //Is in Proxy Manager
+ if(gSwitchP_ManageList != null){
+ gSwitchP_InManager = true;
+ gSwitchP_List = gSwitchP_ManageList;
+ }
+ mproxy_showMenus(true);
+ //Cleanup RDF File
+ mproxy_cleanupRdf();
+ //Populate Proxy List
+ mproxy_populateList();
+ //Set Last Proxy Selected
+ if(gSwitchP_List != null)
+ gSwitchP_LastItem = gSwitchP_List.selectedItem;
+ //Add Preferences Listener
+ var oProxyObserver = {
+ observe : function(subject, topic, data){ mproxy_populateList(); }
+ };
+ var oMenuObserver = {
+ observe : function(subject, topic, data){ mproxy_showMenus(false); }
+ };
+ //var oPrefBranch = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranchInternal);
+ ////oPrefBranch.addObserver("network.proxy", oPrefObserver, false);
+ //oPrefBranch.addObserver("mproxy.proxy.rdf.lastupdate", oProxyObserver, false);
+ //oPrefBranch.addObserver("mproxy.display", oMenuObserver, false);
+ //if(navigator.userAgent.search(/Thunderbird/gi) > -1){
+ // oPrefBranch = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranchInternal);
+ //}
+ //Else{
+oPrefBranch = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefService);
+oPrefBranch.addObserver("mproxy.proxy.rdf.lastupdate", oProxyObserver, false);
+//oPrefBranch.addObserver("mproxy.display", oMenuObserver, false);
+//oPrefBranch.addObserver("network.proxy", oPrefObserver, false);
+ //Auto-Update Anonymous Proxy Lists (after 10 minutes)
+ //gAnonUpdateTimout = setTimeout("mproxy_anon_autoUpdateLists()", 600000);
+ // Start Anon Rotation
+ //setTimeout("mproxy_anon_nextProxy()", 1000);
+ gSwitchP_Loaded = true;
+ }
+// Return Tab Manager
+function mproxy_getTabManager(){
+ return gSwitchPTabMgr;
+//Used for debugging removed
+//Displays the context menu based on what
+// the user selects in the options
+function mproxy_showMenus(onStartup){
+ try{
+ //Show/Hide menus
+ var oPrefs = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefService).getBranch("");
+ // Status Bar
+ var isHidden = (oPrefs.prefHasUserValue("mproxy.display.statusbar") && !oPrefs.getBoolPref("mproxy.display.statusbar"))
+ document.getElementById("mproxy-status").setAttribute("collapsed", isHidden);
+ // If not thunderbird
+ if(navigator.userAgent.search(/Thunderbird/gi) < 0){
+ //Context
+ var isHidden = (oPrefs.prefHasUserValue("mproxy.display.context") && !oPrefs.getBoolPref("mproxy.display.context"))
+ document.getElementById("mproxy-context-menu").setAttribute("collapsed", isHidden);
+ document.getElementById("mproxy-context-separator").setAttribute("hidden", isHidden);
+ //Toolbar
+ if(onStartup){
+ oPrefs.setBoolPref("mproxy.display.toolbar", (!document.getElementById("proxy-toolbar").getAttribute("collapsed")));
+ }
+ else{
+ var isHidden = (oPrefs.prefHasUserValue("mproxy.display.toolbar") && !oPrefs.getBoolPref("mproxy.display.toolbar"))
+ document.getElementById("proxy-toolbar").setAttribute("collapsed", isHidden);
+ }
+ }
+ }catch(err){}
+// Show Element List
+function mproxy_showElementList(event){
+ var oContext = document.getElementById('context-proxy-list');
+ if(oContext == null){
+ return;
+ }
+//Returns is the entered menu is currently showing
+// values are 'context' or 'toolbar'
+function mproxy_menuShowing(sMenu){
+ var oObj = null;
+ if(sMenu == "context"){
+ oObj = document.getElementById("mproxy-context-menu");
+ }
+ else if(sMenu == "toolbar"){
+ oObj = document.getElementById("proxy-toolbar");
+ }
+ if(oObj == null)
+ return false;
+ return !eval(oObj.getAttribute("collapsed"));
+//Clears current Proxy List
+function mproxy_clearList(){
+ gSwitchP_ProxyCount = 0;
+ //Toolbar List
+ if(!gSwitchP_InManager && gSwitchP_List != null && gSwitchP_List.removeAllItems && !gSwitchP_List.open){
+ gSwitchP_List.removeAllItems();
+ }
+ //Manage Proxy Box
+ if(gSwitchP_InManager && gSwitchP_List != null){
+ aNodes = gSwitchP_List.childNodes;
+ for(var i = aNodes.length-1; i >= 0; i--){
+ gSwitchP_List.removeChild(aNodes[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ //Context List
+ if(gSwitchP_ContextList != null){
+ aNodes = gSwitchP_ContextList.childNodes;
+ for(var i = aNodes.length-1; i >= 0; i--){
+ gSwitchP_ContextList.removeChild(aNodes[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ //Toolbar Element List
+ if(gSwitchP_ElementList != null){
+ aNodes = gSwitchP_ElementList.childNodes;
+ for(var i = aNodes.length-1; i >= 0; i--){
+ if(aNodes[i].getAttribute("class") == "proxy-menu-item")
+ gSwitchP_ElementList.removeChild(aNodes[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ // Tools Menu List
+ if(gSwitchP_MenuList != null){
+ aNodes = gSwitchP_MenuList.childNodes;
+ for(var i = aNodes.length-1; i >= 0; i--){
+ if(aNodes[i].getAttribute("class") == "proxy-menu-item")
+ gSwitchP_MenuList.removeChild(aNodes[i]);
+ }
+ }
+//Add Item to lists
+function mproxy_appendToList(sLabel, sValue, isSelected, iType){
+ var oItem = null;
+ gSwitchP_ProxyCount++;
+ try{
+ //Toolbar List
+ if(!gSwitchP_InManager && gSwitchP_List != null && !gSwitchP_List.open){
+ oItem = gSwitchP_List.appendItem(sLabel, sValue);
+ oItem.setAttribute("oncommand", "mproxy_selectProxy();"); //mproxy_anon_stopRotation();
+ oItem.setAttribute("proxyType", iType);
+ }
+ //Manage Proxy Box
+ if(gSwitchP_InManager && gSwitchP_List != null && sLabel != gSwitchP_NoneLabel){
+ oItem = gSwitchP_List.appendItem(sLabel, sValue);
+ oItem.setAttribute("proxyType", iType);
+ }
+ //Context List
+ if(gSwitchP_ContextList != null){
+ oItem = document.createElement("menuitem");
+ oItem.setAttribute("label", sLabel);
+ oItem.setAttribute("value", sValue);
+ oItem.setAttribute("type", "checkbox");
+ oItem.setAttribute("autocheck", "false");
+ oItem.setAttribute("proxyType", iType);
+ oItem.setAttribute("oncommand", "mproxy_queueSetProxy(this);");
+ gSwitchP_ContextList.appendChild(oItem);
+ }
+ //Toolbar Element List
+ if(gSwitchP_ElementList != null){
+ //Get separator, which is after proxy list
+ var oSeparator = document.getElementById("mproxy-element-list-separator");
+ oItem = document.createElement("menuitem");
+ oItem.setAttribute("id", sValue);
+ oItem.setAttribute("label", sLabel);
+ oItem.setAttribute("value", sValue);
+ oItem.setAttribute("type", "checkbox");
+ oItem.setAttribute("autocheck", "false");
+ oItem.setAttribute("proxyType", iType);
+ oItem.setAttribute("class", "proxy-menu-item");
+ oItem.setAttribute("oncommand", "mproxy_queueSetProxy(this);");
+ gSwitchP_ElementList.insertBefore(oItem, oSeparator);
+ }
+ // Tools Menu List
+ if(gSwitchP_MenuList != null){
+ //Get separator, which is after proxy list
+ var oSeparator = document.getElementById("mproxy-menu-list-separator");
+ oItem = document.createElement("menuitem");
+ oItem.setAttribute("id", sValue);
+ oItem.setAttribute("label", sLabel);
+ oItem.setAttribute("value", sValue);
+ oItem.setAttribute("type", "checkbox");
+ oItem.setAttribute("autocheck", "false");
+ oItem.setAttribute("proxyType", iType);
+ oItem.setAttribute("class", "proxy-menu-item");
+ oItem.setAttribute("oncommand", "mproxy_queueSetProxy(this);");
+ gSwitchP_MenuList.insertBefore(oItem, oSeparator);
+ }
+ //Select
+ if(isSelected)
+ mproxy_selectItem(sLabel);
+ }catch(err){}
+//Sets List item with labe sLabel, to be selected/checked
+function mproxy_selectItem(sLabel){
+ try{
+ //Toolbar List
+ if(!gSwitchP_InManager && gSwitchP_List != null){
+ oItem = gSwitchP_List.getElementsByAttribute("label", sLabel);
+ if(oItem != null){
+ oItem = oItem[0];
+ gSwitchP_List.selectedItem = oItem;
+ oItem.setAttribute("selected", true);
+ }
+ }
+ //Context
+ if(gSwitchP_ContextList != null){
+ oItem = gSwitchP_ContextList.getElementsByAttribute("label", sLabel);
+ if(oItem != null){
+ //Uncheck Other
+ var aChecked = gSwitchP_ContextList.getElementsByAttribute("checked", "true");
+ for(var c = 0; c < aChecked.length; c++){
+ aChecked[c].setAttribute("checked", false);
+ }
+ //Select
+ oItem = oItem[0];
+ gSwitchP_ContextList.selectedItem = oItem;
+ oItem.setAttribute("checked", true);
+ }
+ }
+ //Toolbar Element List
+ if(gSwitchP_ElementList != null){
+ oItem = gSwitchP_ElementList.getElementsByAttribute("label", sLabel);
+ if(oItem != null && oItem.length > 0){
+ //Uncheck Other
+ var aChecked = gSwitchP_ElementList.getElementsByAttribute("checked", "true");
+ for(var c = 0; c < aChecked.length; c++){
+ aChecked[c].setAttribute("checked", false);
+ }
+ //Check Selected
+ oItem = oItem[0];
+ gSwitchP_ElementList.selectedItem = oItem;
+ oItem.setAttribute("selected", true);
+ oItem.setAttribute("checked", true);
+ //Change Button Label
+ gSwitchP_ElementButton = document.getElementById('mproxy-element-button');
+ if(gSwitchP_ElementButton != null){
+ gSwitchP_ElementButton.setAttribute("label", sLabel);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Tools Menu List
+ if(gSwitchP_MenuList != null){
+ oItem = gSwitchP_MenuList.getElementsByAttribute("label", sLabel);
+ if(oItem != null && oItem.length > 0){
+ //Uncheck Other
+ var aChecked = gSwitchP_MenuList.getElementsByAttribute("checked", "true");
+ for(var c = 0; c < aChecked.length; c++){
+ aChecked[c].setAttribute("checked", false);
+ }
+ //Check Selected
+ oItem = oItem[0];
+ gSwitchP_MenuList.selectedItem = oItem;
+ oItem.setAttribute("selected", true);
+ oItem.setAttribute("checked", true);
+ }
+ }
+ // Status Bar
+ if(gSwitchP_StatusBar != null){
+ gSwitchP_StatusBar.setAttribute("label", mproxy_getString("common.label.proxy")+" "+sLabel);
+ }
+ mproxy_clearTimeout(gSwitchP_Cycle);
+ }catch(err){
+ mproxy_debug(err);
+ }
+//Return menuitem for the given sUri
+function mproxy_getMenuItem(sUri){
+ var oItem = null;
+ //Toolbar
+ oItem = (gSwitchP_List != null) ? gSwitchP_List.getElementsByAttribute("value", sUri) : null;
+ if(oItem != null && oItem[0] != null)
+ return oItem[0];
+ //Context
+ oItem = (gSwitchP_List != null) ? gSwitchP_ContextList.getElementsByAttribute("value", sUri) : null;
+ if(oItem != null && oItem[0] != null)
+ return oItem[0];
+ //Toolbar Element
+ oItem = (gSwitchP_List != null) ? gSwitchP_ElementList.getElementsByAttribute("value", sUri) : null;
+ if(oItem != null && oItem[0] != null)
+ return oItem[0];
+ //Default
+ return null;
+function mproxy_cycle(sAction){
+ if(gSwitchP_Cycle != null){
+ mproxy_clearTimeout(gSwitchP_Cycle);
+ gSwitchP_CommandEnd = true;
+ if(sAction == 'change' && gSwitchP_LastItem != null && gSwitchP_List != null && gSwitchP_List.selectedItem.label != gSwitchP_LastItem.label && gSwitchP_List.selectedIndex > 0){
+ gSwitchP_List.label = gSwitchP_LastItem.label;
+ gSwitchP_List.selectedItem = gSwitchP_LastItem;
+ gSwitchP_List.selectedItem.value = gSwitchP_LastItem.value;
+ mproxy_setProxy();
+ }
+ else if(sAction == 'select' && gSwitchP_List != null && gSwitchP_List.selectedIndex > -1){
+ mproxy_setStatus(mproxy_getString("toolbar.notApplied"), "#F00");
+ setTimeout("mproxy_setStatus(mproxy_getString('toolbar.loading'))", 3000);
+ setTimeout("mproxy_populateList('"+ gSwitchP_LastItem.label +"');", 4000);
+ setTimeout("mproxy_setProxy();", 4500);
+ }
+ }
+//When user selects a Proxy from the menu list
+function mproxy_selectProxy(){
+ mproxy_clearTimeout(gSwitchP_Cycle);
+ if(gSwitchP_List == null || gSwitchP_List.selectedItem == null || gSwitchP_InManager)
+ return;
+ //if(gSwitchP_List.selectedItem.label != gSwitchP_NoneLabel){
+ //document.getElementById('edit-button').disabled = false;
+ //document.getElementById('remove-button').disabled = false;
+ //document.getElementById('edit-button').image = "chrome://mproxy/content/icons/pencil.png";
+ //document.getElementById('remove-button').image = "chrome://mproxy/content/icons/cross.png";
+ //}
+ //else{
+ //document.getElementById('edit-button').disabled = true;
+ //document.getElementById('remove-button').disabled = true;
+ //document.getElementById('edit-button').image = "chrome://mproxy/content/icons/pencil_disabled.png";
+ //document.getElementById('remove-button').image = "chrome://mproxy/content/icons/cross_disabled.png";
+ //}
+ if(typeof(gSwitchP_List.selectedItem.value) != 'undefined'){
+ //If this item is not being used by the browser,
+ // show a helpful message and cycle
+ var oPrefs = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefService).getBranch("");
+ if((!oPrefs.prefHasUserValue("mproxy.proxy.current") || oPrefs.getCharPref("mproxy.proxy.current") != gSwitchP_List.selectedItem.value) && gSwitchP_LastItem != null && gSwitchP_LastItem != gSwitchP_List.selectedItem){
+ mproxy_setStatus(mproxy_getString("toolbar.clickApply"), "#060");
+ //Cycle if user doesn't click 'Apply'
+ //if(gSwitchP_Cycle == null)
+ // gSwitchP_Cycle = setTimeout("mproxy_cycle('select')", 10000);
+ }
+ //If it is being used by the browser
+ else if(oPrefs.prefHasUserValue("mproxy.proxy.current") && oPrefs.getCharPref("mproxy.proxy.current") == gSwitchP_List.selectedItem.value){
+ mproxy_clearTimeout(gSwitchP_Cycle);
+ //Anonomous
+ if(gSwitchP_List.selectedItem.getAttribute("proxyType") == "3"){
+ // if(mproxy_anon_getCurrent() == "unknown")
+ // mproxy_setProxy(false);
+ //
+ // mproxy_setStatus(mproxy_getString("toolbar.using") +" "+ gSwitchP_List.selectedItem.label +" ["+ mproxy_anon_getCurrent() +"] ("+ mproxy_anon_getCurrentCount() +")");
+ }
+ //Standard
+ else{
+ mproxy_setStatus(mproxy_getString("toolbar.using") +" "+ gSwitchP_List.selectedItem.label);
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ mproxy_clearTimeout(gSwitchP_Cycle);
+ mproxy_setStatus(mproxy_getString("toolbar.using.none"));
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+//Queue Set Proxy
+function mproxy_queueSetProxy(oMenuItem){
+ mproxy_clearTimeout(gSwitchP_Cycle);
+ setTimeout("mproxy_setProxy(true, true, null, '"+ oMenuItem.label +"', '"+ oMenuItem.getAttribute("value") +"', '"+ oMenuItem.getAttribute("proxyType") +"')", 10);
+//Set Proxy
+function mproxy_setProxy(bClean, fromContextMenu, oMenuItem, sLabel, sUri, sType){
+ //Start Command
+ gSwitchP_CommandEnd = false;
+ mproxy_clearTimeout(gSwitchP_Cycle);
+ //mproxy_anon_stopRotation();
+ //If in Proxy Manager, do nothing
+ if(gSwitchP_InManager){
+ gSwitchP_CommandEnd = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ var hasError = false;
+ //Set fromContextMenu
+ if(fromContextMenu == null)
+ fromContextMenu = false;
+ //Get Proxy URI & Label
+ var sProxyUri = "";
+ var sProxyLabel = "";
+ var sProxyType = 0;
+ if(sUri != null && sLabel != null){
+ sProxyUri = sUri;
+ sProxyLabel = sLabel;
+ if(sType) sProxyType = sType;
+ }
+ else if(oMenuItem != null){
+ sProxyUri = oMenuItem.getAttribute("value");
+ sProxyLabel = oMenuItem.getAttribute("label");
+ sProxyType = oMenuItem.getAttribute("proxyType");
+ }
+ else{
+ if(fromContextMenu == true){
+ sProxyUri = gSwitchP_ContextList.selectedItem.value;
+ sProxyLabel = gSwitchP_ContextList.selectedItem.label;
+ sProxyType = gSwitchP_ContextList.selectedItem.getAttribute("proxyType");
+ }
+ else if(gSwitchP_List != null){
+ sProxyUri = gSwitchP_List.selectedItem.value;
+ sProxyLabel = gSwitchP_List.selectedItem.label;
+ sProxyType = gSwitchP_List.selectedItem.getAttribute("proxyType");
+ }
+ }
+ //Branch if Anonomous
+ if(sProxyType == "3"){
+ //mproxy_setStatus(mproxy_getString("toolbar.loading"));
+ //mproxy_anon_loadProxy(sProxyUri, true);
+ }
+ else if(sProxyUri != ""){
+ mproxy_setStatus(mproxy_getString("toolbar.loading"));
+ try{
+ //Always clear proxy settings first - this may mess up with selection...
+ //gSwitchP_Prefs.setIntPref("network.proxy.type", 0);
+ //Change Browser Preferences
+ var aProps = mproxy_ds_getPropertyValuesFor(sProxyUri);
+ for(key in gmproxy_options){
+ //Get pref type and update preference
+ var sPrefVal = "";
+ if(typeof(gmproxy_options_defaults[key]) == "number"){
+ gSwitchP_Prefs.setIntPref(gmproxy_options[key], parseInt(aProps[gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot +"#"+ key]));
+ }
+ else if(typeof(gmproxy_options_defaults[key]) == "boolean"){
+ gSwitchP_Prefs.setBoolPref(gmproxy_options[key], eval(aProps[gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot +"#"+ key]));
+ }
+ else{ //String
+ gSwitchP_Prefs.setCharPref(gmproxy_options[key], aProps[gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot +"#"+ key]);
+ }
+ }
+ //Get Proxy Label
+ sProxyLabel = aProps[gSProxyRdfNodeName];
+ //Update Status
+ mproxy_setStatus(mproxy_getString("toolbar.using") +" "+ sProxyLabel);
+ //Update Preference
+ gSwitchP_Prefs.setCharPref("mproxy.proxy.current", sProxyUri);
+ }
+ catch(err){
+ alert("100: "+ mproxy_getString("error.unknown")+ "\n("+ err +")");
+ hasError = true;
+ //Cycle back to 'None'
+ //if(gSwitchP_Cycle == null && !fromContextMenu)
+ // gSwitchP_Cycle = setTimeout("mproxy_cycle('change')", 500);
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ //Turn off proxy pref
+ try{
+ gSwitchP_Prefs.setIntPref("network.proxy.type", 0);
+ //Update Status
+ mproxy_setStatus(mproxy_getString("toolbar.using.none"));
+ //Update Preference
+ gSwitchP_Prefs.setCharPref("mproxy.proxy.current", "");
+ }catch(e){
+ alert("101: "+ mproxy_getString("error.unknown"));
+ hasError = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Finalize
+ if(hasError){
+ //Update Status
+ mproxy_setStatus(mproxy_getString("error.proxy.load") +" " + sProxyLabel, "#F00");
+ }
+ else{
+ //mproxy_tab_notify(sProxyUri);
+ //Select this proxy in all lists
+ mproxy_selectItem(sProxyLabel);
+ //Set Last Proxy
+ gSwitchP_LastItem = mproxy_getMenuItem(sProxyUri);
+ //Options
+ try{
+ if(bClean){
+ // Clear Cookies
+ if(typeof(gBrowser) != 'undefined' && gSwitchP_Prefs.prefHasUserValue("mproxy.clear.cookies") && gSwitchP_Prefs.getBoolPref("mproxy.clear.cookies")){
+ mproxy_clearCookies();
+ }
+ // Reload Page
+ if((typeof(gBrowser) != 'undefined' && (!gSwitchP_Prefs.prefHasUserValue("mproxy.reload.tab") || gSwitchP_Prefs.getBoolPref("mproxy.reload.tab")))){
+ try{
+ var oTab = gBrowser.mCurrentBrowser;
+ oTab.webNavigation.reload(nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_BYPASS_PROXY | nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_BYPASS_CACHE);
+ } catch(err) { }
+ }
+ // Set Update Pref
+ gSwitchP_Prefs.setIntPref("mproxy.proxy.rdf.lastupdate", (new Date()).getTime());
+ }
+ }catch(err){alert("102: "+ mproxy_getString("error.unknown") + "\n("+err+")");}
+ }
+ //End Command
+ gSwitchP_CommandEnd = true;
+//Test if the RDF Element, oRef, is the current proxy being used
+function mproxy_isSelected(oRef){
+ try{
+ var oPrefs = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch);
+ var aProps = mproxy_ds_getPropertyValuesFor(oRef.Value);
+ var sCurrUri = "";
+ var iType = parseInt(aProps[gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot + "#networkProxyType"]);
+ if(oPrefs.prefHasUserValue("mproxy.proxy.current") && (sCurrUri = oPrefs.getCharPref("mproxy.proxy.current")) == oRef.Value){
+ //Verify this is really what's being used in the browser
+ if(iType == oPrefs.getIntPref("network.proxy.type")){
+ if(iType == 1){
+ for(key in gmproxy_options){
+ //Skip These Keys
+ if(key == "networkProxyType" || key == "networkProxyAutoconfigURL" || key == "networkProxyHTTPShare" )
+ continue;
+ //Skip if RDF has Default Values
+ if( (key == "networkProxySOCKSVersion" && (aProps[gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot +"#"+ key] == "5" || aProps[gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot +"#"+ key] == ""))
+ || (key == "networkProxyNone" && aProps[gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot +"#"+ key] == "localhost,")){
+ continue;
+ }
+ //If Pref and RDF doesn't have a value for this
+ if(!oPrefs.prefHasUserValue(gmproxy_options[key])
+ && (aProps[gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot +"#"+ key] == "" || aProps[gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot +"#"+ key] == "0")){
+ continue;
+ }
+ // If pref doesn't have this and the RDF record does
+ // return false
+ if(!oPrefs.prefHasUserValue(gmproxy_options[key])
+ && (aProps[gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot +"#"+ key] != "" && aProps[gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot +"#"+ key] != "0")){
+ return false;
+ }
+ //Get pref and convert to string
+ var sPrefVal = "";
+ if(oPrefs.getPrefType(gmproxy_options[key]) == Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch.PREF_INT)
+ sPrefVal = oPrefs.getIntPref(gmproxy_options[key]) + "";
+ if(oPrefs.getPrefType(gmproxy_options[key]) == Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch.PREF_BOOL)
+ sPrefVal = oPrefs.getBoolPref(gmproxy_options[key]) + "";
+ if(oPrefs.getPrefType(gmproxy_options[key]) == Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch.PREF_STRING)
+ sPrefVal = oPrefs.getCharPref(gmproxy_options[key]);
+ //Return false if isn't equal
+ if(sPrefVal != aProps[gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot +"#"+ key]){
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ //If type is 2 and the PAC url is the same
+ else if(iType == 2 && oPrefs.prefHasUserValue("mproxy.proxy.current")
+ && oPrefs.getCharPref("network.proxy.autoconfig_url") == aProps[gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot + "#networkProxyAutoconfigURL"]){
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ //Anonomous
+ else if(iType == 3 && oPrefs.prefHasUserValue("network.proxy.http") && oPrefs.prefHasUserValue("network.proxy.http_port")){
+ //var sProxy = oPrefs.getCharPref("network.proxy.http") +":"+ oPrefs.getIntPref("network.proxy.http_port");
+ //is sProxy in proxy list
+ //oTestRes = mproxy_ds_getElementForValue(gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot +"#proxy", sProxy);
+ //if(oTestRes instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource && oTestRes.Value == oRes.Value){
+ //mproxy_anon_loadProxy(oRef.Value, true);
+ //return true;
+ //}
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }catch(err){}
+ return false;
+function mproxy_removeProxy(){
+ mproxy_clearTimeout(gSwitchP_Cycle);
+ var oItem = gSwitchP_List.selectedItem;
+ //Can't delete 'None'
+ if((gSwitchP_List.selectedItem != null) &&
+ (gSwitchP_List.selectedItem.label == gSwitchP_NoneLabel) ){
+ alert("150: "+ mproxy_getString("error.remove.forbidden"));
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!confirm(mproxy_getString("confirm.remove")))
+ return;
+ try{
+ //RDF
+ //Remove
+ mproxy_ds_removeElement(oItem.value);
+ //Cleanup
+ mproxy_cleanupRdf();
+ //Update List
+ mproxy_populateList();
+ setTimeout("mproxy_setProxy();", 300);
+ }
+ catch(err){
+ alert("151: "+ mproxy_getString("error.remove") + "\n("+ err +")");
+ }
+function mproxy_clearCookies(){
+ try{
+ var oCookies = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/cookiemanager;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsICookieManager);
+ oCookies.removeAll();
+ }catch(err){
+ alert("200: "+ mproxy_getString("error.cookie"));
+ }
+ return true;
+function mproxy_add_proxy(sName, sPort, issocks, toset){
+ try{
+ var oTestProxy = mproxy_ds_getElementForValue(gSProxyRdfNodeName, sName);
+ if(oTestProxy != null){
+ return false;
+ }
+ var sProxyUri = mproxy_getUniqueProxyUri();
+ var oProxy = mproxy_ds_getResource(sProxyUri);
+ mproxy_ds_addElement(sProxyUri);
+ if (issocks) { //socks
+ mproxy_ds_addProperty(oProxy, mproxy_ds_getResource(gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot+"#networkProxyType"), "1", true);
+ mproxy_ds_addProperty(oProxy, mproxy_ds_getResource(gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot+"#networkProxyHTTP"), "", true);
+ mproxy_ds_addProperty(oProxy, mproxy_ds_getResource(gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot+"#networkProxyHTTP_Port"), "", true);
+ mproxy_ds_addProperty(oProxy, mproxy_ds_getResource(gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot+"#networkProxyHTTPShare"), false, true);
+ mproxy_ds_addProperty(oProxy, mproxy_ds_getResource(gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot+"#networkProxySSL"), "", true);
+ mproxy_ds_addProperty(oProxy, mproxy_ds_getResource(gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot+"#networkProxySSL_Port"), "", true);
+ mproxy_ds_addProperty(oProxy, mproxy_ds_getResource(gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot+"#networkProxyFTP"), "", true);
+ mproxy_ds_addProperty(oProxy, mproxy_ds_getResource(gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot+"#networkProxyFTP_Port"), "", true);
+ mproxy_ds_addProperty(oProxy, mproxy_ds_getResource(gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot+"#networkProxyGopher"), "", true);
+ mproxy_ds_addProperty(oProxy, mproxy_ds_getResource(gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot+"#networkProxyGopher_Port"), "", true);
+ mproxy_ds_addProperty(oProxy, mproxy_ds_getResource(gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot+"#networkProxySOCKS"), "", true);
+ mproxy_ds_addProperty(oProxy, mproxy_ds_getResource(gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot+"#networkProxySOCKS_Port"), sPort, true);
+ mproxy_ds_addProperty(oProxy, mproxy_ds_getResource(gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot+"#networkProxySOCKSVersion"), "5", true);
+ mproxy_ds_addProperty(oProxy, mproxy_ds_getResource(gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot+"#networkProxyNone"), "localhost,", true);
+ mproxy_ds_addProperty(oProxy, mproxy_ds_getResource(gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot+"#networkProxyAutoconfigURL"), "", true);
+ mproxy_ds_addProperty(oProxy, mproxy_ds_getResource(gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot+"#name"), sName, true);
+ }
+ else { //regular http for all
+ mproxy_ds_addProperty(oProxy, mproxy_ds_getResource(gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot+"#networkProxyType"), "1", true);
+ mproxy_ds_addProperty(oProxy, mproxy_ds_getResource(gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot+"#networkProxyHTTP"), "", true);
+ mproxy_ds_addProperty(oProxy, mproxy_ds_getResource(gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot+"#networkProxyHTTP_Port"), sPort, true);
+ mproxy_ds_addProperty(oProxy, mproxy_ds_getResource(gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot+"#networkProxyHTTPShare"), true, true);
+ mproxy_ds_addProperty(oProxy, mproxy_ds_getResource(gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot+"#networkProxySSL"), "", true);
+ mproxy_ds_addProperty(oProxy, mproxy_ds_getResource(gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot+"#networkProxySSL_Port"), sPort, true);
+ mproxy_ds_addProperty(oProxy, mproxy_ds_getResource(gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot+"#networkProxyFTP"), "", true);
+ mproxy_ds_addProperty(oProxy, mproxy_ds_getResource(gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot+"#networkProxyFTP_Port"), sPort, true);
+ mproxy_ds_addProperty(oProxy, mproxy_ds_getResource(gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot+"#networkProxyGopher"), "", true);
+ mproxy_ds_addProperty(oProxy, mproxy_ds_getResource(gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot+"#networkProxyGopher_Port"), sPort, true);
+ mproxy_ds_addProperty(oProxy, mproxy_ds_getResource(gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot+"#networkProxySOCKS"), "", true);
+ mproxy_ds_addProperty(oProxy, mproxy_ds_getResource(gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot+"#networkProxySOCKS_Port"), "", true);
+ mproxy_ds_addProperty(oProxy, mproxy_ds_getResource(gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot+"#networkProxySOCKSVersion"), "5", true);
+ mproxy_ds_addProperty(oProxy, mproxy_ds_getResource(gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot+"#networkProxyNone"), "localhost,", true);
+ mproxy_ds_addProperty(oProxy, mproxy_ds_getResource(gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot+"#networkProxyAutoconfigURL"), "", true);
+ mproxy_ds_addProperty(oProxy, mproxy_ds_getResource(gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot+"#name"), sName, true);
+ }
+ if (toset) {
+ mproxy_setProxy(true, null, null, sName, sProxyUri, 1);
+ mproxy_selectItem(sName);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }catch(e){
+ alert(mproxy_getString("error.unknown") +"\n("+ e +")");
+ return false;
+ }
+function mproxy_populateList(sSelectedLabel){
+ mproxy_clearTimeout(gSwitchP_Cycle);
+ var sProxyUri = "";
+ var iSelected = (gSwitchP_List != null) ? gSwitchP_List.selectedIndex : -1;
+ var aProxies = new Array();
+ //Don't populate if a local command has not finished or if list is open
+ if(!gSwitchP_CommandEnd){
+ gSwitchP_CommandEnd = true; //reset
+ return;
+ }
+ else{ //Start Command
+ gSwitchP_CommandEnd = false;
+ }
+ //Load Elements
+ try{
+ //Remove List Items & Add 'None'
+ mproxy_clearList();
+ mproxy_appendToList(gSwitchP_NoneLabel, "", true, 0);
+ mproxy_selectItem(gSwitchP_NoneLabel);
+ //Add Tor as default proxy, and set proxy to it
+ //mproxy_add_proxy(mproxy_getString("common.proxy.tor"), "9050", true, true);
+ //Get and Sort Elements
+ var aProxies = mproxy_ds_getAllElements();
+ aProxies.sort(mproxy_sortProxies);
+ //Add to list
+ for(i = 0; i < aProxies.length; i++){
+ if(typeof(aProxies[i]) == 'undefined')
+ continue;
+ try{
+ oRes = mproxy_ds_getResource(aProxies[i]);
+ sProxyName = mproxy_ds_getValueFor(oRes, mproxy_ds_getResource(gSProxyRdfNodeName));
+ sProxyType = mproxy_ds_getValueFor(oRes, mproxy_ds_getResource(gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot+ "#networkProxyType"));
+ if(sProxyName != null){
+ oItem = mproxy_appendToList(sProxyName, aProxies[i], false, sProxyType);
+ //Select Item
+ if((sSelectedLabel != null && sSelectedLabel == sProxyName) || (sSelectedLabel == null && mproxy_isSelected(oRes))){
+ mproxy_selectItem(sProxyName);
+ }
+ }
+ } catch(err) {}
+ }
+ //Finish
+ gSwitchP_CommandEnd = true;
+ setTimeout("mproxy_selectProxy();", 300);
+ }catch(err){}
+* Sort Proxy List
+* + oResA and oResB are RDF URIs
+function mproxy_sortProxies(oResA, oResB){
+ try{
+ //Get Proxy Names
+ sValA = mproxy_ds_getValueFor(mproxy_ds_getResource(oResA), mproxy_ds_getResource(gSProxyRdfNodeName));
+ sValB = mproxy_ds_getValueFor(mproxy_ds_getResource(oResB), mproxy_ds_getResource(gSProxyRdfNodeName));
+ if (sValA < sValB)
+ return -1;
+ if (sValA == sValB)
+ return 0;
+ if (sValA > sValB)
+ return 1;
+ }
+ catch(e){ return 0; }
+/* Cleanup unused mproxy data in RDF
+* + Remove resources that have not been applied or used
+function mproxy_cleanupRdf(){
+ try{
+ var aElements = mproxy_ds_getAllElements();
+ for(var e = 0; e < aElements.length; e++){
+ oRes = mproxy_ds_getResource(aElements[e]);
+ aProps = mproxy_ds_getPropertyValuesFor(aElements[e]);
+ //If does not have a name property,
+ // then it is not listed -- so it's junk
+ if(aProps[gSProxyRdfNodeName] == null){
+ mproxy_ds_removeElement(aElements[e]);
+ }
+ }
+ }catch(err){}
+// Automatic Upgrade
+* From Version 0.4
+* + Add preference 'mproxy.version'
+* + Add preference 'mproxy.proxy.current'
+* + Change proxy's URI to random number
+* + Convert #proxy to networkProxyAutoconfigURL
+* + Add elements for full manual proxy configuration
+* + view the globals.js gmproxy_options array for full list
+//Generates random number for proxy URI
+function mproxy_getUniqueProxyUri(){
+ var sUri = gSProxyRdfRoot + "/mproxy_" + Math.round((Math.random() * 200000));
+ if(mproxy_ds_doesProxyElementExist(sUri))
+ return mproxy_getUniqueProxyUri();
+ return sUri;
+function mproxy_setStatus(sMsg, sColor){
+ if(!sColor)
+ sColor = "#000";
+ oStatus = document.getElementById('status-text');
+ if(oStatus != null){
+ document.getElementById('status-text').style.color = sColor;
+ document.getElementById('status-text').value = sMsg;
+ }
+//Clear Timeout
+function mproxy_clearTimeout(){
+ clearTimeout(gSwitchP_Cycle);
+ gSwitchP_Cycle = null;
+//Execute a command when system is ready
+// iCurrCount is for internal use, do not
+// pass this argument
+function mproxy_doCommand(sCommand, iLimitCount){
+ if(iLimitCount == null)
+ iLimitCount = 0;
+ //Wait for current command to end
+ if(!gSwitchP_CommandEnd && iLimitCount < 10){
+ iLimitCount++
+ setTimeout("mproxy_doCommand('"+ sCommand +"', "+ iCurrCount +")", 100);
+ }
+ else{
+ gSwitchP_CommandEnd = true;
+ setTimeout(sCommand, 100);
+ }
+* Launch Dialogs
+ //Edit Proxy Dialog
+ function mproxy_editProxyDialog(isNew){
+ mproxy_clearTimeout(gSwitchP_Cycle);
+ var sAction = null;
+ //Nothing Selected
+ var oEditItem = null
+ if(!isNew && (oEditItem = gSwitchP_List.selectedItem) == null){
+ alert("250: "+ mproxy_getString("error.edit.select"));
+ return;
+ }
+ //Can't edit 'None'
+ if(!gSwitchP_InManager && !isNew && gSwitchP_List != null && gSwitchP_List.selectedItem != null && gSwitchP_List.selectedItem.label == gSwitchP_NoneLabel){
+ alert("251: "+ mproxy_getString("error.edit.forbidden"));
+ return;
+ }
+ //Edit
+ if(!isNew){
+ //Anon
+ //if(oEditItem.getAttribute("proxyType") == "3"){
+ // window.openDialog("chrome://mproxy/content/dialogs/editanon.xul","editproxy","centerscreen, chrome", "edit", oEditItem.value);
+ //}
+ //Standard
+ //else{
+ window.openDialog("chrome://mproxy/content/dialogs/editproxy.xul","editproxy","centerscreen, chrome", "edit", oEditItem.value);
+ //}
+ }
+ //Add
+ else{
+ //window.openDialog("chrome://mproxy/content/dialogs/addproxytype.xul","editproxy","centerscreen, chrome", "add");
+ window.openDialog("chrome://mproxy/content/dialogs/editproxy.xul","addproxy","centerscreen, chrome", "add", gSwitchP_InManager);
+ }
+ }
+ //Manage Proxy Dialog
+ function mproxy_openProxyManager(){
+ window.openDialog("chrome://mproxy/content/dialogs/manager.xul","manageproxies","centerscreen, chrome, resizable");
+ }
+* Options
+ function mproxy_openmproxyPrefs(){
+ window.openDialog("chrome://mproxy/content/options/options.xul","mproxyPrefs","centerscreen, chrome");
+ }
+ function mproxy_goTomproxySite(fromDialog){
+ // If Thunderbird
+ if(navigator.userAgent.search(/Thunderbird/gi) > -1){
+ var messenger = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/messenger;1"].createInstance();
+ messenger = messenger.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIMessenger);
+ messenger.launchExternalURL(gmproxy_DownloadSite +"?r=mproxy");
+ }
+ else{
+ opener.gBrowser.selectedTab = opener.getBrowser().addTab(gmproxy_DownloadSite +"?r=mproxy");
+ }
+ self.close();
+ }
+ function mproxy_goTomproxyAbout(){
+ window.openDialog("chrome://mproxy/content/dialogs/about.xul","mproxyAbout","centerscreen, chrome, modal");
+ }
+* Automatic Updator
+ //If there is a new version, returns the XPI url, else returns false
+ //The user selects to check for updates
+ function mproxy_uninstall(oLogger){
+ try{
+ var oPrefs = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch);
+ oPrefs.deleteBranch("mproxy");
+ oLogger.addLog(new window.ExtuninstallLogItem(oLogger.REMOVE_ACTION, oLogger.SUCCESS_STATUS, "Preferences Branch 'mproxy'", null, null));
+ }catch(err){
+ oLogger.addLog(new window.ExtuninstallLogItem(oLogger.REMOVE_ACTION, oLogger.WARN_STATUS, "Preferences Branch 'mproxy'", 1001, err));
+ throw 1001;
+ }
+ }