path: root/src/chrome/content/datasource.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/chrome/content/datasource.js')
1 files changed, 386 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/chrome/content/datasource.js b/src/chrome/content/datasource.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e31a1ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/chrome/content/datasource.js
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+var gSProxyDs = null;
+var gSProxyRdf = null;
+var gSProxyRdfC = null;
+var gSProxyRDFUtil = null
+//Initializes the RDF Datasource components
+function mproxy_ds_initDataSource(){
+ try{
+ // Datasource URI
+ if(gSProxyRdfDataSouce == "rdf:local-store"){
+ var file = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/file/directory_service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIProperties);
+ var io = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService);
+ file = file.get("PrefD", Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
+ file.appendRelativePath("multiproxy.rdf");
+ io = io.newFileURI(file);
+ gSProxyRdfDataSouce = io.spec;
+ }
+ if(gSProxyRdf == null)
+ gSProxyRdf = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/rdf-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFService);
+ if(gSProxyDs == null)
+ gSProxyDs = gSProxyRdf.GetDataSourceBlocking(gSProxyRdfDataSouce);
+ if(gSProxyRDFUtil == null)
+ gSProxyRDFUtil = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/container-utils;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFContainerUtils);
+ if(gSProxyRdfC == null){
+ gSProxyRdfC = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/rdf/container;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFContainer);
+ //Get or Add Sequence
+ try{
+ gSProxyRdfC.Init(gSProxyDs, gSProxyRdf.GetResource(gSProxyRdfRoot)); //Get
+ }catch(err){
+ gSProxyRdfC = gSProxyRDFUtil.MakeSeq(gSProxyDs, gSProxyRdf.GetResource(gSProxyRdfRoot)); //Create
+ }
+ }
+ }catch(err){ throw "(mproxy_ds_initDataSource)\n" + err; }
+//Add RDF Observer
+function mproxy_ds_addObserver(oObserver){
+ mproxy_ds_initDataSource();
+ try{
+ gSProxyDs.AddObserver(oObserver);
+ }catch(err){throw "(mproxy_ds_addObserver)\n" + err}
+//Returns resource for the given uri
+function mproxy_ds_getElement(sUri){
+ mproxy_ds_initDataSource();
+ try{
+ return gSProxyRdf.GetResource(sUri);
+ }catch(err){ throw "(mproxy_ds_getElement)\n" + err; }
+//Duplicate of mproxy_ds_getElement
+function mproxy_ds_getResource(sAbout){
+ return mproxy_ds_getElement(sAbout)
+//Returns array of all mproxy Element URIs
+// array[index] = uri
+function mproxy_ds_getAllElements(){
+ mproxy_ds_initDataSource();
+ var aOut = new Array();
+ var aElements = gSProxyRdfC.GetElements();
+ while(aElements.hasMoreElements()){
+ var oRes = aElements.getNext();
+ oRes = oRes.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
+ aOut[aOut.length] = oRes.Value;
+ }
+ return aOut;
+//Returns an associative array of properties (attributes) contained in sUri element
+// array[propName] = oRes
+function mproxy_ds_getPropertiesFor(sUri){
+ mproxy_ds_initDataSource();
+ var aOut = new Array();
+ //Get an array of elements for sAbout
+ try{
+ var oRes = mproxy_ds_getElement(sUri);
+ var oTrgts = gSProxyDs.ArcLabelsOut(oRes);
+ while(oTrgts.hasMoreElements()){
+ var oTrgt = oTrgts.getNext();
+ if (oTrgt instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource){
+ var sTrgName = oTrgt.Value.substring(gSProxyRdfNodeUriRoot.length + 1); //return node name without URI
+ aOut[sTrgName] = oTrgt;
+ }
+ }
+ }catch(err){throw "(mproxy_ds_getPropertiesFor)\n" + err}
+ return aOut;
+//Similar to 'mproxy_ds_getPropertiesFor' however returns uri=>literal_object_value
+// array[uri] = oLiteral
+function mproxy_ds_getPropertyValuesFor(sUri){
+ mproxy_ds_initDataSource();
+ var aOut = new Array();
+ //Get an array of elements for sAbout
+ try{
+ var oRes = mproxy_ds_getElement(sUri);
+ var oTrgts = gSProxyDs.ArcLabelsOut(oRes, true);
+ while(oTrgts.hasMoreElements()){
+ var oTrgt = oTrgts.getNext();
+ if (oTrgt instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource){
+ aOut[oTrgt.Value] = mproxy_ds_getValueFor(oRes, oTrgt);
+ }
+ }
+ }catch(err){throw "(mproxy_ds_getPropertyValuesFor)\n" + err}
+ return aOut;
+//Returns element that has this property/value
+function mproxy_ds_getElementForValue(sPropertyUri, sValue){
+ mproxy_ds_initDataSource();
+ try{
+ var oValue = gSProxyRdf.GetLiteral(sValue);
+ var oProp = gSProxyRdf.GetResource(sPropertyUri);
+ var oSubject = gSProxyDs.GetSource(oProp, oValue, true);
+ return oSubject;
+ }catch(err){throw "(mproxy_ds_getElementForValue)\n" + err}
+ return null;
+// Returns all elements that has this property/value
+function mproxy_ds_getElementsForValue(sPropertyUri, sValue){
+ mproxy_ds_initDataSource();
+ var aOut = new Array();
+ try{
+ var oValue = gSProxyRdf.GetLiteral(sValue);
+ var oProp = gSProxyRdf.GetResource(sPropertyUri);
+ var aSubject = gSProxyDs.GetSources(oProp, oValue, true);
+ var oSubject = null
+ while(aSubject.hasMoreElements()){
+ oSubject = aSubject.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
+ aOut[aOut.length] = oSubject;
+ }
+ }catch(err){throw "(mproxy_ds_getElementsForValue)\n" + err}
+ return aOut;
+//Change element's URI
+function mproxy_ds_changeElementUri(oRes, sNewUri){
+ mproxy_ds_initDataSource();
+ try{
+ //Get All Properties for element
+ var aProps = mproxy_ds_getPropertyValuesFor(oRes.Value);
+ //Remove Element
+ mproxy_ds_removeElement(oRes.Value);
+ //Create element again with new URI
+ var newElem = gSProxyRdf.GetResource(sNewUri);
+ gSProxyRdfC.AppendElement(newElem);
+ for(sProp in aProps){
+ gSProxyDs.Assert(newElem, gSProxyRdf.GetResource(sProp), gSProxyRdf.GetLiteral(aProps[sProp]), true);
+ }
+ }catch(err){throw "(mproxy_ds_changeElementUri)\n" + err}
+//Add element with given sUri, returns added resource
+function mproxy_ds_addElement(sUri){
+ mproxy_ds_initDataSource();
+ try{
+ return oRes = gSProxyRdfC.AppendElement(gSProxyRdf.GetResource(sUri));
+ }catch(err){throw "(mproxy_ds_addElement)\n" + err}
+//Remove Element for sUri
+function mproxy_ds_removeElement(sUri){
+ mproxy_ds_initDataSource();
+ try{
+ var oRes = gSProxyRdf.GetResource(sUri);
+ //Remove All Archs
+ // Loop for duplicates
+ var aArchs = null;
+ var hasArchs = true;
+ while(hasArchs){
+ aArchs = gSProxyDs.ArcLabelsOut(oRes);
+ hasArchs = aArchs.hasMoreElements();
+ while(aArchs.hasMoreElements()){
+ oArch = aArchs.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFResource);
+ //Remove
+ gSProxyDs.Unassert(oRes, oArch, gSProxyDs.GetTarget(oRes, oArch, true));
+ }
+ }
+ //Remove Element
+ gSProxyRdfC.RemoveElement(oRes, true);
+ }catch(err){throw "(mproxy_ds_removeElement)\n" + err}
+//Remove property (sUri) from oRes
+function mproxy_ds_removeProperty(sUri, oRes, sValue){
+ mproxy_ds_initDataSource();
+ try{
+ var oPred = gSProxyRdf.GetResource(sUri);
+ var aValues = mproxy_ds_getValuesFor(oRes, oPred);
+ if(typeof(sValue) == 'undefined'){
+ // Make sure to delete all properites of this sUri
+ for(var i = 0; i < aValues.length; i++){
+ gSProxyDs.Unassert(oRes, oPred, gSProxyRdf.GetLiteral(aValues[i]) );
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ // Only delete the property with this value
+ sValue = gSProxyRdf.GetLiteral(sValue);
+ if(gSProxyDs.HasAssertion(oRes, oPred, sValue, true)){
+ gSProxyDs.Unassert(oRes, oPred, sValue);
+ }
+ }
+ }catch(err){throw "(mproxy_ds_removeProperty)\n" + err}
+//Does URI Exist
+function mproxy_ds_doesProxyElementExist(sProxyUri){
+ mproxy_ds_initDataSource();
+ try{
+ var aElems = mproxy_ds_getAllElements();
+ for(var e = 0; e < aElems.length; e++){
+ if(aElems[e] == sProxyUri)
+ return true;
+ }
+ }catch(err){throw "(mproxy_ds_doesElementExist)\n" + err}
+//Get Index of URI
+function mproxy_ds_indexOf(sProxyUri){
+ mproxy_ds_initDataSource();
+ try{
+ return gSProxyRdfC.IndexOf(mproxy_ds_getResource(sProxyUri));
+ }catch(err){throw "(mproxy_ds_indexOf)\n" + err}
+//Rename oProp's URI to sNewUri
+function mproxy_ds_renamePropertyUri(oRes, oProp, sNewUri){
+ mproxy_ds_initDataSource();
+ try{
+ var sValue = gSProxyDs.GetTarget(oRes, oProp, true).QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral);
+ gSProxyDs.Unassert(oRes, oProp, gSProxyDs.GetTarget(oRes, oProp, true));
+ gSProxyDs.Assert(oRes, gSProxyRdf.GetResource(sNewUri), sValue, true);
+ }catch(err){throw "(mproxy_ds_renamePropertyUri)\n" + err}
+//Add Property oProp to oRes
+function mproxy_ds_addProperty(oRes, oProp, sValue, overwriteExisting){
+ mproxy_ds_initDataSource();
+ try{
+ //Don't overwrite it this property exists
+ if(!overwriteExisting && gSProxyDs.hasArcOut(oRes, oProp))
+ return;
+ //Add
+ gSProxyDs.Assert(oRes, oProp, gSProxyRdf.GetLiteral(sValue), true);
+ }catch(err){throw "(mproxy_ds_addProperty)\n" + err}
+//Change Property value for sPropUri in oRes
+function mproxy_ds_changePropertyValue(oRes, sPropUri, sValue){
+ mproxy_ds_initDataSource();
+ try{
+ var oProp = gSProxyRdf.GetResource(sPropUri);
+ //Get old value
+ var sOld = mproxy_ds_getValueFor(oRes, oProp);
+ //Change
+ gSProxyDs.Change(oRes, oProp, gSProxyRdf.GetLiteral(sOld), gSProxyRdf.GetLiteral(sValue));
+ }catch(err){throw "(mproxy_ds_changePropertyValue)\n" + err}
+//Get Property Value for Property oProp
+function mproxy_ds_getValueFor(oRes, oProp){
+ mproxy_ds_initDataSource();
+ try{
+ oTrgt = gSProxyDs.GetTarget(oRes, oProp, true);
+ if(oTrgt instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral){
+ return oTrgt.Value;
+ }
+ }catch(err){throw "(mproxy_ds_getValueFor)\n" + err}
+ return null;
+//Get All Property Values for Property oProp
+// This is similiar to mproxy_ds_getValueFor
+// except it returns ALL values for oProp in an array
+// array[index] = sValue
+function mproxy_ds_getValuesFor(oRes, oProp){
+ mproxy_ds_initDataSource();
+ var aOut = new Array();
+ try{
+ var aTrgts = gSProxyDs.GetTargets(oRes, oProp, true)
+ var oTrgt = null;
+ while(aTrgts.hasMoreElements()){
+ oTrgt = aTrgts.getNext()
+ if(oTrgt instanceof Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral){
+ aOut[aOut.length] = oTrgt.Value;
+ }
+ }
+ }catch(err){throw "(mproxy_ds_getValueFor)\n" + err}
+ return aOut;
+//Does Property/Value exist in oRes
+function mproxy_ds_doesPropValueExist(oRes, sPropUri, sValue){
+ mproxy_ds_initDataSource();
+ try{
+ var oProp = gSProxyRdf.GetResource(sPropUri);
+ var aValues = mproxy_ds_getValuesFor(oRes, oProp);
+ //Find in array
+ for(var i = 0; i < aValues.length; i++){
+ if(aValues[i] == sValue)
+ return true;
+ }
+ }catch(err){throw "(mproxy_ds_doesPropValueExist)\n" + err}
+ return false;
+ //Get RDF Container
+ function mproxy_ds_getRDFContainer(){
+ mproxy_ds_initDataSource();
+ return gSProxyRdf;
+ }